297 research outputs found

    Sensory Integration in Human Movement: A New Brain-Machine Interface Based on Gamma Band and Attention Level for Controlling a Lower-Limb Exoskeleton

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    Brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) can improve the control of assistance mobility devices making its use more intuitive and natural. In the case of an exoskeleton, they can also help rehabilitation therapies due to the reinforcement of neuro-plasticity through repetitive motor actions and cognitive engagement of the subject. Therefore, the cognitive implication of the user is a key aspect in BMI applications, and it is important to assure that the mental task correlates with the actual motor action. However, the process of walking is usually an autonomous mental task that requires a minimal conscious effort. Consequently, a brain-machine interface focused on the attention to gait could facilitate sensory integration in individuals with neurological impairment through the analysis of voluntary gait will and its repetitive use. This way the combined use of BMI+exoskeleton turns from assistance to restoration. This paper presents a new brain-machine interface based on the decoding of gamma band activity and attention level during motor imagery mental tasks. This work also shows a case study tested in able-bodied subjects prior to a future clinical study, demonstrating that a BMI based on gamma band and attention-level paradigm allows real-time closed-loop control of a Rex exoskeleton.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through grant CAS18/00048 José CastillejoBy the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish State Agency of Research, and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the project Walk–Controlling lower-limb exoskeletons by means of brain-machine interfaces to assist people with walking disabilities (RTI2018-096677-B-I00);by theConsellería de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Generalitat Valenciana),the European Social Fund in the framework of the project Desarrollo de nuevas interfaces cerebro-máquina para la rehabilitación de miembro inferior (GV/2019/009).Authors would like to thank especially Kevin Nathan and the rest of the laboratory of JC-V for their help during the experimental trials, and Atilla Kilicarslan for his help with the implementation of H1 algorith

    Effective EEG analysis for advanced AI-driven motor imagery BCI systems

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    Developing effective signal processing for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) involves factoring in three aspects of functionality: classification performance, execution time, and the number of data channels used. The contributions in this thesis are centered on these three issues. Contributions are focused on the classification of motor imagery (MI) data, which is generated during imagined movements. Typically, EEG time-series data is segmented for data augmentation or to mimic buffering that happens in an online BCI. A multi-segment decision fusion approach is presented, which takes consecutive temporal segments of EEG data, and uses decision fusion to boost classification performance. It was computationally lightweight and improved the performance of four conventional classifiers. Also, an analysis of the contributions of electrodes from different scalp regions is presented, and a subset of channels is recommended. Sparse learning (SL) classifiers have exhibited strong classification performance in the literature. However, they are computationally expensive. To reduce the test-set execution times, a novel EEG classification pipeline consisting of a genetic-algorithm (GA) for channel selection and a dictionary-based SL module for classification, called GABSLEEG, is presented. Subject-specific channel selection was carried out, in which the channels are selected based on training data from the subject. Using the GA-recommended subset of EEG channels reduced the execution time by 60% whilst preserving classification performance. Although subject-specific channel selection is widely used in the literature, effective subject-independent channel selection, in which channels are detected using data from other subjects, is an ideal aim because it leads to lower training latency and reduces the number of electrodes needed. A novel convolutional neural network (CNN)-based subject-independent channels selection method is presented, called the integrated channel selection (ICS) layer. It performed on-a-par with or better than subject-specific channel selection. It was computationally efficient, operating 12-17 times faster than the GA channel selection module. The ICS layer method was versatile, performing well with two different CNN architectures and datasets.Developing effective signal processing for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) involves factoring in three aspects of functionality: classification performance, execution time, and the number of data channels used. The contributions in this thesis are centered on these three issues. Contributions are focused on the classification of motor imagery (MI) data, which is generated during imagined movements. Typically, EEG time-series data is segmented for data augmentation or to mimic buffering that happens in an online BCI. A multi-segment decision fusion approach is presented, which takes consecutive temporal segments of EEG data, and uses decision fusion to boost classification performance. It was computationally lightweight and improved the performance of four conventional classifiers. Also, an analysis of the contributions of electrodes from different scalp regions is presented, and a subset of channels is recommended. Sparse learning (SL) classifiers have exhibited strong classification performance in the literature. However, they are computationally expensive. To reduce the test-set execution times, a novel EEG classification pipeline consisting of a genetic-algorithm (GA) for channel selection and a dictionary-based SL module for classification, called GABSLEEG, is presented. Subject-specific channel selection was carried out, in which the channels are selected based on training data from the subject. Using the GA-recommended subset of EEG channels reduced the execution time by 60% whilst preserving classification performance. Although subject-specific channel selection is widely used in the literature, effective subject-independent channel selection, in which channels are detected using data from other subjects, is an ideal aim because it leads to lower training latency and reduces the number of electrodes needed. A novel convolutional neural network (CNN)-based subject-independent channels selection method is presented, called the integrated channel selection (ICS) layer. It performed on-a-par with or better than subject-specific channel selection. It was computationally efficient, operating 12-17 times faster than the GA channel selection module. The ICS layer method was versatile, performing well with two different CNN architectures and datasets

