492,003 research outputs found

    Interpretation of transverse tune spectra in a heavy-ion synchrotron at high intensities

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    Two different tune measurement systems have been installed in the GSI heavy-ion synchrotron SIS-18. Tune spectra are obtained with high accuracy using these fast and sensitive systems. Besides the machine tune, the spectra contain information about the intensity dependent coherent tune shift and the incoherent space charge tune shift. The space charge tune shift is derived from a fit of the observed shifted positions of the synchrotron satellites to an analytic expression for the head-tail eigenmodes with space charge. Furthermore, the chromaticity is extracted from the measured head-tail mode structure. The results of the measurements provide experimental evidence of the importance of space charge effects and head-tail modes for the interpretation of transverse beam signals at high intensity

    Cold ultrarelativistic pulsar winds as potential sources of galactic gamma-ray lines above 100 GeV

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    The evidence of a line-like spectral feature at 130 GeV recently reported from some parts of the galactic plane poses serious challenges for any interpretation of this surprise discovery. It is generally believed that the unusually narrow profile of the spectral line cannot be explained by conventional processes in astrophysical objects, and, if real, is likely to be associated with Dark Matter. In this paper we argue that cold ultrarelativistic pulsar winds can be alternative sources of very narrow gamma-ray lines. We demonstrate that Comptonization of a cold ultrarelativistic electron-positron pulsar wind in the deep Klein-Nishina regime can readily provide very narrow distinct gamma-ray line features. To verify this prediction, we produced photon count maps based on the Fermi LAT data in the energy interval 100 to 140 GeV. We confirm earlier reports of the presence of marginal gamma-ray line-like signals from three regions of the galactic plane. Although the maps show some structure inside these regions, unfortunately the limited photon statistics do not allow any firm conclusion in this regard. The confirmation of 130 GeV line emission by low-energy threshold atmospheric Cherenkov telescope systems, in particular by the new 27 m diameter dish of the H.E.S.S. array, would be crucial for resolving the spatial structure of the reported hotspots, and thus for distinguishing between the Dark Matter and Pulsar origins of the `Fermi Lines'.Comment: 5 pages. 4 figure

    Quasi particle interference of heavy fermions in resonant x ray scattering

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    Resonant x ray scattering RXS has recently become an increasingly important tool for the study of ordering phenomena in correlated electron systems. Yet, the interpretation of RXS experiments remains theoretically challenging because of the complexity of the RXS cross section. Central to this debate is the recent proposal that impurity induced Friedel oscillations, akin to quasi particle interference signals observed with a scanning tunneling microscope STM , can lead to scattering peaks in RXS experiments. The possibility that quasi particle properties can be probed in RXSmeasurements opens up a new avenue to study the bulk band structure ofmaterials with the orbital and element selectivity provided by RXS. We test these ideas by combining RXS and STM measurements of the heavy fermion compound CeMIn5 M Co, Rh . Temperature and doping dependent RXSmeasurements at the Ce M4 edge show abroad scattering enhancement that correlateswith the appearance of heavy f electron bands in these compounds. The scattering enhancement is consistentwith themeasured quasi particle interference signal in the STMmeasurements, indicating that the quasi particle interference can be probed through the momentum distribution of RXS signals. Overall, our experiments demonstrate new opportunities for studies of correlated electronic systems using the RXS techniqu

    Ultrasonic guided wave interpretation for structural health inspections

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    Structural Health Management (SHM) combines the use of onboard sensors with artificial intelligence algorithms to automatically identify and monitor structural health issues. A fully integrated approach to SHM systems demands an understanding of the sensor output relative to the structure, along with sophisticated prognostic systems that automatically draw conclusions about structural integrity issues. Ultrasonic guided wave methods allow us to examine the interaction of multimode signals within key structural components. Since they propagate relatively long distances within plate- and shell-like structures, guided waves allow inspection of greater areas with fewer sensors, making this technique attractive for a variety of applications.;This dissertation describes the experimental development of automatic guided wave interpretation for three real world applications. Using the guided wave theories for idealized plates we have systematically developed techniques for identifying the mass loading of underwater limpet mines on US Navy ship hulls, characterizing type and bonding of protective coatings on large diameter pipelines, and detecting the thinning effects of corrosion on aluminum aircraft structural stringers. In each of these circumstances the signals received are too complex for interpretation without knowledge of the guided wave physics. We employ a signal processing technique called the Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint Technique (DFWT) in order to render the guided wave mode information in two-dimensional binary images. The use of wavelets allows us to keep track of both time and scale features from the original signals. With simple image processing we have developed automatic extraction algorithms for features that correspond to the arrival times of the guided wave modes of interest for each of the applications. Due to the dispersive nature of the guided wave modes, the mode arrival times give details of the structure in the propagation path.;For further understanding of how the guided wave modes propagate through the real structures, we have developed parallel processing, 3D elastic wave simulations using the finite integration technique (EFIT). This full field, numeric simulation technique easily examines models too complex for analytical solutions. We have developed the algorithm to handle built up 3D structures as well as layers with different material properties and surface detail. The simulations produce informative visualizations of the guided wave modes in the structures as well as the output from sensors placed in the simulation space to mimic the placement from experiment. Using the previously developed mode extraction algorithms we were then able to compare our 3D EFIT data to their experimental counterparts with consistency

