665 research outputs found

    AGNI: an API for the control of automomous service robots

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    With the continuum growth of Internet connected devices, the scalability of the protocols used for communication between them is facing a new set of challenges. In robotics these communications protocols are an essential element, and must be able to accomplish with the desired communication. In a context of a multi-­‐‑agent platform, the main types of Internet communication protocols used in robotics, mission planning and task allocation problems will be revised. It will be defined how to represent a message and how to cope with their transport between devices in a distributed environment, reviewing all the layers of the messaging process. A review of the ROS platform is also presented with the intent of integrating the already existing communication protocols with the ServRobot, a mobile autonomous robot, and the DVA, a distributed autonomous surveillance system. This is done with the objective of assigning missions to ServRobot in a security context

    Remote interaction with mobile robots

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    This paper describes an architecture, which can be used to build remote laboratories to interact remotely via Internet with mobile robots using different interaction devices. A supervisory control strategy has been used to develop the remote laboratory in order to alleviate high communication data rates and system sensitivity to network delays. The users interact with the remote system at a more abstract level using high level commands. The local robot's autonomy has been increased by encapsulating all the robot's behaviors in different types of skills. User interfaces have been designed using visual proxy pattern to facilitate any future extension or code reuse. The developed remote laboratory has been integrated into an educational environment in the field of indoor mobile robotics. This environment is currently being used as a part of an international project to develop a distributed laboratory for autonomous and teleoperated systems (IECAT, 2003).Publicad

    User-centered design of a dynamic-autonomy remote interaction concept for manipulation-capable robots to assist elderly people in the home

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    In this article, we describe the development of a human-robot interaction concept for service robots to assist elderly people in the home with physical tasks. Our approach is based on the insight that robots are not yet able to handle all tasks autonomously with sufficient reliability in the complex and heterogeneous environments of private homes. We therefore employ remote human operators to assist on tasks a robot cannot handle completely autonomously. Our development methodology was user-centric and iterative, with six user studies carried out at various stages involving a total of 241 participants. The concept is under implementation on the Care-O-bot 3 robotic platform. The main contributions of this article are (1) the results of a survey in form of a ranking of the demands of elderly people and informal caregivers for a range of 25 robot services, (2) the results of an ethnography investigating the suitability of emergency teleassistance and telemedical centers for incorporating robotic teleassistance, and (3) a user-validated human-robot interaction concept with three user roles and corresponding three user interfaces designed as a solution to the problem of engineering reliable service robots for home environments

    Trust-Based Control of (Semi)Autonomous Mobile Robotic Systems

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    Despite great achievements made in (semi)autonomous robotic systems, human participa-tion is still an essential part, especially for decision-making about the autonomy allocation of robots in complex and uncertain environments. However, human decisions may not be optimal due to limited cognitive capacities and subjective human factors. In human-robot interaction (HRI), trust is a major factor that determines humans use of autonomy. Over/under trust may lead to dispro-portionate autonomy allocation, resulting in decreased task performance and/or increased human workload. In this work, we develop automated decision-making aids utilizing computational trust models to help human operators achieve a more effective and unbiased allocation. Our proposed decision aids resemble the way that humans make an autonomy allocation decision, however, are unbiased and aim to reduce human workload, improve the overall performance, and result in higher acceptance by a human. We consider two types of autonomy control schemes for (semi)autonomous mobile robotic systems. The first type is a two-level control scheme which includes switches between either manual or autonomous control modes. For this type, we propose automated decision aids via a computational trust and self-confidence model. We provide analytical tools to investigate the steady-state effects of the proposed autonomy allocation scheme on robot performance and human workload. We also develop an autonomous decision pattern correction algorithm using a nonlinear model predictive control to help the human gradually adapt to a better allocation pattern. The second type is a mixed-initiative bilateral teleoperation control scheme which requires mixing of autonomous and manual control. For this type, we utilize computational two-way trust models. Here, mixed-initiative is enabled by scaling the manual and autonomous control inputs with a function of computational human-to-robot trust. The haptic force feedback cue sent by the robot is dynamically scaled with a function of computational robot-to-human trust to reduce humans physical workload. Using the proposed control schemes, our human-in-the-loop tests show that the trust-based automated decision aids generally improve the overall robot performance and reduce the operator workload compared to a manual allocation scheme. The proposed decision aids are also generally preferred and trusted by the participants. Finally, the trust-based control schemes are extended to the single-operator-multi-robot applications. A theoretical control framework is developed for these applications and the stability and convergence issues under the switching scheme between different robots are addressed via passivity based measures

