102 research outputs found

    Deep Reinforcement Learning on a Budget: 3D Control and Reasoning Without a Supercomputer

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    An important goal of research in Deep Reinforcement Learning in mobile robotics is to train agents capable of solving complex tasks, which require a high level of scene understanding and reasoning from an egocentric perspective. When trained from simulations, optimal environments should satisfy a currently unobtainable combination of high-fidelity photographic observations, massive amounts of different environment configurations and fast simulation speeds. In this paper we argue that research on training agents capable of complex reasoning can be simplified by decoupling from the requirement of high fidelity photographic observations. We present a suite of tasks requiring complex reasoning and exploration in continuous, partially observable 3D environments. The objective is to provide challenging scenarios and a robust baseline agent architecture that can be trained on mid-range consumer hardware in under 24h. Our scenarios combine two key advantages: (i) they are based on a simple but highly efficient 3D environment (ViZDoom) which allows high speed simulation (12000fps); (ii) the scenarios provide the user with a range of difficulty settings, in order to identify the limitations of current state of the art algorithms and network architectures. We aim to increase accessibility to the field of Deep-RL by providing baselines for challenging scenarios where new ideas can be iterated on quickly. We argue that the community should be able to address challenging problems in reasoning of mobile agents without the need for a large compute infrastructure

    Sur les politiques Markoviennes pour les Dec-POMDPs

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    This paper formulates the optimal decentralized control problem for a class of mathematicalmodels in which the system to be controlled is characterized by a finite-state discrete-time Markov process.The states of this internal process are not directly observable by the agents; rather, they have available a setof observable outputs that are only probabilistically related to the internal state of the system. The paperdemonstrates that, if there are only a finite number of control intervals remaining, then the optimal payofffunction of a Markov policy is a piecewise-linear, convex function of the current observation probabilitiesof the internal partially observable Markov process. In addition, algorithms for utilizing this property tocalculate either the optimal or an error-bounded Markov policy and payoff function for any finite horizon isoutlined.Cet article formule le problème du contrôle optimal décentralisé pour une classe de modèlesmathématiques dans laquelle le système à contrôler est caractérisé par un processus de Markov à tempsdiscret et à états finis. Les états de ce processus ne sont pas directement observables par les agents; cesderniers ont à leur disposition un ensemble d’observations lié de manière probabiliste à l’état du système.L’article démontre que, s’il ne reste qu’un nombre fini de pas de décision, la mesure de performanceoptimale d’une politique Markovienne est une fonction convexe, linéaire par morceaux, des probabilitésd’observation courantes. En outre, sont décrits les algorithmes approchés d’exploitation de cette propriétépour le calcul de politiques Markoviennes et la mesure de performance associée pour tout horizon fin

    Learning to plan with uncertain topological maps

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    We train an agent to navigate in 3D environments using a hierarchical strategy including a high-level graph based planner and a local policy. Our main contribution is a data driven learning based approach for planning under uncertainty in topological maps, requiring an estimate of shortest paths in valued graphs with a probabilistic structure. Whereas classical symbolic algorithms achieve optimal results on noise-less topologies, or optimal results in a probabilistic sense on graphs with probabilistic structure, we aim to show that machine learning can overcome missing information in the graph by taking into account rich high-dimensional node features, for instance visual information available at each location of the map. Compared to purely learned neural white box algorithms, we structure our neural model with an inductive bias for dynamic programming based shortest path algorithms, and we show that a particular parameterization of our neural model corresponds to the Bellman-Ford algorithm. By performing an empirical analysis of our method in simulated photo-realistic 3D environments, we demonstrate that the inclusion of visual features in the learned neural planner outperforms classical symbolic solutions for graph based planning.Comment: ECCV 202

