19,471 research outputs found

    Is students' qualitative feedback changing, now it is online?

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    The current state of ecological safety evaluation problem in design stage is analysed. Procedure of ecological safety estimation on the basis of index of objects danger and ecological risk is offered.Проанализирован современное состояние проблемы оценки экологической безопасности на этапе проектирования. Предлагаемая процедура оценки экологической безопасности на основе индекса опасности объектов и экологического риска.Проаналізований сучасний стан проблеми оцінки екологічної безпеки на етапі проектування. Запропонована процедура оцінки екологічної безпеки на основі індексу небезпечності об’єктів та екологічного ризику

    Free Speech and the Confluence of National Security and Internet Exceptionalism

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    In this Article, I argue that, notwithstanding these contemporary developments, the Court got it mostly right in Brandenburg. Or, I want to at least suggest that it is premature to reconstruct the Brandenburg test to address perceived changes in our global environment. For the most part, Brandenburg has succeeded in mediating the balance between protecting political or ideological advocacy and enabling the government to regulate actual incitement, even in the contemporary era. Moreover, I argue that society should be especially wary of calls to narrow Brandenburg’s speech-protective standard because such changes might be significantly influenced by the confluence of two forms of exceptionalism—national security exceptionalism and internet exceptionalism—both of which are continuing to evolve in real time. In development of this argument, this Article contains three parts

    How Higher Education Institutions Utilize Social Media

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    Social media is dramatically changing the way that people communicate and interact online. Several businesses have made it a priority to establish a presence on social media to connect with some of its biggest users: millennials. As social media has gained popularity, higher education institutions all around have begun to establish social media platforms in order to interact with current and prospective students and alumni. This study examined how higher education institutions in the University System of Georgia are utilizing social media and also compared use among the various types of institutions (research, comprehensive, state college and state university). Using long interviews and a content analysis, this study found that higher education institutions understand the importance of using social media however, many are not taking advantage of tools & strategies that can help them succeed

    Online network use in schools: Social and educational opportunities

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    Most state governments in Australia have banned popular online networking sites from public schools after these sites were accused of supporting a broad host of threats to young people. This paper questions the effectiveness of these bans in light of recent empirical research that highlights the social and educational benefits that can accrue from young people's online network use. In doing so, this paper argues for a more informed policy debate that considers not only the risks involved in using online networks, but also the opportunities online networks afford and the capabilities young people require to use them effectively

    SDL - The IoT Language

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    Interconnected smart devices constitute a large and rapidly growing element of the contemporary Internet. A smart thing can be as simple as a web-enabled device that collects and transmits sensor data to a repository for analysis, or as complex as a web-enabled system to monitor and manage a smart home. Smart things present marvellous opportunities, but when they participate in complex systems, they challenge our ability to manage risk and ensure reliability. SDL, the ITU Standard Specification and Description Language, provides many advantages for modelling and simulating communicating agents – such as smart things – before they are deployed. The potential for SDL to enhance reliability and safety is explored with respect to existing smart things below. But SDL must advance if it is to become the language of choice for developing the next generation of smart things. In particular, it must target emerging IoT platforms, it must support simulation of interactions between pre-existing smart things and new smart things, and it must facilitate deployment of large numbers of similar things. Moreover, awareness of the potential benefits of SDL must be raised if those benefits are to be realized in the current and future Internet of Things.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version