9 research outputs found


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Dynamic Load Balancing of Matrix-Vector Multiplications on Roadrunner Compute Nodes

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    Efficient Scheduling and High-Performance Graph Partitioning on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems

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    Heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems have emerged as a power-efficient platform for high performance parallelization of the applications. However, effectively exploiting these architectures faces a number of challenges including differences in the programming models of the CPU (MIMD) and the GPU (SIMD), GPU memory constraints, and comparatively low communication bandwidth between the CPU and GPU. As a consequence, high performance execution of applications on these platforms requires designing new adaptive parallelizing methods. In this thesis, first we explore embarrassingly parallel applications where tasks have no inter-dependencies. Although the massive processing power of GPUs provides an attractive opportunity for high-performance execution of embarrassingly parallel tasks on CPU-GPU systems, minimized execution time can only be obtained by optimally distributing the tasks between the processors. In contemporary CPU-GPU systems, the scheduler cannot decide about the appropriate rate distribution. Hence it requires high programming effort to manually divide the tasks among the processors. Herein, we design and implement a new dynamic scheduling heuristic to minimize the execution time of embarrassingly parallel applications on a heterogeneous CPU-GPU system. The scheduler is integrated into a scheduling framework that provides pre-implemented automated scheduling modules, liberating the user from the complexities of scheduling details. The experimental results show that our scheduling approach achieves better to similar performance compared to some of the scheduling algorithms proposed for CPU-GPU systems. We then investigate task dependent applications, where the tasks have data dependencies. The computational tasks and their communication patterns are expressed by a task interaction graph. Scheduling of the task interaction graph on a cluster can be done by first partitioning the graph into a set of computationally balanced partitions in such a way that the communication cost among the partitions is minimized, and subsequently mapping the partitions onto physical processors. Aside from scheduling, graph partitioning is a common computation phase in many application domains, including social network analysis, data mining, and VLSI design. However, irregular and data-dependent graph partitioning sub-tasks pose multiple challenges for efficient GPU utilization, which favors regularity. We design and implement a multilevel graph partitioner on a heterogeneous CPU-GPU system that takes advantage of the high parallel processing power of GPUs by executing the computation-intensive parts of the partitioning sub-tasks on the GPU and assigning the parts with less parallelism to the CPU. Our partitioner aims to overcome some of the challenges arising due to the irregular nature of the algorithm, and memory constraints on GPUs. We present a lock-free scheme since fine-grained synchronization among thousands of GPU threads imposes too high a performance overhead. Experimental results demonstrate that our partitioner outperforms serial and parallel MPI-based partitioners. It performs similar to shared-memory CPU-based parallel graph partitioner. To optimize the graph partitioner performance, we describe an effective and methodological approach to enable a GPU-based multi-level graph partitioning that is tailored specifically for the SIMD architecture. Our solution avoids thread divergence and balances the load over GPU threads by dynamically assigning an appropriate number of threads to process the graph vertices and irregular sized neighbors. Our optimized design is autonomous as all the steps are carried out by the GPU with minimal CPU interference. We show that this design outperforms CPU-based parallel graph partitioner. Finally, we apply some of our partitioning techniques to another graph processing algorithm, minimum spanning tree (MST), that exhibits load imbalance characteristics. We show that extending these techniques helps in achieving a high performance implementation of MST on the GPU

