106 research outputs found

    Information Aided Navigation: A Review

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    The performance of inertial navigation systems is largely dependent on the stable flow of external measurements and information to guarantee continuous filter updates and bind the inertial solution drift. Platforms in different operational environments may be prevented at some point from receiving external measurements, thus exposing their navigation solution to drift. Over the years, a wide variety of works have been proposed to overcome this shortcoming, by exploiting knowledge of the system current conditions and turning it into an applicable source of information to update the navigation filter. This paper aims to provide an extensive survey of information aided navigation, broadly classified into direct, indirect, and model aiding. Each approach is described by the notable works that implemented its concept, use cases, relevant state updates, and their corresponding measurement models. By matching the appropriate constraint to a given scenario, one will be able to improve the navigation solution accuracy, compensate for the lost information, and uncover certain internal states, that would otherwise remain unobservable.Comment: 8 figures, 3 table

    The Impact of Telemetry Received Signal Strength of IMU/GNSS Data Transmission on Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

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    This paper presents the effect of received signal strength on IMU/GNSS sensor data transmission for autonomous vehicle navigation. A pixhawk 2.1 flight controller is used to build the navigation system. Straight lines with back-and-forth routes were tested using two types of SiK telemetry: Holybro and RFD. The results of the tests show that when the RSSI value falls close to the receiver's sensitivity value, the readings of the gyro sensor data, accelerometer, magnetometer, and GNSS compass data are disturbed. When the RSSI signal collides with noise, the radio telemetry link is lost, affecting the accuracy of speed data and the orientation of autonomous vehicles. According to Cisco's conversion table, the highest RSSI on Holybro telemetry is -48 dBm, and the lowest is -103 dBm, with a receiver sensitivity of -117 and data reading at a distance of about 427 meters. While the highest RSSI value on RFD telemetry is -17 dBm and the lowest is -113 dBm, even the lowest value is above the receiver's sensitivity limit of -121 dBm with data readings at a distance of approximately 749.4 meters. RFD outperforms Holybro in terms of RSSI and sensitivity at low data rates. When reading distance data to reference distance data using Google Earth and ArcGIS, RFD telemetry has a higher accuracy, with an average accuracy of 98.8%

    Improving Planetary Rover Attitude Estimation via MEMS Sensor Characterization

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    Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are currently being considered in the space sector due to its suitable level of performance for spacecrafts in terms of mechanical robustness with low power consumption, small mass and size, and significant advantage in system design and accommodation. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the performance and testing of these new sensors, especially in planetary robotics. This paper presents what is missing in the field: a complete methodology regarding the characterization and modeling of MEMS sensors with direct application. A reproducible and complete approach including all the intermediate steps, tools and laboratory equipment is described. The process of sensor error characterization and modeling through to the final integration in the sensor fusion scheme is explained with detail. Although the concept of fusion is relatively easy to comprehend, carefully characterizing and filtering sensor information is not an easy task and is essential for good performance. The strength of the approach has been verified with representative tests of novel high-grade MEMS inertia sensors and exemplary planetary rover platforms with promising results

    Towards IMU-based Full-body Motion Estimation of Rough Terrain Mobile Manipulators

