572 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of a Master/Slave switched Ethernet for military embedded applications

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    Current military communication network is a generation old and is no longer effective in meeting the emerging requirements imposed by the next generation military embedded applications. A new communication network based upon Full Duplex Switched Ethernet is proposed in this paper to overcome these limitations. To allow existing military subsystems to be easily supported by a Switched Ethernet network, our proposal consists in keeping their current centralized communication scheme by using an optimized master/slave transmission control on Switched Ethernet thanks to the Flexible Time Triggered (FTT) paradigm. Our main objective is to assess the performance of such a proposal and estimate the quality of service we can expect in terms of latency. Using the Network Calculus formalism, schedulability analysis are determined. These analysis are illustrated in the case of a realistic military embedded application extracted from a real military aircraft network, to highlight the proposal's ability to support the required time constrained communications

    Wired and Wireless Reliable Real-Time Communication in Industrial Systems

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    In modern factory automation systems, data communication plays a vital role. Different nodes like control systems, sensors and actuators can communicate over a wireless or wired industrial network. The data traffic generated is often scheduled for periodic transmission, where each single message or packet must arrive in time. For this real-time communication, methods have been developed to support communication services with a guaranteed throughput and delay bound for such periodic traffic, but merely under the assumption of error-free communication. However, the possibility for errors in the transmission still exists due to, e.g. noise or interference. A node receiving sensor values from a sensor in the system might then be forced to rely upon an older sensor value from the latest period, possibly leading to inaccuracies in control loops which can compromise the functioning of the system. In safety-critical systems, redundant networks or communication channels are frequently added to cope with errors, leading to more expensive systems. In this chapter, we will describe an alternative approach where erroneous data packets are retransmitted in a way that does not jeopardise any earlier stated real-time guarantees for ordinary transmissions. Using our framework, the reliability of real-time communication can be increased in a more cost-efficient way. We describe in this chapter an overview of our framework for reliable real-time communication, while details of our approach can be found in our earlier publications. In the light of the emerging use of wireless communication, the framework proves to be especially useful due to the high bit error rate inherent to the wireless medium. However, the framework is naturally also attractive for wired communication systems

    Modelação e simulação de equipamentos de rede para Indústria 4.0

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    Currently, the industrial sector has increasingly opted for digital technologies in order to automate all its processes. This development comes from notions like Industry 4.0 that redefines the way these systems are designed. Structurally, all the components of these systems are connected in a complex network known as the Industrial Internet of Things. Certain requirements arise from this concept regarding industrial communication networks. Among them, the need to ensure real-time communications, as well as support for dynamic resource management, are extremely relevant. Several research lines pursued to develop network technologies capable of meeting such requirements. One of these protocols is the Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch (HaRTES), an Ethernet switch with support for real-time communications and dynamic resource management, requirements imposed by Industry 4.0. The process of designing and implementing industrial networks can, however, be quite time consuming and costly. These aspects impose limitations on testing large networks, whose level of complexity is higher and requires the usage of more hardware. The utilization of network simulators stems from the necessity to overcome such restrictions and provide tools to facilitate the development of new protocols and evaluation of communications networks. In the scope of this dissertation a HaRTES switch model was developed in the OMNeT++ simulation environment. In order to demonstrate a solution that can be employed in industrial real-time networks, this dissertation presents the fundamental aspects of the implemented model as well as a set of experiments that compare it with an existing laboratory prototype, with the objective of validating its implementation.Atualmente o setor industrial tem vindo cada vez mais a optar por tecnologias digitais de forma a automatizar todos os seus processos. Este desenvolvimento surge de noções como Indústria 4.0, que redefine o modo de como estes sistemas são projetados. Estruturalmente, todos os componentes destes sistemas encontram-se conectados numa rede complexa conhecida como Internet Industrial das Coisas. Certos requisitos advêm deste conceito, no que toca às redes de comunicação industriais, entre os quais se destacam a necessidade de garantir comunicações tempo-real bem como suporte a uma gestão dinâmica dos recursos, os quais são de extrema importância. Várias linhas de investigação procuraram desenvolver tecnologias de rede capazes de satisfazer tais exigências. Uma destas soluções é o "Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch" (HaRTES), um switch Ethernet com suporte a comunicações de tempo-real e gestão dinâmica de Qualidade-de-Serviço (QoS), requisitos impostos pela Indústria 4.0. O processo de projeto e implementação de redes industriais pode, no entanto, ser bastante moroso e dispendioso. Tais aspetos impõem limitações no teste de redes de largas dimensões, cujo nível de complexidade é mais elevado e requer o uso de mais hardware. Os simuladores de redes permitem atenuar o impacto de tais limitações, disponibilizando ferramentas que facilitam o desenvolvimento de novos protocolos e a avaliação de redes de comunicações. No âmbito desta dissertação desenvolveu-se um modelo do switch HaRTES no ambiente de simulação OMNeT++. Com um objetivo de demonstrar uma solução que possa ser utilizada em redes de tempo-real industriais, esta dissertação apresenta os aspetos fundamentais do modelo implementado bem como um conjunto de experiências que o comparam com um protótipo laboratorial já existente, no âmbito da sua validação.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    FTT-Ethernet: A Flexible Real-Time Communication Protocol that Supports Dynamic QoS Management on Ethernet-based Systems

