297 research outputs found

    Recovering 6D Object Pose and Predicting Next-Best-View in the Crowd

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    Object detection and 6D pose estimation in the crowd (scenes with multiple object instances, severe foreground occlusions and background distractors), has become an important problem in many rapidly evolving technological areas such as robotics and augmented reality. Single shot-based 6D pose estimators with manually designed features are still unable to tackle the above challenges, motivating the research towards unsupervised feature learning and next-best-view estimation. In this work, we present a complete framework for both single shot-based 6D object pose estimation and next-best-view prediction based on Hough Forests, the state of the art object pose estimator that performs classification and regression jointly. Rather than using manually designed features we a) propose an unsupervised feature learnt from depth-invariant patches using a Sparse Autoencoder and b) offer an extensive evaluation of various state of the art features. Furthermore, taking advantage of the clustering performed in the leaf nodes of Hough Forests, we learn to estimate the reduction of uncertainty in other views, formulating the problem of selecting the next-best-view. To further improve pose estimation, we propose an improved joint registration and hypotheses verification module as a final refinement step to reject false detections. We provide two additional challenging datasets inspired from realistic scenarios to extensively evaluate the state of the art and our framework. One is related to domestic environments and the other depicts a bin-picking scenario mostly found in industrial settings. We show that our framework significantly outperforms state of the art both on public and on our datasets.Comment: CVPR 2016 accepted paper, project page: http://www.iis.ee.ic.ac.uk/rkouskou/6D_NBV.htm

    Active recognition and pose estimation of rigid and deformable objects in 3D space

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    Object recognition and pose estimation is a fundamental problem in computer vision and of utmost importance in robotic applications. Object recognition refers to the problem of recognizing certain object instances, or categorizing objects into specific classes. Pose estimation deals with estimating the exact position of the object in 3D space, usually expressed in Euler angles. There are generally two types of objects that require special care when designing solutions to the aforementioned problems: rigid and deformable. Dealing with deformable objects has been a much harder problem, and usually solutions that apply to rigid objects, fail when used for deformable objects due to the inherent assumptions made during the design. In this thesis we deal with object categorization, instance recognition and pose estimation of both rigid and deformable objects. In particular, we are interested in a special type of deformable objects, clothes. We tackle the problem of autonomously recognizing and unfolding articles of clothing using a dual manipulator. This problem consists of grasping an article from a random point, recognizing it and then bringing it into an unfolded state by a dual arm robot. We propose a data-driven method for clothes recognition from depth images using Random Decision Forests. We also propose a method for unfolding an article of clothing after estimating and grasping two key-points, using Hough Forests. Both methods are implemented into a POMDP framework allowing the robot to interact optimally with the garments, taking into account uncertainty in the recognition and point estimation process. This active recognition and unfolding makes our system very robust to noisy observations. Our methods were tested on regular-sized clothes using a dual-arm manipulator. Our systems perform better in both accuracy and speed compared to state-of-the-art approaches. In order to take advantage of the robotic manipulator and increase the accuracy of our system, we developed a novel approach to address generic active vision problems, called Active Random Forests. While state of the art focuses on best viewing parameters selection based on single view classifiers, we propose a multi-view classifier where the decision mechanism of optimally changing viewing parameters is inherent to the classification process. This has many advantages: a) the classifier exploits the entire set of captured images and does not simply aggregate probabilistically per view hypotheses; b) actions are based on learnt disambiguating features from all views and are optimally selected using the powerful voting scheme of Random Forests and c) the classifier can take into account the costs of actions. The proposed framework was applied to the same task of autonomously unfolding clothes by a robot, addressing the problem of best viewpoint selection in classification, grasp point and pose estimation of garments. We show great performance improvement compared to state of the art methods and our previous POMDP formulation. Moving from deformable to rigid objects while keeping our interest to domestic robotic applications, we focus on object instance recognition and 3D pose estimation of household objects. We are particularly interested in realistic scenes that are very crowded and objects can be perceived under severe occlusions. Single shot-based 6D pose estimators with manually designed features are still unable to tackle such difficult scenarios for a variety of objects, motivating the research towards unsupervised feature learning and next-best-view estimation. We present a complete framework for both single shot-based 6D object pose estimation and next-best-view prediction based on Hough Forests, the state of the art object pose estimator that performs classification and regression jointly. Rather than using manually designed features we propose an unsupervised feature learnt from depth-invariant patches using a Sparse Autoencoder. Furthermore, taking advantage of the clustering performed in the leaf nodes of Hough Forests, we learn to estimate the reduction of uncertainty in other views, formulating the problem of selecting the next-best-view. To further improve 6D object pose estimation, we propose an improved joint registration and hypotheses verification module as a final refinement step to reject false detections. We provide two additional challenging datasets inspired from realistic scenarios to extensively evaluate the state of the art and our framework. One is related to domestic environments and the other depicts a bin-picking scenario mostly found in industrial settings. We show that our framework significantly outperforms state of the art both on public and on our datasets. Unsupervised feature learning, although efficient, might produce sub-optimal features for our particular tast. Therefore in our last work, we leverage the power of Convolutional Neural Networks to tackled the problem of estimating the pose of rigid objects by an end-to-end deep regression network. To improve the moderate performance of the standard regression objective function, we introduce the Siamese Regression Network. For a given image pair, we enforce a similarity measure between the representation of the sample images in the feature and pose space respectively, that is shown to boost regression performance. Furthermore, we argue that our pose-guided feature learning using our Siamese Regression Network generates more discriminative features that outperform the state of the art. Last, our feature learning formulation provides the ability of learning features that can perform under severe occlusions, demonstrating high performance on our novel hand-object dataset. Concluding, this work is a research on the area of object detection and pose estimation in 3D space, on a variety of object types. Furthermore we investigate how accuracy can be further improved by applying active vision techniques to optimally move the camera view to minimize the detection error.Open Acces

