55 research outputs found

    Improving Parallel I/O Performance Using Interval I/O

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    Today\u27s most advanced scientific applications run on large clusters consisting of hundreds of thousands of processing cores, access state of the art parallel file systems that allow files to be distributed across hundreds of storage targets, and utilize advanced interconnections systems that allow for theoretical I/O bandwidth of hundreds of gigabytes per second. Despite these advanced technologies, these applications often fail to obtain a reasonable proportion of available I/O bandwidth. The reasons for the poor performance of application I/O include the noncontiguous I/O access patterns used for scientific computing, contention due to false sharing, and the somewhat finicky nature of parallel file system performance. We argue that a more fundamental cause of this problem is the legacy view of a file as a linear sequence of bytes. To address these issues, we introduce a novel approach for parallel I/O called Interval I/O. Interval I/O is an innovative approach that uses application access patterns to partition a file into a series of intervals, which are used as the fundamental unit for subsequent I/O operations. Use of this approach provides superior performance for the noncontiguous access patterns which are frequently used by scientific applications. In addition, the approach reduces false contention and the unnecessary serialization it causes. Interval I/O also significantly increases the performance of atomic mode operations. Finally, the Interval I/O approach includes a technique for supporting parallel I/O for cooperating applications. We provide a prototype implementation of our Interval I/O system and use it to demonstrate performance improvements of as much as 1000% compared to ROMIO when using Interval I/O with several common benchmarks

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe increase in computational power of supercomputers is enabling complex scientific phenomena to be simulated at ever-increasing resolution and fidelity. With these simulations routinely producing large volumes of data, performing efficient I/O at this scale has become a very difficult task. Large-scale parallel writes are challenging due to the complex interdependencies between I/O middleware and hardware. Analytic-appropriate reads are traditionally hindered by bottlenecks in I/O access. Moreover, the two components of I/O, data generation from simulations (writes) and data exploration for analysis and visualization (reads), have substantially different data access requirements. Parallel writes, performed on supercomputers, often deploy aggregation strategies to permit large-sized contiguous access. Analysis and visualization tasks, usually performed on computationally modest resources, require fast access to localized subsets or multiresolution representations of the data. This dissertation tackles the problem of parallel I/O while bridging the gap between large-scale writes and analytics-appropriate reads. The focus of this work is to develop an end-to-end adaptive-resolution data movement framework that provides efficient I/O, while supporting the full spectrum of modern HPC hardware. This is achieved by developing technology for highly scalable and tunable parallel I/O, applicable to both traditional parallel data formats and multiresolution data formats, which are directly appropriate for analysis and visualization. To demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, a novel library (PIDX) is developed that is highly tunable and capable of adaptive-resolution parallel I/O to a multiresolution data format. Adaptive resolution storage and I/O, which allows subsets of a simulation to be accessed at varying spatial resolutions, can yield significant improvements to both the storage performance and I/O time. The library provides a set of parameters that controls the storage format and the nature of data aggregation across he network; further, a machine learning-based model is constructed that tunes these parameters for the maximum throughput. This work is empirically demonstrated by showing parallel I/O scaling up to 768K cores within a framework flexible enough to handle adaptive resolution I/O

    MPI-Vector-IO: Parallel I/O and Partitioning for Geospatial Vector Data

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    In recent times, geospatial datasets are growing in terms of size, complexity and heterogeneity. High performance systems are needed to analyze such data to produce actionable insights in an efficient manner. For polygonal a.k.a vector datasets, operations such as I/O, data partitioning, communication, and load balancing becomes challenging in a cluster environment. In this work, we present MPI-Vector-IO 1 , a parallel I/O library that we have designed using MPI-IO specifically for partitioning and reading irregular vector data formats such as Well Known Text. It makes MPI aware of spatial data, spatial primitives and provides support for spatial data types embedded within collective computation and communication using MPI message-passing library. These abstractions along with parallel I/O support are useful for parallel Geographic Information System (GIS) application development on HPC platforms