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    For navigation or pose estimation, strap-down Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) are widely used in all types of mobile devices and applications, from mobile phones to cars and heavy-duty Mobile Working Machines (MWM). This thesis is a summary of work focus on the utilization of IMUs for state estimation of MWM. Inertial sensor-based technology offers an alternative to the traditional solution, since it can significantly decrease the system cost and improve its robustness. For covering the research topic of whole-body estimation with IMUs, five publications focus on the development of novel algorithms, which use sensor fusion or rotary IMU theory to estimate or calculate the states of MWM. The test-platforms are also described in detail. First, we used low-cost IMUs installed on the surface of a hydraulic arm to estimate the joint state. These robotic arms are installed on a floating base, and the joints of the arms rotate in a two-dimensional (2D) plane. The novel algorithm uses an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to fuse the output of the gyroscopes and the accelerometers, with gravity as the reference. Second, a rotary gyroscope is mounted on a grasper of a crane, and the rotary gyroscope theory is implemented to decrease the drift of the angular velocity measurement. Third, low-cost IMUs are attached to the wheels and the bogie test bed, and the realization of IMU-based wheel odometry is investigated. Additionally, the rotary gyroscope provides information about the roll and yaw attitude for the test bed. Finally, we used an industry grade IMU fuse with the output of wheel odometry to estimate the position and attitude of the base for an MWM moving on slippery ground. One of the main aims of this research study is to estimate the states of an MWM only using IMU sensors. The research achievements indicate this approach is promising. However, the observability of IMU in the yaw direction of the navigation frame is limited so it is difficult to estimate the yaw angle of the rotation plane for the robotic arm when only using IMUs, to ensure the long-term reliable yaw angle and position of the vehicle base, external information might also be needed. When applying the rotary IMU theory, minimization of the power supply for the rotation device is still a challenge. This research study demonstrates that IMUs can be low-cost and reliable replacements for traditional sensors in joint angle measurement and in the wheel rotation angle for vehicles, among other applications. An IMU can also provide a robust state for a vehicle base in a challenging environment. These achievements will benefit future developments of MWMs in remote control and autonomous operations

    Localization of a Heavy-Duty Omnidirectional Vehicle Using IMU and Wheel Odometry

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    We introduce a localization algorithm that uses an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and wheel odometry on a four-wheel-drive heavy vehicle for positioning. While wheel odometry alone works in simple cases without slippage, in cases that feature wheel slippage, the velocities measured by the wheel rotation show higher values. In the case of side slippage, the wheel sensors cannot observe the values. Therefore, IMUs are suitable for fusion with wheel odometry to generate real-time feedback. We use an error state Kalman filter (ESKF) to fuse the sensor information from an IMU with wheel odometry, showing results on a slow-manoeuvring vehicle in tests up to five minutes in length. The IMU is an industry-grade micro-electro mechanical system (MEMS) with a gyroscope featuring 6°/h bias in-run stability. We use a real-time kinematic global positioning system (RTK)-GPS as a ground truth reference for the vehicle’s heading angle and position. The tests results show our navigation has an accuracy of 0.3 m for position and 0.6° for heading angle, both within the root mean square error (RMSE) criteria. Our analysis shows that the nonlinearity of the gyroscope in the heading rotation axis is the key factor for improving performance in our implementation.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Generic Multisensor Integration Strategy and Innovative Error Analysis for Integrated Navigation

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    A modern multisensor integrated navigation system applied in most of civilian applications typically consists of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers, IMUs (Inertial Measurement Unit), and/or other sensors, e.g., odometers and cameras. With the increasing availabilities of low-cost sensors, more research and development activities aim to build a cost-effective system without sacrificing navigational performance. Three principal contributions of this dissertation are as follows: i) A multisensor kinematic positioning and navigation system built on Linux Operating System (OS) with Real Time Application Interface (RTAI), York University Multisensor Integrated System (YUMIS), was designed and realized to integrate GNSS receivers, IMUs, and cameras. YUMIS sets a good example of a low-cost yet high-performance multisensor inertial navigation system and lays the ground work in a practical and economic way for the personnel training in following academic researches. ii) A generic multisensor integration strategy (GMIS) was proposed, which features a) the core system model is developed upon the kinematics of a rigid body; b) all sensor measurements are taken as raw measurement in Kalman filter without differentiation. The essential competitive advantages of GMIS over the conventional error-state based strategies are: 1) the influences of the IMU measurement noises on the final navigation solutions are effectively mitigated because of the increased measurement redundancy upon the angular rate and acceleration of a rigid body; 2) The state and measurement vectors in the estimator with GMIS can be easily expanded to fuse multiple inertial sensors and all other types of measurements, e.g., delta positions; 3) one can directly perform error analysis upon both raw sensor data (measurement noise analysis) and virtual zero-mean process noise measurements (process noise analysis) through the corresponding measurement residuals of the individual measurements and the process noise measurements. iii) The a posteriori variance component estimation (VCE) was innovatively accomplished as an advanced analytical tool in the extended Kalman Filter employed by the GMIS, which makes possible the error analysis of the raw IMU measurements for the very first time, together with the individual independent components in the process noise vector

