326 research outputs found

    Electrical performance characteristics of high power converters for space power applications

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    The first goal of this project was to investigate various converters that would be suitable for processing electric power derived from a nuclear reactor. The implementation is indicated of a 20 kHz system that includes a source converter, a ballast converter, and a fixed frequency converter for generating the 20 kHz output. This system can be converted to dc simply by removing the fixed frequency converter. This present study emphasized the design and testing of the source and ballast converters. A push-pull current-fed (PPCF) design was selected for the source converter, and a 2.7 kW version of this was implemented using three 900 watt modules in parallel. The characteristic equation for two converters in parallel was derived, but this analysis did not yield any experimental methods for measuring relative stability. The three source modules were first tested individually and then in parallel as a 2.7 kW system. All tests proved to be satisfactory; the system was stable; efficiency and regulation were acceptable; and the system was fault tolerant. The design of a ballast-load converter, which was operated as a shunt regulator, was investigated. The proposed power circuit is suitable for use with BJTs because proportional base drive is easily implemented. A control circuit which minimizes switching frequency ripple and automatically bypasses a faulty shunt section was developed. A nonlinear state-space-averaged model of the shunt regulator was developed and shown to produce an accurate incremental (small-signal) dynamic model, even though the usual state-space-averaging assumptions were not met. The nonlinear model was also shown to be useful for large-signal dynamic simulation using PSpice


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    Low frequency, high load current study is very important for Seabed Logging (SBL) application. SBL is currently an emerging method to find hydrocarbon layer beneath the ocean floor. In SBL, a high current low frequency power supply is needed to assist the transmission process that uses Horizontal Electric Dipole (HED). HED emits electromagnetic signal throughout the sea in the expected area containing hydrocarbon layer. This power supply with the ability to produce high current low frequency output is essential for the transmitter to transmit the signal required to the targeted area and its surrounding, and for the receivers to receive back the signal containing accurate data required. In this project, the processes to design and simulate a power supply with the required output for SBL application is explained in details. At the end of this project, a power supply which has high current and low frequency output is completely designed

    Performance comparison of different control strategies for the regulation of DC-DC negative output super-lift luo-converter

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    In last years, dc-dc converters solve the most issues in the industrial application in the area of power electronics, especially renewable energy, military applications and affiliated engineering developments. They are used to convert the DC input that unregulated to regulated output perhaps larger or smaller than input according to the type of converters. This paper presents three primary control method used for negative output Super lift Luo DC-DC converter. These methods include a Voltage mode control (VMC), Current mode control (CMC), and Sliding mode control (SMC). The goal of this article is to study and selected an appropriate and superior control scheme for negative DC-DC converters. The simulation results show the effectiveness of Sliding mode control for enhancing the performance of the negative dc-dc converter. Also, this method can keep the output voltage constant under load conditions. simulation results obtained by the MATLAB/Simulink environment

    Modeling, Analysis and Design of Synchronous Buck Converter Using State Space Averaging Technique for PV Energy System

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    If we start forecasting in the view of electrical energy generation, in the upcoming decade all the fossil fuels are going to be extinct or the worst they are going to be unaffordable to a person living in typical circumstances, so renewable power energy generation systems are going to make a big deal out of that. It is extremely important to generate and convert the renewable energy with maximum efficiency. In this project, first we study the characteristics of low power PV array under different values of irradiance and temperature. And then we present the exquisite design of Synchronous Buck Converter with the application of State Space Modeling to implement precise control design for the converter by the help of MATLAB/Simulink. The Synchronous Buck Converter thus designed is used for portable appliances such as mobiles, laptops, iPod’s etc. But in this project our main intention is to interface the PV array with the Synchronous Buck Converter we designed, and we will depict that our converter is more efficient than the conventional buck converter in terms of maintaining constant output voltage, overall converter efficiency etc. And then we show that the output voltage is maintaining constant irrespective of fluctuations in load and source. And finally we see the performance of Synchronous Buck Converter, which is interfaced with PV array having the practical variations in temperature and irradiance will also maintain a constant output voltage throughout the response. All simulations are carried under MATLAB/Simulink environment. And at last experimental work is carried out for both conventional buck converter and also for synchronous buck converter, in which we observe the desired outputs obtained in simulations