    Efficient Estimation of Human Upper Body Pose in Static Depth Images

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    Automatic estimation of human pose has long been a goal of computer vision, to which a solution would have a wide range of applications. In this paper we formulate the pose estimation task within a regression and Hough voting framework to predict 2D joint locations from depth data captured by a consumer depth camera. In our approach the offset from each pixel to the location of each joint is predicted directly using random regression forests. The predictions are accumulated in Hough images which are treated as likelihood distributions where maxima correspond to joint location hypotheses. Our approach is evaluated on a publicly available dataset with good results. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

    Latent-Class Hough Forests for 3D object detection and pose estimation of rigid objects

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    In this thesis we propose a novel framework, Latent-Class Hough Forests, for the problem of 3D object detection and pose estimation in heavily cluttered and occluded scenes. Firstly, we adapt the state-of-the-art template-based representation, LINEMOD [34, 36], into a scale-invariant patch descriptor and integrate it into a regression forest using a novel template-based split function. In training, rather than explicitly collecting representative negative samples, our method is trained on positive samples only and we treat the class distributions at the leaf nodes as latent variables. During the inference process we iteratively update these distributions, providing accurate estimation of background clutter and foreground occlusions and thus a better detection rate. Furthermore, as a by-product, the latent class distributions can provide accurate occlusion aware segmentation masks, even in the multi-instance scenario. In addition to an existing public dataset, which contains only single-instance sequences with large amounts of clutter, we have collected a new, more challenging, dataset for multiple-instance detection containing heavy 2D and 3D clutter as well as foreground occlusions. We evaluate the Latent-Class Hough Forest on both of these datasets where we outperform state-of-the art methods.Open Acces

