1,870 research outputs found

    Probabilistic streamflow forecasts in hydropower systems operation

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    Au Canada, comme dans de nombreux pays de l'OCDE (Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques), l'exploitation plus efficace des actifs hydroélectriques existants devient de plus en plus pertinente. Le fonctionnement optimal d'un système hydroélectrique est un problème de prise de décision séquentielle. Une séquence de décisions de soutirage d'eau doit être déterminée sur une période de planification donnée en tenant compte de diverses contraintes physiques et écologiques. Étant donné que cette période de planification peut s'étendre sur un futur plus ou moins lointain, les décisions de soutirage sont influencées par la disponibilité de prévisions hydrologiques fiables, y compris les systèmes de prévisions hydrologiques d'ensemble (H-EPS). Les hydrologues s'appuient souvent sur des scores statistiques pour évaluer la fiabilité et l'exactitude du H-EPS, mais ces scores ne donnent aucune indication sur la valeur économique des prévisions. Cette étude cherche à identifier les attributs les plus pertinents des prévisions hydrologiques d'ensemble en production hydroélectrique. Pour ce faire, un large ensemble de prévisions est construit à partir de 20 modèles hydrologiques et de prévisions météorologiques d'ensemble de 50 membres sur une période de 6 ans (2011-2016). De ce large ensemble, plusieurs H-EPS sont ensuite produits (configurés) et utilisés par un modèle d'optimisation hydroélectrique. La gestion du système hydrique est ensuite simulée en horizon roulant sur une période de 6 ans (2011-2016). Les résultats de la simulation indiquent qu'il existe une tendance entre la qualité globale et la valeur de la prévision en termes deproduction d'énergie, mais que cette relation n'est pas directement proportionnelle (1 :1). La configuration multimodèle fonctionne un peu mieux que les autres configurations. De plus, les résultats de la simulation montrent que les prévisions d'ensemble à court terme (CT) ont dela valeur, mais la marge d'amélioration se situe clairement dans les prévisions à moyen terme(MT, saisonnières), car un grand réservoir en amont contrôle la disponibilité de l'eau dans tout le système. Par ailleurs, les prévisions probabilistes donnent de meilleures performances que les déterministes, car elles donnent des informations sur l'incertitude du modèle d'optimisation.Enfin, les prévisions CT ont de la valeur tandis que les modèles d'optimisation CT-MT sont couplés.In Canada, like in many OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, the more efficient use of existing hydropower assets is becoming increasingly relevant.The optimal operation of a hydroelectric system is a sequential decision making problem. A sequence of release decisions must be determined over a given planning period taking into account a variety of physical and ecological constraints. Since this planning period may extend over a more or less distant future, release decisions are influenced by the availability of reliable hydrologic forecasts, including hydrological ensemble prediction systems (H-EPS).Hydrologists often rely on statistical scores to assess the reliability and accuracy of H-EPS,but those scores do not give any indication of the economic value of the forecasts. This studyseeks to identify the most relevant attributes of ensemble hydrological forecasts in hydropower production. To do this, a large set of forecasts is built from 20 hydrological models and ensemble meteorological forecasts of 50 members over a period of 6 years (2011-2016). From this large set, several H-EPS are then produced (configured) and used by a hydroelectric optimization model. The management of the water system is then simulated on a rolling horizon over a period of 6 years (2011-2016). The simulation results indicate that there is a trend between the overall quality and the value of the forecast in terms of energy production,but that this relationship is not directly proportional (1: 1). The multi-model setup works a bit better than the other setups. In addition, the simulation results show that the ensemble forecast at short-term (ST) has value, but the room for improvement is clearly in the forecastat mid-term (MT, seasonal), as a large reservoir upstream controls the availability of water throughout the system. In addition, probabilistic forecasts give better performance than determinists, because they provide information on the uncertainty of the optimization model.Finally, ST forecasts have value while ST-MT optimization models are coupled

    Performance of Deterministic and Probabilistic Hydrological Forecasts for the Short-Term Optimization of a Tropical Hydropower Reservoir