    GPU data structures for graphics and vision

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    Graphics hardware has in recent years become increasingly programmable, and its programming APIs use the stream processor model to expose massive parallelization to the programmer. Unfortunately, the inherent restrictions of the stream processor model, used by the GPU in order to maintain high performance, often pose a problem in porting CPU algorithms for both video and volume processing to graphics hardware. Serial data dependencies which accelerate CPU processing are counterproductive for the data-parallel GPU. This thesis demonstrates new ways for tackling well-known problems of large scale video/volume analysis. In some instances, we enable processing on the restricted hardware model by re-introducing algorithms from early computer graphics research. On other occasions, we use newly discovered, hierarchical data structures to circumvent the random-access read/fixed write restriction that had previously kept sophisticated analysis algorithms from running solely on graphics hardware. For 3D processing, we apply known game graphics concepts such as mip-maps, projective texturing, and dependent texture lookups to show how video/volume processing can benefit algorithmically from being implemented in a graphics API. The novel GPU data structures provide drastically increased processing speed, and lift processing heavy operations to real-time performance levels, paving the way for new and interactive vision/graphics applications.Graphikhardware wurde in den letzen Jahren immer weiter programmierbar. Ihre APIs verwenden das Streamprozessor-Modell, um die massive Parallelisierung auch für den Programmierer verfügbar zu machen. Leider folgen aus dem strikten Streamprozessor-Modell, welches die GPU für ihre hohe Rechenleistung benötigt, auch Hindernisse in der Portierung von CPU-Algorithmen zur Video- und Volumenverarbeitung auf die GPU. Serielle Datenabhängigkeiten beschleunigen zwar CPU-Verarbeitung, sind aber für die daten-parallele GPU kontraproduktiv . Diese Arbeit präsentiert neue Herangehensweisen für bekannte Probleme der Video- und Volumensverarbeitung. Teilweise wird die Verarbeitung mit Hilfe von modifizierten Algorithmen aus der frühen Computergraphik-Forschung an das beschränkte Hardwaremodell angepasst. Anderswo helfen neu entdeckte, hierarchische Datenstrukturen beim Umgang mit den Schreibzugriff-Restriktionen die lange die Portierung von komplexeren Bildanalyseverfahren verhindert hatten. In der 3D-Verarbeitung nutzen wir bekannte Konzepte aus der Computerspielegraphik wie Mipmaps, projektive Texturierung, oder verkettete Texturzugriffe, und zeigen auf welche Vorteile die Video- und Volumenverarbeitung aus hardwarebeschleunigter Graphik-API-Implementation ziehen kann. Die präsentierten GPU-Datenstrukturen bieten drastisch schnellere Verarbeitung und heben rechenintensive Operationen auf Echtzeit-Niveau. Damit werden neue, interaktive Bildverarbeitungs- und Graphik-Anwendungen möglich

    Flexible high performance agent based modelling on graphics card hardware

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    Agent Based Modelling is a technique for computational simulation of complex interacting systems, through the specification of the behaviour of a number of autonomous individuals acting simultaneously. This is a bottom up approach, in contrast with the top down one of modelling the behaviour of the whole system through dynamic mathematical equations. The focus on individuals is considerably more computationally demanding, but provides a natural and flexible environment for studying systems demonstrating emergent behaviour. Despite the obvious parallelism, traditionally frameworks for Agent Based Modelling fail to exploit this and are often based on highly serialised mobile discrete agents. Such an approach has serious implications, placing stringent limitations on both the scale of models and the speed at which they may be simulated. Serial simulation frameworks are also unable to exploit multiple processor architectures which have become essential in improving overall processing speed. This thesis demonstrates that it is possible to use the parallelism of graphics card hardware as a mechanism for high performance Agent Based Modelling. Such an approach is in contrast with alternative high performance architectures, such as distributed grids and specialist computing clusters, and is considerably more cost effective. The use of consumer hardware makes the techniques described available to a wide range of users, and the use of automatically generated simulation code abstracts the process of mapping algorithms to the specialist hardware. This approach avoids the steep learning curve associated with the graphics card hardware's data parallel architecture, which has previously limited the uptake of this emerging technology. The performance and flexibility of this approach are considered through the use of benchmarking and case studies. The resulting speedup and locality of agent data within the graphics processor also allow real time visualisation of computationally and demanding high population models

