84 research outputs found

    The Amazing Race Repeated Update Q-Learning VS. Q-Learning

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    In this paper, we will conduct an experiment that aims to compare the performance of two reinforcement learning algorithms, the Repeated Update Q-learning algorithm (RUQL) [1] and the Q-learning algorithm(QL) [5]. A simulated version of a robot crawler developed by [6] will be used in this experiment, it is shown in figure (1). An investigation study about the difference in performance between RUQL and Q-learning algorithm (QL) [5] is discussed in this paper. Several trials and tests were conducted to estimate the difference in the crawler’s movement using both algorithms. Additionally, a detailed description of the Markovian decision processes (MDPs) elements [2] is introduced, MDP model includes states, actions and rewards for the task in hand. The parameters that were used and tuned in this experiment will be mentioned and the reasons for choosing their values will be explained.  Finally, the source code for the crawler robot was modified in order to implement RUQL and Q-Learning (QL) algorithms, Eclipse [3] and Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK) [4] are used for this purpose. After running the crawler robot simulation, the results drawn from the experiment showed that RUQL significantly outperforms the traditional QL.  &nbsp

    Using Reinforcement Learning in the tuning of Central Pattern Generators

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaÉ objetivo deste trabalho aplicar técnicas de Reinforcement Learning em tarefas de aprendizagem e locomoção de robôs. Reinforcement Learning é uma técnica de aprendizagem útil no que diz respeito à locomoção de robôs, devido à ênfase que dá à interação direta entre o agente e o meio ambiente, e ao facto de não exigir supervisão ou modelos completos, ao contrário do que acontece nas abordagens clássicas. O objetivo desta técnica consiste na decisão das ações a tomar, de forma a maximizar uma recompensa cumulativa, tendo em conta o facto de que as decisões podem afetar não só as recompensas imediatas, como também as futuras. Neste trabalho será apresentada a estrutura e funcionamento do Reinforcement Learning e a sua aplicação em Central Pattern Generators, com o objetivo de gerar locomoção adaptativa otimizada. De forma a investigar e identificar os pontos fortes e capacidades do Reinforcement Learning, e para demonstrar de uma forma simples este tipo de algoritmos, foram implementados dois casos de estudo baseados no estado da arte. No que diz respeito ao objetivo principal desta tese, duas soluções diferentes foram abordadas: uma primeira baseada em métodos Natural-Actor Critic, e a segunda, em Cross-Entropy Method. Este último algoritmo provou ser capaz de lidar com a integração das duas abordagens propostas. As soluções de integração foram testadas e validadas com recurso ao simulador Webots e ao modelo do robô DARwIN-OP.In this work, it is intended to apply Reinforcement Learning techniques in tasks involving learning and robot locomotion. Reinforcement Learning is a very useful learning technique with regard to legged robot locomotion, due to its ability to provide direct interaction between the agent and the environment, and the fact of not requiring supervision or complete models, in contrast with other classic approaches. Its aim consists in making decisions about which actions to take so as to maximize a cumulative reward or reinforcement signal, taking into account the fact that the decisions may affect not only the immediate reward, but also the future ones. In this work it will be studied and presented the Reinforcement Learning framework and its application in the tuning of Central Pattern Generators, with the aim of generating optimized robot locomotion. In order to investigate the strengths and abilities of Reinforcement Learning, and to demonstrate in a simple way the learning process of such algorithms, two case studies were implemented based on the state-of-the-art. With regard to the main purpose of the thesis, two different solutions are addressed: a first one based on Natural-Actor Critic methods, and a second, based on the Cross-Entropy Method. This last algorithm was found to be very capable of handling with the integration of the two proposed approaches. The integration solutions were tested and validated resorting to Webots simulation and DARwIN-OP robot model

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Design and semantics of form and movement : DeSForM 2007

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    A strong theme that has emerged in our previous two conferences in the importance of narrative to the process of generating, developing and communicating new modalities of interaction between people, things and environments. Our researches have identified aspects of importance in the design and have begun to establish orders of, priority of approach and representation for these aspects as components of interaction. We have begun to grapple with the growth in the complexity of the interaction design process for truly ‘animated’ functionality in products, especially where this manifests itself as apparent behavioural characteristics resident in or portrayed by products. The findings and experience of researchers is that this increase in complexity is likely to be exponential compared to the rigours relating to the resolution of static physical product configuration or even system operated product with screen based interfaces. The emerging sense is that narrative in the process is essential to bring meaning and to ‘touch’ our humanity or connect with human experience. ‘The science of the artificial in conversation with the poetics of human experience’! Through this conference we will once again engage in presentations, debate and demonstrations on these issues. In this respect we, the conference co-chairs, have sought to bring together researchers from academia, industry and professional design practice and related disciplines connected with interactive product service and system development to share our latest thinking in the field, to asses its outcomes and to identify further research questions, opportunities and territories for future investigation and exploration

