1,991 research outputs found

    Decomposition and encoding of finite state machines for FPGA implementation

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    Synthesis heuristics for large asynchronous sequential circuits

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    Many well-known synthesis procedures for asynchronous sequential circuits produce minimal or near-minimal results, but are practical only for very small problems. These algorithms become unwieldy when applied to large circuits with, for example, three or more input variables and twenty or more internal states. New heuristic procedures are described which permit the synthesis of very large machines. Although the resulting designs are generally not minimal, the heuristics are able to produce near-minimal solutions orders of magnitude more rapidly than the minimal algorithms. A method for specifying sequential circuit behavior is presented. Input-output sequences define submachines or modules. When properly interconnected, these modules form the required sequential circuit. It is shown that the waveform and interconnection specifications may easily be translated into flow table form. A large flow table simplification heuristic is developed. The algorithm may be applied to tables having hundreds of rows, and handles both normal and non-normal mode circuit specifications. Nonstandard state assignment procedures for normal, fundamental mode asynchronous sequential circuits are examined. An algorithm for rapidly generating large flow table internal state assignments is proposed. The algorithms described have been programmed in PL/1 and incorporated into an automated design system for asynchronous circuits; the system also includes minimum and near-minimum variable state assignment generators, a code evaluation routine, a design equation generator, and two Boolean equation simplification procedures. Large sequential circuits designed using the system illustrate the utility of the heuristic procedures --Abstract, pages ii-iii

    State Assignment Selection In Asynchronous Sequential Circuits

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    Methods already exist for the construction of critical race-free assignments for asynchronous sequential circuits. Some of these methods permit the construction of many assignments for the same flow table. The algorithm presented here consists of two easy to apply tests which select that critical race-free assignment most likely to produce a set of simple next-state equations. The algorithm has been programmed. Copyright © 1970 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    Automatic Generation of Models of Microarchitectures

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    Detailed microarchitectural models are necessary to predict, explain, or optimize the performance of software running on modern microprocessors. Building such models often requires a significant manual effort, as the documentation provided by hardware manufacturers is typically not precise enough. The goal of this thesis is to develop techniques for generating microarchitectural models automatically. In the first part, we focus on recent x86 microarchitectures. We implement a tool to accurately evaluate small microbenchmarks using hardware performance counters. We then describe techniques to automatically generate microbenchmarks for measuring the performance of individual instructions and for characterizing cache architectures. We apply our implementations to more than a dozen different microarchitectures. In the second part of the thesis, we study more general techniques to obtain models of hardware components. In particular, we propose the concept of gray-box learning, and we develop a learning algorithm for Mealy machines that exploits prior knowledge about the system to be learned. Finally, we show how this algorithm can be adapted to minimize incompletely specified Mealy machines—a well-known NP-complete problem. Our implementation outperforms existing exact minimization techniques by several orders of magnitude on a number of hard benchmarks; it is even competitive with state-of-the-art heuristic approaches.Zur Vorhersage, Erklärung oder Optimierung der Leistung von Software auf modernen Mikroprozessoren werden detaillierte Modelle der verwendeten Mikroarchitekturen benötigt. Das Erstellen derartiger Modelle ist oft mit einem hohen Aufwand verbunden, da die erforderlichen Informationen von den Prozessorherstellern typischerweise nicht zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Techniken zu entwickeln, um derartige Modelle automatisch zu erzeugen. Im ersten Teil beschäftigen wir uns mit aktuellen x86-Mikroarchitekturen. Wir entwickeln zuerst ein Tool, das kleine Microbenchmarks mithilfe von Performance Countern auswerten kann. Danach beschreiben wir Techniken, um automatisch Microbenchmarks zu erzeugen, mit denen die Leistung einzelner Instruktionen gemessen sowie die Cache-Architektur charakterisiert werden kann. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit betrachten wir allgemeinere Techniken, um Hardwaremodelle zu erzeugen. Wir schlagen das Konzept des “Gray-Box Learning” vor, und wir entwickeln einen Lernalgorithmus für Mealy-Maschinen, der bekannte Informationen über das zu lernende System berücksichtigt. Zum Abschluss zeigen wir, wie dieser Algorithmus auf das Problem der Minimierung unvollständig spezifizierter Mealy-Maschinen übertragen werden kann. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein bekanntes NP-vollständiges Problem. Unsere Implementierung ist in mehreren Benchmarks um Größenordnungen schneller als vorherige Ansätze

    Run-time parallelization and scheduling of loops

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    The class of problems that can be effectively compiled by parallelizing compilers is discussed. This is accomplished with the doconsider construct which would allow these compilers to parallelize many problems in which substantial loop-level parallelism is available but cannot be detected by standard compile-time analysis. We describe and experimentally analyze mechanisms used to parallelize the work required for these types of loops. In each of these methods, a new loop structure is produced by modifying the loop to be parallelized. We also present the rules by which these loop transformations may be automated in order that they be included in language compilers. The main application area of the research involves problems in scientific computations and engineering. The workload used in our experiment includes a mixture of real problems as well as synthetically generated inputs. From our extensive tests on the Encore Multimax/320, we have reached the conclusion that for the types of workloads we have investigated, self-execution almost always performs better than pre-scheduling. Further, the improvement in performance that accrues as a result of global topological sorting of indices as opposed to the less expensive local sorting, is not very significant in the case of self-execution

    AFIT School of Engineering Contributions to Air Force Research and Technology. Calendar Year 1971

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    This report contains abstracts of Master of Science theses and Doctoral Dissertations completed during the 1971 calendar year at the School of Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology

    Neural Distributed Autoassociative Memories: A Survey

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    Introduction. Neural network models of autoassociative, distributed memory allow storage and retrieval of many items (vectors) where the number of stored items can exceed the vector dimension (the number of neurons in the network). This opens the possibility of a sublinear time search (in the number of stored items) for approximate nearest neighbors among vectors of high dimension. The purpose of this paper is to review models of autoassociative, distributed memory that can be naturally implemented by neural networks (mainly with local learning rules and iterative dynamics based on information locally available to neurons). Scope. The survey is focused mainly on the networks of Hopfield, Willshaw and Potts, that have connections between pairs of neurons and operate on sparse binary vectors. We discuss not only autoassociative memory, but also the generalization properties of these networks. We also consider neural networks with higher-order connections and networks with a bipartite graph structure for non-binary data with linear constraints. Conclusions. In conclusion we discuss the relations to similarity search, advantages and drawbacks of these techniques, and topics for further research. An interesting and still not completely resolved question is whether neural autoassociative memories can search for approximate nearest neighbors faster than other index structures for similarity search, in particular for the case of very high dimensional vectors.Comment: 31 page

    Design of digital systems

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