18 research outputs found

    Processing-structure-protrusion relationship of 3D Cu TSVs: control at the atomic scale

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    A phase-field-crystal model is used to investigate the processing-structure-protrusion relationship of blind Cu through-silicon vias (TSVs) at the atomic scale. A higher temperature results in a larger TSV protrusion. Deformation via dislocation motion dominates at temperatures lower than around 300∘C, while both diffusional and dislocation creep occur at temperatures greater than around 300∘C. TSVs with smaller sidewall roughness Ra and wavelength λa exhibit larger protrusions. Moreover, different protrusion profiles are observed for TSVs with different grain structures. Both protrusions and intrusions are observed when a single grain is placed near the TSV top end, while the top surface protrudes near both edges when it contains more grains. Under symmetric loading, coalescence of the grains occurs near the top end, and a symmetric grain structure can accelerate this process. The strain distributions in TSVs are calculated, and the eigenstrain projection along the vertical direction can be considered an index to predict the TSV protrusion tendency

    Analyse et caractérisation des couplages substrat et de la connectique dans les circuits 3D : Vers des modèles compacts

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    The 3D integration is the most promising technological solution to track the level of integration dictated by Moore's Law (see more than Moore, Moore versus more). It leads to important research for a dozen years. It can superimpose different circuits and components in one box. Its main advantage is to allow a combination of heterogeneous and highly specialized technologies for the establishment of a complete system, while maintaining a high level of performance with very short connections between the different circuits. The objective of this work is to provide consistent modeling via crossing, and / or contacts in the substrate, with various degrees of finesse / precision to allow the high-level designer to manage and especially to optimize the partitioning between the different strata. This modelization involves the development of multiple views at different levels of abstraction: the physical model to "high level" model. This would allow to address various issues faced in the design process: - The physical model using an electromagnetic simulation based on 2D or 3D ( finite element solver ) is used to optimize the via (materials, dimensions etc..) It determines the electrical performance of the via, including high frequency. Electromagnetic simulations also quantify the coupling between adjacent via. - The analytical compact of via their coupling model, based on a description of transmission line or Green cores is used for the simulations at the block level and Spice type simulations. Analytical models are often validated against measurements and / or physical models.L’intégration 3D est la solution technologique la plus prometteuse pour suivre le niveau d’intégration dictée par la loi de Moore (cf. more than Moore, versus more Moore). Elle entraine des travaux de recherche importants depuis une douzaine d’années. Elle permet de superposer différents circuits et composants dans un seul boitier. Son principal avantage est de permettre une association de technologies hétérogènes et très spécialisées pour la constitution d’un système complet, tout en préservant un très haut niveau de performance grâce à des connexions très courtes entre ces différents circuits. L’objectif de ce travail est de fournir des modélisations cohérentes de via traversant, ou/et de contacts dans le substrat, avec plusieurs degrés de finesse/précision, pour permettre au concepteur de haut niveau de gérer et surtout d’optimiser le partitionnement entre les différentes strates. Cette modélisation passe par le développement de plusieurs vues à différents niveaux d’abstraction: du modèle physique au modèle « haut niveau ». Elle devait permettre de répondre à différentes questions rencontrées dans le processus de conception :- le modèle physique de via basé sur une simulation électromagnétique 2D ou 3D (solveur « éléments finis ») est utilisé pour optimiser l’architecture du via (matériaux, dimensions etc.) Il permet de déterminer les performances électriques des via, notamment en haute fréquence. Les simulations électromagnétiques permettent également de quantifier le couplage entre via adjacents. - le modèle compact analytique de via et de leur couplage, basé sur une description de type ligne de transmission ou noyaux de Green, est utilisé pour les simulations au niveau bloc, ainsi que des simulations de type Spice. Les modèles analytiques sont souvent validés par rapport à des mesures et/ou des modèles physiques

    Using confocal microscopy and digital image correlation to measure local strains around a chip corner and a crack front

