9 research outputs found


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    The high-radiation environment in space can lead to anomalies in normal satellite operation. A major cause of concern to spacecraft-designers is the single event upset (SEU). SEUs can result in deviations from expected component behavior and are capable of causing irreversible damage to hardware. In particular, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are known to be highly susceptible to SEUs. Radiation-hardened versions of such devices are associated with an increase in power consumption and cost in addition to being technologically inferior when compared to contemporary commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) parts. This thesis consequently aims at exploring the option of using COTS FPGAs in satellite payloads. A framework is developed, allowing the SEU susceptibility of such a device to be studied. SEU testing is carried out in a software-simulated fault environment using a set of Java classes called JBits. A radiation detector module, to measure the radiation backdrop of the device, is also envisioned as part of the final design implementation

    Can my chip behave like my brain?

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    Many decades ago, Carver Mead established the foundations of neuromorphic systems. Neuromorphic systems are analog circuits that emulate biology. These circuits utilize subthreshold dynamics of CMOS transistors to mimic the behavior of neurons. The objective is to not only simulate the human brain, but also to build useful applications using these bio-inspired circuits for ultra low power speech processing, image processing, and robotics. This can be achieved using reconfigurable hardware, like field programmable analog arrays (FPAAs), which enable configuring different applications on a cross platform system. As digital systems saturate in terms of power efficiency, this alternate approach has the potential to improve computational efficiency by approximately eight orders of magnitude. These systems, which include analog, digital, and neuromorphic elements combine to result in a very powerful reconfigurable processing machine.Ph.D

    Design and Implementation of a High-Speed Readout and Control System for a Digital Tracking Calorimeter for proton CT

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    Particle therapy, a non-invasive technique for treating cancer using protons and light ions, has become more and more common. For example, a particle treatment facility is currently being built, in Bergen, Norway. Proton beams deposit a large fraction of their energy at the end of their paths, i.e., the delivered dose can be focused on the tumor, sparing nearby tissue with a low entry and almost no exit dose. A novel imaging modality using protons promises to overcome some limitations of particle therapy and allowing to fully exploit its potential. Being able to position the so-called Bragg peak accurately inside the tumor is a major advantage of charged particles, but incomplete knowledge about a crucial tissue property, the stopping power, limits its precision. A proton CT scanner provides direct information about the stopping power. It has the potential to reduce range uncertainties significantly, but no proton CT system has yet been shown to be suitable for clinical use. The aim of the Bergen proton CT project is to design and build a proton CT scanner that overcomes most of the critical limitations of the currently existing prototypes and which can be operated in clinical settings. A proton CT prototype, the Digital Tracking Calorimeter, is being developed as a range telescope consisting of high-granularity pixel sensors. The prototype is a combined position-sensitive detector and residual energy-range detector which will allow a substantial rate of protons, speeding up the imaging process. The detector is single-sided, meaning that it employs information from the beam delivery system to omit tracker layers in front of the phantom. The detector operates by tracking the charged particles traversing through the detector material behind the phantom. The proton CT prototype will be used to determine the feasibility of using proton CT to increase the dose planning accuracy for particle treatment of cancer cells. The detector is designed as a telescope of 43 layers of sensors, where the two front layers act as the position-sensitive detector providing an accurate vector of each incoming particle. The remaining layers are used to measure the residual energy of each particle by observing in which layer they stop and by using the cluster size in each layer. The Digital Tracking Calorimeter employs the ALPIDE sensor, a monolithic active pixel sensor, each utilizing a 1.2Gb/s data link. Each layer of 18×27 cm consists of 108 ALPIDE sensors, roughly corresponding to the width and height of the head of a grown person. The sensors are connected to intermediary transition boards that route the data and control links to dedicated readout electronics and supply the sensors with power. The readout unit is the main component of both the data acquisition and the detector control system. The power control unit controls the power supply and monitors the current usage of the sensors. Both of these devices are mainly implemented in FPGAs. The main purpose of this work has been to explore and implement possible design solutions for the proton CT electronics, including the front-end, as well as the readout electronics architecture. The resulting architecture is modular, allowing the further scale-up of the system in the future. A major obstacle to the design is the high amount of sensors and the corresponding high-speed data links. Thus, a large emphasis has been on the signal integrity of the front-end electronics and a dynamic phase alignment sampling method of the readout electronics firmware. The readout FPGA employs regular I/O pins for the high-speed data interface, instead of high-speed transceiver pins, which significantly reduces the magnitude of the data acquisition system. A consistent design approach with detailed and systematic verification of the FPGA firmware modules, along with a continuous integration build system, has resulted in a stable and highly adaptive system. Significant effort has been put into the testing of the various system components. This also includes the design and implementation of a set of production test tools for use during the manufacturing of the detector front-end.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    NASA Space Engineering Research Center Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) is proud to offer, at its second symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories and the electronics industry. These featured speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design. Questions of reliability in the space environment along with new directions in CAD and design are addressed by the featured speakers

    Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Protocols

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    Protecting users' privacy in digital systems becomes more complex and challenging over time, as the amount of stored and exchanged data grows steadily and systems become increasingly involved and connected. Two techniques that try to approach this issue are Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Private Information Retrieval (PIR), which aim to enable practical computation while simultaneously keeping sensitive data private. In this thesis we present results showing how real-world applications can be executed in a privacy-preserving way. This is not only desired by users of such applications, but since 2018 also based on a strong legal foundation with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, that forces companies to protect the privacy of user data by design. This thesis' contributions are split into three parts and can be summarized as follows: MPC Tools Generic MPC requires in-depth background knowledge about a complex research field. To approach this, we provide tools that are efficient and usable at the same time, and serve as a foundation for follow-up work as they allow cryptographers, researchers and developers to implement, test and deploy MPC applications. We provide an implementation framework that abstracts from the underlying protocols, optimized building blocks generated from hardware synthesis tools, and allow the direct processing of Hardware Definition Languages (HDLs). Finally, we present an automated compiler for efficient hybrid protocols from ANSI C. MPC Applications MPC was for a long time deemed too expensive to be used in practice. We show several use cases of real-world applications that can operate in a privacy-preserving, yet practical way when engineered properly and built on top of suitable MPC protocols. Use cases presented in this thesis are from the domain of route computation using BGP on the Internet or at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). In both cases our protocols protect sensitive business information that is used to determine routing decisions. Another use case focuses on genomics, which is particularly critical as the human genome is connected to everyone during their entire lifespan and cannot be altered. Our system enables federated genomic databases, where several institutions can privately outsource their genome data and where research institutes can query this data in a privacy-preserving manner. PIR and Applications Privately retrieving data from a database is a crucial requirement for user privacy and metadata protection, and is enabled amongst others by a technique called Private Information Retrieval (PIR). We present improvements and a generalization of a well-known multi-server PIR scheme of Chor et al., and an implementation and evaluation thereof. We also design and implement an efficient anonymous messaging system built on top of PIR. Furthermore we provide a scalable solution for private contact discovery that utilizes ideas from efficient two-server PIR built from Distributed Point Functions (DPFs) in combination with Private Set Intersection (PSI)

    Automatically Parallelizing Embedded Legacy Software on Soft-Core SoCs

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    Nowadays, embedded systems are utilized in many areas and become omnipresent, making people's lives more comfortable. Embedded systems have to handle more and more functionality in many products. To maintain the often required low energy consumption, multi-core systems provide high performance at moderate energy consumption. The development started with dual-core processors and has today reached many-core designs with dozens and hundreds of processor cores. However, existing applications can barely leverage the potential of that many cores. Legacy applications are usually written sequentially and thus typically use only one processor core. Thus, these applications do not benefit from the advantages provided by modern many-core systems. Rewriting those applications to use multiple cores requires new skills from developers and it is also time-consuming and highly error prone. Dozens of languages, APIs and compilers have already been presented in the past decades to aid the user with parallelizing applications. Fully automatic parallelizing compilers are seen as the holy grail, since the user effort is kept minimal. However, automatic parallelizers often cannot extract parallelism as good as user aided approaches. Most of these parallelization tools are designed for desktop and high-performance systems and are thus not tuned or applicable for low performance embedded systems. To improve this situation, this work presents an automatic parallelizer for embedded systems, which is able to mostly deliver better quality than user aided approaches and if not allows easy manual fine-tuning. Parallelization tools extract concurrently executable tasks from an application. These tasks can then be executed on different processor cores. Parallelization tools and automatic parallelizers in particular often struggle to efficiently map the extracted parallelism to an existing multi-core processor. This work uses soft-core processors on FPGAs, which makes it possible to realize custom multi-core designs in hardware, within a few minutes. This allows to adapt the multi-core processor to the characteristics of the extracted parallelism. Especially, core-interconnects for communication can be optimized to fit the communication pattern of the parallel application. Embedded applications are often structured as follows: receive input data, (multiple) data processing steps, data output. The multiple processing steps are often realized as consecutive loosely coupled transformations. These steps naturally already model the structure of a processing pipeline. It is the goal of this work to extract this kind of pipeline-parallelism from an application and map it to multiple cores to increase the overall throughput of the system. Multiple cores forming a chain with direct communication channels ideally fit this pattern. The previously described, so called pipeline-parallelism is a barely addressed concept in most parallelization tools. Also, current multi-core designs often do not support the hardware flexibility provided by soft-cores, targeted in this approach. The main contribution of this work is an automatic parallelizer which is able to map different processing steps from the source-code of a sequential application to different cores in a multi-core pipeline. Users only specify the required processing speed after parallelization. The developed tool tries to extract a matching parallelized software design along with a custom multi-core design out of sequential embedded legacy applications. The automatically created multi-core system already contains used peripherals extracted from the source-code and is ready to be used. The presented parallelizer implements multi-objective optimization to generate a minimal hardware design, just fulfilling the user defined requirement. To the best of my knowledge, the possibility to generate such a multi-core pipeline defined by the demands of the parallelized software has never been presented before. The approach is implemented for two soft-core processors and evaluation shows for both targets high speedups of 12x and higher at a reasonable hardware overhead. Compared to other automatic parallelizers, which mainly focus on speedups through latency reduction, significantly higher speedups can be achieved depending on the given application structure

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities

    Design Development Test and Evaluation (DDT and E) Considerations for Safe and Reliable Human Rated Spacecraft Systems

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    A team directed by the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) collected methodologies for how best to develop safe and reliable human rated systems and how to identify the drivers that provide the basis for assessing safety and reliability. The team also identified techniques, methodologies, and best practices to assure that NASA can develop safe and reliable human rated systems. The results are drawn from a wide variety of resources, from experts involved with the space program since its inception to the best-practices espoused in contemporary engineering doctrine. This report focuses on safety and reliability considerations and does not duplicate or update any existing references. Neither does it intend to replace existing standards and policy