23 research outputs found

    Activity Recognition Using Probabilistic Timed Automata

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    Motion representation using composite energy features

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    This work tackles the segmentation of apparent-motion from a bottom-up perspective. When no information is available to build prior high-level models, the only alternative are bottom-up techniques. Hence, the whole segmentation process relies on the suitability of the low-level features selected to describe motion. A wide variety of low-level spatio-temporal features have been proposed so far. However, all of them suffer from diverse drawbacks. Here, we propose the use of composite energy features in bottom-up motion segmentation to solve several of these problems. Composite energy features are clusters of energy filters—pairs of band-pass filters in quadrature—each one sensitive to a different set of scale, orientation, direction of motion and speed. They are grouped in order to reconstruct independent motion patterns in a video sequence. A composite energy feature, this is, the response of one of these clusters of filters, can be built as a combination of the responses of the individual filters. Therefore, it inherits the desirable properties of energy filters but providing a more complete representation of motion patterns. In this paper, we will present our approach for integration of composite features based on the concept of Phase Congruence. We will show some results that illustrate the capabilities of this low-level motion representation and its usefulness in bottom-up motion segmentation and tracking.This work has been financially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government, through the Research Project TIN2006-08447.S

    Cyclist Detection, Tracking, and Trajectory Analysis in Urban Traffic Video Data

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    The major objective of this thesis work is examining computer vision and machine learning detection methods, tracking algorithms and trajectory analysis for cyclists in traffic video data and developing an efficient system for cyclist counting. Due to the growing number of cyclist accidents on urban roads, methods for collecting information on cyclists are of significant importance to the Department of Transportation. The collected information provides insights into solving critical problems related to transportation planning, implementing safety countermeasures, and managing traffic flow efficiently. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) employs automated tools to collect traffic information from traffic video data. In comparison to other road users, such as cars and pedestrians, the automated cyclist data collection is relatively a new research area. In this work, a vision-based method for gathering cyclist count data at intersections and road segments is developed. First, we develop methodology for an efficient detection and tracking of cyclists. The combination of classification features along with motion based properties are evaluated to detect cyclists in the test video data. A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detector called You Only Look Once (YOLO) is implemented to increase the detection accuracy. In the next step, the detection results are fed into a tracker which is implemented based on the Kernelized Correlation Filters (KCF) which in cooperation with the bipartite graph matching algorithm allows to track multiple cyclists, concurrently. Then, a trajectory rebuilding method and a trajectory comparison model are applied to refine the accuracy of tracking and counting. The trajectory comparison is performed based on semantic similarity approach. The proposed counting method is the first cyclist counting method that has the ability to count cyclists under different movement patterns. The trajectory data obtained can be further utilized for cyclist behavioral modeling and safety analysis

    Speeding up Adaboost object detection with motion segmentation and Haar feature acceleration

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    A key challenge in a surveillance system is the object detection task. Object detection in general is a non-trivial problem. A sub-problem within the broader context of object detection which many researchers focus on is face detection. Numerous techniques have been proposed for face detection. One of the better performing algorithms is proposed by Viola et. al. This algorithm is based on Adaboost and uses Haar features to detect objects. The main reason for its popularity is very low false positive rates and the fact that the classifier network can be trained for any detection task. The use of Haar basis functions to represent key object features is the key to its success. The basis functions are organized as a network to form a strong classifier. To detect objects, this technique divides each input image into non-overlapping sub-windows and the strong classifier is applied to each sub-window to detect the presence of an object. The process is repeated at multiple scales of the input image to detect objects of various sizes. In this thesis we propose an object detection system that uses object segmentation as a preprocessing step. We use Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) proposed by Staffer et. al. for object segmentation. One key advantage with using segmentation to extract image regions of interest is that it reduces the number of search windows sent to detection task, thereby reducing the computational complexity and the execution time. Moreover, owing to the computational complexity of both the segmentation and detection algorithms we used in the system, we propose hardware architectures for accelerating key computationally intensive blocks. In this thesis we propose hardware architecture for MoG and also for a key compute intensive block within the adaboost algorithm corresponding to the Haar feature computation

    A probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking framework for video sequences