    Multi-robot cooperative platform : a task-oriented teleoperation paradigm

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    This thesis proposes the study and development of a teleoperation system based on multi-robot cooperation under the task oriented teleoperation paradigm: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. In standard teleoperation, the operator uses the master devices to control the remote slave robot arms. These arms reproduce the desired movements and perform the task. With the developed work, the operator can virtually manipulate an object. MRCP automatically generates the arms orders to perform the task. The operator does not have to solve situations arising from possible restrictions that the slave arms may have. The research carried out is therefore aimed at improving the accuracy teleoperation tasks in complex environments, particularly in the field of robot assisted minimally invasive surgery. This field requires patient safety and the workspace entails many restrictions to teleoperation. MRCP can be defined as a platform composed of several robots that cooperate automatically to perform a teleoperated task, creating a robotic system with increased capacity (workspace volume, accessibility, dexterity ...). The cooperation is based on transferring the task between robots when necessary to enable a smooth task execution. The MRCP control evaluates the suitability of each robot to continue with the ongoing task and the optimal time to execute a task transfer between the current selected robot and the best candidate to continue with the task. From the operator¿s point of view, MRCP provides an interface that enables the teleoperation though the task-oriented paradigm: operator orders are translated into task actions instead of robot orders. This thesis is structured as follows: The first part is dedicated to review the current solutions in the teleoperation of complex tasks and compare them with those proposed in this research. The second part of the thesis presents and reviews in depth the different evaluation criteria to determine the suitability of each robot to continue with the execution of a task, considering the configuration of the robots and emphasizing the criterion of dexterity and manipulability. The study reviews the different required control algorithms to enable the task oriented telemanipulation. This proposed teleoperation paradigm is transparent to the operator. Then, the Thesis presents and analyses several experimental results using MRCP in the field of minimally invasive surgery. These experiments study the effectiveness of MRCP in various tasks requiring the cooperation of two hands. A type task is used: a suture using minimally invasive surgery technique. The analysis is done in terms of execution time, economy of movement, quality and patient safety (potential damage produced by undesired interaction between the tools and the vital tissues of the patient). The final part of the thesis proposes the implementation of different virtual aids and restrictions (guided teleoperation based on haptic visual and audio feedback, protection of restricted workspace regions, etc.) using the task oriented teleoperation paradigm. A framework is defined for implementing and applying a basic set of virtual aids and constraints within the framework of a virtual simulator for laparoscopic abdominal surgery. The set of experiments have allowed to validate the developed work. The study revealed the influence of virtual aids in the learning process of laparoscopic techniques. It has also demonstrated the improvement of learning curves, which paves the way for its implementation as a methodology for training new surgeons.Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa l'estudi i desenvolupament d'un sistema de teleoperació basat en la cooperació multi-robot sota el paradigma de la teleoperació orientada a tasca: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. En la teleoperació clàssica, l'operador utilitza els telecomandaments perquè els braços robots reprodueixin els seus moviments i es realitzi la tasca desitjada. Amb el treball realitzat, l'operador pot manipular virtualment un objecte i és mitjançant el MRCP que s'adjudica a cada braç les ordres necessàries per realitzar la tasca, sense que l'operador hagi de resoldre les situacions derivades de possibles restriccions que puguin tenir els braços executors. La recerca desenvolupada està doncs orientada a millorar la teleoperació en tasques de precisió en entorns complexos i, en particular, en el camp de la cirurgia mínimament invasiva assistida per robots. Aquest camp imposa condicions de seguretat del pacient i l'espai de treball comporta moltes restriccions a la teleoperació. MRCP es pot definir com a una plataforma formada per diversos robots que cooperen de forma automàtica per dur a terme una tasca teleoperada, generant un sistema robòtic amb capacitats augmentades (volums de treball, accessibilitat, destresa,...). La cooperació es basa en transferir la tasca entre robots a partir de determinar quin és aquell que és més adequat per continuar amb la seva execució i el moment òptim per realitzar la transferència de la tasca entre el robot actiu i el millor candidat a continuar-la. Des del punt de vista de l'operari, MRCP ofereix una interfície de teleoperació que permet la realització de la teleoperació mitjançant el paradigma d'ordres orientades a la tasca: les ordres es tradueixen en accions sobre la tasca en comptes d'estar dirigides als robots. Aquesta tesi està estructurada de la següent manera: Primerament es fa una revisió de l'estat actual de les diverses solucions desenvolupades actualment en el camp de la teleoperació de tasques complexes, comparant-les amb les proposades en aquest treball de recerca. En el segon bloc de la tesi es presenten i s'analitzen a fons els diversos criteris per determinar la capacitat de cada robot per continuar l'execució d'una tasca, segons la configuració del conjunt de robots i fent especial èmfasi en el criteri de destresa i manipulabilitat. Seguint aquest estudi, es presenten els diferents processos de control emprats per tal d'assolir la telemanipulació orientada a tasca de forma transparent a l'operari. Seguidament es presenten diversos resultats experimentals aplicant MRCP al camp de la cirurgia mínimament invasiva. En aquests experiments s'estudia l'eficàcia de MRCP en diverses tasques que requereixen de la cooperació de dues mans. S'ha escollit una tasca tipus: sutura amb tècnica de cirurgia mínimament invasiva. L'anàlisi es fa en termes de temps d'execució, economia de moviment, qualitat i seguretat del pacient (potencials danys causats per la interacció no desitjada entre les eines i els teixits vitals del pacient). Finalment s'ha estudiat l'ús de diferents ajudes i restriccions virtuals (guiat de la teleoperació via retorn hàptic, visual o auditiu, protecció de regions de l'espai de treball, etc) dins el paradigma de teleoperació orientada a tasca. S'ha definint un marc d'aplicació base i implementant un conjunt de restriccions virtuals dins el marc d'un simulador de cirurgia laparoscòpia abdominal. El conjunt d'experiments realitzats han permès validar el treball realitzat. Aquest estudi ha permès determinar la influencia de les ajudes virtuals en el procés d'aprenentatge de les tècniques laparoscòpiques. S'ha evidenciat una millora en les corbes d'aprenentatge i obre el camí a la seva implantació com a metodologia d'entrenament de nous cirurgians.Postprint (published version

