12,457 research outputs found

    Levels of As, Pb, Cd and Fe in Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in Ambient Air of Artisan Workshops in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) collected from three different artisans’ workshops was analyzed for As, Cd, Pb and Fe by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The range of SPM concentrations for the three workshops was 583-20,166Bg/m3. The highest concentrations of these elements were observed in Motor Spray Painting (MSP),8528±389Bg/m3 and Welding and Panelbeating (WDP) workshops, 11086.8±10644Bg/m3. The calculated enrichment factor revealed Cd to be highly enriched in Battery Maintenance and Charging (BMC) and MSP. The enrichment factor of all the elements suggests that there was a significant contribution from anthropogenic sources. These values of SPM obtained violate both FEPA,1991 and WHO,1994 standards.Keywords: suspended particulate matter, metals, workshops, city, Nigeria


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    ABSTRAK Analisis Sebaran Emisi Suspended Particulate Matter dan Logam Nikel dari Cerobong PLTU dengan Software AERMOD View (Studi Kasus : PLTU Batubara) Proyek Percepatan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Batubara 10.000 mw merupakan proyek dari pemerintah untuk mengejar pasokan tenaga listrik untuk beberapa tahun mendatang. Pengoperasian PLTU sendiri mempunyai dampak lingkungan khususnya pada suspended particulate matter (SPM) dan logam dari hasil pembakaran batu bara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi SPM dan logam Nikel yang terkandung di dalamnya dan membuat estimasi sebaran SPM dan Nikel pada jarak 12 km dari sumber emisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan software AERMOD sebagai alat analisis spasial untuk untuk membuat estimasi sebaran SPM dan Nikel. AERMOD memerlukan data topografi dan data meteorologi. Ditentukan 3 titik reseptor, di 3 desa di Kabupaten Rembang. Pemodelan dibuat dengan menggunakan data meteorologi 2 tahun. Data meteorologi menunjukkan pada tahun 2016 dan 2017 arah angin dominan bertiup dari arah barat laut. Dari hasil pengukuran emisi didapatkan, pada unit 20 konsentrasi SPM sebesar 9,2 mg/m3 dan konsentrasi Nikel yaitu 0,03% dari massa SPM dan untuk unit 10 konsentrasi SPM sebesar 16,6 mg/m3 dan konsentrasi Nikel 0,04% dari massa SPM. Dari hasil model AERMOD didapatkan estimasi sebaran SPM dan Nikel cenderung bergerak lebih banyak ke arah tenggara. Hasil estimasi model AERMOD juga menunjukkan dua desa reseptor terpapar emisi SPM dan Nikel dari PLTU. Kata kunci: SPM; Nikel; AERMOD; PLTU; Sebaran

    The nature and distribution of particulate matter in the Mandovi estuary, Central West coast of India

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    Systematic seasonal variations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) along a 44-km transect of the Mandovi estuary reveal that the concentrations of SPM are low at river-end stations, increase generally seaward, and are highest at sea-end stations of the estuary. An estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) occurs at sea-end stations during June-September when river discharge is high and also in February-May when river discharge is low. These are the two windiest times of year, the former associated with the southwest monsoon and the latter characterized by a persistent sea breeze. The salinity vs. SPM plot shows that high SPM is a seaward deposit and skewed landward. Suspended matter comprised of floccules, fecal pellets, and aggregates that consist of clay and biogenic particles occur everywhere in the estuary. Diatoms are the most common and are of marine type at the sea-end and freshwater-dominated at river-end stations of the estuary. SPM is characterized by kaolinite- and smectite-rich clay mineral suites at the river- and sea-end stations, respectively. Smectite concentrations increase seawards with the increase in SPM content and are not influenced by salinity. Wind-driven waves and currents and biogeochemical processes at the mouth of estuary likely play an important role in the formation of ETM in resuspension and transformation of SPM into floccules and aggregates and in their upkeep or removal

