19 research outputs found

    The Sharing Economy and Collaborative Finance: the Case of P2p Lending in Vietnam

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    Peer-to-peer Online Lending (P2PO) has received increasing attention over the last years, not only because of its disruptive nature and its disintermediation of nearly all major banking functions, but also because of its rapid growth and expanding breadth of services. This model offers a new way of investing in addition to investing in traditional channels such as banking or financial company. The transaction process is done online, the personal information and terms of mobilization are completely transparent and secure in the best way. The strong development of P2PO also raises a number of issues that require careful attention to promote positive and to limit negative aspects. The research aims to highlight particular aspects of this new business model and to analyze the opportunities and risks for lenders and borrowers in Viet Nam. The research combines qualitative analysis and data survey to serve descriptive statistics about P2PO in Viet Nam. The research show the potential of online peer lending is enormous but the regulators will restrict the Sharing economy model in general and P2PO lending in particula

    How Does an Online Platform Impact on Human Behavior and Human Perception: Evidence from the P2P Lending Market and the E-Book Market

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    The development of information systems and the Internet has facilitated the creation of an online platform where two or more groups are involved and interact online with each other. We explore the impact of an online platform on human behavior and human perception. There are various online markets. We focus on two markets: the online P2P market, and the e-book market. This paper includes three essays: ‘Herding behavior in online P2P lending: An empirical investigation’, ‘Does borrowers’ information renewal change lenders’ decision in P2P lending? An empirical investigation’, and ‘Dynamics of price elasticity over time: Evidence from the e-book industry’. Since the first essay was published in the journal and the third one was submitted to the conference, we simply present the abstracts of these essays in this paper. Also, we mainly focus on explaining the current stage and plans for completion of the second paper. Although this paper is not yet completed, we empirically confirm some characteristics of the online markets. We expect that it would be useful to understand online business and get insights into the online markets


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    Abstrak:Perkembangan teknologi beberapa tahun terakhir telah melatarbelakangi terciptanya suatu sistem layanan keuangan berbasis teknologi informasi. Salah satu layanan yang muncul di era Industri 4.0 ini adalah layanan kredit Peer-toPeer Lending (selanjutnya disebut “P2P Lending”). Kemudahan peminjaman dana dan syarat administrasi yang jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan kredit di lembaga keuangan lainnya menjadi alasan dari meningkatnya popularitas layanan ini. Akan tetapi, isu penting yang perlu disoroti terkait P2P Lending adalah minimnya perlindungan terhadap Kreditur selaku pemberi pinjaman. Hal mengakibatkan  menurunnya minat Kreditur untuk memberikan pinjaman, yang mana akan menghambat aksesibilitas kredit. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa suatu skema penjaminan baru dalam P2P Lending dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Karya tulis ini memberikan analisis terhadap dua poin penting. Pertama, terhadap mekanisme penjaminan yang saat ini berlaku dalam P2P Lending dan dampak  yang mungkin timbul dari sistem penjaminan tersebut. Kedua, penjelasan dan implementasi terkait skema Pemotongan Upah dan Asuransi yang biasa digunakan oleh Bank untuk diimplementasi dalam penjaminan P2P Lending.Kata Kunci: Asuransi; P2P Lending; Pemotongan Upah; Perlindungan Kreditur;

    Farmers’ Behavioral Intention to Adopt Peer-To-Peer Lending Using UTAUT2 Approach

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    The limited access of smallholder farmers to funding sources is one of the main challenges facing Indonesia agriculture sector. In order to address this constraint some Fintech entities have initiated peer-to-peer (P2P) lending for funding the farming. Different from formal financial institution, farming funding P2P lending facilitates farmers by not requiring any collateral and applying profit sharing scheme instead of interest, which is in favor of smallholder farmers condition. Irrespective of the benefits, the adoption rate of farming funding P2P lending by farmers is still relatively low. Based on this background, the objective of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the behavioral intention of farmers to adopt farming funding P2P lending. This study uses variables of UTAUT2 and Schwartz Theory of Basic Values. The respondents of this research are 530 farmers in West Java, Indonesia who have and have not participated in farming funding P2P lending. The respondents are selected using purposive sampling method. The population of adopter farmers are the members of farming funding P2P lending providers Crowde and TaniFund. Whereas the non-adopter farmers are selected based on representation of various farming commodities. The data is analyzed using SEM, demonstrating the results that there are five variables showing significant correlation with behavioral intention to adopt P2P lending, which are performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value, habit and values. Keywords: consumer behavior, peer-to-peer lending, technology adoption, UTAUT2, values

    Modelling Default Risk of Borrowers: Evidence from Online Peer to Peer Lending Platforms in Australia

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    Peer to Peer lending has the capacity to transforming the mass banking industry worldwide but credit risk modelling remains the core challenge of the platform. The general objective of this study is to analyse the credit default risk of borrowers of Peer to Peer online lending platform based in Australia. Specific objectives include the following; To identify the loan information applicants provide to request for a loan facility,Using RateSetter.com published data on loans to predict the likelihood of credit risk of the platform. In this article, we employed binary logistic regression model to assess the likelihood of loan default. Based on the mathematical approach and the nature of dependent variable, we grouped variables into categorical, numerical-continuous as well as binary. The dependent variable is dichotomous whilst real-life dataset was retrieved from a popular and competitive online lending platform based in Australia from 2014-2017. We identified that early repayment, no mortgage tenant; car, debt consolidation, investment, major events, professional services, 3-year loan duration, 4-year loan duration, interest rate and income have significant influence on borrowers’ likelihood to default. Our empirical coefficients suggest that, there is 83.4% likelihood of borrowers default rate and hence recommended a critical examination of borrowers’ information presented to the platform. This paper fulfills the need to examine the credit information provided by loan applicants. Similarly, it endeavors to predict the possibility of borrowers default risk and the reasons contributing to online lending credit default risk. Keywords: Credit Risk, Peer To Peer Online Lending, Binary Logistic Regression DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-2-0

    The role of lendersÂŽ geographical diversification in P2P transactinos

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    In this dissertation,I provide novel evidenceof the impact of geographical diversification on loan interest rates. The findings, based on a unique dataset of all P2P transactions in a UK platformover the period 2010-2013, suggest that more geographically-diversified lenders are more likely to impose lower interest rates in their contract terms in P2P transactions, while more concentrated lenders (in terms of geographical concentration of the activities) practice higher loan interests rate. These results are robust to an alternative econometric approach

    An Overview Study on P2P Lending

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    Recent years have seen a boom in small private loans. Once developed, P2P lending quickly spread to all countries. This article gives an overview study on the research development of the P2P lending from the theoretical and empirical literature on P2P lending at home and abroad. Key words: P2P; Internet lending; Information asymmetry; System analysi


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    Peer-to-Peer lending which is also known as P2P is an online financial investment platform where individual investors finance projects by lending money to individual borrowers through social networks. P2P models usually contributing to less privileged people especially entrepreneurs and frontier groups who do not have access to formal financial services. However, due to the economic conditions and lack of government support, P2P lending platforms in developing countries often fail to reveal the ‘credit history’ and ‘indebtedness’ of individual borrowers which have an expressive impact on loan performance. The objective of this study is to demonstrate theoretically the factors those influence the lenders to participate in the P2P lending platform in developing countries and the associated risks. For this purpose, two propositions are developed to examine the factors to demonstrate the role of the social network is also combined to further explain the P2P lending