408 research outputs found

    Qualitative Fault Detection and Hazard Analysis Based on Signed Directed Graphs for Large-Scale Complex Systems

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    Nowadays in modern industries, the scale and complexity of process systems are increased continuously. These systems are subject to low productivity, system faults or even hazards because of various conditions such as mis-operation, equipment quality change, externa

    A Review of using Data Mining Techniques in Power Plants

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    Data mining techniques and their applications have developed rapidly during the last two decades. This paper reviews application of data mining techniques in power systems, specially in power plants, through a survey of literature between the year 2000 and 2015. Keyword indices, articles’ abstracts and conclusions were used to classify more than 86 articles about application of data mining in power plants, from many academic journals and research centers. Because this paper concerns about application of data mining in power plants; the paper started by providing a brief introduction about data mining and power systems to give the reader better vision about these two different disciplines. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the collected articles and classifies them according to three categories: the used techniques, the problem and the application area. From this review we found that data mining techniques (classification, regression, clustering and association rules) could be used to solve many types of problems in power plants, like predicting the amount of generated power, failure prediction, failure diagnosis, failure detection and many others. Also there is no standard technique that could be used for a specific problem. Application of data mining in power plants is a rich research area and still needs more exploration

    Maintenance models applied to wind turbines. A comprehensive overview

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    Producción CientíficaWind power generation has been the fastest-growing energy alternative in recent years, however, it still has to compete with cheaper fossil energy sources. This is one of the motivations to constantly improve the efficiency of wind turbines and develop new Operation and Maintenance (O&M) methodologies. The decisions regarding O&M are based on different types of models, which cover a wide range of scenarios and variables and share the same goal, which is to minimize the Cost of Energy (COE) and maximize the profitability of a wind farm (WF). In this context, this review aims to identify and classify, from a comprehensive perspective, the different types of models used at the strategic, tactical, and operational decision levels of wind turbine maintenance, emphasizing mathematical models (MatMs). The investigation allows the conclusion that even though the evolution of the models and methodologies is ongoing, decision making in all the areas of the wind industry is currently based on artificial intelligence and machine learning models

    A Novel Data-Driven Fault Tree Methodology for Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis

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    RÉSUMÉ : La thèse développe une nouvelle méthodologie de diagnostic et de pronostic de défauts dans un système complexe, nommée Interpretable logic tree analysis (ILTA), qui combine les techniques d’extraction de connaissances à partir des bases de données « knowledge discovery in database (KDD) » et l’analyse d’arbre de défaut « fault tree analysis (FTA) ». La méthodologie capitalise les avantages des deux techniques pour appréhender la problématique de diagnostic et de pronostic de défauts. Bien que les arbres de défauts offrent des modèles interprétables pour déterminer les causes possibles à l’origine d’un défaut, leur utilisation pour le diagnostic de défauts dans un système industriel est limitée, en raison de la nécessité de faire appel à des connaissances expertes pour décrire les relations de cause-à-effet entre les processus internes du système. Cependant, il sera intéressant d’exploiter la puissance d’analyse des arbres de défaut mais construit à partir des connaissances explicites et non biaisées extraites directement des bases de données sur la causalité des fautes. Par conséquent, la méthodologie ILTA fonctionne de manière analogue à la logique du modèle d'analyse d'arbre de défaut (FTA) mais avec une implication minimale des experts. Cette approche de modélisation doit rejoindre la logique des experts pour représenter la structure hiérarchique des défauts dans un système complexe. La méthodologie ILTA est appliquée à la gestion des risques de défaillance en fournissant deux modèles d'arborescence avancés interprétables à plusieurs niveaux (MILTA) et au cours du temps (ITCA). Le modèle MILTA est conçu pour accomplir la tâche de diagnostic de défaillance dans les systèmes complexes. Il est capable de décomposer un défaut complexe et de modéliser graphiquement sa structure de causalité dans un arbre à plusieurs niveaux. Par conséquent, un expert est en mesure de visualiser l’influence des relations hiérarchiques de cause à effet menant à la défaillance principale. De plus, quantifier ces causes en attribuant des probabilités aide à comprendre leur contribution dans l’occurrence de la défaillance du système. Le modèle ITCA est conçu pour réaliser la tâche de pronostic de défaillance dans les systèmes complexes. Basé sur une répartition des données au cours du temps, le modèle ITCA capture l’effet du vieillissement du système à travers de l’évolution de la structure de causalité des fautes. Ainsi, il décrit les changements de causalité résultant de la détérioration et du vieillissement au cours de la vie du système.----------ABSTRACT : The thesis develops a new methodology for diagnosis and prognosis of faults in a complex system, called Interpretable logic tree analysis (ILTA), which combines knowledge extraction techniques from knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) and the fault tree analysis (FTA). The methodology combined the advantages of the both techniques for understanding the problem of diagnosis and prognosis of faults. Although fault trees provide interpretable models for determining the possible causes of a fault, its use for fault diagnosis in an industrial system is limited, due to the need for expert knowledge to describe cause-and-effect relationships between internal system processes. However, it will be interesting to exploit the analytical power of fault trees but built from explicit and unbiased knowledge extracted directly from databases on the causality of faults. Therefore, the ILTA methodology works analogously to the logic of the fault tree analysis model (FTA) but with minimal involvement of experts. This modeling approach joins the logic of experts to represent the hierarchical structure of faults in a complex system. The ILTA methodology is applied to failure risk management by providing two interpretable advanced logic models: a multi-level tree (MILTA) and a multilevel tree over time (ITCA). The MILTA model is designed to accomplish the task of diagnosing failure in complex systems. It is able to decompose a complex defect and graphically model its causal structure in a tree on several levels. As a result, an expert is able to visualize the influence of hierarchical cause and effect relationships leading to the main failure. In addition, quantifying these causes by assigning probabilities helps to understand their contribution to the occurrence of system failure. The second model is a logical tree interpretable in time (ITCA), designed to perform the task of prognosis of failure in complex systems. Based on a distribution of data over time, the ITCA model captures the effect of the aging of the system through the evolution of the fault causation structure. Thus, it describes the causal changes resulting from deterioration and aging over the life of the system

    Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines Using Intelligent Machine Learning Techniques

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    Wind Turbine condition monitoring can detect anomalies in turbine performance which have the potential to result in unexpected failure and financial loss. This study examines common Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) data over a period of 20 months for 21 pitch regulated 2.3 MW turbines and is presented in three manuscripts. First, power curve monitoring is targeted applying various types of Artificial Neural Networks to increase modeling accuracy. It is shown how the proposed method can significantly improve network reliability compared with existing models. Then, an advance technique is utilized to create a smoother dataset for network training followed by establishing dynamic ANFIS network. At this stage, designed network aims to predict power generation in future hours. Finally, a recursive principal component analysis is performed to extract significant features to be used as input parameters of the network. A novel fusion technique is then employed to build an advanced model to make predictions of turbines performance with favorably low errors

    Failure analysis informing intelligent asset management

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    With increasing demands on the UK’s power grid it has become increasingly important to reform the methods of asset management used to maintain it. The science of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) presents interesting possibilities by allowing the online diagnosis of faults in a component and the dynamic trending of its remaining useful life (RUL). Before a PHM system can be developed an extensive failure analysis must be conducted on the asset in question to determine the mechanisms of failure and their associated data precursors that precede them. In order to gain experience in the development of prognostic systems we have conducted a study of commercial power relays, using a data capture regime that revealed precursors to relay failure. We were able to determine important failure precursors for both stuck open failures caused by contact erosion and stuck closed failures caused by material transfer and are in a position to develop a more detailed prognostic system from this base. This research when expanded and applied to a system such as the power grid, presents an opportunity for more efficient asset management when compared to maintenance based upon time to replacement or purely on condition

    Failure Prognosis of Wind Turbine Components

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    Wind energy is playing an increasingly significant role in the World\u27s energy supply mix. In North America, many utility-scale wind turbines are approaching, or are beyond the half-way point of their originally anticipated lifespan. Accurate estimation of the times to failure of major turbine components can provide wind farm owners insight into how to optimize the life and value of their farm assets. This dissertation deals with fault detection and failure prognosis of critical wind turbine sub-assemblies, including generators, blades, and bearings based on data-driven approaches. The main aim of the data-driven methods is to utilize measurement data from the system and forecast the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of faulty components accurately and efficiently. The main contributions of this dissertation are in the application of ALTA lifetime analysis to help illustrate a possible relationship between varying loads and generators reliability, a wavelet-based Probability Density Function (PDF) to effectively detecting incipient wind turbine blade failure, an adaptive Bayesian algorithm for modeling the uncertainty inherent in the bearings RUL prediction horizon, and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for characterizing the bearing damage progression based on varying operating states to mimic a real condition in which wind turbines operate and to recognize that the damage progression is a function of the stress applied to each component using data from historical failures across three different Canadian wind farms