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    Abstract: In a flip chip package, the chip corner areas which are embedded in the underfill material are often critical to the damage initiation, since a stress concentration usually exists at these locations. A high level of stress concentration often promotes crack initiation from the chip corner. In order to better understand the local deformation around chip corners and crack tips, a method based on laser scanning confocal microscopy combined with the digital image correlation (confocal-DIC) was developed to measure local strain directly in deformed, transparent objects. A transparent epoxy resin with alumina particle fillers was used in four different types of samples, which were fabricated for the purpose of validation. A non-constrained sample and a thin-layer sample were used to verify the isotropic thermal expansion and the strain gradients with respect to the depth, respectively. Results from both samples were in good agreements with the calculation from the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and FEM simulations. Furthermore, the confocal-DIC technique was applied to measure the strain distribution near the chip corner area of a third sample replicating the geometry of a flip chip package. The measured maximum first principal strain was located at the chip corner, reaching 0.9 % at 60 °C, in a good agreement with the simulation results. The strain in front of the crack tip was also evaluated by a three-point bending test in a fourth test sample. The measured maximum strain was 5.8±0.7 %, corresponding to a relative error of only about 5 % compared to simulations for a round crack tip configuration. The averaging used in DIC lowers its spatial resolution and makes it difficult to capture higher strain gradients in small regions. However, the confocal-DIC approach appears to be able to provide reasonable results for evaluating the maximum strain and the full field strain distribution in tri-dimensional volumes with geometries, materials and dimensions which are very similar to those of actual flip chip microelectronic packages

    Strain-Engineered MOSFETs

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    This book brings together new developments in the area of strain-engineered MOSFETs using high-mibility substrates such as SIGe, strained-Si, germanium-on-insulator and III-V semiconductors into a single text which will cover the materials aspects, principles, and design of advanced devices, their fabrication and applications. The book presents a full TCAD methodology for strain-engineering in Si CMOS technology involving data flow from process simulation to systematic process variability simulation and generation of SPICE process compact models for manufacturing for yield optimization

    Fiabilité de l’underfill et estimation de la durée de vie d’assemblages microélectroniques

