15,547 research outputs found

    Evolution of Swarm Robotics Systems with Novelty Search

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    Novelty search is a recent artificial evolution technique that challenges traditional evolutionary approaches. In novelty search, solutions are rewarded based on their novelty, rather than their quality with respect to a predefined objective. The lack of a predefined objective precludes premature convergence caused by a deceptive fitness function. In this paper, we apply novelty search combined with NEAT to the evolution of neural controllers for homogeneous swarms of robots. Our empirical study is conducted in simulation, and we use a common swarm robotics task - aggregation, and a more challenging task - sharing of an energy recharging station. Our results show that novelty search is unaffected by deception, is notably effective in bootstrapping the evolution, can find solutions with lower complexity than fitness-based evolution, and can find a broad diversity of solutions for the same task. Even in non-deceptive setups, novelty search achieves solution qualities similar to those obtained in traditional fitness-based evolution. Our study also encompasses variants of novelty search that work in concert with fitness-based evolution to combine the exploratory character of novelty search with the exploitatory character of objective-based evolution. We show that these variants can further improve the performance of novelty search. Overall, our study shows that novelty search is a promising alternative for the evolution of controllers for robotic swarms.Comment: To appear in Swarm Intelligence (2013), ANTS Special Issue. The final publication will be available at link.springer.co

    A comparison between the Pittsburgh and Michigan approaches for the binary PSO algorithm

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    IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Edimburgo, 5 september 2005This paper shows the performance of the binary PSO algorithm as a classification system. These systems are classified in two different perspectives: the Pittsburgh and the Michigan approaches. In order to implement the Michigan approach binary PSO algorithm, the standard PSO dynamic equations are modified, introducing a repulsive force to favor particle competition. A dynamic neighborhood, adapted to classification problems, is also defined. Both classifiers are tested using a reference set of problems, where both classifiers achieve better performance than many classification techniques. The Michigan PSO classifier shows clear advantages over the Pittsburgh one both in terms of success rate and speed. The Michigan PSO can also be generalized to the continuous version of the PSO

    Hybridization of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm with derivative-free local searches

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    The paper presents a multi-objective derivative-free and deterministic global/local hybrid algorithm for the efficient and effective solution of simulation-based design optimization (SBDO) problems. The objective is to show how the hybridization of two multi-objective derivative-free global and local algorithms achieves better performance than the separate use of the two algorithms in solving specific SBDO problems for hull-form design. The proposed method belongs to the class of memetic algorithms, where the global exploration capability of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm optimization is enriched by exploiting the local search accuracy of a derivative-free multi-objective line-search method. To the authors best knowledge, studies are still limited on memetic, multi-objective, deterministic, derivative-free, and evolutionary algorithms for an effective and efficient solution of SBDO for hull-form design. The proposed formulation manages global and local searches based on the hypervolume metric. The hybridization scheme uses two parameters to control the local search activation and the number of function calls used by the local algorithm. The most promising values of these parameters were identified using forty analytical tests representative of the SBDO problem of interest. The resulting hybrid algorithm was finally applied to two SBDO problems for hull-form design. For both analytical tests and SBDO problems, the hybrid method achieves better performance than its global and local counterparts

    Embodied Evolution in Collective Robotics: A Review

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    This paper provides an overview of evolutionary robotics techniques applied to on-line distributed evolution for robot collectives -- namely, embodied evolution. It provides a definition of embodied evolution as well as a thorough description of the underlying concepts and mechanisms. The paper also presents a comprehensive summary of research published in the field since its inception (1999-2017), providing various perspectives to identify the major trends. In particular, we identify a shift from considering embodied evolution as a parallel search method within small robot collectives (fewer than 10 robots) to embodied evolution as an on-line distributed learning method for designing collective behaviours in swarm-like collectives. The paper concludes with a discussion of applications and open questions, providing a milestone for past and an inspiration for future research.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Creative or Not? Birds and Ants Draw with Muscle

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    In this work, a novel approach of merging two swarm intelligence algorithms is considered – one mimicking the behaviour of ants foraging (Stochastic Diffusion Search [5]) and the other algorithm simulating the behaviour of birds flocking (Particle Swarm Optimisation [17]). This hybrid algorithm is assisted by a mechanism inspired from the behaviour of skeletal muscles activated by motor neurons. The operation of the swarm intelligence algorithms is first introduced via metaphor before the new hybrid algorithm is defined. Next, the novel behaviour of the hybrid algorithm is reflected through a cooperative attempt to make a drawing, followed by a discussion about creativity in general and the ’computational creativity’ of the swarm