    A non-linear weighted least squares gas turbine diagnostic approach and multi-fuel performance simulation

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    The gas turbine which has found numerous applications in Air, Land and Sea applications, as a propulsion system, electricity generator and prime mover, is subject to deterioration of its individual components. In the past, various methodologies have been developed to quantify this deterioration with varying degrees of success. No single method addresses all issues pertaining to gas turbine diagnostics and thus, room for improvement exists. The first part of this research investigates the feasibility of non-linear W eighted Least Squares as a gas turbine component deterioration quantification tool. Two new weighting schemes have been developed to address measurement noise. Four cases have been run to demonstrate the non-linear weighted least squares method, in conjunction with the new weighting schemes. Results demonstrate that the non-linear weighted least squares method effectively addresses measurement noise and quantifies gas path component faults with improved accuracy over its linear counterpart and over methods that do not address measurement noise. Since Gas turbine diagnostics is based on analysis of engine performance at given ambient and power setting conditions; accurate and reliable engine performance modelling and simulation models are essential for meaningful gas turbine diagnostics. The second part of this research therefore sought to develop a multi-fuel and multi-caloric simulation method with the view of improving simulation accuracy. The method developed is based on non-linear interpolation of fuel tables. Fuel tables for Jet-A, UK Natural gas, Kerosene and Diesel were produced. Six case studies were carried out and the results demonstrate that the method has significantly improved accuracy over linear interpolation based methods and methods that assume thermal perfection.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Gas Turbines

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    This book is intended to provide valuable information for the analysis and design of various gas turbine engines for different applications. The target audience for this book is design, maintenance, materials, aerospace and mechanical engineers. The design and maintenance engineers in the gas turbine and aircraft industry will benefit immensely from the integration and system discussions in the book. The chapters are of high relevance and interest to manufacturers, researchers and academicians as well

    Evaluación de técnicas de inteligencia artificial utilizadas en el diagnóstico de fallas en plantas de potencia

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    This article presents an evaluation about the research related to the development of computational tools based on artificial intelligence techniques, which focus on the detection and diagnosis of faults in the different processes associated with a power generation plant such as: hydroelectric, thermoelectric and nuclear power plants. Initially, the main techniques of artificial intelligence that allow the construction of intelligent systems in the area of fault diagnosis is described in a general way, techniques such as: fuzzy logic, neural networks, knowledge-based systems and hybrid techniques Subsequently A summary of the research based on each of these techniques is presented. Subsequently, the different articles found for each of the techniques are presented in tables, illustrating the year of publication and the description of the research carried out. The result of this work is the comparison and evaluation of each technique focused on the diagnosis of failures in power plants. The novelty of this work is that it presents an extensive bibliography of the applications of the different intelligent techniques in solving the problem of detection and diagnosis of failure in power plantsEste artículo presenta una evaluación de herramientas computacionales basadas en técnicas de inteligencia artificial, las cuales se enfocan en la detección y diagnóstico de fallas en los diferentes procesos asociados a una central de generación de energía tal como: hidroeléctricas, termoeléctricas y centrales nucleares. Inicialmente, se describen de manera general las principales técnicas de inteligencia artificial que permiten la construcción de sistemas inteligentes para el diagnóstico de fallas en centrales eléctricas, se presentan técnicas como: lógica difusa, redes neuronales, sistemas basados en el conocimiento y técnicas hibridas.  Posteriormente se presentan en tablas los diferentes artículos encontrados para cada una de las técnicas, ilustrando el año de publicación y una descripción de cada publicación. El resultado de este trabajo es la comparación y evaluación de cada técnica enfocada al diagnóstico de fallas en centrales eléctricas.  Lo novedoso de este trabajo, es que presenta una extensa bibliografía de las aplicaciones de las diferentes técnicas inteligentes en la solución del problema de detección y diagnóstico de falla en centrales de generación eléctric
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