11 research outputs found

    Penerapan Strategi E-business Untuk Meningkatkan Keunggulan Kompetitif dari Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Indonesia (Studi kasus Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta)

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    Abstract.Today, many micro small medium enterprises (MSME) utilize the internettechnology to enhance their competitive advantage. One of the popular strategiesis the use of e-business to enhance business process performance of theorganization. However, to implement e-business strategy, an organization needs tohave a model that can help align e-business strategy with organization strategy.That is why in this research, the authors try to apply and implement e-businessstrategy in MSME Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta by using e-business evaluationmodel proposed by Raisinghani et al. (2007). In this research, an e-commercewebsite for Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta will be developed and the use of socialmedia will be maximized.Keyword: e-business, model, e-commerce, social media, MSMEAbstrak.Penerapan Strategi E-business Untuk Meningkatkan Keunggulan Kompetitifdari Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Trooper ElectronicYogyakarta). Berkembangnya teknologi internet membuat banyak pelaku usaha termasukUMKM mulai memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut untuk meningkatkan keunggulankompetitifnya. Strategi pemanfaatan teknologi internet untuk meningkatkan performaproses bisnis dari sebuah unit usaha disebut sebagai E-business. Hanya saja untukmenerapkan strategi e-business tersebut, unit usaha seperti UMKM memerlukan sebuahmodel atau kerangka kerja yang dapat membantu mereka memastikan bahwa strategiyang mereka terapkan sesuai dengan kondisi dan proses bisnis dari UMKM tersebut.Terkait dengan hal tersebut, pada penelitian ini, penulis mencoba menerapkan danmengimplementasikan strategi e-busines pada UMKM Trooper Electronic Yogyakartadengan mengadopsi model strategi e-busines yang diusulkan oleh Raisinghani dkk.(2007). Penerapan strategi e-business pada penelitian ini diwujudkan dalam bentukpembangunan web e-commerce dan pemanfaatan media sosial untuk mendukung prosesbisnis dari UMKM Trooper Electronic Yogyakarta.Kata Kunci: e-business, model, e-commerce, media sosial, UMK

    An integrated approach of AHP-DEMATEL methods applied for the selection of allied hospitals in outpatient service

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    Nowadays, the citizens are more aware of high-quality medical care than ever. They pay much attention to medical treatment safety, instructions from physicians, and the overall service quality performed by the hospital. To manage a hospital successfully, the important goals are to attract and then retain as many patients as possible by meeting potential demands of various kinds of the patients. In this context the decision making process is important in order to achieve a strategic decision and strategy. When the decision making problem occurs there is usually a limited number of possible alternatives but a large number of criteria according to which the optimal solution is selected. It is important to use an appropriate approach. This study presents a hybrid methodological approach based on the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method and Analytic Hierarchy process method to define the best allied hospital for an integrated network of outpatient service. The goal of this paper is to present a methodological approach and a practical application of hybrid method in a real case study


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    Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) merupakan salah satu bidang yang memberikan kontribusi yang segnifikan dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia. Di sisi yang lain, perkembangan teknologi dan internet juga berkembang sangat cepat. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan bisnis dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital yang ada saat ini menjadi bagian penting dalam meningkatkan daya saing UMKM agar mampu berkompetisi dengan pelaku industri yang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah e-business yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan performa bisnisnya dalam rangka mencapai keunggulan kompetitifnya agar mampu berdaya saing dengan para kompetitor yang lain. Tools yang digunakan untuk menganalisa kebutuhan sistem menggunakan PIECES Framework yang meliputi performance, informations, economics, control, efficency, dan services. Adapun data primer diperoleh dari 50 responden untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan penggunaan sistem e-business dalam pengelolaan bisnis UMKM.  Hasilnya diperoleh rata-rata kepuasan pengguna, 3,92 yang artinya sistem e-business yang dikembangkan sangat penting dan pengguna merasa puas dalam penggunaan sistem tersebu

    SMEs’ dynamic capabilities and value creation: the mediating role of competitive strategy

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    Purpose: This research explicates the role of dynamic capabilities in the ability of SMEs to create value and also investigates the relationship between different dynamic capabilities, competitive strategy and SMEs’ value sources. Design/methodology/approach: Empirical evidence based on a survey conducted on a sample of 441 UK-based SMEs was used to test the research hypotheses. Findings: The findings illustrate that sensing, learning, integrating and coordinating capabilities play a significant role in SMEs' value creation, and competitive strategy mediates the impact of dynamic capabilities on value creation. Research limitations/implications: This study demonstrates the benefits of understanding the link between the four types of dynamic capabilities, competitive strategy and value creation. Moreover, this study contributes to the notion of the contingency nature of dynamic capabilities. Practical implications: It offers managers insight into the aspects on which to focus their efforts to enhance their firm’s capacity of value creation. Originality/value: While much of the prior studies have conceptually/qualitatively investigated the financial return of unidimensional dynamic capabilities of large firms in manufacturing sector, this study made a significant effort to quantitatively examine the non-financial value potential of SMEs in service sector through four processes of dynamic capabilities

    Identification and Prioritization of Risk and Its Effect of the Renewable Energy Life Cycle Based on Performance and Risk Indicators

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    Risk management consists of two aspects of risk control and risk assessment in the electricity market. So, risk control should cover the risk and work out of the way of optimal investment portfolios. Thus, the aim of this research is producing solar electricity life cycle profitability. First to identify existing risks in the production of electricity using Delphi technique between 300 experts in 15 Powerhouse. Then, the grey ANP model was the adoption of the New Energy Organization of Iran. The number of risk factors were collected by subject literature in renewable energy in Iran that have analyzed and selected the high-risk factors by ANP GREY method. Finally, to examine the life cycle of solar power, the authors analyzed financial indicators and the life cycle’s factors which relates to performance and risk variables, then, the Regression model used in three stages of life cycle. Finally, the result provides incentives for the energy system to support production renewable electricity and aid to increase the profitability of the renewable energy cycle

