32 research outputs found

    The nature of information in the 21st century : conundrums for the informatics community?

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    Purpose - With the proliferation of electronic information via the web a further distension of the unique characteristics of information has been witnessed. With seismic developments occurring in such a short period of time, it seems prudent to consider the very nature of information and to assess whether this accelerated growth has implications for the work of the informatics community and the information society. Design/methodology/approach - The paper begins by revisiting and refreshing the unique characteristics of information via a reappraisal of the relevant literature. These characteristics are then contextualised within the new economy and traditional economic theory. Once these unique characteristics have been examined, the author discusses how the nature of information in the twenty-first century presents the informatics community with new and difficult challenges. Findings - The challenges posed by the unique nature of information demand a definite response on the part of the informatics community, including the creation of innovative new models to accommodate information's inherent characteristics. Additionally, as the nature of information evolves yet further and ICT innovations accelerate, ever more adaptable skills will be required by the end user in order that value be derived from information. Practical implications - Outcomes and conclusions addressed in the paper may inform the informatics community generally, but will specifically inform the practice of information managers and librarians, and offer ways of assisting them in arriving at holistic decisions with respect to service provision. Originality/value - The paper is a contribution to the debate on the precise nature of information and offers new perspectives on how the informatics community should view information in the twenty-first century

    Assessment of Objectivity Characteristics in Visual Art Value

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    The work of art is considered a relic of history. Art also serves as a documentation of history. It contains meaning, which is intrinsic and extrinsic at the same time. The value of art is subjective, depending on the inclination of each connoisseur's taste. The value is the essence, the fundamental principle, which can eventually become the normative basis. This paper discusses the objectivity characteristic of visual art value based on a survey done with 407 participants. The outcomes highly help the audience/public in appreciating any visual arts. Keywords: objectivity, characteristics, visual art, value eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7iSI9.393

    Assessing the Value of Public Library Services: A Review of the Literature and Meta-Analysis (Project META)

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    ABSTRACT This poster summarizes results of the IMLS funded University of South Carolina META project that explored the application of meta-analysis techniques to develop a robust model of public library economic value. Completed in 2014, the project approached this topic with two fundamental questions

    Embedded, added, co-created: Re-visiting the value of information in an age of data

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    This article proposes that the value of information is a topic worth revisiting in the contemporary era. Although the topic has been of perennial interest to information professionals and others, since at the least the early 1980s, we believe that it is timely to revisit this question in the context of a more connected and networked environment of data, information, and knowledge. The principal argument is that existing models of information exchange and use do not sufficiently take account of the multiplicity of networked users as a source of value, for example, their implicit and explicit interactions with other users, and with the information system. We briefly review existing kinds of value that have been theorized, operationalized, and measured in the information science literature. Principally, these are the notions of information as embedded value; and information and information systems as adding value. To these notions we add the further notion of connected or cocreated value. We conclude our opinion article with a set of questions intended to orient future research into the question of the value of information in the contemporary era

    Pengaruh Promosi Perpustakaan terhadap Pemanfaatan Layanan Sirkulasi di Perpustakaan UNISA Yogyakarta