    Understanding egocentric human actions with temporal decision forests

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    Understanding human actions is a fundamental task in computer vision with a wide range of applications including pervasive health-care, robotics and game control. This thesis focuses on the problem of egocentric action recognition from RGB-D data, wherein the world is viewed through the eyes of the actor whose hands describe the actions. The main contributions of this work are its findings regarding egocentric actions as described by hands in two application scenarios and a proposal of a new technique that is based on temporal decision forests. The thesis first introduces a novel framework to recognise fingertip writing in mid-air in the context of human-computer interaction. This framework detects whether the user is writing and tracks the fingertip over time to generate spatio-temporal trajectories that are recognised by using a Hough forest variant that encourages temporal consistency in prediction. A problem with using such forest approach for action recognition is that the learning of temporal dynamics is limited to hand-crafted temporal features and temporal regression, which may break the temporal continuity and lead to inconsistent predictions. To overcome this limitation, the thesis proposes transition forests. Besides any temporal information that is encoded in the feature space, the forest automatically learns the temporal dynamics during training, and it is exploited in inference in an online and efficient manner achieving state-of-the-art results. The last contribution of this thesis is its introduction of the first RGB-D benchmark to allow for the study of egocentric hand-object actions with both hand and object pose annotations. This study conducts an extensive evaluation of different baselines, state-of-the art approaches and temporal decision forest models using colour, depth and hand pose features. Furthermore, it extends the transition forest model to incorporate data from different modalities and demonstrates the benefit of using hand pose features to recognise egocentric human actions. The thesis concludes by discussing and analysing the contributions and proposing a few ideas for future work.Open Acces

    Random Forests for Real Time 3D Face Analysis

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    We present a random forest-based framework for real time head pose estimation from depth images and extend it to localize a set of facial features in 3D. Our algorithm takes a voting approach, where each patch extracted from the depth image can directly cast a vote for the head pose or each of the facial features. Our system proves capable of handling large rotations, partial occlusions, and the noisy depth data acquired using commercial sensors. Moreover, the algorithm works on each frame independently and achieves real time performance without resorting to parallel computations on a GPU. We present extensive experiments on publicly available, challenging datasets and present a new annotated head pose database recorded using a Microsoft Kinec

    The Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform for Localization of Highly Variable Objects and its Application for Surveillance Recordings

