11 research outputs found

    Generating reversible circuits from higher-order functional programs

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    Boolean reversible circuits are boolean circuits made of reversible elementary gates. Despite their constrained form, they can simulate any boolean function. The synthesis and validation of a reversible circuit simulating a given function is a difficult problem. In 1973, Bennett proposed to generate reversible circuits from traces of execution of Turing machines. In this paper, we propose a novel presentation of this approach, adapted to higher-order programs. Starting with a PCF-like language, we use a monadic representation of the trace of execution to turn a regular boolean program into a circuit-generating code. We show that a circuit traced out of a program computes the same boolean function as the original program. This technique has been successfully applied to generate large oracles with the quantum programming language Quipper.Comment: 21 pages. A shorter preprint has been accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Reversible Computation 2016. The final publication is available at http://link.springer.co

    Forward Error Correction and Functional Programming

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    This thesis contains a collection of work I have performed while working on Dr. Erik Perrins' Efficient Hardware Implementation of Iterative FEC Decoders project. The following topics and my contributions to those topics are included in this thesis. The first topic is a Viterbi decoder implemented in the Haskell programming language. Next, I will briefly introduce Kansas Lava, a Haskell DSL developed by my advisor, Dr. Andy Gill, and other students and staff. The goal of Kansas Lava is to generate efficient synthesizable VHDL for complex circuits. I will discuss one such circuit, a large-scale LDPC decoder implemented in Kansas Lava that has been synthesized and tested on FPGA hardware. After discussing the synthesis and simulation results of the decoder circuit, I will discuss a memory interface that was developed for use in our HFEC system. Finally, I tie these individual projects together in a discussion on the benefits of functional programming in hardware design

    Analysis and identification of possible automation approaches for embedded systems design flows

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    Sophisticated and high performance embedded systems are present in an increasing number of application domains. In this context, formal-based design methods have been studied to make the development process robust and scalable. Models of computation (MoC) allows the modeling of an application at a high abstraction level by using a formal base. This enables analysis before the application moves to the implementation phase. Different tools and frameworks supporting MoCs have been developed. Some of them can simulate the models and also verify their functionality and feasibility before the next design steps. In view of this, we present a novel method for analysis and identification of possible automation approaches applicable to embedded systems design flow supported by formal models of computation. A comprehensive case study shows the potential and applicability of our method11212

    UniTi: Unified composition and time for multi-domain model-based design

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    To apply model-based design to embedded systems that interface with the physical world, including simulation and verification, current tools fall short. They must provide mathematical (model) definitions that stay close to the specification of the system. They must allow multiple domains, such as the continuous-time, discrete-time and dataflow domain, in a single model including well-defined interaction. They must support model transformations for refining a model during development. And most importantly, they must accurately include and simulate different notions of time in the model. UniTi is a model-based design flow and modelling and simulation environment that delivers on all these aspects. It is based on components that are signal transformations, and therefore mathematical functions. However, in each domain the representation of a signal differs. As components have the same structure in each domain, we can use unified composition operators to represent multiple domains in a single model. Furthermore, this composition provides a unified perspective on time in the domains, even though we differentiate between different notions of time. Time becomes a local property of the model, allowing us to represent and simulate time transformations such as time delays exactly without losing efficiency. Finally, model transformations are defined for such components, which are used for refining and developing the model and which are guided by the design steps in the design flow. We will formally define the domains, composition operators and transformations of UniTi and verify the approach with a case study on a phased array beamforming system

    Hardware Acceleration Using Functional Languages

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    Cílem této práce je prozkoumat možnosti využití funkcionálního paradigmatu pro hardwarovou akceleraci, konkrétně pro datově paralelní úlohy. Úroveň abstrakce tradičních jazyků pro popis hardwaru, jako VHDL a Verilog, přestáví stačit. Pro popis na algoritmické či behaviorální úrovni se rozmáhají jazyky původně navržené pro vývoj softwaru a modelování, jako C/C++, SystemC nebo MATLAB. Funkcionální jazyky se s těmi imperativními nemůžou měřit v rozšířenosti a oblíbenosti mezi programátory, přesto je předčí v mnoha vlastnostech, např. ve verifikovatelnosti, schopnosti zachytit inherentní paralelismus a v kompaktnosti kódu. Pro akceleraci datově paralelních výpočtů se často používají jednotky FPGA, grafické karty (GPU) a vícejádrové procesory. Praktická část této práce rozšiřuje existující knihovnu Accelerate pro počítání na grafických kartách o výstup do VHDL. Accelerate je možno chápat jako doménově specifický jazyk vestavěný do Haskellu s backendem pro prostředí NVIDIA CUDA. Rozšíření pro vysokoúrovňovou syntézu obvodů ve VHDL představené v této práci používá stejný jazyk a frontend.The aim of this thesis is to research how the functional paradigm can be used for hardware acceleration with an emphasis on data-parallel tasks. The level of abstraction of the traditional hardware description languages, such as VHDL or Verilog, is becoming to low. High-level languages from the domains of software development and modeling, such as C/C++, SystemC or MATLAB, are experiencing a boom for hardware description on the algorithmic or behavioral level. Functional Languages are not so commonly used, but they outperform imperative languages in verification, the ability to capture inherent paralellism and the compactness of code. Data-parallel task are often accelerated on FPGAs, GPUs and multicore processors. In this thesis, we use a library for general-purpose GPU programs called Accelerate and extend it to produce VHDL. Accelerate is a domain-specific language embedded into Haskell with a backend for the NVIDIA CUDA platform. We use the language and its frontend, and create a new backend for high-level synthesis of circuits in VHDL.