    Design and semantics of form and movement : DeSForM 2007

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    A strong theme that has emerged in our previous two conferences in the importance of narrative to the process of generating, developing and communicating new modalities of interaction between people, things and environments. Our researches have identified aspects of importance in the design and have begun to establish orders of, priority of approach and representation for these aspects as components of interaction. We have begun to grapple with the growth in the complexity of the interaction design process for truly ‘animated’ functionality in products, especially where this manifests itself as apparent behavioural characteristics resident in or portrayed by products. The findings and experience of researchers is that this increase in complexity is likely to be exponential compared to the rigours relating to the resolution of static physical product configuration or even system operated product with screen based interfaces. The emerging sense is that narrative in the process is essential to bring meaning and to ‘touch’ our humanity or connect with human experience. ‘The science of the artificial in conversation with the poetics of human experience’! Through this conference we will once again engage in presentations, debate and demonstrations on these issues. In this respect we, the conference co-chairs, have sought to bring together researchers from academia, industry and professional design practice and related disciplines connected with interactive product service and system development to share our latest thinking in the field, to asses its outcomes and to identify further research questions, opportunities and territories for future investigation and exploration

    Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines

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    “Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines” considers the main concepts and the state-of-the-art, as well as advances and case studies on this topic. Maintenance is a critical variable in industry in order to reach competitiveness. It is the most important variable, together with operations, in the wind energy industry. Therefore, the correct management of corrective, predictive and preventive politics in any wind turbine is required. The content also considers original research works that focus on content that is complementary to other sub-disciplines, such as economics, finance, marketing, decision and risk analysis, engineering, etc., in the maintenance management of wind turbines. This book focuses on real case studies. These case studies concern topics such as failure detection and diagnosis, fault trees and subdisciplines (e.g., FMECA, FMEA, etc.) Most of them link these topics with financial, schedule, resources, downtimes, etc., in order to increase productivity, profitability, maintainability, reliability, safety, availability, and reduce costs and downtime, etc., in a wind turbine. Advances in mathematics, models, computational techniques, dynamic analysis, etc., are employed in analytics in maintenance management in this book. Finally, the book considers computational techniques, dynamic analysis, probabilistic methods, and mathematical optimization techniques that are expertly blended to support the analysis of multi-criteria decision-making problems with defined constraints and requirements

    Form and Movement in Domestic Networked Systems

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    It is increasingly desirable for electronic artefacts in the home to be grouped as sets, sharing data and properties across a network. A range of strategies can be used by a designer to explore the value and use of the systems for users, in particular through the properties of form and dynamic behaviours, including visual output and movement. This paper focuses on a range recent work which exploits rich behaviour and novel forms to highlight opportunities for user engagement in the home

    Multi-body dynamic and finite element modeling of ultra-large dump truck - haul road interactions for machine health and haul road structural integrity

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    Haul truck capacities have increased due to their economies of scale in large-scale surface mine production systems. Ultra-large trucks impose high dynamic loads on haul roads. The dynamic loads are exacerbated by road surface roughness and truck over-loading. The dynamic forces also subject trucks to high torsional stresses, which affect truck health. Current haul road response models are 2D and use static truckloads for low capacity trucks. Existing 3D models consider the road as a two-layer system. No models capture the truck dynamic effects on haul roads and predict strut pressures during haulage. Lagrangian mechanics was used to formulate the governing equations of the truck-haul road system. The equations were solved in MSC.ADAMS, based on multi-body dynamics, to generate the truck dynamic forces, which were verified and validated using data obtained from an open-pit mine. These forces were used in an FE model developed, verified and validated in ABAQUS to model the response of the haul road to the truck dynamic forces. The road was modeled using an elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb model. The results showed that the maximum truck tire dynamic forces were 2.86 and 3.02 times the static force at rated payload and 20% over-loading, respectively. The trucks were exposed to torsional stresses that were up to 2.9 times the recommended threshold. Road deformation decreased with increasing layer modulus and increased with increasing payload. This study proposed novel multivariate models for predicting dynamic truck strut pressures. The novel 3D FE model and empirical relations for calculating truck dynamic forces incorporate truck dynamic forces into haul road design. This study forms a basis for designing structurally competent haul roads and improving truck health --Abstract, page iii