10,591 research outputs found

    Short-Range Interactions and Decision Tree-Based Protein Contact Map Predictor

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    In this paper, we focus on protein contact map prediction, one of the most important intermediate steps of the protein folding prob lem. The objective of this research is to know how short-range interac tions can contribute to a system based on decision trees to learn about the correlation among the covalent structures of a protein residues. We propose a solution to predict protein contact maps that combines the use of decision trees with a new input codification for short-range in teractions. The method’s performance was very satisfactory, improving the accuracy instead using all information of the protein sequence. For a globulin data set the method can predict contacts with a maximal accu racy of 43%. The presented predictive model illustrates that short-range interactions play the predominant role in determining protein structur

    Machine Learning based Protein Sequence to (un)Structure Mapping and Interaction Prediction

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    Proteins are the fundamental macromolecules within a cell that carry out most of the biological functions. The computational study of protein structure and its functions, using machine learning and data analytics, is elemental in advancing the life-science research due to the fast-growing biological data and the extensive complexities involved in their analyses towards discovering meaningful insights. Mapping of protein’s primary sequence is not only limited to its structure, we extend that to its disordered component known as Intrinsically Disordered Proteins or Regions in proteins (IDPs/IDRs), and hence the involved dynamics, which help us explain complex interaction within a cell that is otherwise obscured. The objective of this dissertation is to develop machine learning based effective tools to predict disordered protein, its properties and dynamics, and interaction paradigm by systematically mining and analyzing large-scale biological data. In this dissertation, we propose a robust framework to predict disordered proteins given only sequence information, using an optimized SVM with RBF kernel. Through appropriate reasoning, we highlight the structure-like behavior of IDPs in disease-associated complexes. Further, we develop a fast and effective predictor of Accessible Surface Area (ASA) of protein residues, a useful structural property that defines protein’s exposure to partners, using regularized regression with 3rd-degree polynomial kernel function and genetic algorithm. As a key outcome of this research, we then introduce a novel method to extract position specific energy (PSEE) of protein residues by modeling the pairwise thermodynamic interactions and hydrophobic effect. PSEE is found to be an effective feature in identifying the enthalpy-gain of the folded state of a protein and otherwise the neutral state of the unstructured proteins. Moreover, we study the peptide-protein transient interactions that involve the induced folding of short peptides through disorder-to-order conformational changes to bind to an appropriate partner. A suite of predictors is developed to identify the residue-patterns of Peptide-Recognition Domains from protein sequence that can recognize and bind to the peptide-motifs and phospho-peptides with post-translational-modifications (PTMs) of amino acid, responsible for critical human diseases, using the stacked generalization ensemble technique. The involved biologically relevant case-studies demonstrate possibilities of discovering new knowledge using the developed tools

    Modelling the species jump: towards assessing the risk of human infection from novel avian influenzas

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    The scientific understanding of the driving factors behind zoonotic and pandemic influenzas is hampered by complex interactions between viruses, animal hosts and humans. This complexity makes identifying influenza viruses of high zoonotic or pandemic risk, before they emerge from animal populations, extremely difficult and uncertain. As a first step towards assessing zoonotic risk of Influenza, we demonstrate a risk assessment framework to assess the relative likelihood of influenza A viruses, circulating in animal populations, making the species jump into humans. The intention is that such a risk assessment framework could assist decisionmakers to compare multiple influenza viruses for zoonotic potential and hence to develop appropriate strain-specific control measures. It also provides a first step towards showing proof of principle for an eventual pandemic risk model. We show that the spatial and temporal epidemiology is as important in assessing the risk of an influenza A species jump as understanding the innate molecular capability of the virus.We also demonstrate data deficiencies that need to be addressed in order to consistently combine both epidemiological and molecular virology data into a risk assessment framework

    Evolutionary decision rules for predicting protein contact maps

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    Protein structure prediction is currently one of the main open challenges in Bioinformatics. The protein contact map is an useful, and commonly used, represen tation for protein 3D structure and represents binary proximities (contact or non-contact) between each pair of amino acids of a protein. In this work, we propose a multi objective evolutionary approach for contact map prediction based on physico-chemical properties of amino acids. The evolutionary algorithm produces a set of decision rules that identifies contacts between amino acids. The rules obtained by the algorithm impose a set of conditions based on amino acid properties to predict contacts. We present results obtained by our approach on four different protein data sets. A statistical study was also performed to extract valid conclusions from the set of prediction rules generated by our algorithm. Results obtained confirm the validity of our proposal

