781 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing for Monitoring the Mountaintop Mining Landscape: Applications for Land Cover Mapping at the Individual Mine Complex Scale

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    The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the potential for mapping land cover associated with mountaintop mining in Southern West Virginia using high spatial resolution aerial- and satellite-based multispectral imagery, as well as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) elevation data and terrain derivatives. The following research themes were explored: comparing aerial- and satellite-based imagery, combining data sets of multiple dates and types, incorporating measures of texture, using nonparametric, machine learning classification algorithms, and employing a geographical object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) framework. This research is presented as four interrelated manuscripts.;In a comparison of aerial National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotography and satellite-based RapidEye data, the aerial imagery was found to provide statistically less accurate classifications of land cover. These lower accuracies are most likely due to inconsistent viewing geometry and radiometric normalization associated with the aerial imagery. Nevertheless, NAIP orthophotography has many characteristics that make it useful for surface mine mapping and monitoring, including its availability for multiple years, a general lack of cloud cover, contiguous coverage of large areas, ease of availability, and low cost. The lower accuracies of the NAIP classifications were somewhat remediated by decreasing the spatial resolution and reducing the number of classes mapped.;Combining LiDAR with multispectral imagery statistically improved the classification of mining and mine reclamation land cover in comparison to only using multispectral data for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. This suggests that the reduced spectral resolution of high spatial resolution data can be combated by incorporating data from another sensor.;Generally, the support vector machines (SVM) algorithm provided higher classification accuracies in comparison to random forests (RF) and boosted classification and regression trees (CART) for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. It also outperformed k-nearest neighbor, the algorithm commonly used for GEOBIA classification. However, optimizing user-defined parameters for the SVM algorithm tends to be more complex in comparison to the other algorithms. In particular, RF has fewer parameters, and the program seems robust regarding the parameter settings. RF also offers measures to assess model performance, such as estimates of variable importance and overall accuracy.;Textural measures were found to be of marginal value for pixel-based classification. For GEOBIA, neither measures of texture nor object-specific geometry improved the classification accuracy. Notably, the incorporation of additional information from LiDAR provided a greater improvement in classification accuracy then deriving complex textural and geometric measures.;Pre- and post-mining terrain data classified using GEOBIA and machine learning algorithms resulted in significantly more accurate differentiation of mine-reclaimed and non-mining grasslands than was possible with spectral data. The combination of pre- and post-mining terrain data or just pre-mining data generally outperformed post-mining data. Elevation change data were shown to be of particular value, as were terrain shape parameters. GEOBIA was a valuable tool for combining data collected using different sensors and gridded at variable cell sizes, and machine learning algorithms were particularly useful for incorporating the ancillary data derived from the digital elevation models (DEMs), since these most likely would not have met the basic assumptions of multivariate normality required for parametric classifiers.;Collectively, this research suggests that high spatial resolution remotely sensed data are valuable for mapping and monitoring surface mining and mine reclamation, especially when elevation and spectral data are combined. Machine learning algorithms and GEOBIA are useful for integrating such diverse data

    Utilizing Skylab data in on-going resources management programs in the state of Ohio

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The use of Skylab imagery for total area woodland surveys was found to be more accurate and cheaper than conventional surveys using aerial photo-plot techniques. Machine-aided (primarily density slicing) analyses of Skylab 190A and 190B color and infrared color photography demonstrated the feasibility of using such data for differentiating major timber classes including pines, hardwoods, mixed, cut, and brushland providing such analyses are made at scales of 1:24,000 and larger. Manual and machine-assisted image analysis indicated that spectral and spatial capabilities of Skylab EREP photography are adequate to distinguish most parameters of current, coal surface mining concern associated with: (1) active mining, (2) orphan lands, (3) reclaimed lands, and (4) active reclamation. Excellent results were achieved when comparing Skylab and aerial photographic interpretations of detailed surface mining features. Skylab photographs when combined with other data bases (e.g., census, agricultural land productivity, and transportation networks), provide a comprehensive, meaningful, and integrated view of major elements involved in the urbanization/encroachment process

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in environmental biology: A Review

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    Acquiring information about the environment is a key step during each study in the field of environmental biology at different levels, from an individual species to community and biome. However, obtaining information about the environment is frequently difficult because of, for example, the phenological timing, spatial distribution of a species or limited accessibility of a particular area for the field survey. Moreover, remote sensing technology, which enables the observation of the Earth’s surface and is currently very common in environmental research, has many limitations such as insufficient spatial, spectral and temporal resolution and a high cost of data acquisition. Since the 1990s, researchers have been exploring the potential of different types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for monitoring Earth’s surface. The present study reviews recent scientific literature dealing with the use of UAV in environmental biology. Amongst numerous papers, short communications and conference abstracts, we selected 110 original studies of how UAVs can be used in environmental biology and which organisms can be studied in this manner. Most of these studies concerned the use of UAV to measure the vegetation parameters such as crown height, volume, number of individuals (14 studies) and quantification of the spatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation changes (12 studies). UAVs were also frequently applied to count birds and mammals, especially those living in the water. Generally, the analytical part of the present study was divided into following sections: (1) detecting, assessing and predicting threats on vegetation, (2) measuring the biophysical parameters of vegetation, (3) quantifying the dynamics of changes in plants and habitats and (4) population and behaviour studies of animals. At the end, we also synthesised all the information showing, amongst others, the advances in environmental biology because of UAV application. Considering that 33% of studies found and included in this review were published in 2017 and 2018, it is expected that the number and variety of applications of UAVs in environmental biology will increase in the future

