12 research outputs found

    Understanding the Role of Perceptual Haptic Conditions on Design Decision

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    The haptic propositions derived from the textile prototypes often allow for more than one interpretation. It impacts the decision on design alternatives during the phase of design evaluation and validation. The present study aims to conquer this challenge with a haptic design case study of automotive upholstery fabric. It links experimental psychophysics with design decision-making. The study results show that visual cues influence haptic detection accuracy and constancy to choose a final design option. © The Author(s), 2022

    Towards an Inclusive Virtual Dressing Room for Wheelchair-Bound Customers

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    Material Selection and Evaluation of Supply Processes in Costume Design Applications: A Research on Fashion Design Students

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    The aim of this study is to determine whether the factors affecting the materials selection and supply processes of fashion design students in their costume design applications and the differences in the students' views on the selection and supply of materials used in their courses are different according to the types of schools. The population of the research consists of students studying at the undergraduate level in the Department of Fashion DesignFashion and Textile Design-Textile and Fashion Design in Turkey and its sample consists of 368 students studying in the Departments of Fashion Design-Fashion and Textile Design-Textile and Fashion Design for the 2017- 2018 academic year. The data of the measurement tool applied to the sample of the study was analyzed using the statistical package program “SPSS 25”. The frequency and percentage values of the data were determined and the relationship between the type of school where the students received education and their views on material selection and supply was analyzed at P<0.05 significance level by applying t-test. According to the results of the research, the students who studied fashion design had different views on the choice and supply of materials according to the type of school they studied. It was determined that the students studying at the foundation university know where they can obtain the materials at the best price compared to the students studying at the state university and that they experience fewer problems with the supply of materials

    Towards objective discrimination & evaluation of fabric tactile properties: Quantification of biaxial fabric deformations by using energy methods

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    In this paper, the actions involved in the subjective fabric hand evaluation process were analysed and the characteristics of the fabric deformations in both subjective and objective fabric evaluation process was identified; the criteria to mimic the required fabric deformations in fabric handle evaluation process and the possibility of quantifying different types of fabric deformations by using energy consumed in the process was discussed. As an application of the above theoretical analysis and the new concept established, an new fabric handle evaluation system, Leeds University Fabric Handle Evaluation System (LUFHES) based on the quantifications of the controllable fabric biaxial deformations (Mao and Taylor, 2012) was developed for the objective evaluation of the fabric tactile properties, this method mimics the multidirectional fabric buckling deformations in subjective fabric hand evaluation process to address the limitations which previous subjective and objective fabric hand evaluation methods have. More importantly, a new concept of quantifying fabric handle through the quantification of fabric deformations by using the energy consumed in the process of fabric deformations, rather than using human preference, is proposed in the system

    Gömleklik kumaşların tuşe özelliklerinin duyusal analiz ve fiziksel test yöntemleriyle belirlenmesi ve aralarındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi

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    In this study, determination of tactile properties of shirt fabrics by sensory analysis and evaluation of the relation between sensory analysis data and certain physical properties of fabrics have been aimed. For this aim, it was demanded from 90 participants to evaluate 18 shirt fabrics with different properties in terms of tactile by subjective sensory analysis. This test was conducted in two steps as blind and open eye and consistency of the participants in their preferences was tested by verification test. In the determination of tactile properties of shirt fabrics by physical test methods, bending length and stiffness values of the fabrics were measured according to standards. Then, the poll data were collected, evaluated and compared to physical test results. It was found that the blind eye preferences of the women and men participants were quite close, however there were differences in the open eye preferences due to personal interests like color and design. It was also observed that the preferences of the participants were in correlation with physical test results


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    This thesis focuses on novel algorithms and interfaces, arising from inspection and comprehension of the human nature. In the first part I deal with new mechanical designs and concepts for building and controlling robotic hands. In particular I show how the sensorimotor synergies of the human hand can be useful not only for controlling but also for building robotic hands, suggesting novel design paradigms. Despite the synergy model is useful for designing and controlling robotic hands, it is incomplete to explain the hand behavior during grasp (both for humans and robots). To solve this problem, it is needed to consider compliant articulations introducing the "soft synergies" concept. Consequently, the compliance and the soft synergies lead to the concepts of muscle and mechanical impedance. Thus, in the second part of this thesis I present an observer for estimating the time varying mechanical impedance of a Variable Stiffness Actuator (VSA), i.e. a novel kind of actuator whose performances and capabilities are very close to the human muscles. Another important feature, both for human and robotic hands, is the sense of touch. Indeed in the third and last part of this thesis, I deal with the haptics and haptic interfaces. I show two new haptic devices with their applications on humans. Moreover, I present a tactile sensing algorithm toolbox for computing the contact point of a robotic fingertip interacting with an object