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    Hydropower is the most important source of electricity in Brazil. It is subject to the natural variability of water yield. One building block of the proper management of hydropower assets is the short-term forecast of reservoir inflows as input for an online, event-based optimization of its release strategy. While deterministic forecasts and optimization schemes are the established techniques for short-term reservoir management, the use of probabilistic ensemble forecasts and multi-stage stochastic optimization techniques is receiving growing attention. The present work introduces a novel, mass conservative scenario tree reduction in combination with a detailed hindcasting and closed-loop control experiments for a multi-purpose hydropower reservoir in a tropical region in Brazil. The case study is the hydropower project Três Marias, which is operated with two main objectives: (i) hydroelectricity generation and (ii) flood control downstream. In the experiments, precipitation forecasts based on observed data, deterministic and probabilistic forecasts are used to generate streamflow forecasts in a hydrological model over a period of 2 years. Results for a perfect forecast show the potential benefit of the online optimization and indicate a desired forecast lead time of 30 days. In comparison, the use of actual forecasts of up to 15 days shows the practical benefit of operational forecasts, where stochastic optimization (15 days lead time) outperforms the deterministic version (10 days lead time) significantly. The range of the energy production rate between the different approaches is relatively small, between 78% and 80%, suggesting that the use of stochastic optimization combined with ensemble forecasts leads to a significantly higher level of flood protection without compromising the energy production

    Short-Term Reservoir Optimization By Stochastic Optimization To Mitigate Downstream Flood Risks

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    An important objective of the operation of multi-purpose reservoirs is the mitigation of flood risks in downstream river reaches. Under the assumptions of reservoirs with finite storage volumes, a key factor for its effective use during flood events is the proper timing of detention measures under consideration of forecast uncertainty. Operational flow forecasting systems support this task by providing deterministic or probabilistic inflow forecasts and decision support components to assess optimum release strategies. We focus on the decision support component and propose a deterministic optimization and its extension to an adaptive multi-stage stochastic optimization. These techniques are used to compute release trajectories of the reservoirs over a finite forecast horizon of up to 15 days by integrating a nonlinear gradient-based optimization algorithm and a simulation model of the water system. The framework has been implemented for a reservoir system operated by the Brazilian Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais S.A. (CEMIG). We exemplary present results obtained for the operation of the Tres Marias reservoir in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais with a catchment area of near 55,000 km2. The focus of our discussion is the impact of forecast uncertainty and its consideration in the optimization procedure. We compare the performance of the deterministic and multi-stage stochastic optimization techniques and show the superiority of the stochastic approach

    Short-Term Reservoir Optimization By Stochastic Optimization To Mitigate Downstream Flood Risks

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    An important objective of the operation of multi-purpose reservoirs is the mitigation of flood risks in downstream river reaches. Under the assumptions of reservoirs with finite storage volumes, a key factor for its effective use during flood events is the proper timing of detention measures under consideration of forecast uncertainty. Operational flow forecasting systems support this task by providing deterministic or probabilistic inflow forecasts and decision support components to assess optimum release strategies. We focus on the decision support component and propose a deterministic optimization and its extension to an adaptive multi-stage stochastic optimization. These techniques are used to compute release trajectories of the reservoirs over a finite forecast horizon of up to 15 days by integrating a nonlinear gradient-based optimization algorithm and a simulation model of the water system. The framework has been implemented for a reservoir system operated by the Brazilian Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais S.A. (CEMIG). We exemplary present results obtained for the operation of the Tres Marias reservoir in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais with a catchment area of near 55,000 km2. The focus of our discussion is the impact of forecast uncertainty and its consideration in the optimization procedure. We compare the performance of the deterministic and multi-stage stochastic optimization techniques and show the superiority of the stochastic approach

    Analysis of information systems for hydropower operations

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    The operations of hydropower systems were analyzed with emphasis on water resource management, to determine how aerospace derived information system technologies can increase energy output. Better utilization of water resources was sought through improved reservoir inflow forecasting based on use of hydrometeorologic information systems with new or improved sensors, satellite data relay systems, and use of advanced scheduling techniques for water release. Specific mechanisms for increased energy output were determined, principally the use of more timely and accurate short term (0-7 days) inflow information to reduce spillage caused by unanticipated dynamic high inflow events. The hydrometeorologic models used in predicting inflows were examined to determine the sensitivity of inflow prediction accuracy to the many variables employed in the models, and the results used to establish information system requirements. Sensor and data handling system capabilities were reviewed and compared to the requirements, and an improved information system concept outlined

