403 research outputs found

    Crystal frameworks, symmetry and affinely periodic flexes

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    Symmetry equations are obtained for the rigidity matrices associated with various forms of infinitesimal flexibility for an idealised bond-node crystal framework \C in \bR^d. These equations are used to derive symmetry-adapted Maxwell-Calladine counting formulae for periodic self-stresses and affinely periodic infinitesimal mechanisms. The symmetry equations also lead to general Fowler-Guest formulae connecting the character lists of subrepresentations of the crystallographic space and point groups which are associated with bonds, nodes, stresses, flexes and rigid motions. A new derivation is also given for the Borcea-Streinu rigidity matrix and the correspondence between its nullspace and the space of affinely periodic infinitesimal flexes.Comment: This preprint has some new diagrams and clarifications. A final version will appear in the New York Journal of Mathematic

    Generic rigidity with forced symmetry and sparse colored graphs

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    We review some recent results in the generic rigidity theory of planar frameworks with forced symmetry, giving a uniform treatment to the topic. We also give new combinatorial characterizations of minimally rigid periodic frameworks with fixed-area fundamental domain and fixed-angle fundamental domain.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Rigidity and flexibility of biological networks

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    The network approach became a widely used tool to understand the behaviour of complex systems in the last decade. We start from a short description of structural rigidity theory. A detailed account on the combinatorial rigidity analysis of protein structures, as well as local flexibility measures of proteins and their applications in explaining allostery and thermostability is given. We also briefly discuss the network aspects of cytoskeletal tensegrity. Finally, we show the importance of the balance between functional flexibility and rigidity in protein-protein interaction, metabolic, gene regulatory and neuronal networks. Our summary raises the possibility that the concepts of flexibility and rigidity can be generalized to all networks.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Periodic Body-And-Bar Frameworks

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    Periodic body-and-bar frameworks are abstractions of crystalline structures made of rigid bodies connected by fixed-length bars and subject to the action of a lattice of translations. We give a Maxwell–Laman characterization for minimally rigid periodic body-and-bar frameworks in terms of their quotient graphs. As a consequence we obtain efficient polynomial time algorithms for their recognition based on matroid partition and pebble games

    Liftings and stresses for planar periodic frameworks

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    We formulate and prove a periodic analog of Maxwell's theorem relating stressed planar frameworks and their liftings to polyhedral surfaces with spherical topology. We use our lifting theorem to prove deformation and rigidity-theoretic properties for planar periodic pseudo-triangulations, generalizing features known for their finite counterparts. These properties are then applied to questions originating in mathematical crystallography and materials science, concerning planar periodic auxetic structures and ultrarigid periodic frameworks.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has appeared in Proc. 30th annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG'14), Kyoto, Japan, June 201

    The rigidity of infinite graphs

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    A rigidity theory is developed for the Euclidean and non-Euclidean placements of countably infinite simple graphs in R^d with respect to the classical l^p norms, for d>1 and 1<p<\infty. Generalisations are obtained for the Laman and Henneberg combinatorial characterisations of generic infinitesimal rigidity for finite graphs in the Euclidean plane. Also Tay's multi-graph characterisation of the rigidity of generic finite body-bar frameworks in d-dimensional Euclidean space is generalised to the non-Euclidean l^p norms and to countably infinite graphs. For all dimensions and norms it is shown that a generically rigid countable simple graph is the direct limit of an inclusion tower of finite graphs for which the inclusions satisfy a relative rigidity property. For d>2 a countable graph which is rigid for generic placements in R^d may fail the stronger property of sequential rigidity, while for d=2 the equivalence with sequential rigidity is obtained from the generalised Laman characterisations. Applications are given to the flexibility of non-Euclidean convex polyhedra and to the infinitesimal and continuous rigidity of compact infinitely-faceted simplicial polytopes.Comment: 51 page

    Polynomials for Crystal Frameworks and the Rigid Unit Mode Spectrum

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    To each discrete translationally periodic bar-joint framework \C in \bR^d we associate a matrix-valued function \Phi_\C(z) defined on the d-torus. The rigid unit mode spectrum \Omega(\C) of \C is defined in terms of the multi-phases of phase-periodic infinitesimal flexes and is shown to correspond to the singular points of the function z \to \rank \Phi_\C(z) and also to the set of wave vectors of harmonic excitations which have vanishing energy in the long wavelength limit. To a crystal framework in Maxwell counting equilibrium, which corresponds to \Phi_\C(z) being square, the determinant of \Phi_\C(z) gives rise to a unique multi-variable polynomial p_\C(z_1,\dots,z_d). For ideal zeolites the algebraic variety of zeros of p_\C(z) on the d-torus coincides with the RUM spectrum. The matrix function is related to other aspects of idealised framework rigidity and flexibility and in particular leads to an explicit formula for the number of supercell-periodic floppy modes. In the case of certain zeolite frameworks in dimensions 2 and 3 direct proofs are given to show the maximal floppy mode property (order NN). In particular this is the case for the cubic symmetry sodalite framework and some other idealised zeolites.Comment: Final version with new examples and figures, and with clearer streamlined proof

    Isotopy classes for 3-periodic net embeddings

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    Entangled embedded periodic nets and crystal frameworks are defined, along with their {dimension type}, {homogeneity type}, {adjacency depth} and {periodic isotopy type}. We obtain periodic isotopy classifications for various families of embedded nets with small quotient graphs. We enumerate the 25 periodic isotopy classes of depth 1 embedded nets with a single vertex quotient graph. Additionally, we classify embeddings of n-fold copies of {pcu} with all connected components in a parallel orientation and n vertices in a repeat unit, and determine their maximal symmetry periodic isotopes. We also introduce the methodology of linear graph knots on the flat 3-torus [0, 1)^3. These graph knots, with linear edges, are spatial embeddings of the labelled quotient graphs of an embedded net which are associated with its periodicity bases
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