    Storm-related suspended particulate matter in Little Westham Creek

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    Properties of a watershed regulate the amount of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in a stream. The present study examined relationships between storm-related SPM and impervious area and tree cover in the suburban watershed of Little Westham Creek, Richmond, Virginia during Summer and early Fall, 1999. SPM concentration, SPM discharge, and turbidity due to clay, silt and sand, and the areas of impervious surface and tree stand cover in the watershed were measured at three sites. SPM concentration, SPM discharge, and turbidity due to clay were greater upstream than downstream. The percentages of watershed area covered by impervious surfaces and tree stands also were greater upstream than downstream. SPM was most likely associated with impervious area, not tree cover

    A Case Study of Alpine Lakes in the Mount Everest Region

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    Abstract This study presents satellite data and in situ measurements to estimate the concentration of suspended solids in high-altitude and remote lakes of the Himalayas. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations measured in 13 lakes to the south of Mount Everest (Nepal) in October 2008 and reflectance values of the Advanced Visible and Near Infrared Radiometer type 2 (AVNIR-2) onboard ALOS, acquired a few days after the fieldwork activities concluded, were combined to build a relationship (R2  =  0.921) for mapping SPM concentrations in lakes of the Mount Everest region. The satellite-derived SPM concentrations were compared with in situ data (R2  =  0.924) collected in the same period in 4 additional lakes, located to the north of Mount Everest (Tibet, China). The 13 water samples collected in lakes in Nepal were also used to investigate the absorption coefficients of particles ap(λ) and colored, dissolved organic matter aCDOM(λ), with the aim of parameterizing a bio-optical model. An accurate m..

    Impact of Industrial Activities on the Ambient Air Quality of Bundu-Ama Environs, Port Harcourt,Nigeria

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    Studies on the impact of human and industrial activities on the ambient air quality of Bundu Ama environs, Port Harcourt was carried out in the month of september2014.Four monitoring stations were selected for measurement of the air pollutant levels according to Federal Ministry of Environment prescribed guidelines and methods. The pollutants monitored and measured were: Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Hydrocarbon (HC), Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC),Nitrogen Oxides(NOX) and Sulphur Oxides (SOX).These parameters were monitored and measured by a gas meter with sensors sensitive to their concentrations. The results showed that Suspended Particulate Matter, SPM and SOX were detected in appreciable levels during monitoring. However the levels of SPM were within the guidelines set by FEMENV while SOX exceeded the limit in some of the monitored stations. There is need for constant monitoring of the industries in the study area and enforcement of all environmental laws by the authorities. Keywords: Ambient air quality, Bundu-Ama, Monitoring, Impac

    High-temporal resolution fluvial sediment source fingerprinting with uncertainty: a Bayesian approach

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    This contribution addresses two developing areas of sediment fingerprinting research. Specifically, how to improve the temporal resolution of source apportionment estimates whilst minimizing analytical costs and, secondly, how to consistently quantify all perceived uncertainties associated with the sediment mixing model procedure. This first matter is tackled by using direct X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRFS) and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) analyses of suspended particulate matter (SPM) covered filter papers in conjunction with automatic water samplers. This method enables SPM geochemistry to be quickly, accurately, inexpensively and non-destructively monitored at high-temporal resolution throughout the progression of numerous precipitation events. We then employed a Bayesian mixing model procedure to provide full characterization of spatial geochemical variability, instrument precision and residual error to yield a realistic and coherent assessment of the uncertainties associated with source apportionment estimates. Applying these methods to SPM data from the River Wensum catchment, UK, we have been able to apportion, with uncertainty, sediment contributions from eroding arable topsoils, damaged road verges and combined subsurface channel bank and agricultural field drain sources at 60- and 120-minute resolution for the duration of five precipitation events. The results presented here demonstrate how combining Bayesian mixing models with the direct spectroscopic analysis of SPM-covered filter papers can produce high-temporal resolution source apportionment estimates that can assist with the appropriate targeting of sediment pollution mitigation measures at a catchment level