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    Ethernet was not originally developed to meet the requirements of real-time industrial automation systems and it was commonly considered unsuited for applications at the field level. Hence, several techniques were developed to make this protocol exhibit real-time behavior, some of them requiring specialized hardware, others providing soft-real-time guarantees only, or others achieving hard real-time guarantees with different levels of bandwidth efficiency. More recently, there has been an effort to support quality-of-service (QoS) negotiation and enforcement but there is not yet an Ethernet-based data link protocol capable of providing dynamic QoS management to further exploit the variable requirements of dynamic applications. This paper presents the FTT-Ethernet protocol, which efficiently supports hard-real-time operation in a flexible way, seamlessly over shared or switched Ethernet. The FTT-Ethernet protocol employs an efficient master/multislave transmission control technique and combines online scheduling with online admission control, to guarantee continued real-time operation under dynamic communication requirements, together with data structures and mechanisms that are tailored to support dynamic QoS management. The paper includes a sample application, aiming at the management of video streams, which highlights the protocol’s ability to support dynamic QoS management with real-time guarantees

    Ethernet goes real-time: a survey on research and technological developments

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    Ethernet is the most popular LAN technology. Its low price and robustness, resulting from its wide acceptance and deployment, has created an eagerness to expand its responsibilities to the factory-floor, where real-time requirements are to be fulfilled. However, it is difficult to build a real-time control network using Ethernet, because its MAC protocol, the 1-persistent CSMA/CD protocol with the BEB collision resolution algorithm, has unpredictable delay characteristics. Many anticipate that the recent technological advances in Ethernet such as the emerging Fast/Gigabit Ethernet, micro-segmentation and full-duplex operation using switches will also enable it to support time-critical applications. This technical report provides a comprehensive look at the unpredictability inherent to Ethernet and at recent technological advances towards real-time operation

    Real-time communications over switched Ethernet supporting dynamic QoS management

