88 research outputs found

    A hybrid genetic algorithm and tabu search approach for post enrolment course timetabling

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media. All rights reserved.The post enrolment course timetabling problem (PECTP) is one type of university course timetabling problems, in which a set of events has to be scheduled in time slots and located in suitable rooms according to the student enrolment data. The PECTP is an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem and hence is very difficult to solve to optimality. This paper proposes a hybrid approach to solve the PECTP in two phases. In the first phase, a guided search genetic algorithm is applied to solve the PECTP. This guided search genetic algorithm, integrates a guided search strategy and some local search techniques, where the guided search strategy uses a data structure that stores useful information extracted from previous good individuals to guide the generation of offspring into the population and the local search techniques are used to improve the quality of individuals. In the second phase, a tabu search heuristic is further used on the best solution obtained by the first phase to improve the optimality of the solution if possible. The proposed hybrid approach is tested on a set of benchmark PECTPs taken from the international timetabling competition in comparison with a set of state-of-the-art methods from the literature. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid approach is able to produce promising results for the test PECTPs.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and Grant EP/E060722/02

    Design, Engineering, and Experimental Analysis of a Simulated Annealing Approach to the Post-Enrolment Course Timetabling Problem

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    The post-enrolment course timetabling (PE-CTT) is one of the most studied timetabling problems, for which many instances and results are available. In this work we design a metaheuristic approach based on Simulated Annealing to solve the PE-CTT. We consider all the different variants of the problem that have been proposed in the literature and we perform a comprehensive experimental analysis on all the public instances available. The outcome is that our solver, properly engineered and tuned, performs very well on all cases, providing the new best known results on many instances and state-of-the-art values for the others

    Global Optimization Using Local Search Approach for Course Scheduling Problem

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    Course scheduling problem is a combinatorial optimization problem which is defined over a finite discrete problem whose candidate solution structure is expressed as a finite sequence of course events scheduled in available time and space resources. This problem is considered as non-deterministic polynomial complete problem which is hard to solve. Many solution methods have been studied in the past for solving the course scheduling problem, namely from the most traditional approach such as graph coloring technique; the local search family such as hill-climbing search, taboo search, and simulated annealing technique; and various population-based metaheuristic methods such as evolutionary algorithm, genetic algorithm, and swarm optimization. This article will discuss these various probabilistic optimization methods in order to gain the global optimal solution. Furthermore, inclusion of a local search in the population-based algorithm to improve the global solution will be explained rigorously

    Effective Solution of University Course Timetabling using Particle Swarm Optimizer based Hyper Heuristic approach

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    عادة ما تكون مشكلة الجدول الزمني للمحاضرات الجامعية (UCTP) هي مشكلة تحسين الإندماجية. يستغرق الأمر جهود يدوية لعدة أيام للوصول إلى جدول زمني مفيد ، ولا تزال النتائج غير جيدة بما يكفي. تُستخدم طرق مختلفة من (الإرشاد أو الإرشاد المساعد) لحل UCTP بشكل مناسب. لكن هذه الأساليب عادةً ما تعطي حلول محدودة. يعالج إطار العمل الاسترشادي العالي هذه المشكلة المعقدة بشكل مناسب. يقترح هذا البحث استخدام محسن سرب الجسيمات استنادا على منهجية الإرشاد العالي (HH PSO) لمعالجة مشكلة الجدول الزمني للمحاضرات الجامعية (UCTP) . محسن سرب الجسيمات PSO يستخدام كطريقة ذات مستوى عالي لتحديد تسلسل الاستدلال ذي المستوى المنخفض (LLH) والذي من ناحية أخرى يستطيع توليد الحل الأمثل. لنهج المقترح يقسم الحل إلى مرحلتين (المرحلة الأولية ومرحلة التحسين). قمنا بتطوير LLH جديد يسمى "أقل عدد ممكن من الغرف المتبقية"  لجدولة الأحداث. يتم استخدام مجموعتي بيانات مسابقة الجدول الزمني الدولية (ITC)  ITC 2002 و ITC 2007 لتقييم الطريقة المقترحة. تشير النتائج الأولية  إلى أن الإرشاد منخفض المستوى المقترح يساعد في جدولة الأحداث في المرحلة الأولية. بالمقارنة مع LLH الأخرى ، الطريقة LLH المقترحة جدولت المزيد من الأحداث لـ 14 و 15 من حالات البيانات من 24 و 20 حالة بيانات من ITC 2002 و ITC 2007 ، على التوالي. تظهر الدراسة التجريبية أن HH PSO تحصل على معدل خرق أقل للقيود في سبع وستة حالات بيانات من ITC 2007 و ITC 2002 ، على التوالي. واستنتج هذا البحث أن LLH المقترحة يمكن أن تحصل على حل معقول وملائم إذا تم تحديد الأولوياتThe university course timetable problem (UCTP) is typically a combinatorial optimization problem. Manually achieving a useful timetable requires many days of effort, and the results are still unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory. Various states of art methods (heuristic, meta-heuristic) are used to satisfactorily solve UCTP. However, these approaches typically represent the instance-specific solutions. The hyper-heuristic framework adequately addresses this complex problem. This research proposed Particle Swarm Optimizer-based Hyper Heuristic (HH PSO) to solve UCTP efficiently. PSO is used as a higher-level method that selects low-level heuristics (LLH) sequence which further generates an optimal solution. The proposed approach generates solutions into two phases (initial and improvement). A new LLH named “least possible rooms left” has been developed and proposed to schedule events. Both datasets of international timetabling competition (ITC) i.e., ITC 2002 and ITC 2007 are used to evaluate the proposed method. Experimental results indicate that the proposed low-level heuristic helps to schedule events at the initial stage. When compared with other LLH’s, the proposed LLH schedule more events for 14 and 15 data instances out of 24 and 20 data instances of ITC 2002 and ITC 2007, respectively. The experimental study shows that HH PSO gets a lower soft constraint violation rate on seven and six data instances of ITC 2007 and ITC 2002, respectively. This research has concluded the proposed LLH can get a feasible solution if prioritized

