76 research outputs found

    On k-Convex Polygons

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    We introduce a notion of kk-convexity and explore polygons in the plane that have this property. Polygons which are \mbox{kk-convex} can be triangulated with fast yet simple algorithms. However, recognizing them in general is a 3SUM-hard problem. We give a characterization of \mbox{22-convex} polygons, a particularly interesting class, and show how to recognize them in \mbox{O(nlogn)O(n \log n)} time. A description of their shape is given as well, which leads to Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres type results regarding subconfigurations of their vertex sets. Finally, we introduce the concept of generalized geometric permutations, and show that their number can be exponential in the number of \mbox{22-convex} objects considered.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figure

    Stabbing Pairwise Intersecting Disks by Five Points

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    Suppose we are given a set D of n pairwise intersecting disks in the plane. A planar point set P stabs D if and only if each disk in D contains at least one point from P. We present a deterministic algorithm that takes O(n) time to find five points that stab D. Furthermore, we give a simple example of 13 pairwise intersecting disks that cannot be stabbed by three points. This provides a simple - albeit slightly weaker - algorithmic version of a classical result by Danzer that such a set D can always be stabbed by four points

    Fixed-parameter tractability and lower bounds for stabbing problems

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    We study the following general stabbing problem from a parameterized complexity point of view: Given a set S\mathcal S of nn translates of an object in \Rd, find a set of kk lines with the property that every object in S\mathcal S is ''stabbed'' (intersected) by at least one line. We show that when SS consists of axis-parallel unit squares in \Rtwo the (decision) problem of stabbing SS with axis-parallel lines is W[1]-hard with respect to kk (and thus, not fixed-parameter tractable unless FPT=W[1]) while it becomes fixed-parameter tractable when the squares are disjoint. We also show that the problem of stabbing a set of disjoint unit squares in \Rtwo with lines of arbitrary directions is W[1]--hard with respect to kk. Several generalizations to other types of objects and lines with arbitrary directions are also presented. Finally, we show that deciding whether a set of unit balls in \Rd can be stabbed by one line is W[1]--hard with respect to the dimension dd.Comment: Based on the MSc. Thesis of Daniel Werner, Free University Berlin, Berlin, German

    Lines pinning lines

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    A line g is a transversal to a family F of convex polytopes in 3-dimensional space if it intersects every member of F. If, in addition, g is an isolated point of the space of line transversals to F, we say that F is a pinning of g. We show that any minimal pinning of a line by convex polytopes such that no face of a polytope is coplanar with the line has size at most eight. If, in addition, the polytopes are disjoint, then it has size at most six. We completely characterize configurations of disjoint polytopes that form minimal pinnings of a line.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Geometric Permutations of Non-Overlapping Unit Balls Revisited

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    Given four congruent balls A,B,C,DA, B, C, D in RdR^{d} that have disjoint interior and admit a line that intersects them in the order ABCDABCD, we show that the distance between the centers of consecutive balls is smaller than the distance between the centers of AA and DD. This allows us to give a new short proof that nn interior-disjoint congruent balls admit at most three geometric permutations, two if n7n\ge 7. We also make a conjecture that would imply that n4n\geq 4 such balls admit at most two geometric permutations, and show that if the conjecture is false, then there is a counter-example of a highly degenerate nature

    On the complexity of range searching among curves

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    Modern tracking technology has made the collection of large numbers of densely sampled trajectories of moving objects widely available. We consider a fundamental problem encountered when analysing such data: Given nn polygonal curves SS in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, preprocess SS into a data structure that answers queries with a query curve qq and radius ρ\rho for the curves of SS that have \Frechet distance at most ρ\rho to qq. We initiate a comprehensive analysis of the space/query-time trade-off for this data structuring problem. Our lower bounds imply that any data structure in the pointer model model that achieves Q(n)+O(k)Q(n) + O(k) query time, where kk is the output size, has to use roughly Ω((n/Q(n))2)\Omega\left((n/Q(n))^2\right) space in the worst case, even if queries are mere points (for the discrete \Frechet distance) or line segments (for the continuous \Frechet distance). More importantly, we show that more complex queries and input curves lead to additional logarithmic factors in the lower bound. Roughly speaking, the number of logarithmic factors added is linear in the number of edges added to the query and input curve complexity. This means that the space/query time trade-off worsens by an exponential factor of input and query complexity. This behaviour addresses an open question in the range searching literature: whether it is possible to avoid the additional logarithmic factors in the space and query time of a multilevel partition tree. We answer this question negatively. On the positive side, we show we can build data structures for the \Frechet distance by using semialgebraic range searching. Our solution for the discrete \Frechet distance is in line with the lower bound, as the number of levels in the data structure is O(t)O(t), where tt denotes the maximal number of vertices of a curve. For the continuous \Frechet distance, the number of levels increases to O(t2)O(t^2)

    Discrete Geometry

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    The workshop on Discrete Geometry was attended by 53 participants, many of them young researchers. In 13 survey talks an overview of recent developments in Discrete Geometry was given. These talks were supplemented by 16 shorter talks in the afternoon, an open problem session and two special sessions. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 52Cxx. Abstract regular polytopes: recent developments. (Peter McMullen) Counting crossing-free configurations in the plane. (Micha Sharir) Geometry in additive combinatorics. (József Solymosi) Rigid components: geometric problems, combinatorial solutions. (Ileana Streinu) • Forbidden patterns. (János Pach) • Projected polytopes, Gale diagrams, and polyhedral surfaces. (Günter M. Ziegler) • What is known about unit cubes? (Chuanming Zong) There were 16 shorter talks in the afternoon, an open problem session chaired by Jesús De Loera, and two special sessions: on geometric transversal theory (organized by Eli Goodman) and on a new release of the geometric software Cinderella (Jürgen Richter-Gebert). On the one hand, the contributions witnessed the progress the field provided in recent years, on the other hand, they also showed how many basic (and seemingly simple) questions are still far from being resolved. The program left enough time to use the stimulating atmosphere of the Oberwolfach facilities for fruitful interaction between the participants