102 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Kinerja Guru, Sarana Prasarana, Dan Layanan Administrasi Terhadap Kepuasan Siswa Di Sman 2 Sukoharjo

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    The present research aims at analysing the contribution of teacher performance, infrastructure and administration service to Student Satisfaction at SMAN 2 Sukoharjo either simultaneously or partially. This research is a quantitative research with correlation research design. Researcher conducts this research at SMAN 2 Sukoharjo in the first semester of the academic year 2016/2017. The technique of Sampling in this research uses proportional random sampling technique with a sample of 92 students. Researcher uses a questionnaire techniques and observation as a data collecting technique. In data analysing, researcher the hypotheses test after the classical assumption test. There are four findings from this research. (1) There are 55,8% contribution of teacher performance, infrastructure and administrationon service collectively to Student Satisfaction. (2) There are 16,55% of teacher performance to student satisfaction. (3) There are 23,82% contribution of infrastructure to student satisfaction. (4) There are 15,44% contribution of administration service to student satisfaction. Key words: satisfaction, student, performance, infrastructure, administratio

    Unsur-Unsur Dinamis Pembelajaran Fasilitas Belajar Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kepuasan Siswa MTs

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ada empat, pertama menguji dan menganalisis kontribusiunsur-unsur dinamis pembelajaran, fasilitas belajar, dan motivasi berprestasi terhadap kepuasan siswa, kedua, menguji dan menganalisis kontribusi unsur-unsur dinamis pembelajaran terhadap kepuasan siswa , ketiga, menguji dan menganalisis kontribusi fasilitas belajar terhadap kepuasan siswa,keempat menguji dan menganalisis kontribusi motivasi berprestasi terhadap kepuasan siswa. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, dengan desain penelitian ex-post facto dengan teknik korelasional . Penelitian dilaksanakan di MTs Ta' mirul Islam Surakarta pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2015/2016dengan sampel 105 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proposional random sampling dengan menggunakan tabel kracjie. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode angket dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini analisis regresi ganda setelah sebelumnya dilakukan uji asumsi klasik seperti uji normalitas, uji linieritas, uji multikolinieritas, uji heteroskedastisitas dan uji autokorelasi.Hasil penelitian ada empat, (1) ada kontribusi unsur-unsur dinamis pembelajaran, fasilitas belajar, dan motivasi berprestasi pada signifikan 0,05 terhadap kepuasan siswa sebesar 27,5%, (2) ada kontribusi unsur-unsur dinamis pembelajaran pada signifikan 0,048 terhadap kepuasan siswa dan memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 6,49%, (3) ada kontribusi fasilitas belajar pada signifikan 0,012 terhadap kepuasan siswa danmemberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 9,69%, (4) ada kontribusi motivasi berprestasi pada signifikan 0,05 terhadap kepuasan siswa dan memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 11,32%

    Forced distance learning in Covid-19: peculiarities of the position of lecturers, students of IT and humanitarian specialties

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    [EN] This research examines the attitude of faculty lectors, Information Technology students (IT) and humanitarian students (HS) towards the aspects of forced distance learning (DL) due to Covid-19. About 70% of the surveyed IT students and 50% of HS believe that DL can fully replace face-to-face classes and completely switch to DL, about 70% of lecturers have the opposite opinion. At the same time, IT had a 4.5 times higher chance of a positive attitude towards the transition to DL than HS. The majority of all respondents consider that their own notes are important and that classroom learning is better than online. At the same time, among IT that are ready to switch to DL, 69.03% believe that the perception of educational material is better in the classroom. Fewer IT students (30.1%) than HS (68.2%) and lecturers (100%) consider that printed textbooks are important. About 70-90% of students consider that the following DL disadvantages are important: communication difficulties, cocial isolation, the need of self-discipline and self-motivation and fears that the employer will not appreciate the knowledge gained from DL. For the majority of IT, lack of student events is significant, and for the majority of HS, lack of competition between students is important.Zagulova, D.; Prokofjeva, N.; Katalnikova, S.; Špakova, A.; Ziborova, V.; Averin, A. (2021). Forced distance learning in Covid-19: peculiarities of the position of lecturers, students of IT and humanitarian specialties. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 271-279. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13057OCS27127

