636 research outputs found

    Surrogacy and adoptions – symbiosism or concurence?

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    Adoption is an institution as old as the world, created by the Roman law and present in law of almost every state. International adoptions have become popular in the second half of the twentieth century; surrogacy, although already used in ancient times – have become useful together with an artificial human reproduction methods. International adoptions and surrogacy are often regarded as wrong, associated with child trafficking and exploitation of women – hence the restrictions and prohibitions concerning them. Nevertheless, they are still serving the purpose of being a parent. That is why, despite the evil perception, they are considered useful – and therefore they are accepted and used. Will the greater popularity of surrogacy influence the number of international adoptions? Is it possible to introduce international regulation eradicating the risks associated with surrogacy? The article is an attempt to deal with these [email protected] w Białymstok

    The Problem of the Beginning of the World in the Interpretation of Saint Thomas Aquinas

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    This paper deals with Saint Thomas’s view of the problem of the world’s beginning, which consists in an alleged contradiction between religious truth about the creation of the world by God and Aristotle’s concept of the eternal existence of the world. According to Aquinas, such a contradiction is apparent, because the idea of creation is fundamentally different from the idea of beginning. The discussion of this issue is divided into three parts. At first, the historical background of the whole problem is presented. Then, Saint Thomas’s solution of the difficulty – included in his book De aeternitate mundi – is briefly discussed. Finally, it is argued that this solution can be inspiring for ­contemporary ­theologians.This paper deals with Saint Thomas’s view of the problem of the world’s beginning, which consists in an alleged contradiction between religious truth about the creation of the world by God and Aristotle’s concept of the eternal existence of the world. According to Aquinas, such a contradiction is apparent, because the idea of creation is fundamentally different from the idea of beginning. The discussion of this issue is divided into three parts. At first, the historical background of the whole problem is presented. Then, Saint Thomas’s solution of the difficulty – included in his book De aeternitate mundi – is briefly discussed. Finally, it is argued that this solution can be inspiring for ­contemporary ­theologians

    Життя в симбіозі: Полікультурна спільнота українсько-польського пограниччя в есеїстиці польських письменників Другої Еміграції

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    Предметом роздумів є феномен симбіозу полікультурної спільноти, що проживала перед війною в кордонах сучасної України. На основі вибраних спогадів, що увійшли до виданої в еміграції антології «Kraj lat dziecinnych», а також есе Й. Віталіна й С. Вінценза авторка аналізує найбільш важливі аспекти, що впливають на згідливе співіснування людей різних націй і віровизнань. У цьому контексті подано погляди польських есеїстів-емігрантів на етнічну ідентичність, народ, державу й універсальні цінності. Саме вони, формуючись у «ближчій вітчизні» (батьківщині), впливають на пізнішу появу відкритості, сприйняття іншого й співвідчування. Такими були мешканці Гуцульщини та Покуття в часи давньої Австро-Угорської імперії. Це дозволило їм долати авторитарні, націоналістичні й тоталітарні тенденції після Першої світової війни


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    Nowe formy zatrudniania menedżerów, sprzyjające podejmowaniu przez nich bieżących i strategicznych funkcji zarządzania oraz stosowanie instrumentów partycypacji finansowej niewątpliwie wpływają na łączenie - do pewnego stopnia - analizowanych w opracowaniu ról menedżerskich oraz właścicielskich i stąd też przyczyniają się do rozwoju zjawiska nazywanego tu "nową symbiozą"


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    The main purpose of this article is to specify the increasing role of managers in modern organisations. One of the symptoms of the increasing role of Polish managers is - as the authors presume - a process of combining some ownership and managerial functions. Therefore, the authors propose a hypothesis that in some circumstances managerial and ownership roles in modern organisations are united. The authors named the process "a new symbiosis". The new symbiosis result from a couple of reasons. For example, managers - not being owners - more and more frequently take strategic decisions. They are also remunerated by means of long term incentive plans, especially including share in profits and ownership. They are also employed on the basis of civil law, not on Labour Code. As a result, in some cases functions of managers' and owners' combine and a process of a new symbiosis can be observed.Nowe formy zatrudniania menedżerów, sprzyjające podejmowaniu przez nich bieżących i strategicznych funkcji zarządzania oraz stosowanie instrumentów partycypacji finansowej niewątpliwie wpływają na łączenie - do pewnego stopnia - analizowanych w opracowaniu ról menedżerskich oraz właścicielskich i stąd też przyczyniają się do rozwoju zjawiska nazywanego tu "nową symbiozą"