    Estratégias de automação para desenvolvimento de projetos de sistemas embarcados baseados em modelos formais de computação

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    Orientador: Denis SIlva LoubachDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Sistemas embarcados de alta performance estão presentes em cada vez mais áreas de aplicação. Com o aumento da complexidade, se torna mais difícil atender ao requisito de se projetar o sistema mais otimizado utilizando menos recursos. Nesse contexto, os métodos de projeto de sistemas embarcados baseados em modelos formais têm sido estudados para tornar esse processo mais robusto e escalável. O uso de modelos de computação (MoC), que consistem na modelagem de uma aplicação utilizando um alto nível de abstração com base formal, possibilita uma análise sistemática do sistema antes de sua implementação. Ferramentas e frameworks têm sido desenvolvidos para a modelagem baseada em MoCs. Algumas dessas ferramentas suportam a simulação dos modelos, possibilitando a verificação das funcionalidades do sistema antes das próximas fases do projeto. O aumento do nível de abstração, proporcionado pelo uso dos MoCs, dificulta a fase de implementação pela falta de detalhes nos modelos de alto nível de abstração. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar possíveis estratégias de automação para o desenvolvimento de sistemas embarcados baseado em modelos formais de computaçãoAbstract: Sophisticated and high performance embedded systems are present in an increasing number of application domains. As the complexity grows, it gets harder to satisfy the requirement of getting the most optimized system using less development resources. In this context, formal-based design methods have been studied to make the development process robust and scalable, using the correct-by-construction approach. Models of computation (MoC), which consists on modeling an application at a high abstraction level by using a formal base, enables a systematic application analysis before its implementation. Different tools and frameworks have been developed supporting MoCs. Some of them can simulate the models and also verify its functionality and feasibility before the next design steps. As MoC elevates the abstraction level, the implementation steps get more complex, creating an abstraction gap. In view of this, the present research aims to identify possible automation approaches for embedded systems design flowsMestradoMecatrônicaMestre em Engenharia Mecânic

    Review of System Design Frameworks

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    In the last decade, the enormous development of the semiconductor industry with ever-increasing complexities of digital embedded systems and strong market competition with fast time-to-market and low design cost demands have imposed serious difficulty to a conventional design method. Therefore, there emerges a new design flow named model-based system design, which is based on high-level abstraction models, heavy design automation, and extensive component reuse to increase productivity and satisfy the market pressure. This thesis presents reviews of ten high level academic system design frameworks and tools that have been proposed and implemented recently to support the model based design flow, namely System-on-Chip Environment (SCE), Embedded System Environment (ESE), Metropolis, Daedalus, SystemCoDesigner (SCD), xPilot, GAUT, No-Instruction-Set Computer (NISC), Formal System Design (ForSyDe), and Ptolemy II. These tools are then compared to each other in various aspects comprising objective, technique, implementation and capability. Following that, three design flow frameworks, including ESE, Daedalus, and SystemCoDesigner, are experimented for their real usage, performance and practicality. The frameworks and tools implementing the model-based design flow all show promising results. Modelling tools (ForSyDe, and Ptolemy II) can sufficiently capture a wide range of complicated modern systems, while high-level synthesis tools (xPilot, GAUT, and NISC) produce better design qualities in terms of area, power, and cost in comparison to traditional works. Study cases of design flow frameworks (SCE, ESE, Metropolis, Daedalus, and SCD) show the model-based method significantly reduces developing time as well as facilitates the system design process. However, most of these tools and frameworks are being incomplete, and still under the experimental stage. There still be a lot of works needed until the method can be put into practice

    Formal methods for design and simulation of embedded systems

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