    Learning 3D Navigation Protocols on Touch Interfaces with Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    International audienceUsing touch devices to navigate in virtual 3D environments such as computer assisted design (CAD) models or geographical information systems(GIS) is inherently difficult for humans, as the 3D operations have to be performed by the user on a 2D touch surface. This ill-posed problem is classically solved with a fixed and handcrafted interaction protocol, which must be learned by the user.We propose to automatically learn a new interaction protocol allowing to map a 2D user input to 3D actions in virtual environments using reinforcement learning (RL). A fundamental problem of RL methods is the vast amount of interactions often required, which are difficult to come by when humans are involved. To overcome this limitation, we make use of two collaborative agents. The first agent models the human by learning to perform the 2D finger trajectories. The second agent acts as the interaction protocol, interpreting and translating to 3D operations the 2D finger trajectories from the first agent. We restrict the learned 2D trajectories to be similar to a training set of collected human gestures by first performing state representation learning, prior to reinforcement learning. This state representation learning is addressed by projecting the gestures into a latent space learned by a variational auto encoder (VAE)

    Learning 3D Navigation Protocols on Touch Interfaces with Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Using touch devices to navigate in virtual 3D environments such as computer assisted design (CAD) models or geographical information systems (GIS) is inherently difficult for humans, as the 3D operations have to be performed by the user on a 2D touch surface. This ill-posed problem is classically solved with a fixed and handcrafted interaction protocol, which must be learned by the user. We propose to automatically learn a new interaction protocol allowing to map a 2D user input to 3D actions in virtual environments using reinforcement learning (RL). A fundamental problem of RL methods is the vast amount of interactions often required, which are difficult to come by when humans are involved. To overcome this limitation, we make use of two collaborative agents. The first agent models the human by learning to perform the 2D finger trajectories. The second agent acts as the interaction protocol, interpreting and translating to 3D operations the 2D finger trajectories from the first agent. We restrict the learned 2D trajectories to be similar to a training set of collected human gestures by first performing state representation learning, prior to reinforcement learning. This state representation learning is addressed by projecting the gestures into a latent space learned by a variational auto encoder (VAE)

    Learning to Act in Continuous Dec-POMDPs

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    National audienceWe address a long-standing open problem of reinforcement learning in continuous decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes. Previous attempts focused on different forms of generalized policy iteration, which at best led to local optima. In this paper, we restrict attention to plans, which are simpler to store and update than policies. We derive, under mild conditions, the first optimal cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm. To achieve significant scalability gains, we replace the greedy maximization by mixed-integer linear programming. Experiments show our approach can learn to act optimally in many finite domains from the literature.Nous nous attaquons au problème d'apprentissage par renforcement dans le cadre des processus décisionnels de Markov partiellement observables et décentralisés. Les tentatives précédentes ont conduit à différentes variantes de la méthode généralisée d'itération de politiques, qui dans le meilleur des cas abouties à des optima locaux. Dans ce papier, nous nous restreindrons au plans, qui sont des formes plus simples que des politiques. Nous dériverons, sous certaines conditions, le premier algorithme optimal d'apprentissage par renforcement coopératif. Afin d'accroître le passage a l'échelle de cet algorithme, nous remplacerons l'opérateur glouton traditionnel par un programme linéaire en nombre entier. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que notre méthode est capable d'apprendre de façon optimale dans plusieurs bancs de test de la littérature

    Learning to Act in Decentralized Partially Observable MDPs

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    International audienceWe address a long-standing open problem of reinforcement learning in decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes. Previous attempts focussed on different forms of generalized policy iteration, which at best led to local optima. In this paper, we restrict attention to plans, which are simpler to store and update than policies. We derive, under certain conditions, the first near-optimal cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm. To achieve significant scalability gains, we replace the greedy maximization by mixed-integer linear programming. Experiments show our approach can learn to act near-optimally in many finite domains from the literature

    Rôle des archivistes dans la mise en conformité du traitement des données de l\u27aide sociale dans le département du Rhône (Le)

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    Mémoire de recherche de M2 Archives Numériques s\u27intéressant au rôle des archivistes dans la mise en conformité des données sociales dans le cadre de la protection des données

    Apprendre Ă  agir dans un Dec-POMDP

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    We address a long-standing open problem of reinforcement learning in decentralized partiallyobservable Markov decision processes. Previous attempts focussed on different forms of generalized policyiteration, which at best led to local optima. In this paper, we restrict attention to plans, which are simplerto store and update than policies. We derive, under certain conditions, the first near-optimal cooperativemulti-agent reinforcement learning algorithm. To achieve significant scalability gains, we replace the greedymaximization by mixed-integer linear programming. Experiments show our approach can learn to actnear-optimally in many finite domains from the literature
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