187 research outputs found

    A Survey: Space Vector PWM (SVPWM) in 3φ Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)

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    Since last decades, the pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques have been an intensive research subject. Also, different kinds of methodologies have been presented on inverter switching losses, inverter output current/ voltage total harmonic distortion (THD), inverter maximum output of DC bus voltage. The Sinusoidal PWM is generally used to control the inverter output voltage and it helps to maintains drive performance. The recent years have seen digital modulation mechanisms based on theory of space vector i.e. Space vector PWM (SVPWM). The SVPWM mechanism offers the enhanced amplitude modulation indexes (MI) than sinusoidal PWM along with the reduction in the harmonics of inverter output voltage and reduced communication losses. Currently, the digital control mechanisms have got more attention than the analog counterparts, as the performance and reliability of microprocessors has increased. Most of the SVPWM mechanisms are performed by using the analog or digital circuits like microcontrollers and DSPs. From the recent study, analysis gives that use of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) can offer more efficient and faster solutions. This paper discusses the numerous existing research aspects of FPGA realization for voltage source inverter (VSI) along with the future line of research

    A comprehensive analysis of SVPWM for a Five-phase VSI based on SiC devices applied to motor drives

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of SVPWM for a five-phase VSI based on SiC devices applied to motor drives. The modulation techniques analyzed use medium and large vectors to reach the reference vector. The 2L SVPWM uses two large space vectors, and the generated output signal contain low frequency harmonics. 2L+2M SVPWM uses two large and two medium space vectors. This technique provides good power loss distribution. 4L SVPWM works with the activation of four large space vectors. This modulation is able to generate low common-mode voltage. The performance and main features are analyzed using Matlab/Simulink and PLECS blockset software. Power losses, total harmonic distortion and common-mode voltage are compared and evaluated.Postprint (author's final draft

    Triangle Carrier-Based DPWM for Three-Level NPC Inverters

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    Asenkron motorlar için ayarlanabilir gerilim uygulamalı V/f tabanlı hız denetiminde farklı PWM tekniklerinin performans analizi

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    This paper presents a comparative study and a method to improve Volt-Hertz (V/f) based speed control of Induction Motors (IMs). For this purpose, Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) and space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) techniques are investigated and evaluated, especially from the point of their control performance on the V/f-based control for three-phase IMs working at different load and speed conditions. From this aspect, it is a different study from the literature. Steady and transient effects of both techniques on the above mentioned control methods are analyzed for several case studies. Afterwards, adjustable boost voltage application with modified reference commands technique is proposed for both PWM methods in order to improve start-up performance. All investigations for both PWM models are carried out under the same conditions. Although SVPWM technique gives more effective results in many cases, the proposed method provides noticeable improvements on SPWM-based applications from point of performance on the control method. As a novelty of this study, it is shown that, the bad performance of the control method at low frequency in SPWM application, which has lower computational burden for low cost microcontroller, can be improved by applying adjustable boost voltage along with modified references that are proportional to the DC bus current

    A Simple Approach of Space-vector Pulse Width Modulation Realization Based on Field Programmable Gate Array

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    Employing a field programmable gate array to realize space-vector pulse width modulation is a solution to boost system performance. Although there is much literature in the application of three-phase space-vector pulse width modulation based on field programmable gate arrays, most is on conventional space-vector pulse width modulation with designs that are complicated. This article will present a simple approach to realize five-segment discontinuous space-vector pulse width modulation based on a field programmable gate array, in which the judging of sectors and the calculation of the firing time are simpler with fewer switching losses. The proposed space-vector pulse width modulation has been successfully designed and implemented to drive on a three-phase inverter system that is loaded by an induction machine of 1.5 kW using the APEX20KE Altera field programmable gate array (Altera Corporation, San Jose, California, USA)

    A Comprehensive AC Current Ripple Analysis and Performance Enhancement via Discontinuous PWM in Three-Phase Four-Leg Grid-Connected Inverters

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    open5siA complete analysis of the ac output current ripple in four-leg voltage source inverters considering multiple modulation schemes is provided. In detail, current ripple envelopes and peak-to-peak profiles have been determined in the whole fundamental period and a comprehensive method providing the current ripple rms has been achieved, all of them as a function of the modulation index. These characteristics have been determined for both phase and neutral currents, considering the most popular common-mode injection schemes. Particular attention has been paid to the performance of discontinuous pulse width modulation (DPWM) methods, including DPWMMAX and DPWMMIN, and their four most popular combinations DPWM0, DPWM1, DPWM2, and DPWM3. Furthermore, a comparison with a few continuous techniques (sinusoidal, centered pulse width modulations, and third harmonic injection) has been provided as well. Moreover, the average switching frequency and switching losses are analyzed, determining which PWM technique ensures minimum output current ripple within the linear modulation range at different assumptions. Numerical simulations and laboratory tests have been conducted to extensively verify all the analytical claims for all the considered PWM injections.openMandrioli, Riccardo; Viatkin, Aleksandr, Hammami, Manel; Ricco, Mattia; Grandi, GabrieleMandrioli, Riccardo; Viatkin, Aleksandr, Hammami, Manel; Ricco, Mattia; Grandi, Gabriel

