14 research outputs found

    Supporting Facility Management Processes through End-Users' Integration and Coordinated BIM-GIS Technologies

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    The integration of facility management and building information modelling (BIM) is an innovative and critical undertaking process to support facility maintenance and management. Even though recent research has proposed various methods and performed an increasing number of case studies, there are still issues of communication processes to be addressed. This paper presents a theoretical framework for digital systems integration of virtual models and smart technologies. Based on the comprehensive analysis of existing technologies for indoor localization, a new workflow is defined and designed, and it is utilized in a practical case study to test the model performance. In the new workflow, a facility management supporting platform is proposed and characterized, featuring indoor positioning systems to allow end users to send geo-referenced reports to central virtual models. In addition, system requirements, information technology (IT) architecture and application procedures are presented. Results show that the integration of end users in the maintenance processes through smart and easy tools can overcome the existing limits of barcode systems and building management systems for failure localization. The proposed framework offers several advantages. First, it allows the identification of every element of an asset including wide physical building elements (walls, floors, etc.) without requiring a prior mapping. Second, the entire cycle of maintenance activities is managed through a unique integrated system including the territorial dimension. Third, data are collected in a standard structure for future uses. Furthermore, the integration of the process in a centralized BIM-GIS (geographical information system) information management system admit a scalable representation of the information supporting facility management processes in terms of assets and supply chain management and monitoring from a spatial perspective

    Sistema de Información Geográfica tipológico para el conocimiento y la conservación del patrimonio construido: un caso de estudio en el sur de Italia

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    [EN] A typological GIS is a system designed to store, analyse, manage and visualize geo-referred data about the built environment. It allows interactive queries to explore spatial relationships between buildings, improving the knowledge of the built heritage at different scales. For example, by running space-typological analysis, it is possible to extract information about the most used typologies in the existing buildings at different levels, from the urban scale to the construction detail. This knowledge shows a great potential in building design applications and may provide support for a correct design in urban renovation projects aimed to keep the character of the considered area unchanged and preserve its cultural and historical value. This work presents the first phase implementation of the typological GIS of an historical city centre set north of Naples and shows some examples of possible GIS queries for typological investigation of built environment at different detail levels.[ES] Un SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica) tipológico, es un sistema diseñado para almacenar, analizar, gestionar y visualizar datos geo-referenciados sobre el entorno construido. Permite consultas interactivas para explorar las relaciones espaciales entre edificios mejorarando el conocimiento del patrimonio construido a diferentes escalas. Realizando un análisis espacio-tipológico, es posible extraer información de los edificios existentes sobre las tipologías más utilizadas a diferentes niveles, desde la escala urbana hasta el detalle constructivo. Este conocimiento, podría servir de apoyo para un correcto diseño en los proyectos de renovación urbana destinados a mantener inalterado el carácter de la zona considerada y preservar su valor cultural e histórico. Este trabajo presenta la primera fase de implementación del SIG tipológico de un centro histórico situado al norte de Nápoles, y muestra algunos ejemplos de posibles consultas del SIG para la investigación tipológica del entorno construido a diferentes niveles de detalle.This work has been developed within the SEND intra-university project, financed by the "V:ALERE 2019" funds (VAnviteLli pEr la RicErca) by the University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli". The field work was developed in the LABTECH (Laboratory of Architecture and Building TECHnologies) of University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", with the collaboration of many students. A warm thanks to them.Mollo, L.; Agliata, R.; Palmero Iglesias, LM.; Vigliotti, M. (2020). Typological GIS for knowledge and conservation of built heritage: a case of study in Southern Italy. Informes de la Construcción (Online). 72(559):1-7. https://doi.org/10.3989/ic.73697S1772559Chen, Z., & Poon, C. C. (2017). Comparing the use of sewage sludge ash and glass powder in cement mortars. Environmental Technology, 38(11), 1390-1398.https://doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2016.123065

    BIM Digital Platform for First Aid: Firefighters, Police, Red Cross

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    This document explains the use of BIM in emergency response scenarios, considering both the current rescue procedures and the innovative development of a digital platform able to support first aid, firefighters, civil protection, police, traffic wardens, etc. This ongoing study has a practical aim: to allow all rescuers to intervene promptly and safely in places where there are alarm conditions. Thanks to the BIM methodology, linked to indoor navigation of the building and Google Maps tools, in case of an intervention users will be able to query a digital model for information. Starting from these premises, this paper assumes and analyses the methodology and tools used to develop the project of a BIM digital platform for first aid

