115 research outputs found

    A Global Pandemic: The Ultimate Test of Teacher Adaptation

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    The article focuses on the ways teachers adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and changed the way they assisted students to adjust to new learning styles

    Pandemic Portrayed: Learning Style in Online Learning

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    Learning style is one of the most important factors in determining how students learn and has a significant effect on student learning strategies, which in turn affects their learning outcomes. It refers to the methods by which students collect, store, and extract material. Since pandemic came to all over the world, all od aspect in teaching and learning process is changing. It is included to students’s learning style. Some issues were discovered during online learning, especially in English learning for students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi. By these issues, it seems that there is a doubt of how they really learn from online learning. The aim of this study is to report data on the types of students' learning styles used in their English online learning. Data were analyzed using The VARK Questionnaire by Neil Fleming. This research uses the qualitative descriptive method. The population of this research was 1st semester of Management Department students in the academic year 2020. There were three classes; R.B1, R.A7 and R.B3. The result shows that the majority of students in this research used kinesthetic learning style. Then audio learning is the next place, then followed by reading and writing learning style. And the last is visual learning style

    A study on effective learning of novice programmer among engineering students at UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang / Azlina Mydin, Wan Anisha Wan Mohammad and Syarifah Adilah Mohamed Yusoff

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    Learning is a process of seeking knowledge in a very creative way. The process varies among students. Different subjects have different techniques in learning. This study will identify the suitability of learning styles focusing on programming subject for novice users. We choose the most established learning model, which is VARK Model to find the best approach on students’ learning styles. VARK stands for Visual (V), Aural (A), Read/Write (R), and Kinaesthetic (K). We concentrate on three learning styles, which are Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic, and on how it influences student’s enthusiasm in learning programming. The results show that the students prefer active learning that involves face-to-face interaction in order to understand the programming course across the three mentioned learning styles. Hence, this creates significant challenge to apply blended learning method in this cours

    Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Stad Dengan Media Power Point Dan Model Bangun Ruang Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Lengkung Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar

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    The objective of this research are to investigate: (1) which one that is more effective in teaching geometry, the STAD type of cooperative learning model with Power Point media or that with Geometrical Model media or that with Conventional media, (2) which learning style results in a better learning achievement and (3) which media used in the STAD learning model results in a better learning achievement in each learning style of the students.This research used the quasi-experimental method. The population of this research was the 9th-grade students of the state junior secondary schools in Ngawi regency in the academic year of 2012/2013. The samples of this research consisted of 250 students who were divided into 85 students of the first experiment class, 83 students of the second experiment class, and 82 students of the control class. The samples were taken by using stratified cluster random sampling. The data of this research were gathered through documentation, test, and questionnaire. The hypothesis of this research were tested by using unbalanced Two-way Analysis of Variance. Conclusions drawn are as follows: (1) the STAD learning model with the Power Point media is better than the STAD learning models with the Geometrical Model and the Conventional media whereas the STAD learning model with the Geometrical Model media is equal to the STAD learning model with the Conventional media; (2) the students with the kinesthetic learning style have a better learning achievement than those with the visual and auditory learning styles whereas the students with the visual learning style have an equal learning achievement to those with the auditory learning style; (3) the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in a better learning achievement than that with the Conventional media whereas the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Geometrical Model media and the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Conventional media in the visual learning style; (4) the STAD learning model with the all of the three types of media results in an equal learning achievement in the auditory learning style; and (5) the STAD learning model with the Geometrical Model media results in a better learning achievement than that with the Conventional media whereas the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Geometrical Model media and the STAD learning model with the Power Point media results in an equal learning achievement to that with the Conventional media in the kinesthetic learning style


