179 research outputs found

    CMOS Current Feedback Operational Amplifier-Based Relaxation Generator for Capacity to Voltage Sensor Interface

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    This paper presents a simple relaxation generator, suitable for a sensor interface, operating as a transducer of capacitance to frequency/period. The proposed circuit employs a current feedback operational amplifier, fabricated in I3T25 0.35 m ON Semiconductor CMOS process, and four passive elements including a grounded capacitor (the sensed parameter). It offers a low-impedance voltage output of the generated square wave. Additional frequency to DC voltage converter offers output information in the form of voltage. The experimental capacitance variation from 6.8 nF to 100 nF yields voltage change in the range from 21 mV to 106 mV with error below 5% and sensitivity 0.912 mV/nF evaluated over the full range of change. These values are in good agreement with simulation results obtained from the Mathcad model of frequency to DC voltage transducer passive circuit

    Power-efficient current-mode analog circuits for highly integrated ultra low power wireless transceivers

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    In this thesis, current-mode low-voltage and low-power techniques have been applied to implement novel analog circuits for zero-IF receiver backend design, focusing on amplification, filtering and detection stages. The structure of the thesis follows a bottom-up scheme: basic techniques at device level for low voltage low power operation are proposed in the first place, followed by novel circuit topologies at cell level, and finally the achievement of new designs at system level. At device level the main contribution of this work is the employment of Floating-Gate (FG) and Quasi-Floating-Gate (QFG) transistors in order to reduce the power consumption. New current-mode basic topologies are proposed at cell level: current mirrors and current conveyors. Different topologies for low-power or high performance operation are shown, being these circuits the base for the system level designs. At system level, novel current-mode amplification, filtering and detection stages using the former mentioned basic cells are proposed. The presented current-mode filter makes use of companding techniques to achieve high dynamic range and very low power consumption with for a very wide tuning range. The amplification stage avoids gain bandwidth product achieving a constant bandwidth for different gain configurations using a non-linear active feedback network, which also makes possible to tune the bandwidth. Finally, the proposed current zero-crossing detector represents a very power efficient mixed signal detector for phase modulations. All these designs contribute to the design of very low power compact Zero-IF wireless receivers. The proposed circuits have been fabricated using a 0.5ÎŒm double-poly n-well CMOS technology, and the corresponding measurement results are provided and analyzed to validate their operation. On top of that, theoretical analysis has been done to fully explore the potential of the resulting circuits and systems in the scenario of low-power low-voltage applications.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en TecnologĂ­as de las Comunicaciones (RD 1393/2007)Komunikazioen Teknologietako Doktoretza Programa Ofiziala (ED 1393/2007

    Algorithms and VLSI architectures for parametric additive synthesis

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    A parametric additive synthesis approach to sound synthesis is advantageous as it can model sounds in a large scale manner, unlike the classical sinusoidal additive based synthesis paradigms. It is known that a large body of naturally occurring sounds are resonant in character and thus fit the concept well. This thesis is concerned with the computational optimisation of a super class of form ant synthesis which extends the sinusoidal parameters with a spread parameter known as band width. Here a modified formant algorithm is introduced which can be traced back to work done at IRCAM, Paris. When impulse driven, a filter based approach to modelling a formant limits the computational work-load. It is assumed that the filter's coefficients are fixed at initialisation, thus avoiding interpolation which can cause the filter to become chaotic. A filter which is more complex than a second order section is required. Temporal resolution of an impulse generator is achieved by using a two stage polyphase decimator which drives many filterbanks. Each filterbank describes one formant and is composed of sub-elements which allow variation of the formant’s parameters. A resource manager is discussed to overcome the possibility of all sub- banks operating in unison. All filterbanks for one voice are connected in series to the impulse generator and their outputs are summed and scaled accordingly. An explorative study of number systems for DSP algorithms and their architectures is investigated. I invented a new theoretical mechanism for multi-level logic based DSP. Its aims are to reduce the number of transistors and to increase their functionality. A review of synthesis algorithms and VLSI architectures are discussed in a case study between a filter based bit-serial and a CORDIC based sinusoidal generator. They are both of similar size, but the latter is always guaranteed to be stable