    Usporedba tehnika modulacije mrežnog pretvarača u sustavu pretvorbe energije vjetra

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    In this article, the grid side converter of a low power on-grid WECS has been investigated where two Pulse Width Modulation techniques --Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) and Discontinuous Pulse Width Modulation (DPWM)- applied to compare switching losses of semiconductors and THD of the system. For this purpose, SIMULINK/MATLAB simulation was run to calculate the THD of the grid current in inverter operation at the grid side converter. Also the switching instances of the active elements have been determined and Visual Basic based program has been used to calculate the switching losses at these instances. The results have shown that, SVPWM has better THD performance over DPWM at the same switching frequency. However, by carefully selecting the switching frequency of DPWM higher than that of SVPWM without increasing the switching losses of DPWM beyond the switching losses of SVPWM, it is possible to find switching frequency values at which DPWM can have better THD performance.U ovom članku se istražuje mrežni pretvarač male snage na mreži WECS. Primijenjene su dvije tehnike modulacije širine pulsa - modulacija širine pulsa korištenjem vektorskog polja (SVPWM) i isprekidana modulacija širine pulsa (DPWM) kako bi se usporedili gubici prilikom prebacivanja poluvodiča i THD-a sustava. Iz tog razloga napravljena je Simulink/Matlab simulacija kako bi se izračunao THD mrežne struje prilikom inverterskog rada mrežnog pretvarača. Također slučajevi prebacivanja aktivnih elemenata su ustanovljeni i napisan je program u Visual Basicu kako bi se izračunao gubitak u tim slučajevima. Rezultati pokazuju da SPWM ima bolje performanse THD-a u odnosu na DPWM prilikom iste frekvencije prebacivanja. Međutim, pažljivim odabirom više DPWM frekvencije prebacivanja od SVPWM-a te uz izbjegavanje povećanja gubitaka prebacivanja kod DPWM-a iznad gubitaka prebacivanja SVPWM-a moguće je naći frekvenciju prebacivanja kod koje DPWM ima bolje THD performanse

    Modulation and Control Techniques for Performance Improvement of Micro Grid Tie Inverters

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    The concept of microgrids is a new building block of smart grid that acts as a single controllable entity which allows reliable interconnection of distributed energy resources and loads and provides alternative way of their integration into power system. Due to its specifics, microgrids require different control strategies and dynamics of regulation as compared to ones used in conventional utility grids. All types of power converters used in microgrid share commonalities which potentially affect high frequency modes of microgrid in same manner. There are numerous unique design requirements imposed on microgrid tie inverters, which are dictated by the nature of the microgrid system and bring major challenges that are reviewed and further analyzed in this work. This work introduces, performs a detailed study on, and implements nonconventional control and modulation techniques leading to performance improvement of microgrid tie inverters in respect to aforementioned challenges

    PWM control techniques for three phase three level inverter drives

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    In this paper two very efficient pulse width modulation techniques were discussed named Sin pulse width modulation and space vector pulse width modulation. The basic structure of the three-level inverter neutral-point clamped is introduced and the basic idea about space vector pulse width modulation for three-level voltage source inverter has been discussed in detail. Nearest three vectors space vector pulse width modulation control algorithm is adopted as the control strategy for the three phase three level NPC inverter in order to compensate the neutral-point shifting. Mathematical formulation for calculating switching sequence has determined. Comparative analysis proving superiority of the space vector pulse width modulation technique over the conventional pulse width modulation, and the results of the simulations of inverter confirm the feasibility and advantage of the space vector pulse width modulation strategy over sin pulse width modulation in terms of good utilization of dc-bus voltage, low current ripple and reduced switching frequency. Space vector pulse width modulation provides advantages better fundamental output voltage and useful in improving harmonic performance and reducing total harmonic distortion

    Continuous and discontinuous modulation techniques for multiphase drives: analysis and contributions