    CMOS indoor light energy harvesting system for wireless sensing applications

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresThis research thesis presents a micro-power light energy harvesting system for indoor environments. Light energy is collected by amorphous silicon photovoltaic (a-Si:H PV) cells, processed by a switched-capacitor (SC) voltage doubler circuit with maximum power point tracking (MPPT), and finally stored in a large capacitor. The MPPT Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) technique is implemented by an asynchronous state machine (ASM) that creates and, dynamically, adjusts the clock frequency of the step-up SC circuit, matching the input impedance of the SC circuit to the maximum power point (MPP) condition of the PV cells. The ASM has a separate local power supply to make it robust against load variations. In order to reduce the area occupied by the SC circuit, while maintaining an acceptable efficiency value, the SC circuit uses MOSFET capacitors with a charge reusing scheme for the bottom plate parasitic capacitors. The circuit occupies an area of 0.31 mm2 in a 130 nm CMOS technology. The system was designed in order to work under realistic indoor light intensities. Experimental results show that the proposed system, using PV cells with an area of 14 cm2, is capable of starting-up from a 0 V condition, with an irradiance of only 0.32 W/m2. After starting-up, the system requires an irradiance of only 0.18 W/m2 (18 mW/cm2) to remain in operation. The ASM circuit can operate correctly using a local power supply voltage of 453 mV, dissipating only 0.085 mW. These values are, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the lowest reported in the literature. The maximum efficiency of the SC converter is 70.3% for an input power of 48 mW, which is comparable with reported values from circuits operating at similar power levels.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES), under project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0066/2011, and to the CTS multiannual funding, through the PIDDAC Program funds. I am also very grateful for the grant SFRH/PROTEC/67683/2010, financially supported by the IPL – Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa

    Power Management ICs for Internet of Things, Energy Harvesting and Biomedical Devices

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    This dissertation focuses on the power management unit (PMU) and integrated circuits (ICs) for the internet of things (IoT), energy harvesting and biomedical devices. Three monolithic power harvesting methods are studied for different challenges of smart nodes of IoT networks. Firstly, we propose that an impedance tuning approach is implemented with a capacitor value modulation to eliminate the quiescent power consumption. Secondly, we develop a hill-climbing MPPT mechanism that reuses and processes the information of the hysteresis controller in the time-domain and is free of power hungry analog circuits. Furthermore, the typical power-performance tradeoff of the hysteresis controller is solved by a self-triggered one-shot mechanism. Thus, the output regulation achieves high-performance and yet low-power operations as low as 12 µW. Thirdly, we introduce a reconfigurable charge pump to provide the hybrid conversion ratios (CRs) as 1⅓× up to 8× for minimizing the charge redistribution loss. The reconfigurable feature also dynamically tunes to maximum power point tracking (MPPT) with the frequency modulation, resulting in a two-dimensional MPPT. Therefore, the voltage conversion efficiency (VCE) and the power conversion efficiency (PCE) are enhanced and flattened across a wide harvesting range as 0.45 to 3 V. In a conclusion, we successfully develop an energy harvesting method for the IoT smart nodes with lower cost, smaller size, higher conversion efficiency, and better applicability. For the biomedical devices, this dissertation presents a novel cost-effective automatic resonance tracking method with maximum power transfer (MPT) for piezoelectric transducers (PT). The proposed tracking method is based on a band-pass filter (BPF) oscillator, exploiting the PT’s intrinsic resonance point through a sensing bridge. It guarantees automatic resonance tracking and maximum electrical power converted into mechanical motion regardless of process variations and environmental interferences. Thus, the proposed BPF oscillator-based scheme was designed for an ultrasonic vessel sealing and dissecting (UVSD) system. The sealing and dissecting functions were verified experimentally in chicken tissue and glycerin. Furthermore, a combined sensing scheme circuit allows multiple surgical tissue debulking, vessel sealer and dissector (VSD) technologies to operate from the same sensing scheme board. Its advantage is that a single driver controller could be used for both systems simplifying the complexity and design cost. In a conclusion, we successfully develop an ultrasonic scalpel to replace the other electrosurgical counterparts and the conventional scalpels with lower cost and better functionality

    Development of a Supercapacitor based Surge Resistant Uninterruptible Power Supply

