42 research outputs found

    Experiences In Migrating An Industrial Application To Aspects

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    Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a paradigm aiming to solve problems of object-oriented programming (OOP). With normal OOP it’s often unlikely to accomplish fine system modularity due to crosscutting concerns being scattered and tangled throughout the system. AOSD resolves this problem by its capability to crosscut the regular code and as a consequence transfer the crosscutting concerns to a single model called aspect. This thesis describes an experiment on industrial application wherein the effectiveness of aspect-oriented techniques is explained in migration the OOP application into aspects. The experiment goals at first to identify the crosscutting concerns in source code of the industrial application and transform these concerns to a functionally equivalent aspect-oriented version. In addition to presenting experiences gained through the experiment, the thesis aims to provide practical guidance of aspect solutions in a real application

    An Efficient and Flexible Implementation of Aspect-Oriented Languages

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    Compilers for modern object-oriented programming languages generate code in a platform independent intermediate language preserving the concepts of the source language; for example, classes, fields, methods, and virtual or static dispatch can be directly identified within the intermediate code. To execute this intermediate code, state-of-the-art implementations of virtual machines perform just-in-time (JIT) compilation of the intermediate language; i.e., the virtual instructions in the intermediate code are compiled to native machine code at runtime. In this step, a declarative representation of source language concepts in the intermediate language facilitates highly efficient adaptive and speculative optimization of the running program which may not be possible otherwise. In contrast, constructs of aspect-oriented languages - which improve the separation of concerns - are commonly realized by compiling them to conventional intermediate language instructions or by driving transformations of the intermediate code, which is called weaving. This way the aspect-oriented constructs' semantics is not preserved in a declarative manner at the intermediate language level. This representational gap between aspect-oriented concepts in the source code and in the intermediate code hinders high performance optimizations and weakens features of software engineering processes like debugging support or the continuity property of incremental compilation: modifying an aspect in the source code potentially requires re-weaving multiple other modules. To leverage language implementation techniques for aspect-oriented languages, this thesis proposes the Aspect-Language Implementation Architecture (ALIA) which prescribes - amongst others - the existence of an intermediate representation preserving the aspect-oriented constructs of the source program. A central component of this architecture is an extensible and flexible meta-model of aspect-oriented concepts which acts as an interface between front-ends (usually a compiler) and back-ends (usually a virtual machine) of aspect-oriented language implementations. The architecture and the meta-model are embodied for Java-based aspect-oriented languages in the Framework for Implementing Aspect Languages (FIAL) respectively the Language-Independent Aspect Meta-Model (LIAM) which is part of the framework. FIAL generically implements the work flows required from an execution environment when executing aspects provided in terms of LIAM. In addition to the first-class intermediate representation of aspect-oriented concepts, ALIA - and the FIAL framework as its incarnation - treat the points of interaction between aspects and other modules - so-called join points - as being late-bound to an implementation. In analogy to the object-oriented terminology for late-bound methods, the join points are called virtual in ALIA. Together, the first-class representation of aspect-oriented concepts in the intermediate representation as well as treating join points as being virtual facilitate the implementation of new and effective optimizations for aspect-oriented programs. Three different instantiations of the FIAL framework are presented in this thesis, showcasing the feasibility of integrating language back-ends with different characteristics with the framework. One integration supports static aspect deployment and produces results similar to conventional aspect weavers; the woven code is executable on any standard Java virtual machine. Two instantiations are fully dynamic, where one is realized as a portable plug-in for standard Java virtual machines and the other one, called Steamloom^ALIA , is realized as a deep integration into a specific virtual machine, the Jikes Research Virtual Machine Alpern2005. While the latter instantiation is not portable, it exhibits an outstanding performance. Virtual join point dispatch is a generalization of virtual method dispatch. Thus, well established and elaborate optimization techniques from the field of virtual method dispatch are re-used with slight adaptations in Steamloom^ALIA . These optimizations for aspect-oriented concepts go beyond the generation of optimal bytecode. Especially strikingly, the power of such optimizations is shown in this thesis by the examples of the cflow dynamic property, which may be necessary to evaluate during virtual join point dispatch, and dynamic aspect deployment - i.e., the selective modification of specific join points' dispatch. In order to evaluate the optimization techniques developed in this thesis, a means for benchmarking has been developed in terms of macro-benchmarks; i.e., real-world applications are executed. These benchmarks show that for both concepts the implementation presented here is at least circa twice as fast as state-of-the-art implementations performing static optimizations of the generated bytecode; in many cases this thesis's optimizations even reach a speed-up of two orders of magnitude for the cflow implementation and even four orders of magnitude for the dynamic deployment. The intermediate representation in terms of LIAM models is general enough to express the constructs of multiple aspect-oriented languages. Therefore, optimizations of features common to different languages are available to applications written in all of them. To proof that the abstractions provided by LIAM are sufficient to act as intermediate language for multiple aspect-oriented source languages, an automated translation from source code to LIAM models has been realized for three very different and popular aspect-oriented languages: AspectJ, JAsCo and Compose*. In addition, the feasibility of translating from CaesarJ to LIAM models is shown by discussion. The use of an extensible meta-model as intermediate representation furthermore simplifies the definition of new aspect-oriented language concepts as is shown in terms of a tutorial-style example of designing a domain specific extension to the Java language in this thesis