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    When a pandemic hit the entire planet almost one year ago, every facet of the teaching and learning process changed. It is included in the learning styles of students. Some problems were observed during online learning, particularly for students at the University of Muhammadiyah Jambi. Some students seemed to not have a good preparation in studying. There were some distractions when the learning process occurred online at that time. For their task, they were late in submitting the task. Because of these concerns, it appeared that there was some dispute about how students truly learnt through online learning. The purpose of this study was to report statistics on the different types of learning styles utilized by students in their English online learning. Neil Fleming's The VARK Questionnaire was used to analyze the data. The qualitative descriptive method was applied in this study. This study's population consisted of first semester Management Department students in the academic year 2020. There were three different classes: R.B1, R.A7, and R.B3. The findings revealed that most students in this study used a kinesthetic learning style. Then came auditory learning, which was followed by reading and writing learning styles. The final was visual learning style. Nevertheless, there was not a significant correlation between academic performance and students’ styles of learning based on the test results


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    The hospital is a health service facility that is integrated with the nursing service system. With the advancement of technology, the services of the congregation must be effective and efficient both in terms of service time so that the quality of service to patients is still prioritized. Nurses must be prepared to face challenges in the era of technological advances so that included in the use of electronic medical records, especially in the nursing service order, the factors that influence the success of EMR are nurses as users must be proficient in using computers, management must always evaluate and communicate with EMR use and IT systems themselves must be easier, faster and more flexible to use so nurses are more confident in using EM

    Метод проектів у системі підготовки інженерів-педагогів швейної галузі

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    Мета дослідження полягає у висвітленні особливостей застосування методу проектів у підготовці інженерів-педагогів швейної галузі. Удосконалено методику навчання, а також зміст професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців спеціальності 015 Професійна освіта за рахунок упровадження методу проектів для вивчення професійно орієнтованих дисциплін. Практичне значення одержаних результатів полягає у розробці та впровадженні в освітній процес КНУТД авторських навчально-методичних матеріалів для забезпечення підготовки студентів спеціальності 015 Професійна освіта. Розроблені матеріали можуть бути застосовані в роботі закладів підвищення кваліфікації викладачів, обласних інститутів післядипломної педагогічної освіти, на семінарах професорсько-викладацького складу з проблем удосконалення професійної освіти


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    Pendidikan abad 21 merupakan suatu pembelajaran yang bercirikan learning skill yang terangkum dalam model KSAVE. Salah satu sarana untuk mengembangkan keterampilan abad 21 yaitu dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran collaborative problem solving (CPS). maka dirancanglah sebuah sistem yang dapat menyimpan dan menampilkan hasil dari penilaian tersebut yaitu sistem e-portfolio. Sistem e-portfolio yang dibangun merupakan sistem yang berbasis web. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis korelasi untuk melihat keterkaitan antara variabel penilaian. Variabel ditentukan dari penilaian yang ada pada Collaborative Problem Solving yaitu menggunakan Felder Silverman Learning Style model (FSLM), penilaian kognitif dan penilaian kemampuan sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keterkaitan antar variabel misalnya menyelidiki apakah tipe kepribadian yang berbeda mempengaruhi hasil tes. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa koefisien korelasi antara FSLM dengan kemampuan kognitif sebesar -0.048, FSLM dengan kemampuan sosial sebesar 0,177, dan koefisien korelasi antara kemampuan kognitif dengan kemampuan sosial sebesar -0,623. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang lemah. Kata Kunci: e-portfolio, collaborative problem solving, korelasi. 21st century education is a learning that is characterized by learning skills summarized in the KSAVE model. One means to develop 21st century skills is to apply collaborative problem solving (CPS) learning methods. then designed a system that can store and display the results of the assessment is the e-portfolio system. The e-portfolio system that is built is a web-based system. The analysis conducted in this study is correlation analysis to see the relationship between the assessment variables. Variables are determined from the assessment in the Collaborative Problem Solving using Felder Silverman Learning Style model (FSLM), cognitive assessment and social ability assessment. The purpose of this study is to look at the interrelationships between variables such as investigating whether different personality types affect test results. The results of correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficient between FSLM with cognitive abilities was -0.048, FSLM with social abilities was 0.177, and the correlation coefficient between cognitive abilities and social abilities was -0,623. So it can be concluded that there is a weak correlation. Kata Kunci: e-portfolio, collaborative problem solving, correlation