    A two stage Bayesian stochastic optimization model for cascaded hydropower systems considering varying uncertainty of flow forecasts

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    Copyright © 2014 American Geophysical UnionThis paper presents a new Two Stage Bayesian Stochastic Dynamic Programming (TS-BSDP) model for real time operation of cascaded hydropower systems to handle varying uncertainty of inflow forecasts from Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts. In this model, the inflow forecasts are considered as having increasing uncertainty with extending lead time, thus the forecast horizon is divided into two periods: the inflows in the first period are assumed to be accurate, and the inflows in the second period assumed to be of high uncertainty. Two operation strategies are developed to derive hydropower operation policies for the first and the entire forecast horizon using TS-BSDP. In this paper, the newly developed model is tested on China's Hun River cascade hydropower system and is compared with three popular stochastic dynamic programming models. Comparative results show that the TS-BSDP model exhibits significantly improved system performance in terms of power generation and system reliability due to its explicit and effective utilization of varying degrees of inflow forecast uncertainty. The results also show that the decision strategies should be determined considering the magnitude of uncertainty in inflow forecasts. Further, this study confirms the previous finding that the benefit in hydropower generation gained from the use of a longer horizon of inflow forecasts is diminished due to higher uncertainty and further reveals that the benefit reduction can be substantially mitigated through explicit consideration of varying magnitudes of forecast uncertainties in the decision-making process.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaHun River cascade hydropower reservoirs development company, Ltd.UK Royal Academy of Engineerin

    Adaptation pathways to reconcile hydropower generation and aquatic ecosystems restoration