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    Microsystems and integrated smart sensors represent a flourishing business thanks to the manifold benefits of these devices with respect to their respective macroscopic counterparts. Miniaturization to micrometric scale is a turning point to obtain high sensitive and reliable devices with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution. Power consumption compatible with battery operated systems, and reduced cost per device are also pivotal for their success. All these characteristics make investigation on this filed very active nowadays. This thesis work is focused on two main themes: (i) design and development of a single chip smart flow-meter; (ii) design and development of readout interfaces for capacitive micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) based on capacitance to pulse width modulation conversion. High sensitivity integrated smart sensors for detecting very small flow rates of both gases and liquids aiming to fulfil emerging demands for this kind of devices in the industrial to environmental and medical applications. On the other hand, the prototyping of such sensor is a multidisciplinary activity involving the study of thermal and fluid dynamic phenomenon that have to be considered to obtain a correct design. Design, assisted by finite elements CAD tools, and fabrication of the sensing structures using features of a standard CMOS process is discussed in the first chapter. The packaging of fluidic sensors issue is also illustrated as it has a great importance on the overall sensor performances. The package is charged to allow optimal interaction between fluids and the sensors and protecting the latter from the external environment. As miniaturized structures allows a great spatial resolution, it is extremely challenging to fabricate low cost packages for multiple flow rate measurements on the same chip. As a final point, a compact anemometer prototype, usable for wireless sensor network nodes, is described. The design of the full custom circuitry for signal extraction and conditioning is coped in the second chapter, where insights into the design methods are given for analog basic building blocks such as amplifiers, transconductors, filters, multipliers, current drivers. A big effort has been put to find reusable design guidelines and trade-offs applicable to different design cases. This kind of rational design enabled the implementation of complex and flexible functionalities making the interface circuits able to interact both with on chip sensors and external sensors. In the third chapter, the chip floor-plan designed in the STMicroelectronics BCD6s process of the entire smart flow sensor formed by the sensing structures and the readout electronics is presented. Some preliminary tests are also covered here. Finally design and implementation of very low power interfaces for typical MEMS capacitive sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes, pressure sensors, angular displacement and chemical species sensors) is discussed. Very original circuital topologies, based on chopper modulation technique, will be illustrated. A prototype, designed within a joint research activity is presented. Measured performances spurred the investigation of new techniques to enhance precision and accuracy capabilities of the interface. A brief introduction to the design of active pixel sensors interface for hybrid CMOS imagers is sketched in the appendix as a preliminary study done during an internship in the CNM-IMB institute of Barcelona

    Interface Circuits for Microsensor Integrated Systems

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    ca. 200 words; this text will present the book in all promotional forms (e.g. flyers). Please describe the book in straightforward and consumer-friendly terms. [Recent advances in sensing technologies, especially those for Microsensor Integrated Systems, have led to several new commercial applications. Among these, low voltage and low power circuit architectures have gained growing attention, being suitable for portable long battery life devices. The aim is to improve the performances of actual interface circuits and systems, both in terms of voltage mode and current mode, in order to overcome the potential problems due to technology scaling and different technology integrations. Related problems, especially those concerning parasitics, lead to a severe interface design attention, especially concerning the analog front-end and novel and smart architecture must be explored and tested, both at simulation and prototype level. Moreover, the growing demand for autonomous systems gets even harder the interface design due to the need of energy-aware cost-effective circuit interfaces integrating, where possible, energy harvesting solutions. The objective of this Special Issue is to explore the potential solutions to overcome actual limitations in sensor interface circuits and systems, especially those for low voltage and low power Microsensor Integrated Systems. The present Special Issue aims to present and highlight the advances and the latest novel and emergent results on this topic, showing best practices, implementations and applications. The Guest Editors invite to submit original research contributions dealing with sensor interfacing related to this specific topic. Additionally, application oriented and review papers are encouraged.

    Development of mining guidance and control systems

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    New fundamental interface sensor concepts were identified and investigated including tabulation of the physical and performance characteristics of two new interface detector concepts: - natural background radiation and magnetic spin resonance. Studies of guidance and control techniques for the longwall miner identified three basic systems for use in automated/remote controlled longwall mining. The following projects were initiated: system study which will more completely define the longwall guidance and control system design concepts; integration of the various control functions (vertical, yaw, and roll); and hardware technical requirements

    Time-Mode Analog Circuit Design for Nanometric Technologies

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    Rapid scaling in technology has introduced new challenges in the realm of traditional analog design. Scaling of supply voltage directly impacts the available voltage-dynamic-range. On the other hand, nanometric technologies with fT in the hundreds of GHz range open opportunities for time-resolution-based signal processing. With reduced available voltage-dynamic-range and improved timing resolution, it is more convenient to devise analog circuits whose performance depends on edge-timing precision rather than voltage levels. Thus, instead of representing the data/information in the voltage-mode, as a difference between two node voltages, it should be represented in time-mode as a time-difference between two rising and/or falling edges. This dissertation addresses the feasibility of employing time-mode analog circuit design in different applications. Specifically: 1) Time-mode-based quanitzer and feedback DAC of SigmaDelta ADC. 2) Time-mode-based low-THD 10MHz oscillator, 3) A Spur-Frequency Boosting PLL with -74dBc Reference-Spur Rejection in 90nm Digital CMOS. In the first project, a new architectural solution is proposed to replace the DAC and the quantizer by a Time-to-Digital converter. The architecture has been fabricated in 65nm and shows that this technology node is capable of achieving a time-matching of 800fs which has never been reported. In addition, a competitive figure-of-merit is achieved. In the low-THD oscillator, I proposed a new architectural solution for synthesizing a highly-linear sinusoidal signal using a novel harmonic rejection approach. The chip is fabricated in 130nm technology and shows an outstanding performance compared to the state of the art. The designed consumes 80% less power; consumes less area; provides much higher amplitude while being composed of purely digital circuits and passive elements. Last but not least, the spur-frequency boosting PLL employs a novel technique that eliminates the reference spurs. Instead of adding additional filtering at the reference frequency, the spur frequency is boosted to higher frequency which is, naturally, has higher filtering effects. The prototype is fabricated in 90nm digital CMOS and proved to provide the lowest normalized reference spurs ever reported