    Teleoperation of passivity-based model reference robust control over the internet

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    This dissertation offers a survey of a known theoretical approach and novel experimental results in establishing a live communication medium through the internet to host a virtual communication environment for use in Passivity-Based Model Reference Robust Control systems with delays. The controller which is used as a carrier to support a robust communication between input-to-state stability is designed as a control strategy that passively compensates for position errors that arise during contact tasks and strives to achieve delay-independent stability for controlling of aircrafts or other mobile objects. Furthermore the controller is used for nonlinear systems, coordination of multiple agents, bilateral teleoperation, and collision avoidance thus maintaining a communication link with an upper bound of constant delay is crucial for robustness and stability of the overall system. For utilizing such framework an elucidation can be formulated by preparing site survey for analyzing not only the geographical distances separating the nodes in which the teleoperation will occur but also the communication parameters that define the virtual topography that the data will travel through. This survey will first define the feasibility of the overall operation since the teleoperation will be used to sustain a delay based controller over the internet thus obtaining a hypothetical upper bound for the delay via site survey is crucial not only for the communication system but also the delay is required for the design of the passivity-based model reference robust control. Following delay calculation and measurement via site survey, bandwidth tests for unidirectional and bidirectional communication is inspected to ensure that the speed is viable to maintain a real-time connection. Furthermore from obtaining the results it becomes crucial to measure the consistency of the delay throughout a sampled period to guarantee that the upper bound is not breached at any point within the communication to jeopardize the robustness of the controller. Following delay analysis a geographical and topological overview of the communication is also briefly examined via a trace-route to understand the underlying nodes and their contribution to the delay and round-trip consistency. To accommodate the communication channel for the controller the input and output data from both nodes need to be encapsulated within a transmission control protocol via a multithreaded design of a robust program within the C language. The program will construct a multithreaded client-server relationship in which the control data is transmitted. For added stability and higher level of security the channel is then encapsulated via an internet protocol security by utilizing a protocol suite for protecting the communication by authentication and encrypting each packet of the session using negotiation of cryptographic keys during each session

    Long distance synchronization of mobile robots

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    This paper considers the long distance master-slave and mutual synchronization of unicycle-type mobile robots. The issues that arise when the elements of a robotic network are placed in different locations are addressed, specifically the time-delay induced by the communication channel linking the robots. Experiments between wirelessly controlled mobile robots located in Eindhoven, The Netherlands and Tokyo, Japan demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach

    A plug and play transparent communication layer for cloud robotics architectures

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    The cloud robotics paradigm aims at enhancing the abilities of robots by using cloud services, but it still poses several challenges in the research community. Most of the current literature focuses on how to enrich specific robotic capabilities, overlooking how to effectively establish communication between the two fields. Our work proposes a “plug-and-play” solution to bridge the communication gap between cloud and robotic applications. The proposed solution is designed based on the mature WebSocket technology and it can be extended to any ROS-based robotic platform. The main contributions of this work are the definition of a reliable autoconnection/autoconfiguration mechanism as well as to outline a scalable communication layer that allows the effective control of multiple robots from multiple users. The “plug-and-play” solution was evaluated in both simulated and real scenarios. In the first case, the presence of users and robots was simulated with Robot Operating System (ROS) nodes running on five machines. In the real scenario, three non-expert users teleoperated, simultaneously, three remote robots by using the proposed communication layer with different networking protocols. Results confirmed the reliability at different levels: at startup (success_rate = 100%); during high-rate communications (message_lost = 0%); in performing open-loop spiral trajectories with enhancement, with respect to similar works; and in the quality of simultaneous teleoperations

    \u3cem\u3eGRASP News\u3c/em\u3e, Volume 8, Number 1

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    A report of the General Robotics and Active Sensory Perception (GRASP) Laboratory. Edited by Thomas Lindsay