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaDurante a última década temos assistido a um crescente aumento na utilização de sistemas embutidos para suporte ao controlo de processos, de sistemas robóticos, de sistemas de transportes e veículos e até de sistemas domóticos e eletrodomésticos. Muitas destas aplicações são críticas em termos de segurança de pessoas e bens e requerem um alto nível de determinismo com respeito aos instantes de execução das respectivas tarefas. Além disso, a implantação destes sistemas pode estar sujeita a limitações estruturais, exigindo ou beneficiando de uma configuração distribuída, com vários subsistemas computacionais espacialmente separados. Estes subsistemas, apesar de espacialmente separados, são cooperativos e dependem de uma infraestrutura de comunicação para atingir os objectivos da aplicação e, por consequência, também as transacções efectuadas nesta infraestrutura estão sujeitas às restrições temporais definidas pela aplicação. As aplicações que executam nestes sistemas distribuídos, chamados networked embedded systems (NES), podem ser altamente complexas e heterogéneas, envolvendo diferentes tipos de interacções com diferentes requisitos e propriedades. Um exemplo desta heterogeneidade é o modelo de activação da comunicação entre os subsistemas que pode ser desencadeada periodicamente de acordo com uma base de tempo global (time-triggered), como sejam os fluxos de sistemas de controlo distribuído, ou ainda ser desencadeada como consequência de eventos assíncronos da aplicação (event-triggered). Independentemente das características do tráfego ou do seu modelo de activação, é de extrema importância que a plataforma de comunicações disponibilize as garantias de cumprimento dos requisitos da aplicação ao mesmo tempo que proporciona uma integração simples dos vários tipos de tráfego. Uma outra propriedade que está a emergir e a ganhar importância no seio dos NES é a flexibilidade. Esta propiedade é realçada pela necessidade de reduzir os custos de instalação, manutenção e operação dos sistemas. Neste sentido, o sistema é dotado da capacidade para adaptar o serviço fornecido à aplicação aos respectivos requisitos instantâneos, acompanhando a evolução do sistema e proporcionando uma melhor e mais racional utilização dos recursos disponíveis. No entanto, maior flexibilidade operacional é igualmente sinónimo de maior complexidade derivada da necessidade de efectuar a alocação dinâmica dos recursos, acabando também por consumir recursos adicionais no sistema. A possibilidade de modificar dinâmicamente as caracteristicas do sistema também acarreta uma maior complexidade na fase de desenho e especificação. O aumento do número de graus de liberdade suportados faz aumentar o espaço de estados do sistema, dificultando a uma pre-análise. No sentido de conter o aumento de complexidade são necessários modelos que representem a dinâmica do sistema e proporcionem uma gestão optimizada e justa dos recursos com base em parâmetros de qualidade de serviço (QdS). É nossa tese que as propriedades de flexibilidade, pontualidade e gestão dinâmica de QdS podem ser integradas numa rede switched Ethernet (SE), tirando partido do baixo custo, alta largura de banda e fácil implantação. Nesta dissertação é proposto um protocolo, Flexible Time-Triggered communication over Switched Ethernet (FTT-SE), que suporta as propriedades desejadas e que ultrapassa as limitações das redes SE para aplicações de tempo-real tais como a utilização de filas FIFO, a existência de poucos níveis de prioridade e a pouca capacidade de gestão individualizada dos fluxos. O protocolo baseia-se no paradigma FTT, que genericamente define a arquitectura de uma pilha protocolar sobre o acesso ao meio de uma rede partilhada, impondo desta forma determinismo temporal, juntamente com a capacidade para reconfiguração e adaptação dinâmica da rede. São ainda apresentados vários modelos de distribuição da largura de banda da rede de acordo com o nível de QdS especificado por cada serviço utilizador da rede. Esta dissertação expõe a motivação para a criação do protocolo FTT-SE, apresenta uma descrição do mesmo, bem como a análise de algumas das suas propiedades mais relevantes. São ainda apresentados e comparados modelos de distribuição da QdS. Finalmente, são apresentados dois casos de aplicações que sustentam a validade da tese acima mencionada.During the last decade we have witnessed a massive deployment of embedded systems on a wide applications range, from industrial automation to process control, avionics, cars or even robotics. Many of these applications have an inherently high level of criticality, having to perform tasks within tight temporal constraints. Additionally, the configuration of such systems is often distributed, with several computing nodes that rely on a communication infrastructure to cooperate and achieve the application global goals. Therefore, the communications are also subject to the same temporal constraints set by the application requirements. Many applications relying on such networked embedded systems (NES) are complex and heterogeneous, comprehending different activities with different requirements and properties. For example, the communication between subsystems may follow a strict temporal synchronization with respect to a global time-base (time-triggered), like in a distributed feedback control loop, or it may be issued asynchronously upon the occurrence of events (eventtriggered). Regardless of the traffic characteristics and its activation model, it is of paramount importance having a communication framework that provides seamless integration of heterogeneous traffic sources while guaranteeing the application requirements. Another property that has been emerging as important for NES design and operation is flexibility. The need to reduce installation and operational costs, while facilitating maintenance is promoting a more rational use of the available resources at run-time, exploring the ability to tune service parameters as the system evolves. However, such operational flexibility comes with the cost of increasing the complexity of the system to handle the dynamic resource management, which on the other hand demands the allocation of additional system resources. Moreover, the capacity to dynamically modify the system properties also causes a higher complexity when designing and specifying the system, since the operational state-space increases with the degrees of flexibility of the system. Therefore, in order to bound this complexity appropriate operational models are needed to handle the system dynamics and carry on an efficient and fair resource management strategy based on quality of service (QoS) metrics. This thesis states that the properties of flexibility and timeliness as needed for dynamic QoS management can be provided to switched Ethernet based systems. Switched Ethernet, although initially designed for general purpose Internet access and file transfers, is becoming widely used in NES-based applications. However, COTS switched Ethernet is insufficient regarding the needs for real-time predictability and for supporting the aforementioned properties due the use of FIFO queues too few priority levels and for stream-level management capabilities. In this dissertation we propose a protocol to overcome those limitations, namely the Flexible Time-Triggered communication over Switched Ethernet (FTT-SE). The protocol is based on the FTT paradigm that generically defines a protocol architecture suitable to enforce real-time determinism on a communication network supporting the desired flexibility properties. This dissertation addresses the motivation for FTT-SE, describing the protocol as well as its schedulability analysis. It additionally covers the resource distribution topic, where several distribution models are proposed to manage the resource capacity among the competing services and while considering the QoS level requirements of each service. A couple of application cases are shown that support the aforementioned thesis

