45,967 research outputs found

    Geoscience after IT: Part J. Human requirements that shape the evolving geoscience information system

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    The geoscience record is constrained by the limitations of human thought and of the technology for handling information. IT can lead us away from the tyranny of older technology, but to find the right path, we need to understand our own limitations. Language, images, data and mathematical models, are tools for expressing and recording our ideas. Backed by intuition, they enable us to think in various modes, to build knowledge from information and create models as artificial views of a real world. Markup languages may accommodate more flexible and better connected records, and the object-oriented approach may help to match IT more closely to our thought processes

    He Was The Best of Kings; He Was the Worst of Kings: A Critique of the Literary Presentation of Richard I

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    In order to achieve a more holistic understanding of Mediterranean History during the Third Crusade, a critical analysis of Richard I is necessary. This paper questions how accurately Richard I was portrayed in literary sources during the Third Crusade and attempts to construct as complete an image of the various motivations that led to differing depictions of Richard I as possible through a critical analysis of literary sources. Focusing on how his actions during the Third Crusade were interpreted, this paper will show the various, often opposing, sentiments held by both Western and Muslim authors on Richard I. Once a comprehensive presentation of the literary representations of Richard I has been established, this paper will question motives behind authors’ characterizations of King Richard in order to create a greater understanding of the politics and cultural biases that were driving forces behind the actions of the Third Crusade and modern interpretation

    On the narrative form of simulations.

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    Understanding complex physical systems through the use of simulations often takes on a narrative character. That is, scientists using simulations seek an understanding of processes occurring in time by generating them from a dynamic model, thereby producing something like a historical narrative. This paper focuses on simulations of the Diels-Alder reaction, which is widely used in organic chemistry. It calls on several well-known works on historical narrative to draw out the ways in which use of these simulations mirrors aspects of narrative understanding: Gallie for "followability" and "contingency"; Mink for "synoptic judgment"; Ricoeur for "temporal dialectic"; and Hawthorn for a related dialectic of the "actual and the possible". Through these reflections on narrative, the paper aims for a better grasp of the role that temporal development sometimes plays in understanding physical processes and of how considerations of possibility enhance that understanding

    A Pragmatic Analysis of the Pedagogical Implications of the Use of English Epistemic Modality Written Literary Discourse

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    This is a pragmatic study of the use of the items of epistemic modality in a literary discourse with the main aims to identify, analyze and describe the ways the items of epistemic modality are used. Their contextual meanings, functions, and implication to the pedagogical attempts are also unfolded. The results of the interpretative and descriptive analysis reveal that the items of epistemic modality are found to be very dominant which also suggests that the genre of narrative fiction is linguistically characterized by the utterances that are established on the basis of knowledge and reasoning. The items of epistemic modality are found to be polysemous and polyfunctional which are reflected pragmatically in the forms of politeness, negotiative and constructive functions. All these lead to the acknowledgement that the use of the items of linguistic modality in literary discourse and their usage for language teaching in the applied linguistic contexts is worth conducting

    Mission drift in qualitative research, or moving toward a systematic review of qualitative studies, moving back to a more systematic narrative review

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    The paper argues that the systematic review of qualitative research is best served by reliance upon qualitative methods themselves. A case is made for strengthening the narrative literature review and using narrative itself as a method of review. A technique is proposed that builds upon recent developments in qualitative systematic review by the use of a narrative inductive method of analysis. The essence of qualitative work is described. The natural ability for issues of ethnicity and diversity to be investigated through a qualitative approach is elaborated. Recent developments in systematic review are delineated, including the Delphi and Signal and Noise techniques, inclusion of grey literature, scoping studies and meta-ethnography. A narrative inductive interpretive method to review qualitative research is proposed, using reflective teams to analyse documents. Narrative is suggested as a knowledge-generating method and its underlying hermeneutic approach is defended as providing validity and theoretical structure. Finally, qualities that distinguish qualitative research from more quantitative investigations are delineated. Starting points for reflecting on qualitative studies and their usefulness are listed. Key words: Qualitative Systematic Review, Evidence-Based Policy, Grey Literature, Scoping Studies, Delphi, ‘Signal and Noise’, Meta-ethnography, Narrative Review, Narrative Method, and Reflective Teams

    Transgression of Postindustrial Dissonance and Excess: (Re)valuation of Gothicism in Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive

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    The paper gives insight into the revaluation of popular Gothic aesthetics in Jim Jarmusch’s 2014 production Only Lovers Left Alive. Drawing on critical theory and the postmodern theoretical framework, the article suggests that the film transgresses contemporary culture immersed in a “culture of death” that has produced a vast amount of cultural texts under the rubric of “Gothicism.” By considering Jean Baudrillard’s concept of transaesthetics and Judith Halberstam’s writings on contemporary monstrosity, the paper shows that a commodified Gothic mode has lost its older deconstructive functions that operated on the margins of the mainstream. Now entirely focused on the duplication of the same aesthetic codes and signs, Gothic productions conform to the rules of postindustrial culture, enriching entertainment imagery with the neutralized concept of “otherness.” Hence, the article engages primarily with Jarmusch’s indie aesthetics that goes beyond easily recognizable patterns and generic conventions and allows the director to emphasize that the arts are rejuvenating forces, the antidote to a commoditized environment. Then, the focus is on the construction of main characters—Adam and Eve, ageless vampires and spouses—who thanks to nostalgic theatricality and performance reconfigure the mainstream monstrosity. Ultimately, the article emphasizes that Jarmusch’s film, to a large extent, becomes a warning against the inevitable results of advanced capitalism practiced on a global scale

    Supporting the externalisation of thinking in criminal intelligence analysis

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    At the end of the criminal intelligence analysis process there are relatively well established and understood approaches to explicit externalisation and representation of thought that include theories of argumentation, narrative and hybrid approaches that include both of these. However the focus of this paper is on the little understood area of how to support users in the process of arriving at such representations from an initial starting point where little is given. The work is based on theoretical considerations and some initial studies with end users. In focusing on process we discuss the requirements of fluidity and rigor and how to gain traction in investigations, the processes of thinking involved including abductive, deductive and inductive reasoning, how users may use thematic sorting in early stages of investigation and how tactile reasoning may be used to externalize and facilitate reasoning in a productive way. In the conclusion section we discuss the issues raised in this work and directions for future work

    Subversive blood ties: gothic decadence in three characters from murnau's and coppola's renderings of bram stoker's dracula

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e ExpressĂŁo, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Letras/InglĂȘs e Literatura Correspondente, FlorianĂłpolis, 2013Esta dissertação consiste em investigar a construção do tema da decadĂȘncia GĂłtica em DrĂĄcula de Bram Stoker e duas adaptaçÔes fĂ­lmicas do romance - Nosferatu, de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, e DrĂĄcula de Bram Stoker, de Francis Ford Coppola - tendo como centro da anĂĄlise como trĂȘs personagens - DrĂĄcula, Jonathan Harker e Mina Harker - se relacionam com tal tema. A decadĂȘncia GĂłtica Ă© um padrĂŁo literĂĄrio do contexto fin-de-siĂšcle da sociedade vitoriana inspirada pela crise social que acontecia na Inglaterra no fim do sĂ©culo XIX (Punter e Byron 39-40). Autores como Bram Stoker escreveram histĂłrias que refletiam medos morais e sociais da sociedade vitoriana, retratando imagens de monstros que representavam a transgressĂŁo de fronteiras morais e sexuais estabelecidas pelas tradiçÔes vitorianas (Botting 88). Tendo tal discussĂŁo em mente, este estudo busca conectar a retratação de tal tema do romance Ă s adaptaçÔes, tambĂ©m utilizando uma anĂĄlise fĂ­lmica para identificar tĂ©cnicas que destacam a representação do tema relacionado aos trĂȘs personagens, finalmente ligando tal tema a crises e confusĂ”es sociais que aconteciam nos contextos de ambos os filmes.Abstract : The present dissertation consists of an investigation of the construction of the Gothic theme of decadence in Bram Stoker's Dracula and two film adaptations of the novel - Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu and Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula - having as the centre of analysis how three characters - Dracula, Jonathan Harker and Mina Harker - relate to that theme. The Gothic decadence is a literary motif from the fin-de-siĂšcle context of the Victorian Era inspired by the social crisis that took place in England in the late nineteenth century (Punter and Byron 39-40). Authors like Bram Stoker wrote stories that reflected moral and social fears of the Victorian society, depicting images of monsters that represented the crossing of moral and sexual boundaries established by the Victorian traditions (Botting 88). Bearing that discussion in mind, this study aims at connecting the portrayal of such a theme from novel to the two adaptations, also making use of a filmic analysis to identify techniques that highlight the depiction of the theme related to the three characters, ultimately linking such a thematic depiction to crises and social commotions that were taking place in both films' social contexts