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    The growing demands for water, food and energy, in addition to the need to protect ecosystems, pose significant challenges to water management and the operation of water systems. In hydropower-dominated basins, where reservoirs capture flow variability for energy generation, the modification of the natural flow regime disrupts the natural equilibrium of aquatic ecosystems. Migratory fish species and the associated ecosystem services are particularly vulnerable as the migration and recruitment success relies on the synchronization between the hydrologic flow regime and the reproductive cycle. While there is a consensus on the importance of restoring impacted ecosystems in balance with multiple uses, the current water governance framework lacks a comprehensive understanding of the tradeoffs involved and mechanisms for ensuring the equitable distribution of the adaptation costs among users. The present study brings a contribution to the field by proposing solutions to improve the water governance of river basins, combining the (1) identification of flow-ecological relationships by measuring the response of multiple options of flow regime restoration with a clear ecosystem indicator, (2) incorporation of the flow-ecological relationships and hydroclimatic conditions into the operation decisions of hydropower systems to create dynamic environmental flow solutions (termed Dynamic Adaptive Environmental flows – DAE-flows) with better long-term performance, (3) calculation of the reoperation trade-offs between alternative levels of environmental flow regime restoration and (4) development of mechanisms to share the adaptation costs among stakeholders. The electricity market is proposed as an institutional arrangement and financing mechanism to support the restoration of flow regimes in environmentally sensitive areas. The Upper Paraná River Basin, in Brazil, where consecutive hydropower impoundments have reduced the original floodplain along the last decades, is a recurrent example where reservoirs’ operation need to be reconciled with ecosystem functionality, which makes the basin an important study area. The findings of this dissertation indicate that it is possible to enhance the capacity of water systems to incorporate historically suppressed environmental water demands without imposing a hard constraint to economic uses. The consideration of the long-term effects of operation when designing operating strategies for multiple users leads to improved performance in both hydropower generation and meeting ecosystem demands. So, during severe droughts the water can still be reallocated to hydropower (as it is currently done) but at a lesser cost to the environment.As demandas crescentes por água, alimentos e energia, além da necessidade de proteger os ecossistemas, tornam a gestão dos recursos hídricos, bem como a operação de sistemas hídricos, uma tarefa desafiadora. Em bacias com aproveitamento hidrelétrico, a modificação do regime de vazões decorrente da operação dos reservatórios altera o equilíbrio natural dos ecossistemas aquáticos. Espécies migratórias de peixes e serviços ecossistêmicos associados ficam particularmente vulneráveis, uma vez que o sucesso da migração e recrutamento depende da sincronização entre o regime de vazão e o ciclo reprodutivo. Embora haja consenso sobre a importância de restaurar as demandas ecossistêmicas suprimidas e alcançar um equilíbrio que permita múltiplos usos, o atual quadro de governança carece de uma compreensão abrangente dos trade-offs envolvidos e dos mecanismos para garantir a distribuição equitativa dos custos de adaptação entre os usuários. O presente estudo contribui para o campo, propondo soluções para aprimorar a governança de bacias antropizadas, combinando (1) a identificação das relações vazão-ecológicas por meio da quantificação da resposta de múltiplas opções de restauração do regime de vazão por meio de um indicador de desempenho do ecossistema, (2) a incorporação dessas relações vazão-ecológicas juntamente com condições hidroclimáticas nas decisões operacionais de sistemas hidrelétricos (denominadas Vazões Ambientais Dinâmicas e Adaptativas - DAE-flows) para criar soluções dinâmicas de operação de reservatórios, (3) o cálculo dos trade-offs de reoperação de múltiplos níveis de restauração de regime de vazão ambiental e (4) o desenvolvimento de mecanismos para compartilhar os custos relacionados entre as partes interessadas. Nesse sentido, o mercado de eletricidade é proposto como arranjo institucional e mecanismo de financiamento para apoiar a restauração de regimes de vazão em áreas ambientalmente sensíveis. A Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Paraná, Brasil, caracterizada como uma das mais represadas da América do Sul, com 65 usinas hidrelétricas integradas ao Sistema Integrado Nacional, é um exemplo recorrente da necessidade de reconciliação entre a geração de energia e a conservação de serviços ecossistêmicos, sendo utilizada como área de estudo. Os resultados indicam que podemos aumentar a capacidade dos sistemas hídricos para incorporar demandas ambientais historicamente suprimidas sem impor uma restrição rígida aos usos econômicos. Ao considerar os efeitos de longo prazo da operação ao projetar estratégias de operação para múltiplos usuários, obtemos um desempenho aprimorado tanto na geração de energia hidrelétrica quanto no atendimento às demandas do ecossistema. Assim, durante períodos de seca severa, a água ainda pode ser realocada para a produção de energia hidrelétrica (como é feito atualmente), porém com menor impacto ambiental

    Modeling water resources management at the basin level: review and future directions

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    Water quality / Water resources development / Agricultural production / River basin development / Mathematical models / Simulation models / Water allocation / Policy / Economic aspects / Hydrology / Reservoir operation / Groundwater management / Drainage / Conjunctive use / Surface water / GIS / Decision support systems / Optimization methods / Water supply

    Optimal Operation of the Multireservoir System in the Seine River Basin Using Deterministic and Ensemble Forecasts

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    International audienceThis article investigates the improvement of the operation of a four-reservoir system in the Seine River basin, France, by use of deterministic and ensemble weather forecasts and real-time control. In the current management, each reservoir is operated independently from the others and following prescribed rule-curves, designed to reduce floods and sustain low flows under the historical hydrological conditions. However, this management system is inefficient when inflows are significantly different from their seasonal average and may become even more inadequate to cope with the predicted increase in extreme events induced by climate change. In this work, a centralized real-time control system is developed to improve reservoirs operation by exploiting numerical weather forecasts that are becoming increasingly available. The proposed management system implements a well-established optimization technique, model predictive control (MPC), and its recently modified version that can incorporate uncertainties, tree-based model predictive control (TB-MPC), to account for deterministic and ensemble forecasts respectively. The management system is assessed by simulation over historical events and compared to the no-forecasts strategy based on rule-curves. Simulation results show that the proposed real-time control system largely outperforms the no-forecasts management strategy, and that explicitly considering forecast uncertainty through ensembles can compensate for the loss in performance due to forecast inaccuracy