    A Linux Real-Time Packet Scheduler for Reliable Static SDN Routing

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    In a distributed computing environment, guaranteeing the hard deadline for real-time messages is essential to ensure schedulability of real-time tasks. Since capabilities of the shared resources for transmission are limited, e.g., the buffer size is limited on network devices, it becomes a challenge to design an effective and feasible resource sharing policy based on both the demand of real-time packet transmissions and the limitation of resource capabilities. We address this challenge in two cooperative mechanisms. First, we design a static routing algorithm to find forwarding paths for packets to guarantee their hard deadlines. The routing algorithm employs a validation-based backtracking procedure capable of deriving the demand of a set of real-time packets on each shared network device, and it checks whether this demand can be met on the device. Second, we design a packet scheduler that runs on network devices to transmit messages according to our routing requirements. We implement these mechanisms on virtual software-defined network (SDN) switches and evaluate them on real hardware in a local cluster to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our routing algorithm and packet scheduler

    Wieloplatformowy system zarządzania przełącznikiem Ethernetowym czasu rzeczwistego

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAo longo dos últimos anos, o agora onipresente protocolo Ethernet, embora não dotado de mecanismos eficazes de gestão de QoS, foi ganhando uma grande aceitação no campo das comunicações industriais. Esta crescente aceitação deveu-se, em grande parte, a novos protocolos, baseados em Ethernet (por exemplo, Profinet, Ethernet Industrial, etc), capazes de fornecer comunicações com garantias deterministas ou de tempo-real. O comutador Ethernet Hartes (Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch), foi desenvolvido para disponibilizar uma infra-estrutura de comutação Ethernet capaz de fornecer garantias de pontualidade, de bom uso da largura de banda e para suportar, de modo eficiente, a flexibilidade operacional necessária em aplicações de tempo-real distribuídas, de sistemas embarcados dinâmicos. O desenvolvimento do comutador Hartes, foi baseado em trabalho anterior do paradigma de comunicação FTT (Flexible Time-Triggered), e teve por objetivo o projeto de um comutador Ethernet com melhor controlo de transmissão, escalonamento do tráfego e integração transparente de nodos não tempo-real. NetConf é uma tecnologia recente de gestão de redes que tem vindo progressivamente a substituir a tecnologia SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), o standard de facto há muito adoptado pela indústria. A maior diferença entre NetConf e o SNMP é que o NetConf adopta um mecanismo de comunicação baseado em XML-RPC, que, graças às ferramentas desenvolvidas no âmbito de outras tecnologias web, permite ciclos mais rápidos e mais simples de desenvolvimento e de gestão. O comutador Hartes não dispõe de uma plataforma de gestão com uma interface padronizada para os protocolos SNMP ou NetConf, de modo a permitir a sua gestão remota. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de componentes-chave de apoio à gestão multiplataforma do comutador Ethernet Hartes, bem como a respectiva avaliação de desempenho dos componentes desenvolvidos.In recent years, the now ubiquitous Ethernet protocol that lacks effective QoS management functions, has gained momentum in the field of industrial communication, by means of novel, Ethernet-based protocols (e.g. Profinet, Industrial Ethernet, etc.), which are able to provide deterministic communications. HaRTES – Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch, aimed to develop an Ethernet switching infrastructure, able to provide timeliness guarantees, efficient bandwidth usage and support for operational flexibility as required by dynamic real-time distributed embedded systems. The project was built upon previous work on the FTT (Flexible Time-Triggered) communication paradigm to develop Ethernet switches with enhanced transmission control, traffic scheduling, and transparent integration of non-real-time nodes. NetConf is a recent network management technology that is replacing the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) – widely used and long adopted by industry standard. The biggest difference between NetConf and SNMP is that the former use a communication mechanism based on XML-RPC, which, thanks to the tools developed in the scope of other web technologies, allows a simpler and faster development and management cycle. The HaRTES project had not provided a management platform with a standardized interface for SNMP or NetConf protocols, enabling remote switch management. Thus the main objective of this work was to develop key components for the support of the standardized multiplatform management interfaces for the HaRTES switch and their performance assessment