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    Abstract : In order to protect the interconnections in flip-chip packages, an underfill material layer is used to fill the volumes and provide mechanical support between the silicon chip and the substrate. Due to the chip corner geometry and the mismatch of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), the underfill suffers from a stress concentration at the chip corners when the temperature is lower than the curing temperature. This stress concentration leads to subsequent mechanical failures in flip-chip packages, such as chip-underfill interfacial delamination and underfill cracking. Local stresses and strains are the most important parameters for understanding the mechanism of underfill failures. As a result, the industry currently relies on the finite element method (FEM) to calculate the stress components, but the FEM may not be accurate enough compared to the actual stresses in underfill. FEM simulations require a careful consideration of important geometrical details and material properties. This thesis proposes a modeling approach that can accurately estimate the underfill delamination areas and crack trajectories, with the following three objectives. The first objective was to develop an experimental technique capable of measuring underfill deformations around the chip corner region. This technique combined confocal microscopy and the digital image correlation (DIC) method to enable tri-dimensional strain measurements at different temperatures, and was named the confocal-DIC technique. This techique was first validated by a theoretical analysis on thermal strains. In a test component similar to a flip-chip package, the strain distribution obtained by the FEM model was in good agreement with the results measured by the confocal-DIC technique, with relative errors less than 20% at chip corners. Then, the second objective was to measure the strain near a crack in underfills. Artificial cracks with lengths of 160 μm and 640 μm were fabricated from the chip corner along the 45° diagonal direction. The confocal-DIC-measured maximum hoop strains and first principal strains were located at the crack front area for both the 160 μm and 640 μm cracks. A crack model was developed using the extended finite element method (XFEM), and the strain distribution in the simulation had the same trend as the experimental results. The distribution of hoop strains were in good agreement with the measured values, when the model element size was smaller than 22 μm to capture the strong strain gradient near the crack tip. The third objective was to propose a modeling approach for underfill delamination and cracking with the effects of manufacturing variables. A deep thermal cycling test was performed on 13 test cells to obtain the reference chip-underfill delamination areas and crack profiles. An artificial neural network (ANN) was trained to relate the effects of manufacturing variables and the number of cycles to first delamination of each cell. The predicted numbers of cycles for all 6 cells in the test dataset were located in the intervals of experimental observations. The growth of delamination was carried out on FEM by evaluating the strain energy amplitude at the interface elements between the chip and underfill. For 5 out of 6 cells in validation, the delamination growth model was consistent with the experimental observations. The cracks in bulk underfill were modelled by XFEM without predefined paths. The directions of edge cracks were in good agreement with the experimental observations, with an error of less than 2.5°. This approach met the goal of the thesis of estimating the underfill initial delamination, areas of delamination and crack paths in actual industrial flip-chip assemblies.Afin de protéger les interconnexions dans les assemblages, une couche de matériau d’underfill est utilisée pour remplir le volume et fournir un support mécanique entre la puce de silicium et le substrat. En raison de la géométrie du coin de puce et de l’écart du coefficient de dilatation thermique (CTE), l’underfill souffre d’une concentration de contraintes dans les coins lorsque la température est inférieure à la température de cuisson. Cette concentration de contraintes conduit à des défaillances mécaniques dans les encapsulations de flip-chip, telles que la délamination interfaciale puce-underfill et la fissuration d’underfill. Les contraintes et déformations locales sont les paramètres les plus importants pour comprendre le mécanisme des ruptures de l’underfill. En conséquent, l’industrie utilise actuellement la méthode des éléments finis (EF) pour calculer les composantes de la contrainte, qui ne sont pas assez précises par rapport aux contraintes actuelles dans l’underfill. Ces simulations nécessitent un examen minutieux de détails géométriques importants et des propriétés des matériaux. Cette thèse vise à proposer une approche de modélisation permettant d’estimer avec précision les zones de délamination et les trajectoires des fissures dans l’underfill, avec les trois objectifs suivants. Le premier objectif est de mettre au point une technique expérimentale capable de mesurer la déformation de l’underfill dans la région du coin de puce. Cette technique, combine la microscopie confocale et la méthode de corrélation des images numériques (DIC) pour permettre des mesures tridimensionnelles des déformations à différentes températures, et a été nommée le technique confocale-DIC. Cette technique a d’abord été validée par une analyse théorique en déformation thermique. Dans un échantillon similaire à un flip-chip, la distribution de la déformation obtenues par le modèle EF était en bon accord avec les résultats de la technique confocal-DIC, avec des erreurs relatives inférieures à 20% au coin de puce. Ensuite, le second objectif est de mesurer la déformation autour d’une fissure dans l’underfill. Des fissures artificielles d’une longueuer de 160 μm et 640 μm ont été fabriquées dans l’underfill vers la direction diagonale de 45°. Les déformations circonférentielles maximales et principale maximale étaient situées aux pointes des fissures correspondantes. Un modèle de fissure a été développé en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis étendue (XFEM), et la distribution des contraintes dans la simuation a montré la même tendance que les résultats expérimentaux. La distribution des déformations circonférentielles maximales était en bon accord avec les valeurs mesurées lorsque la taille des éléments était plus petite que 22 μm, assez petit pour capturer le grand gradient de déformation près de la pointe de fissure. Le troisième objectif était d’apporter une approche de modélisation de la délamination et de la fissuration de l’underfill avec les effets des variables de fabrication. Un test de cyclage thermique a d’abord été effectué sur 13 cellules pour obtenir les zones délaminées entre la puce et l’underfill, et les profils de fissures dans l’underfill, comme référence. Un réseau neuronal artificiel (ANN) a été formé pour établir une liaison entre les effets des variables de fabrication et le nombre de cycles à la délamination pour chaque cellule. Les nombres de cycles prédits pour les 6 cellules de l’ensemble de test étaient situés dans les intervalles d’observations expérimentaux. La croissance de la délamination a été réalisée par l’EF en évaluant l’énergie de la déformation au niveau des éléments interfaciaux entre la puce et l’underfill. Pour 5 des 6 cellules de la validation, le modèle de croissance du délaminage était conforme aux observations expérimentales. Les fissures dans l’underfill ont été modélisées par XFEM sans chemins prédéfinis. Les directions des fissures de bord étaient en bon accord avec les observations expérimentales, avec une erreur inférieure à 2,5°. Cette approche a répondu à la problématique qui consiste à estimer l’initiation des délamination, les zones de délamination et les trajectoires de fissures dans l’underfill pour des flip-chips industriels

    Reliable Design of Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuits

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    VLSI Design

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    This book provides some recent advances in design nanometer VLSI chips. The selected topics try to present some open problems and challenges with important topics ranging from design tools, new post-silicon devices, GPU-based parallel computing, emerging 3D integration, and antenna design. The book consists of two parts, with chapters such as: VLSI design for multi-sensor smart systems on a chip, Three-dimensional integrated circuits design for thousand-core processors, Parallel symbolic analysis of large analog circuits on GPU platforms, Algorithms for CAD tools VLSI design, A multilevel memetic algorithm for large SAT-encoded problems, etc