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    Falta palabras clavesThe study of multiphase machines applications is an emergent field of research mainly because of the high reliability they offer for high power applications. Nowadays, they are predominantly supplied from two-level voltage source inverters (VSIs). For the purpose of the inverter control, both carrier-based and space vector pulse width modulation (PWM) techniques have been developed, for various phase numbers, which are capable of generating required sinusoidal output voltages. Both methods are usually a general extension of modulation methods used in the three-phase case. The relationship between continuous carrier-based and space vector PWM has been reported in the scientific literature for the multiphase case, stating analogies and differences. Discontinuous PWM techniques for multiphase inverters have also received some attention as well, but at a lesser extent than the continuous PWM techniques, always in relation to multiphase systems. In this work for filling aforementioned gap, discontinuous modulation methods are first analysed in multiphase drives. The natural consequence of the existence of different PWM strategies is the inherently different behaviour with regard to the performance indicators that can be used to assess the quality of output waveforms. Among these performance indicators, one of the most interesting used in three phase induction machines for the evaluation of switching characteristics and the current ripple are the ux harmonic distortion factor (HDF). However, HDF has been only very recently introduced in the multiphase case, and for asymmetrical six-phase induction machines that can be considered like two three phase machines in the same case. Consequently, there is quite few work in the scientific literature and the multiphase induction machine case in the evaluation of switching characteristics and the current ripple using HDF. Therefore, the extension of HDF for the evaluation of switching characteristics and the current ripple in the multiphase case is studied and analysed like a second main goal of this Thesis. Notice that SVM has been also extended to the multiphase case. However, most scientific literature relates the general case, where linear operation regions are only considered. A third goal of the work is the extension of the operation region of the SVM-multiphase scheme. In this field, non linear operation in the overmodulation region is also considered, guaranteeing a smooth and linear transition characteristic between linear and overmodulation regions, minimizing the unwanted voltage amplitude of low order voltage harmonic components. Then, a simple algorithm is proposed with the ability to minimize xy voltage and current components in any multiphase induction machine with any odd number of phases. Finally, the reduction of Common Mode Voltage (CMV) is an interesting topic in the modulation techniques field because it is known to be the cause of electromagnetic interference (EMI), breakdown of windings insulation, fault activation of current detector circuits and leakage currents problems that can damage the motor bearings. The commonmode voltage issue is also studied in this Thesis, and a SVM method is proposed to minimize its content in the electromechanical system. Major contributions of this dissertation have been published in seven journal and three conferences papers, although related work have been also published in another four journal papers. The main contributions covered in this work are the following: Paper 1: D. Dujic, M. Jones, E. Levi, J. Prieto, F. Barrero, “Switching Ripple Characteristics of Space Vector PWM Schemes for Five-Phase Two-Level Voltage Source Inverters-Part 1: Flux Harmonic Distortion Factors," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.58, no.7, pp.2789-2798, July 2011. Paper 2: M. Jones, D. Dujic, E. Levi, J. Prieto, F. Barrero, “Switching Ripple Characteristics of Space Vector PWM Schemes for Five-Phase Two-Level Voltage Source Inverters-Part 2: Current Ripple," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.58, no.7, pp. 2799-2808, July 2011. Paper 3: J. Prieto, M. Jones, F. Barrero, E. Levi, S. Toral, “Comparative Analysis of Discontinuous and Continuous PWM Techniques in VSI-Fed Five-Phase Induction Motor," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.58, no.12, pp.5324-5335, Dec. 2011. Paper 4: J. Prieto, F. Barrero, E. Levi, S. Toral, M. Jones, M. J. Durán, \Analytical Evaluation of Switching Characteristics in Five-Phase Drives with Discontinuous Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Techniques", EPE Journal, vol.23, no.2, pp.24-33, Jun. 2013. Paper 5: J. Prieto, E. Levi, F. Barrero, S. Toral, “Output current ripple analysis for asymmetrical six-phase drives using double zero-sequence injection PWM," Proceedings of 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2011), pp.3692-3697, Nov. 2011. Paper 6: M.J. Dur_an, J. Prieto, F. Barrero, J.A. Riveros, H.Guzmán, “Space- Vector PWM With Reduced Common-Mode Voltage for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.60, no.10, pp.4159- 4168, Oct. 2013. Paper 7: M.J. Duran, J. Prieto, F. Barrero, “Space Vector PWM With Reduced Common-Mode Voltage for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives Operating in Overmodulation Zone," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.28, no.8, pp.4030-4040, Aug. 2013. Paper 8: J. Prieto, F. Barrero, M. J. Durán, S. Toral, M.A. Perales, \SVM Procedure for n-phase VSI With Low Harmonic Distortion in the Overmodulation Region," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.61, no.1, pp.92-97, Jan. 2014. Notice that all the proposals were validated using simulation and experimental results, and different five-phase and asymmetrical six-phase induction machines available at the labs of the Liverpool John Moores University and the University of Seville, being the candidate one of the main contributors to the obtained publications.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U