    Aspect oriented service composition for telecommunication applications

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    This PhD dissertation investigates how to overcome the negative effects of cross cutting concerns in the development of composite service applications. It proposes a combination of dynamic aspect oriented programming with a rules driven service composition mechanism. This combination allows very flexible utilization of aspects based on run-time data. The thesis contributes a join-point model and it integrates techniques for weaving and advice definition into the underlying composition language and execution engine. A particular focus of the thesis is telecommunication applications with their unique model for utilizing heterogeneous constituent services and their severe real-time requirements. Next to its primary use for modular implementation and flexible deployment of concerns in telecommunication applications, the dissertation discusses AOP as a feature for automated management and customization of service applications. The verification of the proposed solution contributes a detailed assessment of run-time performance, including a theoretical model of the AOP implementation. It allows predicting the performance of various alternative solutions. The proposed solution for combined AOP and service composition provides properties, which directly address challenges in pervasive computing and the Internet of things. Thus, this dissertation advances beyond the telecommunication domain with results applicable to various highly relevant technical developments

    An Aspect-Oriented Framework for Weaving Domain-Specific Concerns into Component-Based Systems

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    International audienceSoftware components are used in various application domains, and many component models and frameworks have been proposed to fulfill domain-specific requirements. The general trend followed by these approaches is to provide ad-hoc models and tools for capturing these requirements and for implementing their support within dedicated runtime platforms, limited to features of the targeted domain. The challenge is then to propose more flexible solutions, where components reuse is domain agnostic. In this article, we present a framework supporting compositional construction and development of applications that must meet various extra-functional/domain-specific requirements. The key points of our contribution are: i) We target development of component-oriented applications where extra-functional requirements are expressed as annotations on the units of composition in the application's architecture. ii) These annotations are implemented as open and extensible component-based containers, achieving full separation of functional and extra-functional concerns. iii) Finally, the full machinery is implemented using the Aspect-Oriented Programming paradigm. We validate our approach with two case studies: the first is related to real-time and embedded applications, while the second refers to the distributed context-aware middleware domain

    Generative aspect-oriented component adaptation

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    Due to the availability of components and the diversity of target applications, mismatches between pre-qualified existing components and the particular reuse context in applications are often inevitable and have been a major hurdle of component reusability and successful composition. Although component adaptation has acted as a key solution for eliminating these mismatches, existing practices are either only capable for adaptation at the interface level, or require too much intervention from software engineers. Another weakness of existing approaches is the lack of reuse of component adaptation knowledge. Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a new methodology that provides separation of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization - an Aspect that crosscuts other modules. In this way, all the associated complexity of the crosscutting concerns is isolated into the Aspects, hence the final system becomes easier to design, implement and maintain. The nature of AOP makes it particularly suitable for addressing non-functional mismatches with component-based systems. However, current AOP techniques are not powerful enough for efficient component adaptation due to the weaknesses they have, including the limited reusability of Aspects, platform specific Aspects, and naive weaving processes. Therefore, existing AOP technology needs to be expanded before it can be used for efficient component adaptation. This thesis presents a highly automated approach to component adaptation through product line based Generative Aspect Oriented Component adaptation. In the approach, the adaptation knowledge is captured in Aspects and aims to be reusable in various adaptation circumstances. Automatic generation of adaptation Aspects is developed as a key technology to improve the level of automation of the approach and the reusability of adaptation knowledge. This generation is realised by developing a two dimensional Aspect model, which incorporates the technologies of software product line and generative programming. The adaptability and automation of the approach is achieved in an Aspect oriented component adaptation framework by generating and then applying the adaptation Aspects under a designed weaving process according to specific adaptation requirements. To expand the adaptation power of AOP, advanced Aspect weaving processes have been developed with the support of an enhanced aspect weaver. To promote the reusability of adaptation Aspects, an expandable repository of reusable adaptation Aspects has been developed based on the proposed two-dimensional Aspect model. A prototype tool is built as a leverage of the approach and automates the adaptation process. Case studies have been done to illustrate and evaluate the approach, in terms of its capability of building highly reusable Aspects across various AOP platforms and providing advanced weaving process. In summary, the proposed approach applies Generative Aspect Oriented Adaptation to targeted components to correct the mismatch problem so that the components can be integrated into a target application easily. The automation of the adaptation process, the deep level of the adaptation, and the reusability of adaptation knowledge are the advantages of the approach.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Generative aspect-oriented component adaptation