    Time patterns and perceptions of online learning success factors

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    Online learning provides the opportunity to work on academic tasks at any time at the same time as doing other activities, such as using in web 2.0 tools. This study identifies factors that contribute to success in online learning from the students¿ perspective and their relationship with time patterns. A survey of learning outputs was used to find relationships between students¿ satisfaction, knowledge acquisition and knowledge transfer with time for working on academic tasks. In this study, 199 students from a university in Mexico completed the survey. Findings suggest that knowledge transfer has a significant association with the number of hours online per day, hours spent on social networks and the use made of e-learning during working hours. Learner satisfaction has a strong relationship with the time in years a learner has been using the Internet and the number of hours devoted to the course per week. The findings of this research will be helpful for faculty and instructional designers for implementing learning strategies

    Exploring The Impact of Social Media in Academic Performance of High-School Students in India

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    The Social Media or the Social Networking sites are rapidly increasing among the Students especially in higher education. The lockdown imposed due to COVID-19 has made the Social media penetrate into the lives of every student. The social media has become the platform of official communication and made the students completely rely on mobile phone for all academic activities. Thus, the ultimate responsibility of using or misusing the Social Media is at the hands of the students. So, the study is attempts to examine the impact of Social Media in the academic performances of the students in higher education. This is an quantitative study based on a survey among high school students of private schools in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The study used inferential statistics alongside the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for testing the hypothesis and its significant relation with the variables. The study revealed that the usage of Social media has a dual impact, negatively (addiction) and positively impacts the communication among peers, teachers and knowledge sharing behavior which leads to good academic performance. The chalk and talk method has almost vanished and made both teachers and students to adapt to alternative learning methods. The study suggests adopting existing pedagogy or creation of a new style of learning integrating the Information Communication Technology (ICT) with traditional teaching methods


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    This study sought to explore the levels of satisfaction of learners and the delivery of instruction in teacher education institutions (TEIs) in the Philippinesas seen in the HELAM Model proposed by Ozkan and Koseler. Descriptive exploratory methods involving the collection of quantitative data through an adopted questionnaire for e-learning and qualitative data through interviews and focused group discussions were used. The questionnaire was administered to 358 respondents to gather data on learners’ profileand levels of satisfaction in the delivery of blended learning programs. Statistical analyses revealed no significant difference in the levels of satisfaction and learners’ profiles in terms of gender while significant difference was seen when compared with ICT literacy on computer experience. No significant relationship was seen in the various dimensions affecting the level of satisfaction and the delivery of instruction. Qualitative results emphasized availability of fast and reliable connectivity as the primary concern that affects learners’ satisfaction. Findings suggest that learners in TEIs are highly satisfied with the use of the blended learning program. These results indicate that blended learning may provide transformative potentials in the delivery of instruction just as in the traditional face-to-face environment. Likewise, the study also emphasized the importance of carefully re-designed learning environments considering the various dimensions to achieve satisfied learners that may redound into better quality of education.&nbsp

    Creating a Positive Atmosphere in Online Courses: Student Ratings of Affective Variables in Teacher Education Courses

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    Instructors in higher education have to work to create a positive atmosphere. Yet, the behaviors instructors must exhibit to create such an atmosphere are different for online courses than face-toface (F2F) courses. The current study surveyed graduate and undergraduate students in a teacher education program to identify which affective variables identified in academic literature for creating a positive online atmosphere are most and least important. The results of this study suggest undergraduate and graduate students rank logistical behaviors (e.g., clearly described directions and expectations, constructive feedback) as most important and emotional-relational behaviors (e.g., interpersonal relationships, humor related to content) as least important. The implications of this study advocate for online courses for adult learners that are clear in expectations and provide assignments that require both practical and higher order thinking. This study provides specific guidance for instructors about which behaviors have the most capital when teaching online courses in a way that creates a positive atmosphere

    Teaching Environmental Management Competencies Online: Towards “Authentic” Collaboration?