    Security features using a distributed file system

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    Tese de mestrado em Segurnaça Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Informação sensível como por exemplo dados provenientes the firewalls ou sistemas de detecção de intrusões, é preciso que seja armazenada durante longos períodos de tempo por razões legais ou para fins de análise forense. Com o crescimento das fontes geradores deste tipo de dados dentro de uma empresa, torna-se imperioso encontrar uma solução que cumpra os requisitos de escalabilidade, segurança, disponibilidade, performance e baixa manutenção com custos controlados. Na sequência desta necessidade, este projecto visa fazer uma análise sobre vários sistemas de ficheiros distribuídos por forma a encontrar uma solução que responda aos requisitos de performance e segurança de uma aplicação interna da Portugal Telecom. Para validar a solução, o projecto inclui a concepção de um protótipo que pretende simular as condições de execução dessa aplicação.Sensitive information such as firewall logs or data from intrusion detection systems, has to be stored for long periods of time for legal reasons or for later forensic analysis. With the growth of the sources generating this type of data within a company, it is imperative to find a solution that meets the requirements of scalability, security, availability, performance and low maintenance while keeping the costs under control. Following this need, this project aims to make an analysis of several distributed file systems in order to find a solution that meets both the performance and security requirements of an internal application of Portugal Telecom. To validate the solution, the project includes the design of a prototype that aims to simulate the execution environment of that application

    The Applications of Workload Characterization in The World of Massive Data Storage

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. August 2015. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: David Du. 1 computer file (PDF); x, 116 pages.The digital world is expanding exponentially because of the growth of various applications in domains including scientific fields, enterprise environment and internet services. Importantly, these applications have drastically different storage requirements including parallel I/O performance and storage capacity. Various technologies have been developed in order to better satisfy different storage requirements. I/O middleware software, parallel file systems and storage arrays are developed to improve I/O performance by increasing I/O parallelism at different levels. New storage media and data recording technologies such as shingled magnetic recording (SMR) are also developed to increase the storage capacity. This work focuses on improving existing technologies and designing new schemes based on I/O workload characterizations in corresponding storage environments. The contributions of this work can be summarized into four pieces, two on improving parallel I/O performance and two on increasing storage capacity. First, we design a comprehensive parallel I/O workload characterization and generation framework (called PIONEER) which can be used to synthesize a particular parallel I/O workload with desired I/O characteristics or precisely emulate a High Performance Computing (HPC) application of interest. Second, we propose a non-intrusive I/O middleware (called IO-Engine) to automatically improve a given parallel I/O workload in Lustre which is a widely used HPC or parallel I/O system. IO-Engine can explore the correlations between different software layers in the deep I/O path, as well as workload patterns at runtime to transparently transform the workload patterns and tune related I/O parameters in the system. Third, we design several novel static address mapping schemes for shingled write disks (SWDs) to minimize the write amplification overhead in hard drives adopting SMR technology. Fourth, we propose a track-level shingled translation layer (T-STL) for SWDs with hybrid update strategy (in-place update plus out-of-place update). T-STL uses dynamic address mapping scheme and performs garbage collection operations by migrating selected disk tracks. This scheme can provider larger storage capacity and better overall performance with the same effective storage percentages when compared to the static address mapping schemes

    Accelerating Network Communication and I/O in Scientific High Performance Computing Environments

