20,518 research outputs found

    Continuous Wavelet Transform and Hidden Markov Model Based Target Detection

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    Standard tracking filters perform target detection process by comparing the sensor output signal with a predefined threshold. However, selecting the detection threshold is of great importance and a wrongly selected threshold causes two major problems. The first problem occurs when the selected threshold is too low which results in increased false alarm rate. The second problem arises when the selected threshold is too high resulting in missed detection. Track-before-detect (TBD) techniques eliminate the need for a detection threshold and provide detecting and tracking targets with lower signal-to-noise ratios than standard methods. Although TBD techniques eliminate the need for detection threshold at sensor’s signal processing stage, they often use tuning thresholds at the output of the filtering stage. This paper presents a Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) based target detection method for employing with TBD techniques which does not employ any thresholding

    Acoustical Ranging Techniques in Embedded Wireless Sensor Networked Devices

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    Location sensing provides endless opportunities for a wide range of applications in GPS-obstructed environments; where, typically, there is a need for higher degree of accuracy. In this article, we focus on robust range estimation, an important prerequisite for fine-grained localization. Motivated by the promise of acoustic in delivering high ranging accuracy, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of acoustic (both ultrasound and audible) ranging systems.We distill the limitations of acoustic ranging; and present efficient signal designs and detection algorithms to overcome the challenges of coverage, range, accuracy/resolution, tolerance to Doppler’s effect, and audible intensity. We evaluate our proposed techniques experimentally on TWEET, a low-power platform purpose-built for acoustic ranging applications. Our experiments demonstrate an operational range of 20 m (outdoor) and an average accuracy 2 cm in the ultrasound domain. Finally, we present the design of an audible-range acoustic tracking service that encompasses the benefits of a near-inaudible acoustic broadband chirp and approximately two times increase in Doppler tolerance to achieve better performance

    Channel Dynamics and SNR Tracking in Millimeter Wave Cellular Systems

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    The millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies are likely to play a significant role in fifth-generation (5G) cellular systems. A key challenge in developing systems in these bands is the potential for rapid channel dynamics: since mmWave signals are blocked by many materials, small changes in the position or orientation of the handset relative to objects in the environment can cause large swings in the channel quality. This paper addresses the issue of tracking the signal to noise ratio (SNR), which is an essential procedure for rate prediction, handover and radio link failure detection. A simple method for estimating the SNR from periodic synchronization signals is considered. The method is then evaluated using real experiments in common blockage scenarios combined with outdoor statistical models

    The Fundamentals of Radar with Applications to Autonomous Vehicles

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    Radar systems can be extremely useful for applications in autonomous vehicles. This paper seeks to show how radar systems function and how they can apply to improve autonomous vehicles. First, the basics of radar systems are presented to introduce the basic terminology involved with radar. Then, the topic of phased arrays is presented because of their application to autonomous vehicles. The topic of digital signal processing is also discussed because of its importance for all modern radar systems. Finally, examples of radar systems based on the presented knowledge are discussed to illustrate the effectiveness of radar systems in autonomous vehicles

    Multi Detector Fusion of Dynamic TOA Estimation using Kalman Filter

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    In this paper, we propose fusion of dynamic TOA (time of arrival) from multiple non-coherent detectors like energy detectors operating at sub-Nyquist rate through Kalman filtering. We also show that by using multiple of these energy detectors, we can achieve the performance of a digital matched filter implementation in the AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) setting. We derive analytical expression for number of energy detectors needed to achieve the matched filter performance. We demonstrate in simulation the validity of our analytical approach. Results indicate that number of energy detectors needed will be high at low SNRs and converge to a constant number as the SNR increases. We also study the performance of the strategy proposed using IEEE 802.15.4a CM1 channel model and show in simulation that two sub-Nyquist detectors are sufficient to match the performance of digital matched filter

    Second harmonic generating (SHG) nanoprobes for in vivo imaging

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    Fluorescence microscopy has profoundly changed cell and molecular biology studies by permitting tagged gene products to be followed as they function and interact. The ability of a fluorescent dye to absorb and emit light of different wavelengths allows it to generate startling contrast that, in the best cases, can permit single molecule detection and tracking. However, in many experimental settings, fluorescent probes fall short of their potential due to dye bleaching, dye signal saturation, and tissue autofluorescence. Here, we demonstrate that second harmonic generating (SHG) nanoprobes can be used for in vivo imaging, circumventing many of the limitations of classical fluorescence probes. Under intense illumination, such as at the focus of a laser-scanning microscope, these SHG nanocrystals convert two photons into one photon of half the wavelength; thus, when imaged by conventional two-photon microscopy, SHG nanoprobes appear to generate a signal with an inverse Stokes shift like a fluorescent dye, but with a narrower emission. Unlike commonly used fluorescent probes, SHG nanoprobes neither bleach nor blink, and the signal they generate does not saturate with increasing illumination intensity. The resulting contrast and detectability of SHG nanoprobes provide unique advantages for molecular imaging of living cells and tissues
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