    Customizing skills for assistive robotic manipulators, an inverse reinforcement learning approach with error-related potentials

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    Robotic assistance via motorized robotic arm manipulators can be of valuable assistance to individuals with upper-limb motor disabilities. Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) offer an intuitive means to control such assistive robotic manipulators. However, BCI performance may vary due to the non-stationary nature of the electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. It, hence, cannot be used safely for controlling tasks where errors may be detrimental to the user. Avoiding obstacles is one such task. As there exist many techniques to avoid obstacles in robotics, we propose to give the control to the robot to avoid obstacles and to leave to the user the choice of the robot behavior to do so a matter of personal preference as some users may be more daring while others more careful. We enable the users to train the robot controller to adapt its way to approach obstacles relying on BCI that detects error-related potentials (ErrP), indicative of the user’s error expectation of the robot’s current strategy to meet their preferences. Gaussian process-based inverse reinforcement learning, in combination with the ErrP-BCI, infers the user’s preference and updates the obstacle avoidance controller so as to generate personalized robot trajectories. We validate the approach in experiments with thirteen able-bodied subjects using a robotic arm that picks up, places and avoids real-life objects. Results show that the algorithm can learn user’s preference and adapt the robot behavior rapidly using less than five demonstrations not necessarily optimal

    Volitional Control of Lower-limb Prosthesis with Vision-assisted Environmental Awareness

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    Early and reliable prediction of user’s intention to change locomotion mode or speed is critical for a smooth and natural lower limb prosthesis. Meanwhile, incorporation of explicit environmental feedback can facilitate context aware intelligent prosthesis which allows seamless operation in a variety of gait demands. This dissertation introduces environmental awareness through computer vision and enables early and accurate prediction of intention to start, stop or change speeds while walking. Electromyography (EMG), Electroencephalography (EEG), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and Ground Reaction Force (GRF) sensors were used to predict intention to start, stop or increase walking speed. Furthermore, it was investigated whether external emotional music stimuli could enhance the predictive capability of intention prediction methodologies. Application of advanced machine learning and signal processing techniques on pre-movement EEG resulted in an intention prediction system with low latency, high sensitivity and low false positive detection. Affective analysis of EEG suggested that happy music stimuli significantly (

    Machine learning approaches to video activity recognition: from computer vision to signal processing

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    244 p.La investigación presentada se centra en técnicas de clasificación para dos tareas diferentes, aunque relacionadas, de tal forma que la segunda puede ser considerada parte de la primera: el reconocimiento de acciones humanas en vídeos y el reconocimiento de lengua de signos.En la primera parte, la hipótesis de partida es que la transformación de las señales de un vídeo mediante el algoritmo de Patrones Espaciales Comunes (CSP por sus siglas en inglés, comúnmente utilizado en sistemas de Electroencefalografía) puede dar lugar a nuevas características que serán útiles para la posterior clasificación de los vídeos mediante clasificadores supervisados. Se han realizado diferentes experimentos en varias bases de datos, incluyendo una creada durante esta investigación desde el punto de vista de un robot humanoide, con la intención de implementar el sistema de reconocimiento desarrollado para mejorar la interacción humano-robot.En la segunda parte, las técnicas desarrolladas anteriormente se han aplicado al reconocimiento de lengua de signos, pero además de ello se propone un método basado en la descomposición de los signos para realizar el reconocimiento de los mismos, añadiendo la posibilidad de una mejor explicabilidad. El objetivo final es desarrollar un tutor de lengua de signos capaz de guiar a los usuarios en el proceso de aprendizaje, dándoles a conocer los errores que cometen y el motivo de dichos errores