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    This work is about the localization of arbitrary objects in 2D images in general and the localization of persons in video surveillance recordings in particular. More precisely, it is about localizing specific landmarks. Thereby the possibilities and limitations of localization approaches based on the Generalized Hough Transform (GHT), especially of the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform (DGHT) will be evaluated. GHT-based approaches determine the number of matching model and feature points and the most likely target point position is given by the highest number of matching model and feature points. Additionally, the DGHT comprises a statistical learning approach to generate optimal DGHT-models achieving good results on medical images. This work will show that the DGHT is not restricted to medical tasks but has issues with large target object variabilities, which are frequent in video surveillance tasks. As all GHT-based approaches also the DGHT only considers the number of matching model-feature-point-combinations, which means that all model points are treated independently. This work will show that model points are not independent of each other and considering them independently will result in high error rates. This drawback is analyzed and a universal solution, which is not only applicable for the DGHT but all GHT-based approaches, is presented. This solution is based on an additional classifier that takes the whole set of matching model-feature-point-combinations into account to estimate a confidence score. On all tested databases, this approach could reduce the error rates drastically by up to 94.9%. Furthermore, this work presents a general approach for combining multiple GHT-models into a deeper model. This can be used to combine the localization results of different object landmarks such as mouth, nose, and eyes. Similar to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) this will split the target object variability into multiple and smaller variabilities. A comparison of GHT-based approaches with CNNs and a description of the advantages, disadvantages, and potential application of both approaches will conclude this work.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich im Allgemeinen mit der Lokalisierung von Objekten in 2D Bilddaten und im Speziellen mit der Lokalisierung von Personen in Videoüberwachungsaufnahmen. Genauer gesagt handelt es sich hierbei um die Lokalisierung spezieller Landmarken. Dabei werden die Möglichkeiten und Limiterungen von Lokalisierungsverfahren basierend auf der Generalisierten Hough Transformation (GHT) untersucht, insbesondere die der Diskriminativen Generalisierten Hough Transformation (DGHT). Bei GHT-basierten Ansätze wird die Anzahl an übereinstimmenden Modelpunkten und Merkmalspunkten ermittelt und die wahrscheinlicheste Objekt-Position ergibt sich aus der höchsten Anzahl an übereinstimmenden Model- und Merkmalspunkte. Die DGHT umfasst darüber hinaus noch ein statistisches Lernverfahren, um optimale DGHT-Modele zu erzeugen und erzielte damit auf medizinischen Bilder und Anwendungen sehr gute Erfolge. Wie sich in dieser Arbeit zeigen wird, ist die DGHT nicht auf medizinische Anwendungen beschränkt, hat allerdings Schwierigkeiten große Variabilität der Ziel-Objekte abzudecken, wie sie in Überwachungsszenarien zu erwarten sind. Genau wie alle GHT-basierten Ansätze leidet auch die DGHT unter dem Problem, dass lediglich die Anzahl an übereinstimmenden Model- und Merkmalspunkten ermittelt wird, was bedeutet, dass alle Modelpunkte unabhängig voneinander betrachtet werden. Dass Modelpunkte nicht unabhängig voneinander sind, wird im Laufe dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden, und die unabhängige Betrachtung führt gerade bei sehr variablen Zielobjekten zu einer hohen Fehlerrate. Dieses Problem wird in dieser Arbeit grundlegend untersucht und ein allgemeiner Lösungsansatz vorgestellt, welcher nicht nur für die DGHT sondern grundsätzlich für alle GHT-basierten Verfahren Anwendung finden kann. Die Lösung basiert auf der Integration eines zusätzlichen Klassifikators, welcher die gesamte Menge an übereinstimmenden Model- und Merkmalspunkten betrachtet und anhand dessen ein zusätzliches Konfidenzmaß vergibt. Dadurch konnte auf allen getesteten Datenbanken eine deutliche Reduktion der Fehlerrate erzielt werden von bis zu 94.9%. Darüber hinaus umfasst die Arbeit einen generellen Ansatz zur Kombination mehrere GHT-Model in einem tieferen Model. Dies kann dazu verwendet werden, um die Lokalisierungsergebnisse verschiedener Objekt-Landmarken zu kombinieren, z. B. die von Mund, Nase und Augen. Ähnlich wie auch bei Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) ist es damit möglich über mehrere Ebenen unterschiedliche Bereiche zu lokalisieren und somit die Variabilität des Zielobjektes in mehrere, leichter zu handhabenden Variabilitäten aufzuspalten. Abgeschlossen wird die Arbeit durch einen Vergleich von GHT-basierten Ansätzen mit CNNs und einer Beschreibung der Vor- und Nachteile und mögliche Einsatzfelder beider Verfahren

    Characterizing Objects in Images using Human Context

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    Humans have an unmatched capability of interpreting detailed information about existent objects by just looking at an image. Particularly, they can effortlessly perform the following tasks: 1) Localizing various objects in the image and 2) Assigning functionalities to the parts of localized objects. This dissertation addresses the problem of aiding vision systems accomplish these two goals. The first part of the dissertation concerns object detection in a Hough-based framework. To this end, the independence assumption between features is addressed by grouping them in a local neighborhood. We study the complementary nature of individual and grouped features and combine them to achieve improved performance. Further, we consider the challenging case of detecting small and medium sized household objects under human-object interactions. We first evaluate appearance based star and tree models. While the tree model is slightly better, appearance based methods continue to suffer due to deficiencies caused by human interactions. To this end, we successfully incorporate automatically extracted human pose as a form of context for object detection. The second part of the dissertation addresses the tedious process of manually annotating objects to train fully supervised detectors. We observe that videos of human-object interactions with activity labels can serve as weakly annotated examples of household objects. Since such objects cannot be localized only through appearance or motion, we propose a framework that includes human centric functionality to retrieve the common object. Designed to maximize data utility by detecting multiple instances of an object per video, the framework achieves performance comparable to its fully supervised counterpart. The final part of the dissertation concerns localizing functional regions or affordances within objects by casting the problem as that of semantic image segmentation. To this end, we introduce a dataset involving human-object interactions with strong i.e. pixel level and weak i.e. clickpoint and image level affordance annotations. We propose a framework that utilizes both forms of weak labels and demonstrate that efforts for weak annotation can be further optimized using human context

    SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis

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    Studying free-standing conversational groups (FCGs) in unstructured social settings (e.g., cocktail party ) is gratifying due to the wealth of information available at the group (mining social networks) and individual (recognizing native behavioral and personality traits) levels. However, analyzing social scenes involving FCGs is also highly challenging due to the difficulty in extracting behavioral cues such as target locations, their speaking activity and head/body pose due to crowdedness and presence of extreme occlusions. To this end, we propose SALSA, a novel dataset facilitating multimodal and Synergetic sociAL Scene Analysis, and make two main contributions to research on automated social interaction analysis: (1) SALSA records social interactions among 18 participants in a natural, indoor environment for over 60 minutes, under the poster presentation and cocktail party contexts presenting difficulties in the form of low-resolution images, lighting variations, numerous occlusions, reverberations and interfering sound sources; (2) To alleviate these problems we facilitate multimodal analysis by recording the social interplay using four static surveillance cameras and sociometric badges worn by each participant, comprising the microphone, accelerometer, bluetooth and infrared sensors. In addition to raw data, we also provide annotations concerning individuals' personality as well as their position, head, body orientation and F-formation information over the entire event duration. Through extensive experiments with state-of-the-art approaches, we show (a) the limitations of current methods and (b) how the recorded multiple cues synergetically aid automatic analysis of social interactions. SALSA is available at http://tev.fbk.eu/salsa.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Learning Sampling-Based 6D Object Pose Estimation

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    The task of 6D object pose estimation, i.e. of estimating an object position (three degrees of freedom) and orientation (three degrees of freedom) from images is an essential building block of many modern applications, such as robotic grasping, autonomous driving, or augmented reality. Automatic pose estimation systems have to overcome a variety of visual ambiguities, including texture-less objects, clutter, and occlusion. Since many applications demand real time performance the efficient use of computational resources is an additional challenge. In this thesis, we will take a probabilistic stance on trying to overcome said issues. We build on a highly successful automatic pose estimation framework based on predicting pixel-wise correspondences between the camera coordinate system and the local coordinate system of the object. These dense correspondences are used to generate a pool of hypotheses, which in turn serve as a starting point in a final search procedure. We will present three systems that each use probabilistic modeling and sampling to improve upon different aspects of the framework. The goal of the first system, System I, is to enable pose tracking, i.e. estimating the pose of an object in a sequence of frames instead of a single image. By including information from previous frames tracking systems can resolve many visual ambiguities and reduce computation time. System I is a particle filter (PF) approach. The PF represents its belief about the pose in each frame by propagating a set of samples through time. Our system uses the process of hypothesis generation from the original framework as part of a proposal distribution that efficiently concentrates samples in the appropriate areas. In System II, we focus on the problem of evaluating the quality of pose hypotheses. This task plays an essential role in the final search procedure of the original framework. We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) to assess the quality of an hypothesis by comparing rendered and observed images. To train the CNN we view it as part of an energy-based probability distribution in pose space. This probabilistic perspective allows us to train the system under the maximum likelihood paradigm. We use a sampling approach to approximate the required gradients. The resulting system for pose estimation yields superior results in particular for highly occluded objects. In System III, we take the idea of machine learning a step further. Instead of learning to predict an hypothesis quality measure, to be used in a search procedure, we present a way of learning the search procedure itself. We train a reinforcement learning (RL) agent, termed PoseAgent, to steer the search process and make optimal use of a given computational budget. PoseAgent dynamically decides which hypothesis should be refined next, and which one should ultimately be output as final estimate. Since the search procedure includes discrete non-differentiable choices, training of the system via gradient descent is not easily possible. To solve the problem, we model behavior of PoseAgent as non-deterministic stochastic policy, which is ultimately governed by a CNN. This allows us to use a sampling-based stochastic policy gradient training procedure. We believe that some of the ideas developed in this thesis, such as the sampling-driven probabilistically motivated training of a CNN for the comparison of images or the search procedure implemented by PoseAgent have the potential to be applied in fields beyond pose estimation as well