    State and parameter estimator design for control of vehicle suspension system

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    Modern vehicle stability and navigational systems are mostly designed using inaccurate bicycle models to approximate the full-car models. This results in incomplete models with various unknown parameters and states being neglected in the controller and navigation system design processes. Earlier estimation algorithms using the bicycle models are simpler but have many undefined parameters and states that are crucial for proper stability control. For existing vehicle navigation systems, direct line of sight for satellite access is required but is limited in modern cities with many high-rise buildings and therefore, an inertial navigation system utilizing accurate estimation of these parameters is needed. The aim of this research is to estimate the parameters and states of the vehicle more accurately using a multivariable and complex full-car model. This will enhance the stability of the vehicle and can provide a more consistent navigation. The proposed method uses the kinematics estimation model formulated using special orthogonal SO3 group to design estimators for vehicles velocity, attitude and suspension states. These estimators are used to modify the existing antilock braking system (ABS) scheme by incorporating the dynamic velocity estimation to reduce the stopping distance. Meanwhile the semi-active suspension system includes suspension velocity and displacement states to reduce the suspension displacements and velocities. They are also used in the direct yaw control (DYC) scheme to include mass and attitude changes to reduce the lateral velocity and slips. Meanwhile in the navigation system, the 3-dimensional attitude effects can improve the position accuracy. With these approaches, the stopping distance in the ABS has been reduced by one meter and the vehicle states required for inertial navigation are more accurately estimated. The results for high speed lane change test indicate that the vehicle is 34% more stable and 16% better ride comfort on rough terrains due to the proposed DYC and the active suspension system control. The methods proposed can be utilized in future autonomous car design. This research is therefore an important contribution in shaping the future of vehicle driving, comfort and stability

    Track frame approach for heading and attitude estimation in operating railways using on-board MEMS sensor and encoder

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    In this work, the orientation of a railway is estimated with a novel methodology based on multibody system kinematics using the railway-specific track frame. The proposed method improves the prediction model by considering the translational accelerations due to the track negotiation. To this end, the forward velocity of the vehicle, measured with an encoder, and the design geometry of the track are used. This algorithm has been tested on an operational underground light-metro railway with quite good results compared with other data fusion algorithms embedded in commercial Inertial Measurements Units (IMU) that contains no information about the real application whatsoever.Ministerio español de Economía, Industria y Competitividad DI-15-07658Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) US-1257665Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía ‘Programa Operativo FEDER 2014- 2020

    Off-line evaluation of indoor positioning systems in different scenarios: the experiences from IPIN 2020 competition