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    High performance computing has become one of the major drivers behind technology inventions and science discoveries. Originally driven through the increase of operating frequencies and technology scaling, a recent slowdown in this evolution has led to the development of multi-core architectures, which are supported by accelerator devices such as graphics processing units (GPUs). With the upcoming exascale era, the overall power consumption and the gap between compute capabilities and I/O bandwidth have become major challenges. Nowadays, the system performance is dominated by the time spent in communication and I/O, which highly depends on the capabilities of the network interface. In order to cope with the extreme concurrency and heterogeneity of future systems, the software ecosystem of the interconnect needs to be carefully tuned to excel in reliability, programmability, and usability. This work identifies and addresses three major gaps in today's interconnect software systems. The I/O gap describes the disparity in operating speeds between the computing capabilities and second storage tiers. The communication gap is introduced through the communication overhead needed to synchronize distributed large-scale applications and the mixed workload. The last gap is the so called concurrency gap, which is introduced through the extreme concurrency and the inflicted learning curve posed to scientific application developers to exploit the hardware capabilities. The first contribution is the introduction of the network-attached accelerator approach, which moves accelerators into a "stand-alone" cluster connected through the Extoll interconnect. The novel communication architecture enables the direct accelerators communication without any host interactions and an optimal application-to-compute-resources mapping. The effectiveness of this approach is evaluated for two classes of accelerators: Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors and NVIDIA GPUs. The next contribution comprises the design, implementation, and evaluation of the support of legacy codes and protocols over the Extoll interconnect technology. By providing TCP/IP protocol support over Extoll, it is shown that the performance benefits of the interconnect can be fully leveraged by a broader range of applications, including the seamless support of legacy codes. The third contribution is twofold. First, a comprehensive analysis of the Lustre networking protocol semantics and interfaces is presented. Afterwards, these insights are utilized to map the LNET protocol semantics onto the Extoll networking technology. The result is a fully functional Lustre network driver for Extoll. An initial performance evaluation demonstrates promising bandwidth and message rate results. The last contribution comprises the design, implementation, and evaluation of two easy-to-use load balancing frameworks, which transparently distribute the I/O workload across all available storage system components. The solutions maximize the parallelization and throughput of file I/O. The frameworks are evaluated on the Titan supercomputing systems for three I/O interfaces. For example for large-scale application runs, POSIX I/O and MPI-IO can be improved by up to 50% on a per job basis, while HDF5 shows performance improvements of up to 32%

    Improving I/O Performance for Exascale Applications through Online Data Layout Reorganization

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    The applications being developed within the U.S. Exascale Computing Project (ECP) to run on imminent Exascale computers will generate scientific results with unprecedented fidelity and record turn-around time. Many of these codes are based on particle-mesh methods and use advanced algorithms, especially dynamic load-balancing and mesh-refinement, to achieve high performance on Exascale machines. Yet, as such algorithms improve parallel application efficiency, they raise new challenges for I/O logic due to their irregular and dynamic data distributions. Thus, while the enormous data rates of Exascale simulations already challenge existing file system write strategies, the need for efficient read and processing of generated data introduces additional constraints on the data layout strategies that can be used when writing data to secondary storage. We review these I/O challenges and introduce two online data layout reorganization approaches for achieving good tradeoffs between read and write performance. We demonstrate the benefits of using these two approaches for the ECP particle-in-cell simulation WarpX, which serves as a motif for a large class of important Exascale applications. We show that by understanding application I/O patterns and carefully designing data layouts we can increase read performance by more than 80 percent

    Profiling and Improving I/O Performance of a Large-Scale Climate Scientific Application

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    Exascale computing systems are soon to emerge, which will pose great challenges on the huge gap between computing and I/O performance. Many large-scale scientific applications play an important role in our daily life. The huge amounts of data generated by such applications require highly parallel and efficient I/O management policies. In this paper, we adopt a mission-critical scientific application, GEOS-5, as a case to profile and analyze the communication and I/O issues that are preventing applications from fully utilizing the underlying parallel storage systems. Through in-detail architectural and experimental characterization, we observe that current legacy I/O schemes incur significant network communication overheads and are unable to fully parallelize the data access, thus degrading applications' I/O performance and scalability. To address these inefficiencies, we redesign its I/O framework along with a set of parallel I/O techniques to achieve high scalability and performance. Evaluation results on the NASA discover cluster show that our optimization of GEOS-5 with ADIOS has led to significant performance improvements compared to the original GEOS-5 implementation