    Detection and characterization of 3D-signature phosphorylation site motifs and their contribution towards improved phosphorylation site prediction in proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Phosphorylation of proteins plays a crucial role in the regulation and activation of metabolic and signaling pathways and constitutes an important target for pharmaceutical intervention. Central to the phosphorylation process is the recognition of specific target sites by protein kinases followed by the covalent attachment of phosphate groups to the amino acids serine, threonine, or tyrosine. The experimental identification as well as computational prediction of phosphorylation sites (P-sites) has proved to be a challenging problem. Computational methods have focused primarily on extracting predictive features from the local, one-dimensional sequence information surrounding phosphorylation sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We characterized the spatial context of phosphorylation sites and assessed its usability for improved phosphorylation site predictions. We identified 750 non-redundant, experimentally verified sites with three-dimensional (3D) structural information available in the protein data bank (PDB) and grouped them according to their respective kinase family. We studied the spatial distribution of amino acids around phosphorserines, phosphothreonines, and phosphotyrosines to extract signature 3D-profiles. Characteristic spatial distributions of amino acid residue types around phosphorylation sites were indeed discernable, especially when kinase-family-specific target sites were analyzed. To test the added value of using spatial information for the computational prediction of phosphorylation sites, Support Vector Machines were applied using both sequence as well as structural information. When compared to sequence-only based prediction methods, a small but consistent performance improvement was obtained when the prediction was informed by 3D-context information.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While local one-dimensional amino acid sequence information was observed to harbor most of the discriminatory power, spatial context information was identified as relevant for the recognition of kinases and their cognate target sites and can be used for an improved prediction of phosphorylation sites. A web-based service (Phos3D) implementing the developed structure-based P-site prediction method has been made available at <url>http://phos3d.mpimp-golm.mpg.de</url>.</p

    Deciphering the Preference and Predicting the Viability of Circular Permutations in Proteins

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    Circular permutation (CP) refers to situations in which the termini of a protein are relocated to other positions in the structure. CP occurs naturally and has been artificially created to study protein function, stability and folding. Recently CP is increasingly applied to engineer enzyme structure and function, and to create bifunctional fusion proteins unachievable by tandem fusion. CP is a complicated and expensive technique. An intrinsic difficulty in its application lies in the fact that not every position in a protein is amenable for creating a viable permutant. To examine the preferences of CP and develop CP viability prediction methods, we carried out comprehensive analyses of the sequence, structural, and dynamical properties of known CP sites using a variety of statistics and simulation methods, such as the bootstrap aggregating, permutation test and molecular dynamics simulations. CP particularly favors Gly, Pro, Asp and Asn. Positions preferred by CP lie within coils, loops, turns, and at residues that are exposed to solvent, weakly hydrogen-bonded, environmentally unpacked, or flexible. Disfavored positions include Cys, bulky hydrophobic residues, and residues located within helices or near the protein's core. These results fostered the development of an effective viable CP site prediction system, which combined four machine learning methods, e.g., artificial neural networks, the support vector machine, a random forest, and a hierarchical feature integration procedure developed in this work. As assessed by using the hydrofolate reductase dataset as the independent evaluation dataset, this prediction system achieved an AUC of 0.9. Large-scale predictions have been performed for nine thousand representative protein structures; several new potential applications of CP were thus identified. Many unreported preferences of CP are revealed in this study. The developed system is the best CP viability prediction method currently available. This work will facilitate the application of CP in research and biotechnology