    On the Role of Haptic Synergies in Modelling the Sense of Touch and in Designing Artificial Haptic Systems

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    This thesis aims at defining strategies to reduce haptic information complexity, with minimum loss of information, to design more effective haptic interfaces and artificial systems. Nowadays, haptic device design can be complex. Moreover, the artificial reproduction of the full spectrum of haptic information is a daunting task and far to be achieved. The central idea of this work is to simplify this information by exploiting the concept of synergies, which has been developed to describe the covariation patterns in multi-digit movements and forces in common motor tasks. Here I extend and exploit it also in the perceptual domain, to find projections from the heterogeneous information manifold, generated by the mechanics of touch, and what can be actually perceived by humans. In this manner, design trade-off between costs, feasibility and quality of the rendered perception can be individuated. With this as motivation, referring to cutaneous sensing, I discuss the development of a fabric-based softness display inspired by ``Contact Area Spread Rate'' hypothesis as well as the characterization of an air-jet lump display method for Robot-assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery. Considering kinaesthesia, I analyze the problem of hand posture estimation from noisy and limited in number measures provided by low cost hand pose sensing devices. By using the information about how humans most frequently use their hands, system performance is enhanced and optimal system design enabled. Finally, an integrated device, where a conventional kinaesthetic haptic display is combined with a cutaneous softness one, is proposed, showing that the fidelity by which softness is artificially rendered increases

    Käsityön tulevaisuuksia - elinikäisen osaamisen visioita, haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia

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    Artikkelissa käsityö haastaa ja haastetaan pohtimaan tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia. Uudet teknologiat, uudet materiaalit ja uudet yhteisölliset toimintatavat uudistavat käsin tekemisen maailmaa. Koskettaako globaali Maker Movement meitä kaikkia ja olemmeko kohta kaikki suunnittelijoita ja käsityöläisiä? Tulevaisuuden yhteiskunnassa tarvitaan esimerkiksi luovaa ja kriittistä ajattelua, avoimien ja monimutkaisten ongelmien parissa työskentelyä sekä yhteisöllisyyttä. Työelämässä korostuvat yhä enemmän luovuus, aloitteellisuus ja ennakoimattomuus, sekä uudet ratkaisut ja toimintatavat. Koulutuksen tulisi vastata näihin haasteisiin tarjoamalla oppimisen kaikissa elämänvaiheissa mahdollisuuksia luovaan ongelmanratkaisuun ja tiedonrakentelun opiskeluun. Entistä luovempaa ajattelua tarvitaan, jotta ymmärrämme uuden teknologian ja uusien yhteistoiminnallisten työtapojen mahdollisuudet taitojen oppimisessa. Elämme murrosvaihetta, jossa luodaan uusia tuotteiden suunnittelun ja valmistamisen toimintamalleja. Itse tekeminen, do-it-yourself, on uusi teollinen vallankumous, jossa tekemisen tavat ovat yhtä aikaa yksilöllisiä ja yhteisöllisiä sekä virtuaalisia ja fyysisiä. Artikkelissa pohditaan tulevaisuusajattelun merkitystä käsityöllisessä toiminnassa. Käsityö tarjoaa lähtökohdiltaan mahdollisuuden kokeilla uusia ja rajoja rikkovia ajattelutapoja ja ratkaisuja. Käsityön tekijöillä tulee olla toimintatapoja uusintava ja aktiivinen tulevaisuudentekijän rooli yhteiskunnassa. Käsityön oppimisessa ja osaamisessa tarvitaan yhä enemmän suunnittelutaitoja sekä teknologialukutaitoja. Tulevaisuussuuntautunut käsityön oppiminen on ymmärrystä suunnittelun ja teknologian vaikutuksista ihmisiin ja ympäristöön, sekä pyrkimystä kasvattaa oppijoista aktiivisia oman esine- ja rakennetun ympäristönsä muokkaajia. Käsityö elinikäisenä osaamina on kestävän kulttuurin todentamista valintoina ja tekoina.Peer reviewe

    Kättä pidempää : Otteita käsityön tutkimuksesta ja käsitteellistämisestä

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