17 research outputs found

    Coordination in networked organizations : the Paradigm approach

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    Abstract An extension of the coordination specification language Paradigm is presented. In this set-up Paradigm models cater for multiple managers sharing the coordination of a set of common employees. A transition system semantics for the language is provided, that allows for reasoning about such constructions as delegation and self-management in matrix and general network organizations. An elaborated example illustrates the expressiveness of the proposed version of Paradigm. Key words: Paradigm, coordination, operational semantics, delegation, software architectur

    Dynamic Consistency in Process Algebra: From Paradigm to ACP

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    The coordination modelling language Paradigm addresses collaboration between components in terms of dynamic constraints. Within a Paradigm model, component dynamics are consistently specified at vari

    Domain specific modeling and analysis

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    It is desirable to model software systems in such a way that analysis of the systems, and tool development for such analysis, is readily possible and feasible in the context of large scientific research projects. This thesis emphasizes the methodology that serves as a basis for such developments. I focus on methods for the design of data-languages and their corresponding tools.UBL - phd migration 201

    Intelligent business processes composition based on mas, semantic and cloud integration (IPCASCI)

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    [EN]Component reuse is one of the techniques that most clearly contributes to the evolution of the software industry by providing efficient mechanisms to create quality software. Reuse increases both software reliability, due to the fact that it uses previously tested software components, and development productivity, and leads to a clear reduction in cost. Web services have become are an standard for application development on cloud computing environments and are essential in business process development. These services facilitate a software construction that is relatively fast and efficient, two aspects which can be improved by defining suitable models of reuse. This research work is intended to define a model which contains the construction requirements of new services from service composition. To this end, the composition is based on tested Web services and artificial intelligent tools at our disposal. It is believed that a multi-agent architecture based on virtual organizations is a suitable tool to facilitate the construction of cloud computing environments for business processes from other existing environments, and with help from ontological models as well as tools providing the standard BPEL (Business Process Execution Language). In the context of this proposal, we must generate a new business process from the available services in the platform, starting with the requirement specifications that the process should meet. These specifications will be composed of a semi-free description of requirements to describe the new service. The virtual organizations based on a multi-agent system will manage the tasks requiring intelligent behaviour. This system will analyse the input (textual description of the proposal) in order to deconstruct it into computable functionalities, which will be subsequently treated. Web services (or business processes) stored to be reused have been created from the perspective of SOA architectures and associated with an ontological component, which allows the multi-agent system (based on virtual organizations) to identify the services to complete the reuse process. The proposed model develops a service composition by applying a standard BPEL once the services that will compose the solution business process have been identified. This standard allows us to compose Web services in an easy way and provides the advantage of a direct mapping from Business Process Management Notation diagrams

    Definition einer Sprache zur Beschreibung von Prozessmustern zur Unterstützung agiler Softwareentwicklungsprozesse

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    Prozessmuster ermöglichen die modulare Modellierung und flexible Anwendung von Softwareentwicklungsprozessen. Gegenwärtige Beschreibungen von Prozessmustern weisen jedoch Mängel wie uneinheitliche und uneindeutige Beschreibungsformen und fehlende Beziehungsdefinitionen auf. Diese Mängel wirken sich nachteilig auf den effektiven Einsatz von Prozessmustern aus. In dieser Dissertation wird die Sprache PROPEL (Process Pattern Description Language) entwickelt, die Konzepte zur Beschreibung von Prozessmustern und Beziehungen zwischen Prozessmustern bereitstellt. Mit Hilfe von PROPEL können einzelne Prozessmuster modelliert und durch Definition von Beziehungen zu komplexeren Prozessmustern zusammengesetzt werden. PROPEL basiert auf der UML und verwendet daher eine Vielzahl von erprobten und weit verbreiteten Modellierungskonzepten wie Aktivitätsdiagramme wieder. Zur Erhöhung der Ausdrucksgenauigkeit wurde PROPEL um eine formale Semantik durch Abbildung der formalen Syntax auf die Domäne der Petri-Netze ergänzt. Für die Validierung der Nutzbarkeit und Handhabbarkeit von PROPEL wurde ein Prozessmusterkatalog basierend auf dem Rational Unified Process entwickelt. Durch die Darstellung verschiedener Sichten auf den Katalog kann ein Überblick auf alle vorhandenen Prozessmuster und deren Beziehungen gewährleistet werden. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass die Komplexität eines Prozessmodells durch Einsatz von PROPEL reduziert wird und Prozessinkonsistenzen eliminiert werden

    Domain specific modeling and analysis

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    It is desirable to model software systems in such a way that analysis of the systems, and tool development for such analysis, is readily possible and feasible in the context of large scientific research projects. This thesis emphasizes the methodology that serves as a basis for such developments. I focus on methods for the design of data-languages and their corresponding tools.UBL - phd migration 201

    Blueprint model and language for engineering cloud applications

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    Abstract: The research presented in this thesis is positioned within the domain of engineering CSBAs. Its contribution is twofold: (1) a uniform specification language, called the Blueprint Specification Language (BSL), for specifying cloud services across several cloud vendors and (2) a set of associated techniques, called the Blueprint Manipulation Techniques (BMTs), for publishing, querying, and composing cloud service specifications with aim to support the flexible design and configuration of an CSBA.

    Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity: Sybil-Resistant, Anonymous Authentication on Permissionless Blockchains and Incentive Compatible, Strictly Dominant Cryptocurrencies

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    Zero-Knowledge Proof-of-Identity from trusted public certificates (e.g., national identity cards and/or ePassports; eSIM) is introduced here to permissionless blockchains in order to remove the inefficiencies of Sybil-resistant mechanisms such as Proof-of-Work (i.e., high energy and environmental costs) and Proof-of-Stake (i.e., capital hoarding and lower transaction volume). The proposed solution effectively limits the number of mining nodes a single individual would be able to run while keeping membership open to everyone, circumventing the impossibility of full decentralization and the blockchain scalability trilemma when instantiated on a blockchain with a consensus protocol based on the cryptographic random selection of nodes. Resistance to collusion is also considered. Solving one of the most pressing problems in blockchains, a zk-PoI cryptocurrency is proved to have the following advantageous properties: - an incentive-compatible protocol for the issuing of cryptocurrency rewards based on a unique Nash equilibrium - strict domination of mining over all other PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies, thus the zk-PoI cryptocurrency becoming the preferred choice by miners is proved to be a Nash equilibrium and the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy - PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies are condemned to pay the Price of Crypto-Anarchy, redeemed by the optimal efficiency of zk-PoI as it implements the social optimum - the circulation of a zk-PoI cryptocurrency Pareto dominates other PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies - the network effects arising from the social networks inherent to national identity cards and ePassports dominate PoW/PoS cryptocurrencies - the lower costs of its infrastructure imply the existence of a unique equilibrium where it dominates other forms of paymentComment: 2.1: Proof-of-Personhood Considered Harmful (and Illegal); 4.1.5: Absence of Active Authentication; 4.2.6: Absence of Active Authentication; 4.2.7: Removing Single-Points of Failure; 4.3.2: Combining with Non-Zero-Knowledge Authentication; 4.4: Circumventing the Impossibility of Full Decentralizatio

    On power system automation: a Digital Twin-centric framework for the next generation of energy management systems