    Using virtual technology for job hazard analysis

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    "Construction project teams often perform job hazard analysis (JHA) to identify occupational safety and health risks and controls. Typically, an experienced worker leads a JHA session because novice workers may not identify all hazards. Thousands of new workers are expected to enter the industry in the coming years, and research indicates that when novice employees perform JHA, they frequently fail to identify all hazards, creating an increase in safety challenges. Virtual reality (VR) applications have the potential to increase JHA quality, but the effectiveness of a VR application for JHA has not been explored in depth. This research aims to begin filling that gap. Two interventions, a VR-based application for JHA and a paper-based JHA, were designed, developed, and implemented to compare their effectiveness. The JHAs were tested on 21 participants, all students at the University of Houston, with most having no prior construction knowledge. Read the report: https://bit.ly/3Dk7ur9." - NIOSHTIC-2NIOSTIC no. 20067583CPWR is the research and training arm of NABTU. Production of this document was supported by cooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIOSH.RR2022-virtual-technology-job-hazard-analysis.pdfcooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Healt

    A Bibliometric Review of Research Trends in Facilities Management Technologies from 2000 to 2023

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    Technologies such as building management systems, building information modelling, computer aided design, virtual reality, internet of things, geographic information systems and robotics have been adopted to achieve effective Facilities Management (FM). However, little attempt has been made to map global research trends in FM technologies. This paper presents a bibliometric review on the application of technology in FM with the aim of determining research trends and gaps in this research area. A total of 107 publications on FM technologies from 2000 to 2023 were reviewed. The analysis was done with the VOSviewer software (version 1.6.13). The analysis focused on bibliographic coupling of countries, co-authorship of authors, citation of documents, and co-occurrence of keywords, which were presented as network visualization maps. The findings revealed that the publication trends in FM technologies have been upwards since 2000, although not completely gradient. Italy, United States, Mainland China, South Korea, Australia, United Kingdom, Sweden, China Taiwan, Canada, and Malaysia are the countries that have had great impact in this research area. Both the keywords and documents citation analysis revealed three distinct phases in the evolution of FM technologies research – energy efficiency technologies, BIM technologies, and advanced BIM technologies/internet of things. It also became evident that Africa lags in this area of research. This study helps to determine the range of technologies used for managing facilities and how such technologies have evolved. This can help facilities managers to become familiar with the current and cutting-edge technologies that could promote effective and efficient FM. Only one data source - Scopus - was used. Therefore, the representation of publications presented in this study are limited. However, the findings contribute to the body of knowledge in FM technologies

    Statistical critical reactive maintenance characterisation for digital twin implementation in universities

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    Purpose: Facilities management (FM) plays a key role in the performance of businesses to ensure the comfort of users and the sustainable use of natural resources over operation and maintenance. Nevertheless, reactive maintenance (RM) services are characterised by delays, waste and difficulties in prioritising services and identifying the root causes of failures; this is mostly caused by inefficient asset information and communication management. While linking building information modelling and the Internet of Things through a digital twin has demonstrated potential for improving FM practices, there is a lack of evidence regarding the process requirements involved in their implementation. This paper aims to address this challenge, as it is the first to statistically characterise RM services and processes to identify the most critical RM problems and scenarios for digital twin implementation. The statistical data analytics approach also constitutes a novel practical approach for a holistic analysis of RM occurrences. Design/methodology/approach: The research strategy was based on multiple case studies, which adopted university campuses as objects for investigation. A detailed literature review of work to date and documental analysis assisted in generating data on the FM sector and RM services, where qualitative and statistical analyses were applied to approximately 300,000 individual work requests. Findings: The work provides substantial evidence of a series of patterns across both cases that were not evidenced prior to this study: a concentration of requests within main campuses; a balanced distribution of requests per building, mechanical and electrical service categories; a predominance of low priority level services; a low rate of compliance in attending priority services; a cumulative impact on the overall picture of five problem subcategories (i.e. Building-Door, Mechanical-Plumbing, Electrical-Lighting, Mechanical-Heat/Cool/Ventilation and Electrical-Power); a predominance of problems in student accommodation facilities, circulations and offices; and a concentration of requests related to unlisted buildings. These new patterns form the basis for business cases where maintenance services and FM sectors can benefit from digital twins. It also provides a new methodological approach for assessing the impact of RM on businesses. Practical implications: The findings provide new insights for owners and FM staff in determining the criticality of RM services, justifying investments and planning the digital transformation of services for a smarter provision. Originality/value: This study represents a unique approach to FM and provides detailed evidence to identify novel RM patterns of critical service provision and activities within organisations for efficient digitalised data management over a building’s lifecycle.</p