    Tree species mapping around reclaimed oil and gas wells sites using hyperspectral and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing

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    Oil and gas activities in Alberta require disturbing forested lands, among other ecosystems, in order to extract resources. Due to the number of oil and gas sites requiring reclamation, monitoring can be problematic. Remote sensing provides cost-effective, timely, and repeatable data of these areas in support of monitoring efforts. Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) were tested in order to identify tree species around reclaimed and abandoned well sites near Cold Lake, Alberta using CHRIS satellite imagery with and without airborne LiDAR data. A hierarchical classification approach was employed, which achieved an accuracy of 83.4 % when using SVM together with CHRIS imagery and LiDAR. This positive result indicates the ability of remote sensing to support reclamation management and monitoring objectives within Alberta’s forested areas.Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) CREATE scholarship (Advanced Methods, Education and Training in Hyperspectral Science and Technology; AMETHYST). Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre (ATIC). TECTERRA. Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN). Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD

    Contribution of remote sensing technologies to a holistic coastal and marine environmental management framework: a review

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    Coastal and marine management require the evaluation of multiple environmental threats and issues. However, there are gaps in the necessary data and poor access or dissemination of existing data in many countries around the world. This research identifies how remote sensing can contribute to filling these gaps so that environmental agencies, such as the United Nations Environmental Programme, European Environmental Agency, and International Union for Conservation of Nature, can better implement environmental directives in a cost-e ective manner. Remote sensing (RS) techniques generally allow for uniform data collection, with common acquisition and reporting methods, across large areas. Furthermore, these datasets are sometimes open-source, mainly when governments finance satellite missions. Some of these data can be used in holistic, coastal and marine environmental management frameworks, such as the DAPSI(W)R(M) framework (Drivers–Activities–Pressures–State changes–Impacts (on Welfare)–Responses (as Measures), an updated version of Drivers–Pressures–State–Impact–Responses. The framework is a useful and holistic problem-structuring framework that can be used to assess the causes, consequences, and responses to change in the marine environment. Six broad classifications of remote data collection technologies are reviewed for their potential contribution to integrated marine management, including Satellite-based Remote Sensing, Aerial Remote Sensing, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, and Static Sensors. A significant outcome of this study is practical inputs into each component of the DAPSI(W)R(M) framework. The RS applications are not expected to be all-inclusive; rather, they provide insight into the current use of the framework as a foundation for developing further holistic resource technologies for management strategies in the future. A significant outcome of this research will deliver practical insights for integrated coastal and marine management and demonstrate the usefulness of RS to support the implementation of environmental goals, descriptors, targets, and policies, such as theWater Framework Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Ocean Health Index, and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, the opportunities and challenges of these technologies are discussed.Murray Foundation: 25.26022020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards quantifying the effects of resource extraction on land cover and topography through remote sensing analysis: Confronting issues of scale and data scarcity

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    This dissertation focuses on the mapping and monitoring of mineral mining activity using remotely sensed data. More specifically, it explores the challenges and issues associated with remote sensing-based analysis of land use land cover (LULC) and topographic changes in the landscape associated with artisanal and industrial-scale mining. It explores broad themes of image analysis, including evaluation of error in digital elevation models (DEMs), integration of multiple scales and data sources, quantification of change, and remote sensing classification in data-scarce environments. The dissertation comprises three case studies.;The first case study examines the LULC change associated with two scales of mining activity (industrial and artisanal) near Tortiya, Cote d\u27Ivoire. Industrial mining activity was successfully mapped in a regional LULC classification using Landsat multispectral imagery and support vector machines (SVMs). However, mapping artisanal mining required high-resolution imagery to discriminate the small, complex patterns of associated disturbance.;The second case study is an investigation of the potential for quantifying topographic change associated with mountain top removal mining and the associated valley-fill operations for a region in West Virginia, USA, using publicly available DEMs. A 1:24,000 topographic map data, the shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) DEM, a state-wide photogrammetric DEM, and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Radiometer (ASTER) Global DEM (GDEM) were compared to a lidar bare-earth reference DEM. The observed mean error in both the SRTM and GDEM was statistically different than zero and modeled a surface well above the reference DEM surface. Mean error in the other DEMs was lower, and not significantly different than zero. The magnitude of the root mean square error (RMSE) suggests that only topographic change associated with the largest topographic disturbances would be separable from background noise using global DEMS such as the SRTM. Nevertheless, regionally available DEMs from photogrammetric sources allow mapping of mining change and quantification of the total volume of earth removal.;Monitoring topographic change associated with mining is challenging in regions where publicly available DEMs are limited or not available. This challenge is particularly acute for artisanal mining, where the topographic disturbance, though locally important, is unlikely to be detected in global elevation data sets. Therefore, the third and final case study explored the potential for creating fine-spatial resolution bare-earth DEMs from digital surface models (DSMs) using high spatial resolution commercial satellite imagery and subsequent filtering of elevation artifacts using commercial lidar software and other spatial filtering techniques. Leaf-on and leaf-off DSMs were compared to highlight the effect of vegetation on derived bare-earth DEM accuracy. The raw leaf-off DSM was found to have very low error overall, with notably higher error in areas of evergreen vegetation. The raw leaf-on DSM was found to have a RMSE error much higher than the leaf-off data, and similar to that of the SRTM in dense deciduous forest. However, filtering using the commercial techniques developed for lidar notably reduced the error present in the raw DSMs, suggesting that such approaches could help overcome data scarcity in regions where regional or national elevation data sets are not available.;Collectively this research addressed data issues and methodological challenges in the analysis of 3D changes caused by resource extraction. Elevation and optical imagery are key data sets for mapping the disturbance associated with mining. The particular combination required regarding data spatial scale, and for elevation, accuracy, is a function of the type and scale of the mining