    De animais a máquinas : humanos tecnicamente melhores nos imaginários de futuro da convergência tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2020.O tema desta investigação é discutir os imaginários sociais de ciência e tecnologia que emergem a partir da área da neuroengenharia, em sua relação com a Convergência Tecnológica de quatro disciplinas: Nanotecnologia, Biotecnologia, tecnologias da Informação e tecnologias Cognitivas - neurociências- (CT-NBIC). Estas áreas desenvolvem-se e são articuladas por meio de discursos que ressaltam o aprimoramento das capacidades físicas e cognitivas dos seres humanos, com o intuito de construir uma sociedade melhor por meio do progresso científico e tecnológico, nos limites das agendas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Objetivos: Os objetivos nesse cenário, são discutir as implicações éticas, econômicas, políticas e sociais deste modelo de sistema sociotécnico. Nos referimos, tanto as aplicações tecnológicas, quanto as consequências das mesmas na formação dos imaginários sociais, que tipo de relações se estabelecem e como são criadas dentro desse contexto. Conclusão: Concluímos na busca por refletir criticamente sobre as propostas de aprimoramento humano mediado pela tecnologia, que surgem enquanto parte da agenda da Convergência Tecnológica NBIC. No entanto, as propostas de melhoramento humano vão muito além de uma agenda de investigação. Há todo um quadro de referências filosóficas e políticas que defendem o aprimoramento da espécie, vertentes estas que se aliam a movimentos trans-humanistas e pós- humanistas, posições que são ao mesmo tempo éticas, políticas e econômicas. A partir de nossa análise, entendemos que ciência, tecnologia e política estão articuladas, em coprodução, em relação às expectativas de futuros que são esperados ou desejados. Ainda assim, acreditamos que há um espaço de diálogo possível, a partir do qual buscamos abrir propostas para o debate público sobre questões de ciência e tecnologia relacionadas ao aprimoramento da espécie humana.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The subject of this research is to discuss the social imaginaries of science and technology that emerge from the area of neuroengineering in relation with the Technological Convergence of four disciplines: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technologies and Cognitive technologies -neurosciences- (CT-NBIC). These areas are developed and articulated through discourses that emphasize the enhancement of human physical and cognitive capacities, the intuition it is to build a better society, through the scientific and technological progress, at the limits of the research and development (R&D) agendas. Objectives: The objective in this scenery, is to discuss the ethic, economic, politic and social implications of this model of sociotechnical system. We refer about the technological applications and the consequences of them in the formation of social imaginaries as well as the kind of social relations that are created and established in this context. Conclusion: We conclude looking for critical reflections about the proposals of human enhancement mediated by the technology. That appear as a part of the NBIC technologies agenda. Even so, the proposals of human enhancement go beyond boundaries that an investigation agenda. There is a frame of philosophical and political references that defend the enhancement of the human beings. These currents that ally to the transhumanism and posthumanism movements, positions that are ethic, politic and economic at the same time. From our analysis, we understand that science, technology and politics are articulated, are in co-production, regarding the expected and desired futures. Even so, we believe that there is a space of possible dialog, from which we look to open proposals for the public discussion on questions of science and technology related to enhancement of human beings

    Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2008 Pittsburgh Conference

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    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 130, July 1974

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    This special bibliography lists 291 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in June 1974

    Spectators’ aesthetic experiences of sound and movement in dance performance

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    In this paper we present a study of spectators’ aesthetic experiences of sound and movement in live dance performance. A multidisciplinary team comprising a choreographer, neuroscientists and qualitative researchers investigated the effects of different sound scores on dance spectators. What would be the impact of auditory stimulation on kinesthetic experience and/or aesthetic appreciation of the dance? What would be the effect of removing music altogether, so that spectators watched dance while hearing only the performers’ breathing and footfalls? We investigated audience experience through qualitative research, using post-performance focus groups, while a separately conducted functional brain imaging (fMRI) study measured the synchrony in brain activity across spectators when they watched dance with sound or breathing only. When audiences watched dance accompanied by music the fMRI data revealed evidence of greater intersubject synchronisation in a brain region consistent with complex auditory processing. The audience research found that some spectators derived pleasure from finding convergences between two complex stimuli (dance and music). The removal of music and the resulting audibility of the performers’ breathing had a significant impact on spectators’ aesthetic experience. The fMRI analysis showed increased synchronisation among observers, suggesting greater influence of the body when interpreting the dance stimuli. The audience research found evidence of similar corporeally focused experience. The paper discusses possible connections between the findings of our different approaches, and considers the implications of this study for interdisciplinary research collaborations between arts and sciences

    Undergraduate Symposium, 2014

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