Zeszyty Naukowe Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein
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    137 research outputs found

    Konieczność - nieoczywisty wymiar wieczności w koncepcji św. Anzelma z Canterbury

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    The main aim of this article is to describe and analyze St. Anselm concept of eternity to present a non-obvious dimension of this idea. Because his philosophical andtheological notion of eternity does not involve only – as common sense suggests – the idea of time but also the very concept of necessity. However, this time, it goes far beyond the understanding of the necessity only in logical terms like it was in case of his ontologicalproof for the existence of God

    Obecność - doczesne oblicze wieczności

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    Eternity is not only an impersonal factor of the world nor the conception that organizes our notion of time. More importantly eternity is presence – interpersonal connection and constancy of being towards one another. Understood in such way, it becomes not so much the eternity that refers to something, but the unfailing, unwaveringpresence of one man towards the other – such presence, that one can rely on. It is “asstrong as death”, but unlike death it raises hope. It is more than present time. Present refer to objects, which in a certain moment last “here and now”. Whereas eternity, as presence, is the expression of people's mutuality. It's icon can be “face” within the meaningof Levinas. It also brings to mind his category of infinity – prior to finitude anddetermining its understanding. Likewise the presence, it is a source concept, as it determinesexperiencing the phenomenon of being a person

    Filozofia jako poszukiwanie wiecznego bytu i ponadczasowej mądrości

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    In the first introductory part of the article, I discuss the contemporary paradigmin philosophy, which tends to avoid addressing some crucial subjects and issues. It seems that contemporary philosophy surrenders to the paradigm of promissorymaterialism, dominant in the particular sciences, whereas searching for the eternalshould be the main task of the love of wisdom.In the second part of the article I focus on the issue of eternity, being inspired by theworks of such authors as: A. Huxley, P. D. Uspienski, L. Kołakowski, M. Kojfman,R. Sheldrake, M. Beauregard, B. Griffiths and P. van Lommel. The eternal dimension isreal and it is expressed in the spiritual aspirations. To achieve them certain practise isnecessary to discover what is non-dual (such ideas may be found i.e. in the PatanjaliYoga). In the paper, I assume that the direct contemplation of truth is possible and it requiresintegration of the inner attitude and the external exercises (spirit and body), mindand intuition, rationality and spirituality

    Nadzieja na wieczność według Chantal Delsol

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    Monique Atlan and Roger-Pol Droit both propose a reassessment of the dominant rationalistic pessimism of people through the perspective of hope. From this point of view, one should definitely learn thinking also in terms of hope. According toChantal Delsol, European pessimism can be overcome with Christian faith. The hope of eternal life derives from the Jewish and Christian principles of faith. The respect for eternityoriginated the great achievements of civilization. The philosopher attempts to transpose this spiritual program and values onto a social plan.Similar perception of hope in the perspective of faith coincides, despite the distinctarticulation, in the Peguy’s poem. For Peguy the figure of a little girl personifies the frailand weak hope. According to Delsol, the European hope can be rebuilt through the anthropologicalvision of a fragile man. Her concept of hope is based on the acceptance ofhuman imperfection

    Ekumenizm- nie utopia, lecz chrześcijański obowiązek. W odpowiedzi Jerzemu Kopani

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    Antycypacja królestwa w ujęciu Franza Rosenzweiga

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    The Star of Redemption, thinker Franz Rosenzweig’s life’s work, has beenanalysed and interpreted across a variety of disciplines and perspectives for almosta hundred years. Future generations will continue to use and appreciate this text for itsenduring variety and multiplicity of ideas. This article aims to provide a hermeneutical insight into Rosenzweig’s idea of the anticipation of the Kingdom. Rosenzweig deriveshis ideas from the Tanakh. Eternity, according to Rosenzweig, is neither an infinite nor an indeterminately long period of time, but ‘a Tomorrow that could as well be Today’. Redemption occurs as eternity projected in time. The author understands time not only as a sequence of moments as occurrence in history. For him history will be newly decided inevery moment of encounter between the Other and the Self. History moves forward only because of the individual, who decides. Rosenzweig therefore considersprayer as the constitutive element of the human world order, which can anticipate and accelerate the coming of the Kingdom. Rosenzweig’s conception of prayer is fully developed in the third part of the Star, especially in the introduction, titled On the Possibility of Soliciting (erbeten) the Kingdom by Prayer. Here the author introduces different types of prayers andasks the most crucial question of the last part of the Star: Can a human being tempt Godsimply by praying? Subsequently, we must recognize the significance of Rosenzweig’scontribution to the interpretation of prayer as the anticipation of the Kingdom. His analysisremains current and a precious resource for further reflection

    Kontekst filozoficzno-antropologiczny funkcjonowania pojęcia czasu w filozofii medycyny: dyskursy nieśmiertelności, teraźniejszości oraz wieczności

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    This paper gives an overview of three discourses of time in philosophy ofmedicine distinguished by the authors: the discourse of immortality (aiming at an objectiveprolongation of life), the discourse of the present (aiming at the quality of subjectivetemporal experience) and the discourse of eternity (aiming at transgressing the limits oftemporality). Views of renowned representatives of each of these discourses are beingdiscussed, including members of the so-called Polish School of Philosophy of MedicineH. Nusbaum, H. Święcicki), phenomenological psychiatrists (L. Binswanger, V. E. vonGebsattel, E. Straus) as well as some more contemporary authors (Z. Bauman, A. de Grey,A. Szczeklik)

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    Sztuczny instynkt kultury

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    Augustyńska koncepcja rationaes aeternae a badania Edyty Stein nad zagadnieniem sensu

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    In this article I discuss St. Augustine’s conception of divine or eternal ideas (rationes divinae or aeternae) in respect to its implications concerning the notion of eternity. The analysis of a passage of De diversis octoginta tribus quaestionibus – a classical formulation of the conception of rationes aetearnae – is contrasted with the XX-century exposition of the problem presented in Edith Stein’s Endliches und ewiges Sein. Versuch eines Aufstiegs zum Sinn des Seins. I discuss parallels between these two conceptions, drawing conclusionsregarding their similarity. An important common denominator in both approachesis the intelligibility of God understood as Logos that manifests itself in creation and canbe an object of human cognition. Eternity is understood not only as an unending state ofconstant timelessness, but also as an cognitive activity of visio beatifica orientated towardsntelligible God


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    Zeszyty Naukowe Centrum Badań im. Edyty Stein
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