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    340 research outputs found

    Literárněkulturalní ročenka „Tahy” v současné české literární kultuře

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    The text provides a short survey of the original concept, the current structure and the contents of the literarycultural magazine “Tahy”, all in the context of the Czech literary science tendencies of the recent decade. It also contains a selection of the authors and regular contributors to the magazine, published by the team of the Department of Literary Culture and Slavistics at the Faculty of Arts of Pardubice University, together with Pavel Mervart Publishing House. One of he leading objectives of the magazine “Tahy” is to cover new trends in thecontemporary Czech literary culture, both in scientific and artistic way, including some interesting student activities in the above-mentioned fields

    Préteritum a kondicionál polského typu v kašubštině a v ruténštině

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    Kashubian and Ruthenian (and Galician Ukrainian) have been developing under a strong Polish impact. In the article, I examine the occurrence of the past tense and conditional mood, modelled by Polish (of type chciałem, chciałbym) in texts and grammars of Ruthenian, Galician Ukrainian, Rusyn and Kashubian. While in case of the East Slavic languages, I present just an overview of the issue, I discuss more in-depth the grammatical evaluation and use of such forms in Kashubian from the oldest texts until current written usage. This shows the fact that the recommendations of Kashubian grammarians and the real written usage do not match. By comparing Kashubian with East Slavic written varieties under Polish influence, I intended to show that these languages have faced the same tendencies in dealing with the existence of grammar forms enforced by the Polish language, partly supported by certain dialects.Kashubian and Ruthenian (and Galician Ukrainian) have been developing under a strong Polish impact. In the article, I examine the occurrence of the past tense and conditional mood, modelled by Polish (of type chciałem, chciałbym) in texts and grammars of Ruthenian, Galician Ukrainian, Rusyn and Kashubian. While in case of the East Slavic languages, I present just an overview of the issue, I discuss more in-depth the grammatical evaluation and use of such forms in Kashubian from the oldest texts until current written usage. This shows the fact that the recommendations of Kashubian grammarians and the real written usage do not match. By comparing Kashubian with East Slavic written varieties under Polish influence, I intended to show that these languages have faced the same tendencies in dealing with the existence of grammar forms enforced by the Polish language, partly supported by certain dialects

    Problem zaniku niemieckich leksemów na obszarze kaszubszczyzny środkowej

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    The material basis of the article consists of words of German origin derived from Standard German: 126 nouns and 15 words representing other parts of speech. In addition, the author includes 13 words of Lower German origin. Today, these words are no longer a part of oral communication or are used rarely (idiolectally).The material basis of the article consists of words of German origin derived from Standard German: 126 nouns and 15 words representing other parts of speech. In addition, the author includes 13 words of Lower German origin. Today, these words are no longer a part of oral communication or are used rarely (idiolectally)

    Prepositional cases in Czech: toward a typological change

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    This article examines the increase in frequency of use of the prepositional noun cases in Czech over the last three decades (1990-2019). The author has based his research on the Czech National Corpus where he created five temporally defined subcorpora containing only journalistic texts from the major Czech daily newspapers. Over the period under study, the share of prepositional cases in the total noun tokens has increased from 26.44% to 28.08% (by 1.64%). The share of cases with proper prepositions hasincreased the most, while the number of cases with improper prepositions has increased less. The author has identified developmental trends for specific frequented prepositions. According to the author, the increase in the frequency of prepositional cases in Czech is a phenomenon rooted in the “typological dispositions” of the Czech language. However, he considers the stylistic factor (the desire for more explicit, precise expression) to be a factor of more importance, contributing to the increase in the frequency of prepositional cases. On the other hand, some changes in the frequency of use of specific cases, most notably the observed greater frequency of the accusative (+2.21%), is a purely typologically motivated developmental change.This article examines the increase in frequency of use of the prepositional noun cases in Czech over the last three decades (1990-2019). The author has based his research on the Czech National Corpus where he created five temporally defined subcorpora containing only journalistic texts from the major Czech daily newspapers. Over the period under study, the share of prepositional cases in the total noun tokens has increased from 26.44% to 28.08% (by 1.64%). The share of cases with proper prepositions hasincreased the most, while the number of cases with improper prepositions has increased less. The author has identified developmental trends for specific frequented prepositions. According to the author, the increase in the frequency of prepositional cases in Czech is a phenomenon rooted in the “typological dispositions” of the Czech language. However, he considers the stylistic factor (the desire for more explicit, precise expression) to be a factor of more importance, contributing to the increase in the frequency of prepositional cases. On the other hand, some changes in the frequency of use of specific cases, most notably the observed greater frequency of the accusative (+2.21%), is a purely typologically motivated developmental change

    Nauczanie języka kaszubskiego. Wokół ideologii jezyków kolateralnych

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    The article discusses the educational consequences of the collateral nature of the Kashubian language in relation to Polish. The collateral nature is defined as the languages’ mutual intelligibility resulting from their formal proximity and the lack of political independence of the language community. Based on longterm field research and in-depth interviews, the analysis touches upon language ideologies in Kashubia which directly impact the process of teaching the Kashubian language. These ideologies – the assumptions about the language and its users rooted in social consciousness – refer to the status of the Kashubian language, its dialectal nature, and the legitimate speakers of Kashubian. Language ideologies related to the collateral nature of Kashubian are responsible for the choice of the teaching methods, the distrust of people associated with education (parents, teachers, students) as to the meaningfulness of teaching, as well as the relationship between the language learnt and spoken by the communityThe article discusses the educational consequences of the collateral nature of the Kashubian language in relation to Polish. The collateral nature is defined as the languages’ mutual intelligibility resulting from their formal proximity and the lack of political independence of the language community. Based on longterm field research and in-depth interviews, the analysis touches upon language ideologies in Kashubia which directly impact the process of teaching the Kashubian language. These ideologies – the assumptions about the language and its users rooted in social consciousness – refer to the status of the Kashubian language, its dialectal nature, and the legitimate speakers of Kashubian. Language ideologies related to the collateral nature of Kashubian are responsible for the choice of the teaching methods, the distrust of people associated with education (parents, teachers, students) as to the meaningfulness of teaching, as well as the relationship between the language learnt and spoken by the communit