    Earth resources. A continuing bibliography with indexes, issue 23

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    This bibliography lists 226 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between July 1, 1979 and September 30, 1979. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Mapping shoreline changes due land reclamation using Landsat TM data

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    Remote sensing sources very useful to capture continuous, repeatedly and recently data. Change detection technique using various type of satellite images in Remote Sensing have been using frequently and continuously previously. Edge change detection used is very sensitive to detect linear feature such as shoreline. Mapping shoreline changes due to only coastal reclamation for urban development purposes are using edge change detection technique in Envi 5.0 software and ArcGIS 10.2 for develop the databases. In order to mapping this changes, images pre-processing, filtering option until feature extraction stage will been used. Geographical Information System (GIS) as a tool for data input either spatial or attribute, data management, data display and manipulation. Therefore, both Remote Sensing and GIS known as a powerful approach to gather new information from primer to secondary data. New information will be tested by statistical of filtering and feature extraction technique and accuracy of Ground Control (GC) distortions. This testing will be produced very accurate of coastal changes area and shoreline changes due to coastal reclamation for urban development purposes

    Characterization of coastal environment by means of hyper- and multispectral techniques

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    The management of the coastal environment is a complex issue, which needs for appropriate methodologies. Erosional processes and longshore currents present in the submerged beach represent a serious danger for both people and human infrastructures. A proper integration between traditional and innovative techniques can help in the characterization and management of the beach environment. Several different multispectral and hyperspectral techniques were used to retrieve information about the hydro and morphodynamic settings of the Pisa province coast (Tuscany, Italy). Results were validated using about 130 samples collected along the study area, between the mouths of the Serchio river and the Scolmatore canal. The composition of sand samples was evaluated by means of petrographic microscopy and grain size analyses. The same samples were analyzed using an Analytical Spectral Device (ASD) Fieldspec. The obtained sediment spectral library was used to evaluate the differences in mineralogical composition, which can be related to different source areas. Results coming from spectroscopy were compared to those obtained from the petrographic and grain size analysis. Furthermore a multispectral aerial image was used to evaluate sediment distribution along the submerged beach, to map the geomorphic features and to detect the presence of longshore and rip currents. This works suggests that optical remote sensing technique can be profitably used in order to reduce the need for expensive and time consuming conventional analysis

    Hydrological Characterization of a Riparian Vegetation Zone Using High Resolution Multi-Spectral Airborne Imagery

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    The Middle Rio Grande River (MRGR) is the main source of fresh water for the state of New Mexico. Located in an arid area with scarce local water resources, this has led to extensive diversions of river water to supply the high demand from municipalities and irrigated agricultural activities. The extensive water diversions over the last few decades have affected the composition of the native riparian vegetation by decreasing the area of cottonwood and coyote willow and increasing the spread of invasive species such as Tamarisk and Russian Olives, harmful to the river system, due to their high transpiration rates, which affect the river aquatic system. The need to study the river hydrological processes and their relation with its health is important to preserve the river ecosystem. To be able to do that a detailed vegetation map was produced using a Utah State University airborne remote sensing system for 286 km of river reach. Also a groundwater model was built in ArcGIS environment which has the ability to estimate soil water potential in the root zone and above the modeled water table. The Modified Penman- Monteith empirical equation was used in the ArcGIS environment to estimate riparian vegetation ET, taking advantage of the detailed vegetation map and spatial soil water potential layers. Vegetation water use per linear river reach was estimated to help decision makers to better manage and release the amount of water that keeps a sound river ecosystem and to support agricultural activities
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