16 research outputs found

    Educational resource scheduling based on socio-inspired agents

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    Revised Selected Papers of 4th International Conference, ICSOFT 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 26-29, 2009.The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-20116-5_17Scheduling a set of constrained resources is a difficult task, specially when there is no clear definition of ‘optimal’. When the constraints depend not only on physical or temporal issues but also in human desires or preferences the task gets harder. This is the case of educational resources, for example when a set of students must be distributed into a limited set of laboratories to attend to periodical practical sessions, in this case weekly. The preferences of the students may vary during the process for reasons such as the number of people already in that group. This paper presents a socio–inspired solution implemented as a multiagent system. The agents enroll themselves in the lab sessions based on their preferences and negotiate with other agents, using the resources they already have, to obtain desired groups that were already full.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grants TIN 2007-65989, TIN 2007-64718, and TIN2010-19872

    Multi-Agent Systems and Complex Networks: Review and Applications in Systems Engineering

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    Systems engineering is an ubiquitous discipline of Engineering overlapping industrial, chemical, mechanical, manufacturing, control, software, electrical, and civil engineering. It provides tools for dealing with the complexity and dynamics related to the optimisation of physical, natural, and virtual systems management. This paper presents a review of how multi-agent systems and complex networks theory are brought together to address systems engineering and management problems. The review also encompasses current and future research directions both for theoretical fundamentals and applications in the industry. This is made by considering trends such as mesoscale, multiscale, and multilayer networks along with the state-of-art analysis on network dynamics and intelligent networks. Critical and smart infrastructure, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks are instances of research topics for which this literature review is highly relevant

    Automatic generation of user interfaces from rigorous domain and use case models

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Intensional Cyberforensics

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    This work focuses on the application of intensional logic to cyberforensic analysis and its benefits and difficulties are compared with the finite-state-automata approach. This work extends the use of the intensional programming paradigm to the modeling and implementation of a cyberforensics investigation process with backtracing of event reconstruction, in which evidence is modeled by multidimensional hierarchical contexts, and proofs or disproofs of claims are undertaken in an eductive manner of evaluation. This approach is a practical, context-aware improvement over the finite state automata (FSA) approach we have seen in previous work. As a base implementation language model, we use in this approach a new dialect of the Lucid programming language, called Forensic Lucid, and we focus on defining hierarchical contexts based on intensional logic for the distributed evaluation of cyberforensic expressions. We also augment the work with credibility factors surrounding digital evidence and witness accounts, which have not been previously modeled. The Forensic Lucid programming language, used for this intensional cyberforensic analysis, formally presented through its syntax and operational semantics. In large part, the language is based on its predecessor and codecessor Lucid dialects, such as GIPL, Indexical Lucid, Lucx, Objective Lucid, and JOOIP bound by the underlying intensional programming paradigm.Comment: 412 pages, 94 figures, 18 tables, 19 algorithms and listings; PhD thesis; v2 corrects some typos and refs; also available on Spectrum at http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/977460

    Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial

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    Este documento contiene el proyecto docente e investigador del candidato Germán Moltó Martínez presentado como requisito para el concurso de acceso a plazas de Cuerpos Docentes Universitarios. Concretamente, el documento se centra en el concurso para la plaza 6708 de Catedrático de Universidad en el área de Ciencia de la Computación en el Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación de la Universitat Politécnica de València. La plaza está adscrita a la Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica y tiene como perfil las asignaturas "Infraestructuras de Cloud Público" y "Estructuras de Datos y Algoritmos".También se incluye el Historial Académico, Docente e Investigador, así como la presentación usada durante la defensa.Germán Moltó Martínez (2022). Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18903

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015) Krakow, Poland

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    Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015

    WSN based sensing model for smart crowd movement with identification: a conceptual model

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    With the advancement of IT and increase in world population rate, Crowd Management (CM) has become a subject undergoing intense study among researchers. Technology provides fast and easily available means of transport and, up-to-date information access to the people that causes crowd at public places. This imposes a big challenge for crowd safety and security at public places such as airports, railway stations and check points. For example, the crowd of pilgrims during Hajj and Ummrah while crossing the borders of Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To minimize the risk of such crowd safety and security identification and verification of people is necessary which causes unwanted increment in processing time. It is observed that managing crowd during specific time period (Hajj and Ummrah) with identification and verification is a challenge. At present, many advanced technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) are being used to solve the crowed management problem with minimal processing time. In this paper, we have presented a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) based conceptual model for smart crowd movement with minimal processing time for people identification. This handles the crowd by forming groups and provides proactive support to handle them in organized manner. As a result, crowd can be managed to move safely from one place to another with group identification. The group identification minimizes the processing time and move the crowd in smart way