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    Recognition and tracking of multiple objects in video sequences is one of the main challenges in computer vision that currently deserves a lot of attention from researchers. Almost all the reported approaches are very application-dependent and there is a lack of a general methodology for dynamic object recognition and tracking that can be instantiated in particular cases. In this thesis, the work is oriented towards the definition and development of such a methodology which integrates object recognition and tracking from a general perspective using a probabilistic framework called PIORT (probabilistic integrated object recognition and tracking framework). It include some modules for which a variety of techniques and methods can be applied. Some of them are well-known but other methods have been designed, implemented and tested during the development of this thesis.The first step in the proposed framework is a static recognition module that provides class probabilities for each pixel of the image from a set of local features. These probabilities are updated dynamically and supplied to a tracking decision module capable of handling full and partial occlusions. The two specific methods presented use RGB colour features and differ in the classifier implemented: one is a Bayesian method based on maximum likelihood and the other one is based on a neural network. The experimental results obtained have shown that, on one hand, the neural net based approach performs similarly and sometimes better than the Bayesian approach when they are integrated within the tracking framework. And on the other hand, our PIORT methods have achieved better results when compared to other published tracking methods. All these methods have been tested experimentally in several test video sequences taken with still and moving cameras and including full and partial occlusions of the tracked object in indoor and outdoor scenarios in a variety of cases with different levels of task complexity. This allowed the evaluation of the general methodology and the alternative methods that compose these modules.A Probabilistic Integrated Object Recognition and Tracking Framework for Video SequencesEl reconocimiento y seguimiento de múltiples objetos en secuencias de vídeo es uno de los principales desafíos en visión por ordenador que actualmente merece mucha atención de los investigadores. Casi todos los enfoques reportados son muy dependientes de la aplicación y hay carencia de una metodología general para el reconocimiento y seguimiento dinámico de objetos, que pueda ser instanciada en casos particulares. En esta tesis, el trabajo esta orientado hacia la definición y desarrollo de tal metodología, la cual integra reconocimiento y seguimiento de objetos desde una perspectiva general usando un marco probabilístico de trabajo llamado PIORT (Probabilistic Integrated Object Recognition and Tracking). Este incluye algunos módulos para los que se puede aplicar una variedad de técnicas y métodos. Algunos de ellos son bien conocidos, pero otros métodos han sido diseñados, implementados y probados durante el desarrollo de esta tesis.El primer paso en el marco de trabajo propuesto es un módulo estático de reconocimiento que provee probabilidades de clase para cada píxel de la imagen desde un conjunto de características locales. Estas probabilidades son actualizadas dinámicamente y suministradas a un modulo decisión de seguimiento capaz de manejar oclusiones parciales o totales. Se presenta dos métodos específicos usando características de color RGB pero diferentes en la implementación del clasificador: uno es un método Bayesiano basado en la máxima verosimilitud y el otro método está basado en una red neuronal. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos han mostrado que, por una parte, el enfoque basado en la red neuronal funciona similarmente y algunas veces mejor que el enfoque bayesiano cuando son integrados dentro del marco probabilístico de seguimiento. Por otra parte, nuestro método PIORT ha alcanzado mejores resultados comparando con otros métodos de seguimiento publicados. Todos estos métodos han sido probados experimentalmente en varias secuencias de vídeo tomadas con cámaras fijas y móviles incluyendo oclusiones parciales y totales del objeto a seguir, en ambientes interiores y exteriores, en diferentes tareas y niveles de complejidad. Esto ha permitido evaluar tanto la metodología general como los métodos alternativos que componen sus módulos

    Exploitation d'indices visuels liés au mouvement pour l'interprétation du contenu des séquences vidéos

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    L'interprétation du contenu des séquences vidéo est un des principaux domaines de recherche en vision artificielle. Dans le but d'enrichir l'information provenant des indices visuels qui sont propres à une seule image, on peut se servir d'indices découlant du mouvement entre les images. Ce mouvement peut être causé par un changement d'orientation ou de position du système d'acquisition, par un déplacement des objets dans la scène, et par bien d'autres facteurs. Je me suis intéressé à deux phénomènes découlant du mouvement dans les séquences vidéo. Premièrement, le mouvement causé par la caméra, et comment il est possible de l'interpréter par une combinaison du mouvement apparent entre les images, et du déplacement de points de fuite dans ces images. Puis, je me suis intéressé à la détection et la classification du phénomène d'occultation, qui est causé par le mouvement dans une scène complexe, grâce à un modèle géométrique dans le volume spatio-temporel. Ces deux travaux sont présentés par le biais de deux articles soumis pour publication dans des revues scientifiques