    Functional characterization of single amino acid variants

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    Single amino acid variants (SAVs) are one of the main causes of Mendelian disorders, and play an important role in the development of many complex diseases. At the same time, they are the most common kind of variation affecting coding DNA, without generally presenting any damaging effect. With the advent of next generation sequencing technologies, the detection of these variants in patients and the general population is easier than ever, but the characterization of the functional effects of each variant remains an open challenge. It is our objective in this work to tackle this problem by developing machine learning based in silico SAVs pathology predictors. Having the PMut classic predictor as a starting point, we have rethought the entire supervised learning pipeline, elaborating new training sets, features and classifiers. PMut2017 is the first result of these efforts, a new general-purpose predictor based on SwissVar and trained on 12 different conservation scores. Its performance, evaluated bothby cross-validation and different blind tests, was in line with the best predictors published to date. Continuing our efforts in search for more accurate predictors, especially for those cases were general predictors tend to fail, we developed PMut-S, a suite of 215 protein-specific predictors. Similar to PMut in nature, Pmut-S introduced the use of co-evolution conservation features and balanced training sets, and showed improved performance, specially for those proteins that were more commonly misclassified by PMut. Comparing PMut-S to other specific predictors we proved that it is possible to train specific predictors using a unique automated pipeline and match the results of most gene specific predictors released to date. The implementation of the machine learning pipeline of both PMut and PMut-S was released as an open source Python module: PyMut, which bundles functions implementing the features computation and selection, classifier training and evaluation, plots drawing, among others. Their predictions were also made available in a rich web portal, which includes a precomputed repository with analyses of more than 700 million variants on over 100,000 human proteins, together with relevant contextual information such as 3D visualizationsof protein structures, links to databases, functional annotations, and more.Les mutacions puntuals d’aminoàcids són la principal causa de moltes malalties mendelianes, i juguen un paper important en el desenvolupament de moltes malalties complexes. Alhora, són el tipus de variant més comuna que afecta l’ADN codificant de proteïnes, sense provocar, en general, cap efecte advers. Amb l’adveniment de la seqüenciació de nova generació, la detecció d’aquestes variants en pacients i en la població general és més fàcil que mai, però la caracterització dels efectes funcionals de cada variant segueix sent un repte. El nostre objectiu en aquest treball és abordar aquest problema desenvolupant predictors de patologia in silico basats en l’aprenentatge automàtic. Prenent el predictor clàssic PMut com a punt de partida, hem repensat tot el procés d’aprenentatge supervisat, elaborant nous conjunts d’entrenament, descriptors i classificadors. PMut2017 és el primer resultat d’aquests esforços, un nou predictor basat en SwissVar i entrenat amb 12 mètriques de conservació de seqüència. La seva precisió, mesurada mitjançant validació creuada i amb tests cecs, s’ha mostrar en línia amb els millors predictors publicats a dia d’avui. Continuant els nostres esforços en la cerca de predictors més acurats, hem desenvolupat PMut-S, un conjunt de 215 predictors específics per cada proteïna. Similar a PMut en la seva concepció, PMut-S introdueix l’ús de descriptors basats en la coevolució i conjunts d’entrenament balancejats, millorant el rendiment de PMut2017 en 0.1 punts del coeficient de correlació de Matthews. Comparant PMut-S a d’altres predictors específics hem provat que és possible entrenar predictors específics seguint un únic procediment automatitzat i assolir uns resultats tan bon com els de la majoria de predictors específics publicats. La implementació del procediment d’aprenentatge automàtic tant de PMut com de PMut-S ha sigut publicat com a un mòdul de Python de codi obert: PyMut, el qual inclou les funcions que implementen el càlcul dels descriptors i la seva selecció, l’entrenament i avaluació dels classificadors, el dibuix de diverses gràfiques... Les prediccions també estan disponibles en un portal web que inclou un repositori precalculat amb els anàlisis de més de 700 milions de variants en més de 100 mil proteïnes humanes, junt a rellevant informació de context com visualitzacions 3D de les proteïnes, enllaços a bases de dades, anotacions funcionals i molt més

    Bayesian statistical approach for protein residue-residue contact prediction

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    Despite continuous efforts in automating experimental structure determination and systematic target selection in structural genomics projects, the gap between the number of known amino acid sequences and solved 3D structures for proteins is constantly widening. While DNA sequencing technologies are advancing at an extraordinary pace, thereby constantly increasing throughput while at the same time reducing costs, protein structure determination is still labour intensive, time-consuming and expensive. This trend illustrates the essential importance of complementary computational approaches in order to bridge the so-called sequence-structure gap. About half of the protein families lack structural annotation and therefore are not amenable to techniques that infer protein structure from homologs. These protein families can be addressed by de novo structure prediction approaches that in practice are often limited by the immense computational costs required to search the conformational space for the lowest-energy conformation. Improved predictions of contacts between amino acid residues have been demonstrated to sufficiently constrain the overall protein fold and thereby extend the applicability of de novo methods to larger proteins. Residue-residue contact prediction is based on the idea that selection pressure on protein structure and function can lead to compensatory mutations between spatially close residues. This leaves an echo of correlation signatures that can be traced down from the evolutionary record. Despite the success of contact prediction methods, there are several challenges. The most evident limitation lies in the requirement of deep alignments, which excludes the majority of protein families without associated structural information that are the focus for contact guided de novo structure prediction. The heuristics applied by current contact prediction methods pose another challenge, since they omit available coevolutionary information. This work presents two different approaches for addressing the limitations of contact prediction methods. Instead of inferring evolutionary couplings by maximizing the pseudo-likelihood, I maximize the full likelihood of the statistical model for protein sequence families. This approach performed with comparable precision up to minor improvements over the pseudo-likelihood methods for protein families with few homologous sequences. A Bayesian statistical approach has been developed that provides posterior probability estimates for residue-residue contacts and eradicates the use of heuristics. The full information of coevolutionary signatures is exploited by explicitly modelling the distribution of statistical couplings that reflects the nature of residue-residue interactions. Surprisingly, the posterior probabilities do not directly translate into more precise predictions than obtained by pseudo-likelihood methods combined with prior knowledge. However, the Bayesian framework offers a statistically clean and theoretically solid treatment for the contact prediction problem. This flexible and transparent framework provides a convenient starting point for further developments, such as integrating more complex prior knowledge. The model can also easily be extended towards the Derivation of probability estimates for residue-residue distances to enhance the precision of predicted structures
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