    Using program behaviour to exploit heterogeneous multi-core processors

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    Multi-core CPU architectures have become prevalent in recent years. A number of multi-core CPUs consist of not only multiple processing cores, but multiple different types of processing cores, each with different capabilities and specialisations. These heterogeneous multi-core architectures (HMAs) can deliver exceptional performance; however, they are notoriously difficult to program effectively. This dissertation investigates the feasibility of ameliorating many of the difficulties encountered in application development on HMA processors, by employing a behaviour aware runtime system. This runtime system provides applications with the illusion of executing on a homogeneous architecture, by presenting a homogeneous virtual machine interface. The runtime system uses knowledge of a program's execution behaviour, gained through explicit code annotations, static analysis or runtime monitoring, to inform its resource allocation and scheduling decisions, such that the application makes best use of the HMA's heterogeneous processing cores. The goal of this runtime system is to enable non-specialist application developers to write applications that can exploit an HMA, without the developer requiring in-depth knowledge of the HMA's design. This dissertation describes the development of a Java runtime system, called Hera-JVM, aimed at investigating this premise. Hera-JVM supports the execution of unmodified Java applications on both processing core types of the heterogeneous IBM Cell processor. An application's threads of execution can be transparently migrated between the Cell's different core types by Hera-JVM, without requiring the application's involvement. A number of real-world Java benchmarks are executed across both of the Cell's core types, to evaluate the efficacy of abstracting a heterogeneous architecture behind a homogeneous virtual machine. By characterising the performance of each of the Cell processor's core types under different program behaviours, a set of influential program behaviour characteristics is uncovered. A set of code annotations are presented, which enable program code to be tagged with these behaviour characteristics, enabling a runtime system to track a program's behaviour throughout its execution. This information is fed into a cost function, which Hera-JVM uses to automatically estimate whether the executing program's threads of execution would benefit from being migrated to a different core type, given their current behaviour characteristics. The use of history, hysteresis and trend tracking, by this cost function, is explored as a means of increasing its stability and limiting detrimental thread migrations. The effectiveness of a number of different migration strategies is also investigated under real-world Java benchmarks, with the most effective found to be a strategy that can target code, such that a thread is migrated whenever it executes this code. This dissertation also investigates the use of runtime monitoring to enable a runtime system to automatically infer a program's behaviour characteristics, without the need for explicit code annotations. A lightweight runtime behaviour monitoring system is developed, and its effectiveness at choosing the most appropriate core type on which to execute a set of real-world Java benchmarks is examined. Combining explicit behaviour characteristic annotations with those characteristics which are monitored at runtime is also explored. Finally, an initial investigation is performed into the use of behaviour characteristics to improve application performance under a different type of heterogeneous architecture, specifically, a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture. Thread teams are proposed as a method of automatically clustering communicating threads onto the same NUMA node, thereby reducing data access overheads. Evaluation of this approach shows that it is effective at improving application performance, if the application's threads can be partitioned across the available NUMA nodes of a system. The findings of this work demonstrate that a runtime system with a homogeneous virtual machine interface can reduce the challenge of application development for HMA processors, whilst still being able to exploit such a processor by taking program behaviour into account

    Multi-objective optimisation methods applied to aircraft techno-economic and environmental issues

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    Engineering methods that couple multi-objective optimisation (MOO) techniques with high fidelity computational tools are expected to minimise the environmental impact of aviation while increasing the growth, with the potential to reveal innovative solutions. In order to mitigate the compromise between computational efficiency and fidelity, these methods can be accelerated by harnessing the computational efficiency of Graphic Processor Units (GPUs). The aim of the research is to develop a family of engineering methods to support research in aviation with respect to the environmental and economic aspects. In order to reveal the non-dominated trade-o_, also known as Pareto Front(PF), among conflicting objectives, a MOO algorithm, called Multi-Objective Tabu Search 2 (MOTS2), is developed, benchmarked relative to state-of-the-art methods and accelerated by using GPUs. A prototype fluid solver based on GPU is also developed, so as to simulate the mixing capability of a microreactor that could potentially be used in fuel-saving technologies in aviation. By using the aforementioned methods, optimal aircraft trajectories in terms of flight time, fuel consumption and emissions are generated, and alternative designs of a microreactor are suggested, so as to assess the trade-offs between pressure losses and the micro-mixing capability. As a key contribution to knowledge, with reference to competitive optimisers and previous cases, the capabilities of the proposed methodology are illustrated in prototype applications of aircraft trajectory optimisation (ATO) and micromixing optimisation with 2 and 3 objectives, under operational and geometrical constraints, respectively. In the short-term, ATO ought to be applied to existing aircraft. In the long-term, improving the micro-mixing capability of a microreactor is expected to enable the use of hydrogen-based fuel. This methodology is also benchmarked and assessed relative to state-of-the-art techniques in ATO and micro-mixing optimisation with known and unknown trade-offs, whereas the former could only optimise 2 objectives and the latter could not exploit the computational efficiency of GPUs. The impact of deploying on GPUs a micro-mixing _ow solver, which accelerates the generation of trade-off against a reference study, and MOTS2, which illustrates the scalability potential, is assessed. With regard to standard analytical function test cases and verification cases in MOO, MOTS2 can handle the multi-modality of the trade-o_ of ZDT4, which is a MOO benchmark function with many local optima that presents a challenge for a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm for ATO, called NSGAMO, based on case studies in the public domain. However, MOTS2 demonstrated worse performance on ZDT3, which is a MOO benchmark function with a discontinuous trade-o_, for which NSGAMO successfully captured the target PF. Comparing their overall performance, if the shape of the PF is known, MOTS2 should be preferred in problems with multi-modal trade-offs, whereas NSGAMO should be employed in discontinuous PFs. The shape of the trade-o_ between the objectives in airfoil shape optimisation, ATO and micro-mixing optimisation was continuous. The weakness of MOTS2 to sufficiently capture the discontinuous PF of ZDT3 was not critical in the studied examples … [cont.]