    Suspended particulate matter and turbidity

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    Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) carries pollutants, shades light and so inhibits primary production, and embodies particulate organic matter forming part of the marine ecosystem. It is highly variable according to depth and physical processes in the area (i.e. tide and current regimes and wind). Traditional assessment methodologies are still used successfully, but various optical techniques are increasingly being used, for particle size as well as weight of SPM. This has increased understanding of the dynamics and processes associated with SPM in shelf seas, especially tidal stirring of sediments. Remote sensing measurements of ocean colour provide time series for studying variability of suspended material, phytoplankton pigments and coloured dissolved material. Trends in SPM concentrations and therefore turbidity for UK waters show no significant change over the last five years. Remote sensing measurements are still hampered by weather (especially cloud) and by a lack of understanding of optics in (turbid) coastal and shelf waters. For improved shoreline management plans there is a need for more quantitative information, especially on shoreline processes, wave interactions (inshore wave climate) and water flow along coasts. There is much interest for Integrated Coastal Zone Management

    Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Trace Metals Emission from the Combustion of Tyres in A Nigeria Abattoir

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    Air samples from two different abattoir environment where vehicle tyres and wood are used to burn cattle skin to remove the fur were collected to examine the concentration levels of suspended particulate matter and some trace metals. The samples were collected with a portable high volume sampler and allowed to pass through a membrane filter which was dried in a dessicator and weighed. The samples were then analysed for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and trace metals. The samples were then digested and analysed for  trace metals using the atomic absorption emission spectrophotometry (AAES). A calibration curve was developed to determine the metal concentrations. The suspended particulate matter from burning tyre emissions ranged from 45-88.3 mm/m3, while those of the firewood emissions ranged from 6.51-6.57 mm/m3. Trace metals analysed in the abattoir were tyre burning was used were iron (Fe): 0.023-0.063mg/m3, zinc (Zn): 0.009-0.060mg/m3, while chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd) and vanadium (V) were undetected. In the abattoir where wood was used, only Zn metal was detected and ranged from 0.002-0.032mg/m3. However, total SPM detected at the abattoir where tyre was used exceeded the World Health Organization recommended value in the environment and this could pose deleterious to the environment.   Keywords: Suspended particulate matter, Trace metals, Abattoir, Environment, Pollution

    Contrasting controls on the phosphorus concentration of suspended particulate matter under baseflow and storm event conditions in agricultural headwater streams

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    Whilst the processes involved in the cycling of dissolved phosphorus (P) in rivers have been extensively studied, less is known about the mechanisms controlling particulate P concentrations during small and large flows. This deficiency is addressed through an analysis of large numbers of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples collected under baseflow (n = 222) and storm event (n = 721) conditions over a 23-month period across three agricultural headwater catchments of the River Wensum, UK. Relationships between clay mineral and metal oxyhydroxide associated elements were assessed and multiple linear regression models for the prediction of SPM P concentration under baseflow and storm event conditions were formulated. These models, which explained 71–96% of the variation in SPM P concentration, revealed a pronounced shift in P association from iron (Fe) dominated during baseflow conditions to particulate organic carbon (POC) dominated during storm events. It is hypothesised this pronounced transition in P control mechanism, which is consistent across the three study catchments, is driven by changes in SPM source area under differing hydrological conditions. In particular, changes in SPM Fe–P ratios between small and large flows suggest there are three distinct sources of SPM Fe; surface soils, subsurface sediments and streambed iron sulphide. Further examination of weekly baseflow data also revealed seasonality in the Fe–P and aluminium oxalate–dithionate (Alox–Aldi) ratios of SPM, indicating temporal variability in sediment P sorption capacity. The results presented here significantly enhance our understanding of SPM P associations with soil derived organic and inorganic fractions under different flow regimes and has implications for the mitigation of P originating from different sources in agricultural catchments
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