    Design, fabrication, characterization and reliability study of CMOS-MEMS Lorentz-Force magnetometers

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsToday, the most common form of mass-production semiconductor device fabrication is Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The dedicated Integrated Circuit (IC) interfaces of commercial sensors are manufactured using this technology. The sensing elements are generally implemented using Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS), which need to be manufactured using specialized micro-machining processes. Finally, the CMOS circuitry and the MEMS should ideally be combined in a single package. For some applications, integration of CMOS electronics and MEMS devices on a single chip (CMOS-MEMS) has the potential of reducing fabrication costs, size, parasitics and power consumption, compared to other integration approaches. Remarkably, a CMOS-MEMS device may be built with the back-end-of-line (BEOL) layers of the CMOS process. But, despite its advantages, this particular approach has proven to be very challenging given the current lack of commercial products in the market. The main objective of this Thesis is to prove that a high-performance MEMS, sealed and packaged in a standard package, may be accurately modeled and manufactured using the BEOL layers of a CMOS process in a reliable way. To attain this, the first highly reliable novel CMOS-MEMS Lorentz Force Magnetometer (LFM) was successfully designed, modeled, manufactured, characterized and subjected to several reliability tests, obtaining a comparable or superior performance to the typical solid-state magnetometers used in current smartphones. A novel technique to avoid magnetic offsets, the main drawback of LFMs, was presented and its performance confirmed experimentally. Initially, the issues encountered in the manufacturing process of MEMS using the BEOL layers of the CMOS process were discouraging. Vapor HF release of MEMS structures using the BEOL of CMOS wafers resulted in undesirable damaging effects that may lead to the conclusion that this manufacturing approach is not feasible. However, design techniques and workarounds for dealing with the observed issues were devised, tested and implemented in the design of the LFM presented in this Thesis, showing a clear path to successfully fabricate different MEMS devices using the BEOL.Hoy en día, la forma más común de producción en masa es una tecnología llamada Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS). La interfaz de los circuitos integrados (IC) de sensores comerciales se fabrica usando, precisamente, esta tecnología. Actualmente es común que los sensores se implementen usando Sistemas Micro-Electro-Mecánicos (MEMS), que necesitan ser fabricados usando procesos especiales de micro-mecanizado. En un último paso, la circuitería CMOS y el MEMS se combinan en un único elemento, llamado package. En algunas aplicaciones, la integración de la electrónica CMOS y los dispositivos MEMS en un único chip (CMOS-MEMS) alberga el potencial de reducir los costes de fabricación, el tamaño, los parásitos y el consumo, al compararla con otras formas de integración. Resulta notable que un dispositivo CMOS-MEMS pueda ser construido con las capas del back-end-of-line (BEOL) de un proceso CMOS. Pero, a pesar de sus ventajas, este enfoque ha demostrado ser un gran desafío como demuestra la falta de productos comerciales en el mercado. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es probar que un MEMS de altas prestaciones, sellado y empaquetado en un encapsulado estándar, puede ser correctamente modelado y fabricado de una manera fiable usando las capas del BEOL de un proceso CMOS. Para probar esto mismo, el primer magnetómetro CMOS-MEMS de fuerza de Lorentz (LFM) fue exitosamente diseñado, modelado, fabricado, caracterizado y sometido a varias pruebas de fiabilidad, obteniendo un rendimiento comparable o superior al de los típicos magnetómetros de estado sólido, los cuales son usados en móviles actuales. Cabe destacar que en esta Tesis se presenta una novedosa técnica con la que se evitan offsets magnéticos, el mayor inconveniente de los magnetómetros de fuerza Lorentz. Su efectividad fue confirmada experimentalmente. En los inicios, los problemas asociados al proceso de fabricación de MEMS usando las capas BEOL de obleas CMOS resultaba desalentador. Liberar estructuras MEMS hechas con obleas CMOS con vapor de HF producía efectos no deseados que bien podrían llevar a la conclusión de que este enfoque de fabricación no es viable. Sin embargo, se idearon y probaron técnicas de diseño especiales y soluciones ad-hoc para contrarrestar estos efectos no deseados. Se implementaron en el diseño del magnetómetro de Lorentz presentado en esta Tesis, arrojando excelentes resultados, lo cual despeja el camino hacia la fabricación de diferentes dispositivos MEMS usando las capas BEOL.Postprint (published version