    BIM model for existing building stock: optimisation and validation of the processes

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    This research was developed within an Industrial Doctorate project involving two sponsors: the Negroni Key Engineering company with a consolidated background in the computer sector, more specifically in BIM, and Platinum partner of Autodesk; and the Universidad de Valladolid which for years has been performing critical studies in the field of photogrammetric and laser scanner surveying and digitalisation. The study presented here continues along these lines in order to define a work method for the digitalisation and management of existing building heritage. It must be resilient, envisage sustainable procedures for both the public administration and private entities, and identify the potential of the current systems as well as any critical issues. The work method is based on six work phases, each one preliminary to the next; they are: • Model Definition, indicating the geometric and information characteristics of the BIM models; • Data Acquisition, in which details are provided regarding the data to be acquired and relative survey method; • Model Reconstruction, during which different instruments of the BIM platforms are used to complete the digital twin of the building; • Model Checking, including the operations needed to ensure that all the elements are coherent, both graphically and from the point of view of information; • Model Fixing, envisaging integration, where necessary, of further studies so as to ensure correct completion of the study; • Data Management, characterised by the importation of the result obtained in a GIS platform, cataloguing, and reuse of the result. The optimisation strategies identified are: • The definition of a BIM GIS methodology and the consequent drafting of guidelines, describing the step-by-step progress of the processes contained in each phase of work; • The writing algorithms for the recognition of geometric elements in BIM software; • The creation of parameters that define the reliability of the input data necessary for the reconstruction of the building model. The innovative features of the research are: • The multiscalar management of the building stock, through the combined use of GIS and BIM platforms; • The complete discipline of the digital process extends from acquisition to data management; • The integration of semi-automatic CADToBIM and ScanToBIM processes, through new applications specially developed to optimise the reconstruction of specific objects; • the definition of the parameters CoIN (Confidence of Information Needed), relating to the reliability of the data needed to reconstruct the model, and SuRe (Survey Required), relating to the integration of surveys to be performed in order to complete the process. The doctoral thesis is divided into five parts: • definition of the state of the art, presenting the fundamental features of the issues in questions; • description of the work method, including the strategies to optimise the processes; • identification of the research field and case studies in order to validate the aforementioned methodology; • results and conclusions; • annexes

    Metodología BIM para la optimización del ciclo de vida de proyectos constructivos, Moquegua, 2022

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    La presente investigación sostuvo como primordial objetivo determinar la relación entre la metodología BIM y el ciclo de vida de proyectos constructivos de la ciudad de Moquegua. La metodología contemplada fue del tipo básica, cuyo diseño fue no experimental, nivel descriptivo comparativo y enfoque cuantitativo. La población fue de 80 participantes y una muestra por conveniencia de 66 participantes. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos, fichas de encuesta valuadas con la escala de Likert. Como resultados se obtuvo que 43.93% está de acuerdo en la relación entre el ciclo de vida de proyectos y BIM con un Rho de Spearman de 0.738, asimismo un 71.21% está de acuerdo con la relación entre planificación y BIM con un Rho de Spearman de 0.826, un 68.18% está de acuerdo con la relación entre el BIM y el diseño con un Rho de Spearman de 0.514. En conclusión, la metodología BIM brinda una mejora considerable en los resultados de las empresas del sector constructivo, con mayor eficiencia, verificándose ello en los presupuestos y actividades desarrollados los cuales generan una mayor productividad haciendo que la metodología BIM posea una gran aceptación entre los profesionales inmersos

    Sistemi di georeferenziazione indoor tramite tecnologia Bluetooth:possibili implementazioni BMS e BIM based.