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    Promosi bisa dilakukan sebagai salah satu media untuk mempublikasikan dan mengajak pengguna agar memanfaatkan layanannya. Perpustakaan UNISA Yogyakarta sudah melakukan berbagai promosi selama ini. Akan tetapi, efek pandemi Covid-19 yang banyak menggunakan media serba online, membuat penurunan jumlah pengunjung yang memanfaatkan layanan sirkulasi. Meningkatnya jumlah pengunjung yang tidak sebanding dengan jumlah peminjam buku, menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif dengan korelational, yang dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2022 sampai Januari 2023 di Perpustakaan UNISA Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data dengan observasi, dokumentasi, dan angket kuesioner. Subyek penelitiannya seluruh elemen kampus. Populasinya adalah pemustaka yang memanfaatkan layanan sirkulasi sejak 1 September – 15 Desember 2022, sejumlah 384 orang. Penentuan sampel secara randown sampling, diambil 10%nya, yaitu 39 orang. Analisis data melalui uji validitas, reliabilitas, deskriptif, normalitas, linearitas, dan uji hipotesis. Komponen promosi perpustakaan dalam instrument akreditasi digunakan sebagai dasar dalam penelitian ini. Teori (Saracevic & Kantor, 1997) R-I-R (Reason-Interaction-Reslut) juga digunakan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan layanan sirkulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh promosi perpustakaan terhadap pemanfaatan layanan sirkulasi di Perpustakaan UNISA Yogyakarta. Promosi agar lebih ditingkatkan. Begitu pula kerja sama dengan dosen dan ketua prodi, agar promosi lebih efektif dan efisien, guna meningkatkan pemanfaatan layanan sirkulasi

    Language of Scientific Communication: the Most Frequent Conceptual Mechanisms in Observing and Describing Scientific Phenomena in Information Science

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    Cilj je rada istražiti i predstaviti najčešće konceptualizacijske mehanizme u opažanju i opisivanju znanstvenih fenomena koji omogućuju uspješnu i učinkovitu razmjenu informacija na razini komunikacije između znanstvene zajednice i \u27publike\u27, ali i na razini komunikacije unutar same znanstvene zajednice u području informacijskih znanosti. Primjena konceptualizacijskih mehanizama u jeziku informacijskih znanosti predstavljena je na čestim, gotovo svakodnevno korištenim pojmovima, kao što su baza podataka, gadget-utrka, informacijska arhitektura, intelektualno vlasništvo, revolucija tiska, računalni virus, umjetni život i sl. Praćeno je opažanje i opisivanje takvih pojmova kako u popularnom diskursu (primjerice na različitim mrežnim stranicama) tako i u dostupnoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi. Rad se sastoji od četiri dijela. Nakon općenitog uvodnog dijela o jeziku znanstvene komunikacije, redom se predstavljaju teorija konceptualne metafore, teorija konceptualne integracije i znanstveni model. Svaki je konceptualizacijski mehanizam popraćen analizom konkretnih primjera iz jezika informacijskih znanosti. Budući da je područje informacijskih znanosti pod stalnim utjecajem tehnoloških promjena i razvoja suvremene informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, često se uočavaju novi i različiti fenomeni koji traže novi misaoni okvir u procesu opažanja te nove načine jezične artikulacije u procesu njihova opisivanja i komuniciranja znanstvenoj i neznanstvenoj publici. Temeljni je doprinos rada upravo prikaz i analiza nekolicine primjera uočenih novih misaonih okvira i novih načina jezične artikulacije u popularnom i znanstvenom diskursu jezika informacijske znanosti.The aim of the paper is to analyze and to present the most frequent conceptual mechanisms in observing and describing scientific phenomena which allow a successful and efficient exchange of information on the level of communication between the scientific community and the “audience”, and also on the level of communication within the scientific community itself, within the field of information science. Application of conceptual mechanisms in the language of information science is presented through the examples of often, almost daily used terms, such as database, gadget race, information architecture, intellectual property, print revolution, computer virus, artificial life, etc. The observing and describing of these terms has been followed, both in popular discourse (such as on various web pages), as well as in available scientific and professional literature. The work is comprised of four parts. After the basic introductory part on the language of scientific communication, follows the presentation of the conceptual metaphor theory, conceptual integration theory and scientific model. Each conceptual mechanism is followed by the analysis of specific examples from the language of the information science. Taking into consideration that the area of information science is under a constant influence of technological changes and development of modern information – communication technology, new and different phenomena are often observed, and they require a new thinking framework in the process of observation, as well as the new ways of language articulation during the process of their description and communication to the scientific and non – scientific audience. The fundamental contribution of the paper is the display and analysis of few examples of the observed new thought patterns and new ways of language articulation in popular and scientific discourse of the information science language