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    Due to the availability of components and the diversity of target applications, mismatches between pre-qualified existing components and the particular reuse context in applications are often inevitable and have been a major hurdle of component reusability and successful composition. Although component adaptation has acted as a key solution for eliminating these mismatches, existing practices are either only capable for adaptation at the interface level, or require too much intervention from software engineers. Another weakness of existing approaches is the lack of reuse of component adaptation knowledge.Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a new methodology that provides separation of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization - an Aspect that crosscuts other modules. In this way, all the associated complexity of the crosscutting concerns is isolated into the Aspects, hence the final system becomes easier to design, implement and maintain. The nature of AOP makes it particularly suitable for addressing non-functional mismatches with component-based systems. However, current AOP techniques are not powerful enough for efficient component adaptation due to the weaknesses they have, including the limited reusability of Aspects, platform specific Aspects, and naive weaving processes. Therefore, existing AOP technology needs to be expanded before it can be used for efficient component adaptation.This thesis presents a highly automated approach to component adaptation through product line based Generative Aspect Oriented Component adaptation. In the approach, the adaptation knowledge is captured in Aspects and aims to be reusable in various adaptation circumstances.Automatic generation of adaptation Aspects is developed as a key technology to improve the level of automation of the approach and the reusability of adaptation knowledge. This generation is realised by developing a two dimensional Aspect model, which incorporates the technologies of software product line and generative programming. The adaptability and automation of the approach is achieved in an Aspect oriented component adaptation framework by generating and then applying the adaptation Aspects under a designed weaving process according to specific adaptation requirements. To expand the adaptation power of AOP, advanced Aspect weaving processes have been developed with the support of an enhanced aspect weaver. To promote the reusability of adaptation Aspects, an expandable repository of reusable adaptation Aspects has been developed based on the proposed two-dimensional Aspect model.A prototype tool is built as a leverage of the approach and automates the adaptation process. Case studies have been done to illustrate and evaluate the approach, in terms of its capability of building highly reusable Aspects across various AOP platforms and providing advanced weaving process.In summary, the proposed approach applies Generative Aspect Oriented Adaptation to targeted components to correct the mismatch problem so that the components can be integrated into a target application easily. The automation of the adaptation process, the deep level of the adaptation, and the reusability of adaptation knowledge are the advantages of the approach

    Model-Driven Development of Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures

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    The work presented in this thesis of master is an approach that takes advantage of the Model-Driven Development approach for developing aspect-oriented software architectures. A complete MDD support for the PRISMA approach is defined by providing code generation, verification and reusability properties.Pérez Benedí, J. (2007). Model-Driven Development of Aspect-Oriented Software Architectures. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12451Archivo delegad

    An Evaluation on Developer’s Acceptance of EasySOC: A Development Model for Service-Oriented Computing

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    Due to the ever growing adoption of the Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm in the software industry, many researchers have been working on development models from the perspective of service requesters. The widely agreed development methodology involves three main activities, including service discovery, service incorporation into applications, and service replacement. This is because components within service-oriented applications need to invoke services that developers must discover, engage, and potentially replace with newer versions or even alternative services from different providers. EasySOC is a very recent approach for developing service-oriented applications that decreases the costs of building this kind of applications, by simplifying discovery, integration and replacement of services. This paper reports experiments evidencing the effort needed to start producing service– oriented applications with EasySOC. Results show that users non experienced in SOC development perceive that EasySOC is convenient and easy to adopt.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