    Recovering the divide : a review of the big data analytics—strategy relationship

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    Research on big data analytics has been burgeoning in recent decades, yet its relationship with strategy continues to be overlooked. This paper reviews how big data analytics and strategy are portrayed across 228 articles, identifying two dominant discourses: an input-output discourse that views big data analytics as a computational capability supplementing prospective strategy formulation and an entanglement discourse that theorizes big data analytics as a socially constructed agent that (re)shapes the emergent character of strategy formation. We deconstruct the inherent dichotomies of the input-output/entanglement divide and reveal how both discourses adopt disjointed positions vis-à-vis relational causality and agency. We elaborate a semiotic view of big data analytics and strategy that transcends this standoff and provides a novel theoretical account for conjoined relationality between big data analytics and strategy

    Gestão da informação para o processo decisório: estudo no agronegócio da soja

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    Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação – Mestrado em Administração (PPGMAD) da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de mestre em Administração. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Sidinei Aparecido PereiraO trabalho aborda os processos decisórios de investimentos, de comercialização da produção e sobre a continuidade do negócio nos empreendimentos produtores de soja do município de Vilhena – Estado de Rondônia. A abordagem estabelece ligação entre aqueles processos e as fontes de informações que fundamentam-nos. Cinco fontes para respaldo aos processos decisórios são trabalhadas: três representam agentes econômicos da cadeia de valor (fornecedores, cadeia interna/empreendimento e clientes); duas outras representam agentes externos à cadeia de valor (empreendimentos concorrentes e mercado/governo). A pesquisa objetiva identificar a relevância das informações oriundas de cada uma das fontes nos processos decisórios de investimentos, de comercialização da produção e sobre a continuidade do negócio. Os métodos quantitativo e qualitativo foram utilizados para análise e interpretação dos dados coletados. Como procedimento metodológico, utilizou-se o Estudo de Campo – que permite, além do levantamento quantitativo, a descrição qualitativa de elementos que corroboram a resposta ao problema levantado. Para coleta de dados junto aos empreendimentos, empregou-se questionário estruturado, aplicado em forma de entrevista pessoal aos gestores. A pesquisa foi realizada por amostragem estratificada – tomando-se como base para a estratificação a área de produção utilizada na safra 2007/08. Verificou-se que as informações produzidas pelo controle interno – custos totais de produção – apresentaram maior empregabilidade nos processos decisórios em análise, mantido o grau de variação em cada processo. Em seqüência, as informações de fornecedores (custos de insumos), de clientes (preço do produto e políticas) e de mercado/governo (informações não estruturadas) apresentaram-se como relevantes na fundamentação de processos decisórios específicos. Os resultados permitiram a estruturação dos processos em estudo, de acordo com a fonte de informações utilizada em cada caso

    Analytical Quality Control in Shipping Operation Using Six Sigma Principles

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    A large number of benefits achieved through the successful implementation of Six Sigma programmes in different industries have been documented. However, very little research has been conducted on their applications in the shipping sector, especially in the Onshore Service Functions (OSFs) of shipping companies. Literature shows that heavy human involvement in the service industries such as shipping leads to a high volume of uncertainties which are difficult to be correctly and effectively measured or managed by simply using the traditional data analysis and statistical methods in Six Sigma. The aim of this study is to develop new quantitative analytical methodologies to enable the application and implementation of Six Sigma to improve the service quality of OSFs in shipping companies. Intensive investigations on the feasibility and effectiveness of the developed new methods and models through case studies in world leading container ship lines and shipping management companies have been carried out to ensure the achievement of the aim.This study firstly reviews the evolvement of quality control and some typical methods in the area, the development of Six Sigma, its tools and current applications, especially in the service industries. It is followed by a new framework of the Six Sigma implementation in the OSFs of shipping companies which is supported by a few real process excellence projects carried out in a world-leading ship line. In the process of the framework development, various issues and challenges appear largely due to the existence of uncertainties in data such as ambiguity and incompleteness caused by extensive subjective judgements. Advanced methods and models are developed to tackle the above challenges as well as complement the traditional Six Sigma tools so that the new Six Sigma methodologies can be confidently applied in situations where uncertainties in data exist at different levels.A new fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution ii(TOPSIS) method is developed by combining the traditional TOPSIS, fuzzy numbers and interval approximation sets to facilitate the effective selection of Six Sigma projects and achieve the optimal use of resources towards the company objectives. A revised Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) model is proposed in the “Analyse” step in Six Sigma to improve the capability of classical FMEA in failure identification in service industries. The new FMEA model uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Bayesian Reasoning (FBR) approaches to increase the accuracy of failure identification while not compromising the easiness and visibility of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) method. Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and Analytical Network Process (ANP) methods are incorporated with Fuzzy logic and Evidential Reasoning (ER), for the very first time to generate a Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) management method where the weights of indicators are rationally assigned by considering the interdependency among the indicators. Incomplete and fuzzy evaluations of the KPIs are synthesised in a rational way to achieve a compatible and comparable result.It is concluded that the newly developed Six Sigma framework together with its supporting quantitative analytical models has made significant contribution to facilitate the quality control and process improvement in shipping companies. It has been strongly evidenced by the success of the applications of the new models in real cases. The financial gains and continuous benefits produced in the investigated shipping companies have attracted a wider range of interests from different service industries. It is therefore believed that this work will have a high potential to be tailored for a wide range of applications across sectors and industries when the uncertainties in data exceed the ability that the classical Six Sigma tools and methods possess

    Strategic e-Business Decision Analysis Using the Analytic Network Process

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