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    Every year, for ten years now, the IPIN competition has aimed at evaluating real-world indoor localisation systems by testing them in a realistic environment, with realistic movement, using the EvAAL framework. The competition provided a unique overview of the state-of-the-art of systems, technologies, and methods for indoor positioning and navigation purposes. Through fair comparison of the performance achieved by each system, the competition was able to identify the most promising approaches and to pinpoint the most critical working conditions. In 2020, the competition included 5 diverse off-site off-site Tracks, each resembling real use cases and challenges for indoor positioning. The results in terms of participation and accuracy of the proposed systems have been encouraging. The best performing competitors obtained a third quartile of error of 1 m for the Smartphone Track and 0.5 m for the Foot-mounted IMU Track. While not running on physical systems, but only as algorithms, these results represent impressive achievements.Track 3 organizers were supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Grant 813278 (A-WEAR: A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints), MICROCEBUS (MICINN, ref. RTI2018-095168-B-C55, MCIU/AEI/FEDER UE), INSIGNIA (MICINN ref. PTQ2018-009981), and REPNIN+ (MICINN, ref. TEC2017-90808-REDT). We would like to thanks the UJI’s Library managers and employees for their support while collecting the required datasets for Track 3. Track 5 organizers were supported by JST-OPERA Program, Japan, under Grant JPMJOP1612. Track 7 organizers were supported by the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology through the Center for Analytics-Data-Applications (ADA-Center) within the framework of “BAYERN DIGITAL II. ” Team UMinho (Track 3) was supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope under Grant UIDB/00319/2020, and the Ph.D. Fellowship under Grant PD/BD/137401/2018. Team YAI (Track 3) was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan under Grant MOST 109-2221-E-197-026. Team Indora (Track 3) was supported in part by the Slovak Grant Agency, Ministry of Education and Academy of Science, Slovakia, under Grant 1/0177/21, and in part by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under Contract APVV-15-0091. Team TJU (Track 3) was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61771338 and in part by the Tianjin Research Funding under Grant 18ZXRHSY00190. Team Next-Newbie Reckoners (Track 3) were supported by the Singapore Government through the Industry Alignment Fund—Industry Collaboration Projects Grant. This research was conducted at Singtel Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Lab for Enterprises (SCALE@NTU), which is a collaboration between Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Team KawaguchiLab (Track 5) was supported by JSPS KAKENHI under Grant JP17H01762. Team WHU&AutoNavi (Track 6) was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant 2016YFB0502202. Team YAI (Tracks 6 and 7) was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Taiwan under Grant MOST 110-2634-F-155-001

    Driving Manoeuvre Recognition using Mobile Sensors

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    Automobiles are integral in today's society as they are used for transportation, commerce, and public services. The ubiquity of automotive transportation creates a demand for active safety technologies for the consumer. Recently, the widespread use and improved sensing and computing capabilities of mobile platforms have enabled the development of systems that can measure, detect, and analyze driver behaviour. Most systems performing driver behaviour analysis depend on recognizing driver manoeuvres. Improved accuracy in manoeuvre detection has the potential to improve driving safety, through applications such as monitoring for insurance, the detection of aggressive, distracted or fatigued driving, and for new driver training. This thesis develops algorithms for estimating vehicle kinematics and recognizing driver manoeuvres using a smartphone device. A kinematic model of the car is first introduced to express the vehicle's position and orientation. An Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is developed to estimate the vehicle's positions, velocities, and accelerations using mobile measurements from inertial measurement units and the Global Positioning System (GPS). The approach is tested in simulation and validated on trip data using an On-board Diagnostic (OBD) device as the ground truth. The 2D state estimator is demonstrated to be an effective filter for measurement noise. Manoeuvre recognition is then formulated as a time-series classification problem. To account for an arbitrary orientation of the mobile device with respect to the vehicle, a novel method is proposed to estimate the phone's rotation matrix relative to the car using PCA on the gyroscope signal. Experimental results demonstrate that e Principal Component (PC) corresponds to a frame axis in the vehicle reference frame, so that the PCA projection matrix can be used to align the mobile device measurement data to the vehicle frame. A major impediment to classifier-manoeuvre recognition is the need for training data, specifically collecting enough data and generating an accurate ground truth. To address this problem, a novel training process is proposed to train the classifier using only simulation data. Training on simulation data bypasses these two issues as data can be cheaply generated and the ground truth is known. In this thesis, a driving simulator is developed using a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to generate simulated data for classifier training. Following training data generation, feature selection is performed using simple features such as velocity and angular velocity. A manoeuvre segmentation classifier is trained using multi-class SVMs. Validation was performed using data collected from driving sessions. A grid search was employed for parameter tuning. The classifier was found to have a 0.8158 average precision rate and a 0.8279 average recall rate across all manoeuvres resulting in an average F1 score of 0.8194 on the dataset