    A matheuristic for customized multi-level multi-criteria university timetabling

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    Course timetables are the organizational foundation of a university’s educational program. While students and lecturers perceive timetable quality individually according to their preferences, there are also collective criteria derived normatively such as balanced workloads or idle time avoidance. A recent challenge and opportunity in curriculum-based timetabling consists of customizing timetables with respect to individual student preferences and with respect to integrating online courses as part of modern course programs or in reaction to flexibility requirements as posed in pandemic situations. Curricula consisting of (large) lectures and (small) tutorials further open the possibility for optimizing not only the lecture and tutorial plan for all students but also the assignments of individual students to tutorial slots. In this paper, we develop a multi-level planning process for university timetabling: On the tactical level, a lecture and tutorial plan is determined for a set of study programs; on the operational level, individual timetables are generated for each student interlacing the lecture plan through a selection of tutorials from the tutorial plan favoring individual preferences. We utilize this mathematical-programming-based planning process as part of a matheuristic which implements a genetic algorithm in order to improve lecture plans, tutorial plans, and individual timetables so as to find an overall university program with well-balanced timetable performance criteria. Since the evaluation of the fitness function amounts to invoking the entire planning process, we additionally provide a proxy in the form of an artificial neural network metamodel. Computational results exhibit the procedure’s capability of generating high quality schedules

    Parallel Ant Colony Optimization on the University Course-Faculty Timetabling Problem in MSU-IIT Distributed Application in Erlang/OTP

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    The University Course-Faculty Timetabling Problem (UCFTP) occurs in the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) as the delegation of classrooms for available subjects including time schedule and appropriate faculty personnel, taking into consideration constraints such as classroom capacities, location, and faculty preferences, etc. It is a more difficult variant of the classical University Course Timetabling Problem, which is an assignment problem and known to be NP-hard. This paper presents parallel Ant Colony Optimization Max-Min Ant System (ACO-MMAS) algorithm as an approach in solving the UCFTP instance in the institute. ACO employs virtual ants moving across a search space and using an indirect form of constructive feedback by depositing pheromones on the paths they traverse in order to influence other ants in their searches. We have developed an application to automate the timetabling process using Erlang/OTP, a functional language specializing in concurrent and distributed systems. UCFTP was successfully represented into a mathematical problem instance and solved using the ACO-MMAS algorithm applied on a distributed network setup under Parallel Independent Run and Unidirectional Ring topologies. Extensive testing was performed to properly analyze the search behavior under different parameter settings

    Literature Review

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    Iterated local search using an add and delete hyper- heuristic for university course timetabling

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    Hyper-heuristics are (meta-)heuristics that operate at a higher level to choose or generate a set of low-level (meta-)heuristics in an attempt of solve difficult optimization problems. Iterated local search (ILS) is a well-known approach for discrete optimization, combining perturbation and hill-climbing within an iterative framework. In this study, we introduce an ILS approach, strengthened by a hyper-heuristic which generates heuristics based on a fixed number of add and delete operations. The performance of the proposed hyper-heuristic is tested across two different problem domains using real world benchmark of course timetabling instances from the second International Timetabling Competition Tracks 2 and 3. The results show that mixing add and delete operations within an ILS framework yields an effective hyper-heuristic approach