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    Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs) provide short-term power back-up to sensitive electronic and electrical equipments, where an unexpected power loss could lead to undesirable outcomes. They usually bridge the connected equipment between the utility mains power and other long term back-up power systems like generators. A UPS also provides a “clean” source of power, meaning they filter the connected equipment from distortions in electrical parameters of the mains power like noise, harmonics, surges, sags and spikes. A surge resistant UPS or SRUPS is one that has the capability to withstand surges, which are momentary or sustained increases in the mains voltage, and react quickly enough to offer protection to the connected equipment from the same. Usually UPSs run off battery power when the utility mains power is absent. But the SRUPS developed in this design project uses super capacitors instead of battery packs. The reason for this is that the high energy-densities and medium power-densities offered by super capacitors allow for it to serve two purposes. One is to provide the DC power to operate the UPS in the absence of mains power, as an alternative to batteries. Secondly, super capacitors can withstand heavy momentary high current/voltage surges due to its high energy-density characteristics. Also as the life-time of super capacitors is much higher than that of conventional batteries and as they do not need regular topping-up or inspection, the end result is a truly maintenance-free UPS. Most commercial UPSs do not have inherent surge protection capabilities. The UPS is one entity while a discrete surge protection module is inserted between the utility mains and the UPS to provide for transient surge suppression. In the proposed SRUPS, the super capacitor, because of their inherent capability to absorb transient surges, forms a protective front end to the actual UPS rather than needing to have the involvement of discrete protection devices

    Pem fuel cell modeling and converters design for a 48 v dc power bus

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    Fuel cells (FC) are electrochemical devices that directly convert the chemical energy of a fuel into electricity. Power systems based on proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) technology have been the object of increasing attention in recent years as they appear very promising in both stationary and mobile applications due to their high efficiency, low operating temperature allowing fast startup, high power density, solid electrolyte, long cell and stack life, low corrosion, excellent dynamic response with respect to the other FCs, and nonpolluting emissions to the environment if the hydrogen is obtained from renewable sources. The output-voltage characteristic in a PEMFC is limited by the mechanical devices which are used for regulating the air flow in its cathode, the hydrogen flow in its anode, its inner temperature, and the humidity of the air supplied to it. Usually, the FC time constants are dominated by the fuel delivery system, in particular by the slow dynamics of the compressor responsible for supplying the oxygen. As a consequence, a fast load transient demand could cause a high voltage drop in a short time known as oxygen starvation phenomenon that is harmful for the FC. Thus, FCs are considered as a slow dynamic response equipment with respect to the load transient requirements. Therefore, batteries, ultracapacitors or other auxiliary power sources are needed to support the operation of the FC in order to ensure a fast response to any load power transient. The resulting systems, known as FC hybrid systems, can limit the slope of the current or the power generated by the FC with the use of current-controlled dc-dc converters. In this way, the reactant gas starvation phenomena can be avoided and the system can operate with higher efficiency. The purpose of this thesis is the design of a DC-DC converter suitable to interconnect all the different elements in a PEMFC-hybrid 48-V DC bus. Since the converter could be placed between elements with very different voltage levels, a buck-boost structure has been selected. Especially to fulfill the low ripple requirements of the PEMFCs, but also those of the auxiliary storage elements and loads, our structure has inductors in series at both its input and its output. Magnetically coupling these inductors and adding a damping network to its intermediate capacitor we have designed an easily controllable converter with second-order-buck-like dominant dynamics. This new proposed topology has high efficiency and wide bandwidth acting either as a voltage or as a current regulator. The magnetic coupling allows to control with similar performances the input or the output inductor currents. This characteristic is very useful because the designed current-controlled converter is able to withstand shortcircuits at its output and, when connected to the FC, it facilitates to regulate the current extracted from the FC to avoid the oxygen starvation phenomenon. Testing in a safe way the converter connected to the FC required to build an FC simulator that was subsequently improved by developing an emulator that offered real-time processing and oxygen-starvation indication. To study the developed converters and emulators with different brands of PEMFCs it was necessary to reactivate long-time inactive Palcan FCs. Since the results provided by the manual reactivation procedure were unsatisfactory, an automatic reactivation system has been developed as a complementary study of the thesis.En esta tesis se avanzo en el diseño de un bus DC de 48 V que utiliza como elemento principal de generación de energía eléctrica una pila de combustible. Debido a que la dinámica de las pilas de combustible están limitadas por sus elementos mecánicos auxiliares de control una variación rápida de una carga conectada a ella puede ocasionar daños. Es por esto que es necesario utilizar elementos almacenadores de energía que puedan suministrar estas rápidas variaciones de carga y convertidores para que gestionen de una forma controlada la potencia del bus DC. Durante la realización de pruebas de los convertidores es de gran importancia utilizar emuladores o simuladores de pilas de combustibles, esto nos permite de una forma económica y segura realizar pruebas criticas antes de conectar los convertidores a la pila. Adicionalmente una nueva topologia de convertidor fue presentada y ésta gestionará la potencia en el bu