    Norwid w Czechach. Dzieje recepcji twórczości

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    The author describes the history of the reception of C.K. Norwid’s works in Bohemia, starting with the first references (J.V. Frič), through a discussion of the attitude of authors of “Slovanský peled” and “Moderni revue” to the poet, the milieu of Catholic writers, to finish with the translations by J. Pilař, ornamentally published in large circulation.The author describes the history of the reception of C.K. Norwid’s works in Bohemia, starting with the first references (J.V. Frič), through a discussion of the attitude of authors of “Slovanský peled” and “Moderni revue” to the poet, the milieu of Catholic writers, to finish with the translations by J. Pilař, ornamentally published in large circulation

    На маргінесі лінгвістичних студій: до питання про польські впливи у формулярі «руських» привілейних грамот

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    The study of the links between the style of Ruthenian deeds from the second half of the 16th – the mid-17th centuries and their Polish counterparts have just been started in Ukrainian historical linguistics. This paper aims to analyse the role of Polish acts and act language in the development of certain linguistic formulas in the Ruthenian privilege deeds from the second half of the 16th – the mid-17th centuries. The sections of inscriptio, promulgatio, salutatio, sanctio, datum, and subscriptio are at the heart of the research. At the stylistic level, in Ukraine the Ruthenian privilege deeds were proved to clearly follow the Polish documents, possibly due to the expansion of the Polish documents and the language: compulsory and prestigious among educated people. The influence manifests itself in the following way: the deeds where the inscriptio has a list of addressees became typical; the promulgatio went after the inscriptio; the salutatio received Polish-like linguistic formulas and – if this section appears – there was no promulgatio; the new prohibition formulas in the sanctio as well as the absence of corroboratio and vice versa; the establishment of formula sequence in the datum as well as the fixation of three date variants (short, medium, and expanded), and the modification of the datum formulas according to the Polish pattern; the Ruthenian deed subsciptio cogenty influenced by the Polish document (inter alia, king’s Latin signatures, Polish pattern of Ruthenian signatures); the presence of some clichés (not related to certain clauses) either formed according to the Polish pattern or used in the Ruthenian acts with expansion of such patterns; the support of verbal amplification as a mean of stylistic precept.The study of the links between the style of Ruthenian deeds from the second half of the 16th – the mid-17th centuries and their Polish counterparts have just been started in Ukrainian historical linguistics. This paper aims to analyse the role of Polish acts and act language in the development of certain linguistic formulas in the Ruthenian privilege deeds from the second half of the 16th – the mid-17th centuries. The sections of inscriptio, promulgatio, salutatio, sanctio, datum, and subscriptio are at the heart of the research. At the stylistic level, in Ukraine the Ruthenian privilege deeds were proved to clearly follow the Polish documents, possibly due to the expansion of the Polish documents and the language: compulsory and prestigious among educated people. The influence manifests itself in the following way: the deeds where the inscriptio has a list of addressees became typical; the promulgatio went after the inscriptio; the salutatio received Polish-like linguistic formulas and – if this section appears – there was no promulgatio; the new prohibition formulas in the sanctio as well as the absence of corroboratio and vice versa; the establishment of formula sequence in the datum as well as the fixation of three date variants (short, medium, and expanded), and the modification of the datum formulas according to the Polish pattern; the Ruthenian deed subsciptio cogenty influenced by the Polish document (inter alia, king’s Latin signatures, Polish pattern of Ruthenian signatures); the presence of some clichés (not related to certain clauses) either formed according to the Polish pattern or used in the Ruthenian acts with expansion of such patterns; the support of verbal amplification as a mean of stylistic precept

    Ortografie współczesnego piśmiennictwa śląskojęzycznego

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    Over the past two decades, Silesian literature has been written in eleven different types of orthography, the most important of which are the classical, neo-Steuer and “slabikŏrzowa” orthographies. Other orthographic proposals, e.g. by D. Dyrda, B. Kallus, P. Kalinowski, H. Kaluza, R. Wencel, did not become popular and were abandoned rather quickly. As a result, contemporary Silesian literature was dominated by the “ślabikŏrzowa” spelling, gaining popularity due to its conservative form and the support of the most essential Silesian publishing houses. However, an obstacle to the complete stabilisation of Silesian orthography is the variant spelling of “ślabikŏrzowa” (“full “ślabikorz” and simplified “ślabikŏrz”) and no detailed, explicative normative works (i.e. orthographic dictionary, grammar).Over the past two decades, Silesian literature has been written in eleven different types of orthography, the most important of which are the classical, neo-Steuer and “slabikŏrzowa” orthographies. Other orthographic proposals, e.g. by D. Dyrda, B. Kallus, P. Kalinowski, H. Kaluza, R. Wencel, did not become popular and were abandoned rather quickly. As a result, contemporary Silesian literature was dominated by the “ślabikŏrzowa” spelling, gaining popularity due to its conservative form and the support of the most essential Silesian publishing houses. However, an obstacle to the complete stabilisation of Silesian orthography is the variant spelling of “ślabikŏrzowa” (“full “ślabikorz” and simplified “ślabikŏrz”) and no detailed, explicative normative works (i.e. orthographic dictionary, grammar)


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