    Four Common Conceptual Fallacies in Mapping the Time Course of Recognition

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    Determining the moment at which a visual recognition process is completed, or the order in which various processes come into play, are fundamental steps in any attempt to understand human recognition abilities, or to replicate the corresponding hierarchy of neuronal mechanisms within artificial systems. Common experimental paradigms for addressing these questions involve the measurement and/or comparison of backward-masking (or rapid serial visual presentation) psychometric functions and of physiological EEG/MEG/LFP signals (peak latencies, differential activities, single-trial decoding techniques). I review and illustrate four common mistakes that scientists tend to make when using these paradigms, and explain the conceptual fallacies that motivate their reasoning. First, contrary to collective intuition, presentation times, or stimulus-onset asynchrony masking thresholds cannot be taken to reflect, directly or indirectly, the timing of relevant brain processes. Second, psychophysical or electrophysiological measurements should not be compared without assessing potential physical differences between experimental stimulus sets. Third, such comparisons should not be performed in any manner contingent on subjective responses, so as to avoid response biases. Last, the filtering of electrophysiological signals alters their temporal structure, and thus precludes their interpretation in terms of time course. Practical solutions are proposed to overcome these common mistakes

    The Confounding Effect of Population Structure on Bayesian Skyline Plot Inferences of Demographic History

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    Many coalescent-based methods aiming to infer the demographic history of populations assume a single, isolated and panmictic population (i.e. a Wright-Fisher model). While this assumption may be reasonable under many conditions, several recent studies have shown that the results can be misleading when it is violated. Among the most widely applied demographic inference methods are Bayesian skyline plots (BSPs), which are used across a range of biological fields. Violations of the panmixia assumption are to be expected in many biological systems, but the consequences for skyline plot inferences have so far not been addressed and quantified. We simulated DNA sequence data under a variety of scenarios involving structured populations with variable levels of gene flow and analysed them using BSPs as implemented in the software package BEAST. Results revealed that BSPs can show false signals of population decline under biologically plausible combinations of population structure and sampling strategy, suggesting that the interpretation of several previous studies may need to be re-evaluated. We found that a balanced sampling strategy whereby samples are distributed on several populations provides the best scheme for inferring demographic change over a typical time scale. Analyses of data from a structured African buffalo population demonstrate how BSP results can be strengthened by simulations. We recommend that sample selection should be carefully considered in relation to population structure previous to BSP analyses, and that alternative scenarios should be evaluated when interpreting signals of population size change.Danish Council for Independent Research, Laboratoire d’Excellence (LABEX) grant: (ANR-10-LABX-41)

    A time domain approach for data interpretation from long‐term static monitoring of historical structures

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    The conservation of historical buildings requires periodic inspections, maintenance, and/or strengthening interventions, resulting in significant costs. The accurate estimate of the structural condition may contribute to optimize the allocation of resources. With the diffusion of innovative technologies of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), several permanent monitoring systems have been installed in the last decades in historical buildings. This fact has encouraged investigations about methods for the assessment of structural health based on recorded data. The aim of this study is to introduce a time-domain approach for the analysis and interpretation of large amount of data from long-term static monitoring of historical masonry structures. It is assumed that the recorded signals can be decomposed into two main components: a periodical one, mainly due to environmental actions, and a non-periodical component related to potential variations in the state of conservation of the structure. The analysis of the two components is conducted through specific descriptors (here referred to as "reference quantities") by means of statistical evaluations. Such reference quantities could be used as the roots for the establishment of standardized procedures for data analysis and interpretation. The approach has been applied to analyze data from the SHM system of the Two Towers of Bologna (Italy)
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