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    Environmental Management (EM) is taught in many Higher Education Institutions in the UK. Most this provision is studied full-time on campuses by younger adults preparing themselves for subsequent employment, but not necessarily as environmental managers, and this experience can be very different from the complexities of real-life situations. This formal academic teaching or initial professional development in EM is supported and enhanced by training and continuing professional development from the major EM Institutes in the UK orientated to a set of technical and transferable skills or competencies expected of professional practitioners. In both cases there can be a tendency to focus on the more tractable, technical aspects of EM which are important, but may prove insufficient for EM in practice. What is also necessary, although often excluded, is an appreciation of, and capacity to deal with, the messiness and unpredictability of real world EM situations involving many different actors and stakeholders with multiple perspectives and operating to various agendas. Building on the work of Reeves, Herrington and Oliver (2002), we argue that EM modules need to include the opportunity to work towards the practice of authentic activities with group collaboration as a key pursuit. This paper reports on a qualitative study of our experiences with a selected sample taken from two on-line undergraduate EM modules for second and third year students (referred to respectively as Modules A and B) at the Open University, UK where online collaboration was a key component. Our tentative findings indicate that on-line collaboration is difficult to ensure as a uniform experience and that lack of uniformity reduces its value as an authentic experience. Whilst it can provide useful additional skills for EM practitioners the experience is uneven in the student body and often requires more time and support to engage with than originally planned


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    Lectures have many duties. The most important one is to implement the tri-dharma of higher education (teaching, research and community service). One of the efforts to support these duties in the Industry 4.0 era is the use of social media to develop professors' careers. A lack of understanding of the role of social media sometimes only sees the dark side of social media, which is actually very useful in developing lecturers' careers. This study uses a qualitative research method with a narrative research design. The subjects of this study were 92 individuals identified through purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done through an online survey. Data analysis in this study used coding techniques consisting of open coding, axial coding and selective coding stages. The findings of this study show that social media is a professional development tool for teachers and can enhance professional competence, which can contribute to teachers' professional development.  Professional development that enhances the performance of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the areas of teaching, research and community service

    Inproved Math Connection Skills Through Online Learning Using MATH-UNWIR

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    Advances in technology and learning carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic are the background for this research. Research objectives to determine the effectiveness of online learning using MATH-UNWIR in improving mathematical connection ability and online learning amid the pandemic Covid-19. This study uses quantitative research with a quasi-type experimental design, as well as a research design using pretest and posttest experimental classes. There are 15 students as research sample. The instruments used was connection skill test and questionare. The data obtained anylized with quantitative method. The average yield pretest was 56,33 and the posttest mean was 81,67. The results of the pretest posttest paired sample t-test showed that there was an average difference significant between pretest and posttest results, so that it brought to an effect of online learning using MATH-UNWIR on students' mathematical connections. The result of the N-Gain score was 0.57. That means it is in the medium category and shows a percentage of 57%. In this study it can be concluded that there is significant influence online learning’ using MATH-UNWIR to improve students' mathematical connections with the interpretation of the effectiveness of increasing mathematical connections quite effectively.Advances in technology and learning carried out online due to the Covid-19 pandemic are the background for this research. Research objectives to determine the effectiveness of online learning using MATH-UNWIR in improving mathematical connection ability and online learning amid the pandemic Covid-19. This study uses quantitative research with a quasi-type experimental design[L1] , as well as a research design using pretest and posttest experimental classes. There are 15 students as research sample. The instruments used was connection skill test and questionare. The data obtained anylized with quantitative method.The average yield pretest was 56,33 and the posttest mean was 81,67. The results of the pretestposttest paired sample t-test showed that there was an average difference significant between pretest and posttest results, so that it brought to an effect of online learning using MATH-UNWIR on students' mathematical connections. The result of the N-Gain score was 0.57. That means it is in the medium category and shows a percentage of 57%. In this study it can be concluded that there is significant influence online learning’ using MATH-UNWIR to improve students' mathematical connections with the interpretation of the effectiveness of increasing mathematical connections quite effectively. [L1]1. How many research subjects were involved (research sample)2. What research instruments do you use?3. How do you analyze the data you use