    Symbioza owady-bakterie

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    Insects are among the most successful animals on Earth both with regard to their biomass and biodiversity. In 1965, Paul Buchner first described the symbiotic, intracellular specific microorganisms. It is estimated that up to 20% of all insects are associated with microorganisms. This relationship has greatly contributed to insects’ evolutionary success. Symbiotic bacteria live in specialized cells called the bacteriocytes (mycetocytes), fat body or insects gut. These bacteria may have a role in nutritional upgrading of their hosts’ diets. For example, all aphids require a primary endosymbiont, the bacterium Buchnera sp., to synthesize the nutrients missing in their xylem food source. The improvement of health condition of the host resistance to pathogens and high temperature is associated with the presence of specific microflora. Extremely stable interactions between insects and bacteria are the result of specific genetic mechanisms. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequence allowed the identification of these microorganisms because their culture is not possible on traditional microbiological media. The genome sequence analysis enabled the discovery of their metabolic functions. Researches on insect-symbiotic bacteria interactions allowed for the application of new strategies to pest control. New methods are less toxic to the environment

    Symbioza nazw, czyli o intertekstualności onimicznej

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    The present article is devoted to a textological analysis of the so-called intertextual proper names, i.e. units that relate to the structure of names that have been constructed earlier. The article attempts to characterize the so-called proprial (onymic) texts with the relations taking place between the hypotext (cf. “source name”) and the hypertext and/or hypertexts (cf. target name) taken into consideration. Considering the way particular texts are derived via a transition of some kind, a number of types has been distinguished: transtextualization, intertextualization, transformation, iconization and imitation. Transtextualisation involves names transferred from one onymic plane to another without any formal change (cf. Polish Pożegnanie z Afryką (Out of Africa) – the title of a film > Pożegnanie z Afryką – the name of a branch of shops in Poland). Transformations are names that have originated as a result of different linguistic transformations of the source text, i.e. the hypotext (cf. Skierniewice – a place name of a town > the Skierniewka – the name of a river). Imitations correspond to names formed in artificial onymic conditions, through analogy to structures already existing in the propial tradition (e.g. Biedaczkowo [Penuryville] – a text in the function of a place name, Bezczelnicki – a joke name to be found in literature). Intextualisations are, in turn, names whose structure contains hypotexts resulting from indirect influence or more or less precise application of their structure (cf. Słoń Torbalski – the name of a fancy leather goods manufacturer from the classic verse by J. Tuwim about its eponymous protagonist, the forgetful elephant, Tomasz Trąbalski). Finally, iconizations are created as a result of a transformation of the structure of pastiche-type hypotext or parody or burlesque (cf. Rozmowy w tłoku < Rozmowy w toku). The article also discusses differences between the so-called classic(archetypal) and prioprial text, as well as the functions of intertextual appellative texts, that involves updating of name-resources of a given system, among others

    Some remarks on the conflict between faith and science

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    This paper deals with the conflict between faith and science. Since the issue is extensive, only selected aspects of this question are discussed. At first, the origin of the problem is outlined – it is argued, that the fundamental difference between the language and the method of science on one hand and of theology understood as a rational reflection on the truths of faith on the other is responsible for the conflict. Afterwards, two aspects of the conflict are presented – the first one concerns inconsistencies which appear on the plane of content – when some scientific statements or theorems seem to deny some theological claims; the second one involves differences in mentality and in worldview which appear on the plane of attitude. It is argued, that the content discrepancies can be eliminated with the help of two methods: of separation and of catharsis. But the differences in mentality which appear on the plane of attitude cannot be so easily eliminated. So finally the characteristics of these two different attitudes – of faith and of science – is discussed. It is argued, that a fundamental dissimilarity between the character of scientific knowledge (especially its empiricism) and of religious faith is a basic source of mutual estrangement and alienation

    Poland – the future Central Warehouse in Europe ?

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    Die Rekonfigurierung des Distributionsnetzes großer internationalen Produktions- und Handelsunternehmen hat die Verschiebung von Distributionszentren in Richtung Osten, darunter Polen, zur Folge. Darüber hinaus spielt Polen eine wichtige Rolle in den paneuropäischen Transportkorridoren. Das Ziel dieses Betrages ist es, den gegenwärtigen Stand bei der Entwicklung von Logistikimmobilien in Polen aufzuzeigen.The Rearranging of Distribution Networks of big international production and trade companies causes the relocating of distribution centers towards East Europe, including Poland. Furthermore, Poland plays an important role in the Pan-European transport corridors. This paper presents the current development of logistics facilities in Poland

    Edyta Stein w świetle ikony

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    In this article discussed is the phenomenon of icon sui generis and a phenomenon of Edith Stein as anicon. Stein’s philosophy of Light is inscribed into a philosophical lineage of the icon, especially platonic and neoplatonic, what leads to creating an idea of iconic cognition – its foundation is a connection between trace and reflection revealed in an icon which is both a representation and a presence of God. By referring to Stein’s late philosophy as well as her biography the author describes a merge between those two domains which leads to an absolute, iconic cognition and therefore allows presenting Stein as an iconic figure, which power reveals itself in her supernatural emanation. This emanation as well as a symbiosis between cognition and existence creates an essence of Edith Stein’s phenomenon