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    The ubiquitous digital transformation also influences power system operation. Emerging real-time applications in information (IT) and operational technology (OT) provide new opportunities to address the increasingly demanding power system operation imposed by the progressing energy transition. This IT/OT convergence is epitomised by the novel Digital Twin (DT) concept. By integrating sensor data into analytical models and aligning the model states with the observed system, a power system DT can be created. As a result, a validated high-fidelity model is derived, which can be applied within the next generation of energy management systems (EMS) to support power system operation. By providing a consistent and maintainable data model, the modular DT-centric EMS proposed in this work addresses several key requirements of modern EMS architectures. It increases the situation awareness in the control room, enables the implementation of model maintenance routines, and facilitates automation approaches, while raising the confidence into operational decisions deduced from the validated model. This gain in trust contributes to the digital transformation and enables a higher degree of power system automation. By considering operational planning and power system operation processes, a direct link to practice is ensured. The feasibility of the concept is examined by numerical case studies.The electrical power system is in the process of an extensive transformation. Driven by the energy transition towards renewable energy resources, many conventional power plants in Germany have already been decommissioned or will be decommissioned within the next decade. Among other things, these changes lead to an increased utilisation of power transmission equipment, and an increasing number of complex dynamic phenomena. The resulting system operation closer to physical boundaries leads to an increased susceptibility to disturbances, and to a reduced time span to react to critical contingencies and perturbations. In consequence, the task to operate the power system will become increasingly demanding. As some reactions to disturbances may be required within timeframes that exceed human capabilities, these developments are intrinsic drivers to enable a higher degree of automation in power system operation. This thesis proposes a framework to create a modular Digital Twin-centric energy management system. It enables the provision of validated and trustworthy models built from knowledge about the power system derived from physical laws, and process data. As the interaction of information and operational technologies is combined in the concept of the Digital Twin, it can serve as a framework for future energy management systems including novel applications for power system monitoring and control, which consider power system dynamics. To provide a validated high-fidelity dynamic power system model, time-synchronised phasor measurements of high-resolution are applied for validation and parameter estimation. This increases the trust into the underlying power system model as well as the confidence into operational decisions derived from advanced analytic applications such as online dynamic security assessment. By providing an appropriate, consistent, and maintainable data model, the framework addresses several key requirements of modern energy management system architectures, while enabling the implementation of advanced automation routines and control approaches. Future energy management systems can provide an increased observability based on the proposed architecture, whereby the situational awareness of human operators in the control room can be improved. In further development stages, cognitive systems can be applied that are able to learn from the data provided, e.g., machine learning based analytical functions. Thus, the framework enables a higher degree of power system automation, as well as the deployment of assistance and decision support functions for power system operation pointing towards a higher degree of automation in power system operation. The framework represents a contribution to the digital transformation of power system operation and facilitates a successful energy transition. The feasibility of the concept is examined by case studies in form of numerical simulations to provide a proof of concept.Das elektrische Energiesystem befindet sich in einem umfangreichen Transformations-prozess. Durch die voranschreitende Energiewende und den zunehmenden Einsatz erneuerbarer Energieträger sind in Deutschland viele konventionelle Kraftwerke bereits stillgelegt worden oder werden in den nächsten Jahren stillgelegt. Diese Veränderungen führen unter anderem zu einer erhöhten Betriebsmittelauslastung sowie zu einer verringerten Systemträgheit und somit zu einer zunehmenden Anzahl komplexer dynamischer Phänomene im elektrischen Energiesystem. Der Betrieb des Systems näher an den physikalischen Grenzen führt des Weiteren zu einer erhöhten Störanfälligkeit und zu einer verkürzten Zeitspanne, um auf kritische Ereignisse und Störungen zu reagieren. Infolgedessen wird die Aufgabe, das Stromnetz zu betreiben anspruchsvoller. Insbesondere dort wo Reaktionszeiten erforderlich sind, welche die menschlichen Fähigkeiten übersteigen sind die zuvor genannten Veränderungen intrinsische Treiber hin zu einem höheren Automatisierungsgrad in der Netzbetriebs- und Systemführung. Aufkommende Echtzeitanwendungen in den Informations- und Betriebstechnologien und eine zunehmende Menge an hochauflösenden Sensordaten ermöglichen neue Ansätze für den Entwurf und den Betrieb von cyber-physikalischen Systemen. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz, der in jüngster Zeit in diesem Zusammenhang diskutiert wurde, ist das Konzept des so genannten Digitalen Zwillings. Da das Zusammenspiel von Informations- und Betriebstechnologien im Konzept des Digitalen Zwillings vereint wird, kann es als Grundlage für eine zukünftige Leitsystemarchitektur und neuartige Anwendungen der Leittechnik herangezogen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Framework entwickelt, welches einen Digitalen Zwilling in einer neuartigen modularen Leitsystemarchitektur für die Aufgabe der Überwachung und Steuerung zukünftiger Energiesysteme zweckdienlich einsetzbar macht. In Ergänzung zu den bereits vorhandenen Funktionen moderner Netzführungssysteme unterstützt das Konzept die Abbildung der Netzdynamik auf Basis eines dynamischen Netzmodells. Um eine realitätsgetreue Abbildung der Netzdynamik zu ermöglichen, werden zeitsynchrone Raumzeigermessungen für die Modellvalidierung und Modellparameterschätzung herangezogen. Dies erhöht die Aussagekraft von Sicherheitsanalysen, sowie das Vertrauen in die Modelle mit denen operative Entscheidungen generiert werden. Durch die Bereitstellung eines validierten, konsistenten und wartbaren Datenmodells auf der Grundlage von physikalischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und während des Betriebs gewonnener Prozessdaten, adressiert der vorgestellte Architekturentwurf mehrere Schlüsselan-forderungen an moderne Netzleitsysteme. So ermöglicht das Framework einen höheren Automatisierungsgrad des Stromnetzbetriebs sowie den Einsatz von Entscheidungs-unterstützungsfunktionen bis hin zu vertrauenswürdigen Assistenzsystemen auf Basis kognitiver Systeme. Diese Funktionen können die Betriebssicherheit erhöhen und stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation des Stromnetzbetriebs, sowie zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung der Energiewende dar. Das vorgestellte Konzept wird auf der Grundlage numerischer Simulationen untersucht, wobei die grundsätzliche Machbarkeit anhand von Fallstudien nachgewiesen wird

    Interaction protocols in paradigm : extensions to a modeling language through tool development

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    Centraal in dit proefschrift staat het begrip interactie - wederzijds beinvloedend gedrag. In hedendaagse computersystemen speelt interactie een steeds belangrijker rol. Software wordt meer en meer ontwikkeld als een verzameling zelfstandig werkende componenten die services aanbieden aan andere componenten. Iedere component kent een eigen "levenscyclus" - hij wordt ontwikkeld, doorontwikkeld, uitgebreid, gesplitst, samengevoegd, en weer weggegooid. Concrete toepassingen ontstaan doordat componenten worden samengesteld tot een groter geheel. Zulke toepassingen zijn alleen bruikbaar als er sprake is van zinvolle interactie tussen de componenten.De modelleertaal Paradigm, ontwikkeld aan het Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), is een taal die speciaal geschikt is voor het modelleren en analyseren van interactie. Een Paradigm-model beschrijft op een abstract niveau het gedrag van individuele componenten, de rollen die de componenten kunnen spelen in interactie met andere componenten, en de manier waarop die interactie tussen de rollen plaatsvindt. De taal heeft een aantal interessante eigenschappen, niet in de laatste plaats het feit dat het een executeerbare taal is: Paradigm-modellen kunnen door een computer worden uitgevoerd. Als bijzondere bijkomstigheid kunnen Paradigm-modellen zo worden ingericht dat ze zichzelf veranderen terwijl ze worden uitgevoerd - zo kunnen we ook de levenscyclus van componenten modelleren.LEI Universiteit LeidenFoundations of Software Technolog