783 research outputs found

    Review of Grid Interconnection Requirements and Synchronization Controllers for Dispersed Minigrids

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    As of 2019, the world population without electricity access is estimated to 770 million with most of these communities residing in sub-Saharan Africa. Nevertheless, between 2000 and 2019 the Indian population with electricity access has grown from 43% to 99%. Minigrids have played a major role in the efforts of increasing access to electricity in rural areas. However, interconnecting minigrids to each-other or to the main grid remains still a challenge both due to lack of clear protocols and of technically matured controllers to manage the synchronization. In this paper, a review of existing interconnection guidelines is presented and their relevance for the interconnection of minigrids is assessed. Furthermore, existing synchronization controllers are reviewed highlighting their applicability for minigrids.acceptedVersio

    Transient stability assessment of hybrid distributed generation using computational intelligence approaches

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    Includes bibliographical references.Due to increasing integration of new technologies into the grid such as hybrid electric vehicles, distributed generations, power electronic interface circuits, advanced controllers etc., the present power system network is now more complex than in the past. Consequently, the recent rate of blackouts recorded in some parts of the world indicates that the power system is stressed. The real time/online monitoring and prediction of stability limit is needed to prevent future blackouts. In the last decade, Distributed Generators (DGs) among other technologies have received increasing attention. This is because DGs have the capability to meet peak demand, reduce losses, due to proximity to consumers and produce clean energy and thus reduce the production of COâ‚‚. More benefits can be obtained when two or more DGs are combined together to form what is known as Hybrid Distributed Generation (HDG). The challenge with hybrid distributed generation (HDG) powered by intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar PV, wind turbine and small hydro power is that the system is more vulnerable to instabilities compared to single renewable energy source DG. This is because of the intermittent nature of the renewable energy sources and the complex interaction between the DGs and the distribution network. Due to the complexity and the stress level of the present power system network, real time/online monitoring and prediction of stability limits is becoming an essential and important part of present day control centres. Up to now, research on the impact of HDG on the transient stability is very limited. Generally, to perform transient stability assessment, an analytical approach is often used. The analytical approach requires a large volume of data, detailed mathematical equations and the understanding of the dynamics of the system. Due to the unavailability of accurate mathematical equations for most dynamic systems, and given the large volume of data required, the analytical method is inadequate and time consuming. Moreover, it requires long simulation time to assess the stability limits of the system. Therefore, the analytical approach is inadequate to handle real time operation of power system. In order to carry out real time transient stability assessment under an increasing nonlinear and time varying dynamics, fast scalable and dynamic algorithms are required. Transient Stability Assessment Of Hybrid Distributed Generation Using Computational Intelligence Approaches These algorithms must be able to perform advanced monitoring, decision making, forecasting, control and optimization. Computational Intelligence (CI) based algorithm such as neural networks coupled with Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) such as Phasor Measurement Unit (PMUs) have been shown to successfully model non-linear dynamics and predict stability limits in real time. To cope with the shortcoming of the analytical approach, a computational intelligence method based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) was developed in this thesis to assess transient stability in real time. Appropriate data related to the hybrid generation (i.e., Solar PV, wind generator, small hydropower) were generated using the analytical approach for the training and testing of the ANN models. In addition, PMUs integrated in Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) were used to gather data for the real time training of the ANNs and the prediction of the Critical Clearing Time (CCT)

    Review of Power Sharing Control Strategies for Islanding Operation of AC Microgrids

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    Hybrid ac/dc microgrids. Part II : Review and classification of control strategies

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    Microgrids are envisioned as one of the most suitable alternatives for the integration of distributed generation units in the utility grid, as they efficiently combine generation, energy storage and loads in the same distribution network. In this context, hybrid ac/dc microgrids are arising as an interesting approach as they combine the advantages of ac and dc networks and do not require excessive modifications in the distribution network. However, they require more complex control strategies as they need to control the ac and dc networks and the interface power converter simultaneously. This paper identifies and analyses the control strategies that can be implemented in hybrid microgrids for an adequate power management in grid-tied and islanded modes of operation. The review is focused on hierarchical controls as they are the most extended approach in the literature. A classification has been elaborated, which covers the three main levels of hierarchical control strategies (primary, secondary and tertiary). Each of the levels has been independently studied in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the alternatives found in the literature. The future trends related to this topic show that a higher research effort is required regarding the control of the interface device and the ancillary services that the management strategy must provide—e.g. blackstart, transition between islanded and grid-connected modes of operation, interconnection of microgrids, etc

    Modelling, Analysis and Experimental Validation of Clock Drift Effects in Low-Inertia Power Systems

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    Clock drift in digital controllers is of great relevance in many applications. Since almost all real clocks exhibit drifts, this applies in particular to networks composed of several individual units, each of which being operated with its individual clock. In the present paper, we demonstrate via extensive experiments on a microgrid in the megawatt range that clock drifts may impair frequency synchronization in low-inertia power systems. The experiments also show that-in the absence of a common clock-the standard model of an inverter as an ideal voltage source does not capture this phenomenon. As a consequence, we derive a suitably modified model of an inverter-interfaced unit that incorporates the phenomenon of clock drifts. By using the derived model, we investigate the effects of clock drifts on the performance of droop-controlled grid-forming inverters with regard to frequency synchronization and active power sharing. The modeling and analysis is validated via extensive experiments on a microgrid in the megawatt range