    Dopamiinin hapettumisen lukija-anturirajapinta 65 nm CMOS teknologialla

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    Sensing and monitoring of neural activities within the central nervous system has become a fast-growing area of research due to the need to understand more about how neurons communicate. Several neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia, Alzeihmers and Epilepsy have been reported to be associated with imbalance in the concentration of neurotransmitters such as glutamate and dopamine [1] - [5]. Hence, this thesis proposes a solution for the measurement of dopamine concentration in the brain during neural communication. The proposed design of the dopamine oxidation readout sensor interface is based on a mixed-signal front-end architecture for minimizing noise and high resolution of detected current signals. The analog front-end is designed for acquisition and amplification of current signals resulting from oxidation and reduction at the biosensor electrodes in the brain. The digital signal processing (DSP) block is used for discretization of detected dopamine oxidation and reduction current signals that can be further processed by an external system. The results from the simulation of the proposed design show that the readout circuit has a current resolution of 100 pA and can detect minimum dopamine concentration of 10 ÎŒMol based on measured data from novel diamond-like carbon electrodes [6]. Higher dopamine concentration can be detected from the sensor interface due to its support for a wide current range of 1.2 ÎŒA(±600 nA). The digital code representation of the detected dopamine has a resolution of 14.3-bits with RMS conversion error of 0.18 LSB which results in an SNR of 88 dB at full current range input. However, the attained ENOB is 8-bits due to the effect of nonlinearity in the oscillator based ADC. Nonetheless, the achieved resolution of the readout circuit provides good sensitivity of released dopamine in the brain which is useful for further understanding of neurotransmitters and fostering research into improved treatments of related neurodegenerative diseases.Keskushermoston aktiivisuuden havainnointi ja tarkkailu on muodostunut tĂ€rkeĂ€ksi tutkimusalaksi, sillĂ€ tarve ymmĂ€rtÀÀ neuronien viestintÀÀ on kasvanut. Monien hermostollisten sairauksien kuten Parkinsonin taudin, skitsofrenian, Alzheimerin taudin ja epilepsian on huomattu aiheuttavan muutoksia vĂ€littĂ€jĂ€aineiden, kuten glutamaatin ja dopamiinin, pitoisuuksissa [1] - [5]. Aiheeseen liittyen tĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ esitetÀÀn ratkaisu dopamiinipitoisuuden mittaamiseksi aivoista. Esitetty dopamiinipitoisuuden lukijapiiri perustuu sekamuotoiseen etupÀÀrakenteeseen, jolla saavutetaan matala kohinataso ja hyvĂ€ tarkkuus signaalien ilmaisemisessa. Suunniteltu analoginen etupÀÀ kykenee lukemaan ja vahvistamaan dopamiinipitoisuuden muutosten aiheuttamia virran muutoksia aivoihin asennetuista elektrodeista. Digitaalisen signaalinkĂ€sittelyn avulla voidaan havaita dopamiinin hapettumis-ja pelkistymisvirtasignaalit, ja vĂ€littÀÀ ne edelleen ulkoisen jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n muokattavaksi. Simulaatiotulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ suunniteltu piiri saavuttaa 100 pA virran erottelukyvyn. Simuloinnin perustuessa hiilipohjaisiin dopamiinielektrodeihin piiri voi havaita 10 ÎŒMol dopamiinipitoisuuden [6]. Myös suurempia dopamiinipitoisuuksia voidaan havaita, sillĂ€ etupÀÀrajapinta tukee 1.2 ÎŒA(±600 nA) virta-aluetta. Digitaalinen esitysmuoto tukee 14.3 bitin esitystarkkuutta 0.18 bitin RMS virheellĂ€ saavuttaen 88 dB dynaamisen virta-alueen. Saavutettu ENOB (tehollinen bittimÀÀrĂ€) on kuitenkin 8 bittiĂ€ oskillaattoripohjaisen ADC:n (analogia-digitaalimuuntimen) epĂ€lineaarisuuden takia. Saavutettu tarkkuus tuottaa hyvĂ€n herkkyyden dopamiinin havaitsemiseksi ja hyödyttÀÀ siten vĂ€littĂ€jĂ€ainetutkimusta ja uusien hoitomuotojen kehittĂ€mistĂ€ hermostollisiin sairauksiin