    Software product line for web-based geographic information systems

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación . 5009V01[Abstract] Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) is a research field that seeks to industrialize software development using techniques such as mass-production and mass-customization or reusing software components. A geographic information system (GIS) is an information system that works, in some way, with geographic information. Although each GIS is used in a particular area, there are many features common to all of them. In addition, strong standardization has been carried out so that most GIS software components are interoperable. Consequently, the application of SPLE in this domain is a feasible and interesting problem. Applying SPLE to a new domain is a complex process and, in order to guarantee the validity of the final design of the SPL and its evolution, it is important to strictly follow a methodology appropriate to the specific domain. Considering that it does not exist a suitable methodology for the context of our work (i.e., web-based GIS applications developed in a software company with several products in the market), we have decided to combine several existing methodologies and extend their scope with additional tasks that will are very useful in our context. After defining our SPL following this methodology, we found that the traditional techniques to implement SPL are not suitable for our domain, due to the peculiarities and requirements in the development of web-based GIS applications. Therefore, we have defined and implemented a new derivation engine for automatic software generation that maintains the formalities behind SPLE but at the same time provides a new degree of flexibility thanks to the use of a well-known industrial technique: scaffolding.[Resumen] La ingeniería de líneas de producto software (LPS) es un campo de investigación que pretende industrializar el desarrollo de software usando técnicas como la producción y customización en masa, o la reutilización de componentes software. Un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) es un sistema de información que trabaja, de alguna manera, con información de carácter geográfico. A pesar de que cada SIG se utiliza en un área en particular, hay muchas características comunes a todos ellos. Además, se ha llevado a cabo una fuerte estandarización de forma que la mayor parte de componentes software SIG son interoperables. En consecuencia, la aplicación de la ingenería de LPS en este dominio es un problema factible e interesante. Aplicar ingenería de LPS a un nuevo dominio es un proceso complejo y, para garantizar la validez del diseño final de la LPS y su evolución, es importante seguir de manera estricta una metodología adecuada al dominio concreto. Considerando que no existe una metodología adecuada para el contexto de nuestro trabajo (es decir, aplicaciones SIG basadas en web desarrolladas en una compañía de desarrollo de software con varios productos en el mercado), hemos decidido combinar varias metodologías existentes y extender su alcance con determinadas tareas que servirán para sacar el máximo provecho a nuestro contexto. Tras la definición de nuestra LPS siguiendo esta metodología, hemos encontrado que las técnicas tradicionales para implementar LPS no son adecuadas para nuestro dominio, debido a las particularidades y requerimientos en el desarrollo de aplicaciones GIS basadas en la web. Por lo tanto hemos definido e implementado un nuevo motor de derivación para la generación automática de software que mantiene las formalidades detrás de las LPS pero, al mismo tiempo, proporciona un nuevo grado de flexibilidad gracias al uso de una conocida técnica industrial: scaffolding.[Resumo] A enxeñería de liñas de produto software (LPS) é un campo de investigación que pretende industrializar o desenvolvemento de software usando técnicas como a producción e customización en masa, ou a reutilización de componentes software. Un sistema de información xeográfica (SIX) é un sistema de información que traballa, de algún modo, con información de carácter xeográfico. Aínda que cada SIX utilízase nun área en particular, existen moitas características comúns a todos eles. Ademáis, levouse a cabo unha forte estandarización de xeito que a maior parte dos componentes software SIX son interoperables. Polo tanto, a aplicación da inxeñería de LPS neste dominio é un problema factible e interesante. Aplicar enxeñería de LPS a un novo dominio é un proceso complexo e, para garantizar a validez do deseño final da LPS e a súa evolución, é importante seguir de maneira estricta unha metodoloxía adecuada ao dominio concreto. Tendo en conta que non existe ningunha metodoloxía adecuada para o contexto do noso traballo (é dicir, aplicacións SIX baseadas na web desenvoltas nunha compañía de desarrollo de software con varios productos no mercado), decidimos combinar varias metodoloxías existentes e extender o seu alcance con determinadas tarefas que servirán para sacar o máximo aproveitamento ao noso contexto. Tras a definición da nosa LPS seguindo esta metodoloxía, encontramos que as técnicas tradicionais para implementar LPS non son axeitadas para o noso dominio, debido ás particularidades e requerimentos no desenvolvemento de aplicacións SIX basadas na web. Polo tanto deseñamos e implementamos un novo motor de derivación para a xeración automática de software que mantén as formalidades das LPS pero, ó mesmo tempo, proporciona un novo grado de flexibilidade grazas ó uso dunha coñecida técnica industrial: scaffolding