    Distributed Power Generation in Europe: Technical Issues for Further Integration

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    The electric power sector in Europe is currently facing different changes and evolutions mainly in response to the three issues at EU level - environmental sustainability, security of supply, and competitiveness. These issues, against a background of growing electricity demand, may represent drivers for facilitating the further deployment of Distributed Power Generation technologies in Europe. The present Report focuses on the potential role of Distributed Power Generation (or simply Distributed Generation, DG) in a European perspective. More specifically, this work aims to assess the technical issues and developments related to DG technologies and their integration into the European power systems. As a starting point the concept of Distributed Generation is characterised for the purpose of the study. Distributed Generation, defined as an electric power source connected to the distribution network, serving a customer on-site or providing network support, may offer various benefits to the European electric power systems. DG technologies may consist of small/medium size, modular energy conversion units, which are generally located close to end users and transform primary energy resources into electricity and eventually heat. There are, however, major issues concerning the integration of DG technology into the distribution networks. In fact, the existing distribution networks were not generally designed to operate in presence of DG technologies. Consequently, a sustained increase in the deployment of DG resources may imply several changes in the electric power system architecture in the near future. The present Report on Distributed Generation in Europe, after an overview of the basic elements of electric power systems, introduces the proposed definition and main features of DG. Then, it reviews the state-of-the-art of DG technologies as well as focuses on current DG grid integration issues. Technical solutions towards DG integration in Europe and developments concerning the future distribution systems are also addressed in the study.JRC.F.7-Energy systems evaluatio

    Evolution of microgrids with converter-interfaced generations: Challenges and opportunities

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Although microgrids facilitate the increased penetration of distributed generations (DGs) and improve the security of power supplies, they have some issues that need to be better understood and addressed before realising the full potential of microgrids. This paper presents a comprehensive list of challenges and opportunities supported by a literature review on the evolution of converter-based microgrids. The discussion in this paper presented with a view to establishing microgrids as distinct from the existing distribution systems. This is accomplished by, firstly, describing the challenges and benefits of using DG units in a distribution network and then those of microgrid ones. Also, the definitions, classifications and characteristics of microgrids are summarised to provide a sound basis for novice researchers to undertake ongoing research on microgrids

    Modeling Coupled Nonlinear Multilayered Dynamics: Cyber Attack and Disruption of an Electric Grid

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    We study the consequences of cyberattack, defense, and recovery in systems for which a physical system is enabled by a cyber system by extending previous applications of models from the population biology of disease to the cyber system and coupling the state of the cyber system to the physical system, using the synchronous model for the electric grid. In analogy to disease models in which individuals are susceptible, infected, or recovered, in the cyber system, components can be uncompromised and vulnerable to attack, uncompromised and temporarily invulnerable to attack, compromised, or reset and thus not able to contribute to the performance of the physical system. We model cyber defensive countermeasures in analogy to the adaptive immune system. We link the physical and cyber systems through a metric of performance of the physical system that depends upon the state of the cyber system using (i) a generic nonlinear relationship between the state of the cyber system and the performance of the physical system and (ii) the synchronous motor model of an electric grid consisting of a utility with many customers whose smart meters can become compromised, in which a steady state in the difference in rotor angles is the metric of performance. We use the coupled models, both of which have emergent properties, to investigate two situations. First, when an attacker that relies on stealth compromise is hidden until it is either detected during routine maintenance or an attack is initiated. The probability that compromise remains undetected declines with time and the level of compromise increases with time. Because of these dynamics, an optimal time of attack emerges, and we explore how it varies with parameters of the cyber system. Second, we illustrate one of the Electric Power Research Institute scenarios for the reverse engineering of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) by coupling the synchronous motor equations for the generator and utility to the model of compromise. We derive a canonical condition for grid failure that relates the level of compromise at the time of detection of compromise and the dissipation parameter in the synchronous motor model. We conclude by discussing the innovative aspects of our methods, which include (i) a fraction of decoy components in the cyber system, which are not connected to the rest of the cyber system or the physical system and thus do not spread compromise but increase the probability of detection of compromise, (ii) allowing components of the cyber system to return to the un-compromised state either temporarily invulnerable or immediately vulnerable, (iii) adaptive Defensive Counter Measures that respond in a nonlinear fashion to attack and compromise (in analogy to killer T cells of the immune system), (iv) a generic metric of performance of the physical system that depends upon the state of the cyber system, and (v) coupling a model of the electric grid to the model of compromise of the cyber system that leads to a condition for failure of the grid in terms of parameters of both compromise and the synchronous motor model, directions for future investigations, and connections to recent studies on broadly the same topics. We include a pseudocode as an Appendix and indicate how to obtain R script for the models from the first author.publishedVersio
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