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    L'incremento costante dell'utilizzo della tecnologia nel secolo in cui viviamo ha introdotto nuovi metodi di gestione degli edifici nel settore dell'edilizia, mirati all'ottimizzazione dei costi e dei consumi. Il pilastro degli smart building è l'Internet of Things (IoT), che ha reso possibile lo sviluppo di sistemi di automazione degli edifici attraverso il collegamento di dispositivi e sistemi domotici a una piattaforma tecnologica centralizzata nota come BMS. Un'altra conseguenza dell'IoT nel settore delle costruzioni è il BIM, considerato una strategia di successo per organizzare, archiviare e gestire i metadati statici relativi alla progettazione, costruzione e manutenzione degli edifici. Il BIM consente la creazione di modelli virtuali tridimensionali in grado di simulare l'edificio e di fungere da database per le informazioni riguardanti la rappresentazione architettonica ed ingegneristica, la stima dei tempi e dei costi, la valutazione energetica, i costi di manutenzione e le considerazioni di sostenibilità economica e ambientale. Tra le esperienze di interconnessione rese possibili dall'IoT, vi è la capacità di localizzare indoor un dispositivo smartphone utilizzando diverse tecnologie. In questo studio, viene dedicato uno spazio all'analisi della letteratura sulle tecnologie di localizzazione indoor e sugli algoritmi correlati, con particolare attenzione al Bluetooth Low Energy, ritenuta la tecnologia più economica e precisa. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è arricchire i database BIM con informazioni più precise riguardanti l'identificativo ID BACnet dei singoli dispositivi domotici collegati alla centrale BMS. Per identificare l'ID BACnet dei dispositivi domotici, verrà utilizzato un lettore di codici presente in un'applicazione per smartphone sviluppata all'interno di questo studio. Una volta acquisito l'identificativo BACnet, l'applicazione sarà in grado di compilare automaticamente i dati rilevati dal campo nell'omologo digitale di Revit.The increasing use of technology that characterizes the century we live in has led to new methods of building management in the construction sector, aiming for cost optimization and efficiency. The cornerstone for smart buildings is the Internet of Things (IoT), which has enabled the development of building automation systems through the integration of home automation systems and devices into a centralized technological backbone, commonly known as the BMS (Building Management System). Another consequence of IoT in the construction industry is Building Information Modeling (BIM), considered a successful strategy for organizing, storing, and managing static metadata related to the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings. BIM allows for the creation of three-dimensional virtual models capable of simulating the building and serving as a database for architectural and engineering representation, time and cost estimation, energy evaluation, maintenance costs, and economic and environmental sustainability considerations. Among the interconnected experiences enabled by the growing IoT, there is also the ability of a smartphone device to be indoor geolocated through various technologies. This thesis project includes a literature analysis on indoor positioning technologies and their corresponding algorithms. One of the most cost-effective and accurate solutions in this regard is Bluetooth Low Energy. The objective of this thesis is to enrich BIM databases with more precise information regarding the BACnet ID of individual devices connected to the central BMS. To identify the BACnet ID of home automation devices, a code reader integrated into a smartphone application developed within this study will be used. Once the BACnet ID is acquired, the application will be able to automatically populate the data collected in the field into the corresponding digital representation in Revit

    Digital Transformation of the Design, Construction and Management Processes of the Built Environment

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    This open access book focuses on the development of methods, interoperable and integrated ICT tools, and survey techniques for optimal management of the building process. The construction sector is facing an increasing demand for major innovations in terms of digital dematerialization and technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, advanced manufacturing, robotics, 3D printing, blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence. The demand for simplification and transparency in information management and for the rationalization and optimization of very fragmented and splintered processes is a key driver for digitization. The book describes the contribution of the ABC Department of the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano) to R&D activities regarding methods and ICT tools for the interoperable management of the different phases of the building process, including design, construction, and management. Informative case studies complement the theoretical discussion. The book will be of interest to all stakeholders in the building process – owners, designers, constructors, and faculty managers – as well as the research sector