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing

    A Study of Time and Energy Efficient Algorithms for Parallel and Heterogeneous Computing

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    This PhD project is motivated by the need to develop and achieve better and energy efficient computing through the use of parallelism and heterogeneous systems. Our contribution consists of both theoretical aspects, as well as in-depth and comprehensive empirical studies that aim to provide more insight into parallel and heterogeneous computing. Our first problem is a theoretical problem that focuses on the scheduling of a special category of jobs known as deteriorating jobs. These kind of jobs will require more effort to complete them if postponed to a later time. They are intended to model several industrial processes including steel production, fire-fighting and financial management. We study the problem in the context of parallel machine scheduling in an online setting where jobs have arbitrary release times. Our main results show that List Scheduling is (1+bmax)(1+b_{max})-competitive and that no deterministic algorithm is better than (1+bmax)11m(1+b_{max})^{1-\frac{1}{m}}, where bmaxb_{max} is the largest deteriorating rate. We also extend our results to online deterministic algorithms and show that no deterministic online algorithm is better than (1+bmax)(1+b_{max})-competitive. Our next study concerns the scheduling of nn jobs with precedence constraints on mm parallel machines. We are interested in the precedence constraint known as chain precedence constraint where each job can have at most one predecessor and at most one successor. The jobs are modelled as directed acyclic graphs where nodes represent the jobs and edges represent the precedence constraints between jobs. The jobs have a strict deadline that must be met. The parallel machines are considered to be unrelated and a communication network connects each pair of machines. Execution of the jobs on the machines as well as communication across the network incurs costs in the form of time and energy. These costs are given by cost matrices that covers processing and communication. The goal is to construct a feasible schedule that minimizes the total energy required to execute the chain of jobs on the machines, such that all deadlines are met. We present a dynamic programming solution to the problem that leads to a pseudo polynomial time algorithm with running time O(nm2dmax)O(nm^2d_{max}), where dmaxd_{max} is the largest deadline. We show that the algorithm computes an optimal schedule where one exists. We then proceed to a similar problem that involves the scheduling of jobs to minimize flow time plus energy. This problem is based on a dynamic speed scaling heuristic in literature that is able to adjust the speed of a processor based on the number of \emph{active jobs}, called AJC. We present a comprehensive empirical study that consists of several job selection, speed selection and processor allocation heuristics. We also consider both single processor and multi processor settings. Our main goal is to investigate the viability of designing a fixed-speed counterpart for AJC, that is not as computationally intensive as AJC, while being very simple. We also evaluate the performance of this fixed speed heuristic and compare it with that of AJC. Our fourth and final study involves the use of graphics processing unit (GPU) as an accelerator for compute intensive tasks. The GPU has become a very popular multi processor for heterogeneous computing both from an economical point of view and performance standpoint. Firstly, we contribute to the development of a Bioinformatics tool, called GapsMis, by implementing a heterogeneous version that uses graphics processors for acceleration. GapsMis is a tool designed for the alignment of sequences, like protein and DNA sequences, and allows for the insertion of gaps in the alignment. Then we present a case study that aims to highlight the various aspects, including benefits and challenges, involved in developing heterogeneous applications that is vendor-agnostic. In order to do this we select four algorithms as case studies including GapsMis and the algorithm presented in our second problem. The other two algorithms are based on the Velocity-Verlet integration and the Fruchterman-Reingold force-based method for graph layout. We make use of the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) and C++ for implementation of the algorithms on a range of graphics processors from Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and NVIDIA Corporation. We evaluate several factors that can affect performance of these applications on each hardware. We also compare the performance of our algorithms in a multi-GPU setting and against single and multi-core CPU implementations. Furthermore, several metrics are defined to capture several aspects of performance including execution time of application kernel(s), execution time of application including communication times, throughput, power and energy consumption