    Human-Centered Automation for Resilience in Acquiring Construction Field Information

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    abstract: Resilient acquisition of timely, detailed job site information plays a pivotal role in maintaining the productivity and safety of construction projects that have busy schedules, dynamic workspaces, and unexpected events. In the field, construction information acquisition often involves three types of activities including sensor-based inspection, manual inspection, and communication. Human interventions play critical roles in these three types of field information acquisition activities. A resilient information acquisition system is needed for safer and more productive construction. The use of various automation technologies could help improve human performance by proactively providing the needed knowledge of using equipment, improve the situation awareness in multi-person collaborations, and reduce the mental workload of operators and inspectors. Unfortunately, limited studies consider human factors in automation techniques for construction field information acquisition. Fully utilization of the automation techniques requires a systematical synthesis of the interactions between human, tasks, and construction workspace to reduce the complexity of information acquisition tasks so that human can finish these tasks with reliability. Overall, such a synthesis of human factors in field data collection and analysis is paving the path towards “Human-Centered Automation” (HCA) in construction management. HCA could form a computational framework that supports resilient field data collection considering human factors and unexpected events on dynamic job sites. This dissertation presented an HCA framework for resilient construction field information acquisition and results of examining three HCA approaches that support three use cases of construction field data collection and analysis. The first HCA approach is an automated data collection planning method that can assist 3D laser scan planning of construction inspectors to achieve comprehensive and efficient data collection. The second HCA approach is a Bayesian model-based approach that automatically aggregates the common sense of people from the internet to identify job site risks from a large number of job site pictures. The third HCA approach is an automatic communication protocol optimization approach that maximizes the team situation awareness of construction workers and leads to the early detection of workflow delays and critical path changes. Data collection and simulation experiments extensively validate these three HCA approaches.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 201

    Estudio del filtro de partículas aplicado al seguimiento de objetos en secuencias de imágenes

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    Recientemente, las técnicas de filtrado de partículas aplicadas al seguimiento de objetos en secuencias de vídeo han captado la atención de muchos investigadores de diversas comunidades, como las de procesado de señal, comunicaciones y procesado de imagen. El filtro de partículas es particularmente útil para hacer frente a modelos de espacio de estados no lineales y f.d.p. no gaussianas. El principio subyacente de la metodología del filtro de partículas se basa en la aproximación de las distribuciones relevantes mediante medidas aleatorias compuestas por partículas (muestras del espacio no conocido) y sus pesos asociados. El presente trabajo realiza un estudio exhaustivo del filtro de partículas aplicado al tracking, analizando la influencia de diversos parámetros en el comportamiento del algoritmo y comparando diferentes mejoras. Este trabajo hace un profundo estudio del campo del filtrado de partículas aplicado al seguimiento de objetos en secuencias de vídeo. En particular, analizamos algunos parámetros libres del algoritmo básico, buscando los valores óptimos en términos de rendimiento y coste computacional, y evaluando la influencia de cada uno en el comportamiento de la aplicación. Mejoramos esta solución básica con diversas técnicas como adaptación online de los parámetros, descripción de objeto basada en covarianza o utilización de histogramas HSV. Finalmente evaluamos la precisión y el rendimiento de estas soluciones en varias situaciones, incluyendo oclusiones del objetivo, movimiento de cámara y tracking de múltiples objetos. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In recent years, particle filtering techniques to track objects in video sequences have captured the attention of many researchers in various communities, including those in signal processing, communication and image processing. Particle filtering is particularly useful in dealing with nonlinear state space models and non-Gaussian probability density functions. The underlying principle of the methodology is the approximation of relevant distributions with random measures composed of particles (samples from the space of the unknowns) and their associated weights. This work makes a whole study of particle filtering applied to tracking, analyzing the influence in the behaviour of the algorithm of several parameters, and comparing different improvements. This work makes a deep study in the field of particle filtering. Particularly, we analyze some free parameters of the basic algorithm, and look for the optimal values in terms of performance and computational cost. We improve this solution with several techniques like online parameter adaptation, covariance based object description or HSV histogramming. Finally we evaluate the accuracy and performance of these solutions through a variety of situations including target occlusions, camera flow and multiobject tracking.Ingeniería Técnica en Sonido e Image