4,653 research outputs found

    Shape manipulation using physically based wire deformations

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    This paper develops an efficient, physically based shape manipulation technique. It defines a 3D model with profile curves, and uses spine curves generated from the profile curves to control the motion and global shape of 3D models. Profile and spine curves are changed into profile and spine wires by specifying proper material and geometric properties together with external forces. The underlying physics is introduced to deform profile and spine wires through the closed form solution to ordinary differential equations for axial and bending deformations. With the proposed approach, global shape changes are achieved through manipulating spine wires, and local surface details are created by deforming profile wires. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the applications of our proposed approach in shape manipulation

    Topological superconductivity with deformable magnetic skyrmions

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    Magnetic skyrmions are nanoscale spin configurations that can be efficiently created and manipulated. They hold great promises for next-generation spintronics applications. In parallel to these developments, the interplay of magnetism, superconductivity and spin-orbit coupling has proved to be a versatile platform for engineering topological superconductivity predicted to host non-abelian excitations, Majorana zero modes. We show that topological superconductivity can be induced by proximitizing magnetic skyrmions and conventional superconductors, without need for additional ingredients. Apart from a previously reported Majorana zero mode in the core of the skyrmion, we find a more universal chiral band of Majorana modes on the edge of the skyrmion. We show that the chiral Majorana band is effectively flat in the physically relevant regime of parameters, leading to interesting robustness and scaling properties. In particular, the number of Majorana modes in the (nearly-)flat band scales with the perimeter length of a deformed skyrmion configuration, while being robust to local disorder.Comment: 16 + 3 pages, 3 figures + Supplementary Material

    Sim2Real Neural Controllers for Physics-based Robotic Deployment of Deformable Linear Objects

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    Deformable linear objects (DLOs), such as rods, cables, and ropes, play important roles in daily life. However, manipulation of DLOs is challenging as large geometrically nonlinear deformations may occur during the manipulation process. This problem is made even more difficult as the different deformation modes (e.g., stretching, bending, and twisting) may result in elastic instabilities during manipulation. In this paper, we formulate a physics-guided data-driven method to solve a challenging manipulation task -- accurately deploying a DLO (an elastic rod) onto a rigid substrate along various prescribed patterns. Our framework combines machine learning, scaling analysis, and physical simulations to develop a physics-based neural controller for deployment. We explore the complex interplay between the gravitational and elastic energies of the manipulated DLO and obtain a control method for DLO deployment that is robust against friction and material properties. Out of the numerous geometrical and material properties of the rod and substrate, we show that only three non-dimensional parameters are needed to describe the deployment process with physical analysis. Therefore, the essence of the controlling law for the manipulation task can be constructed with a low-dimensional model, drastically increasing the computation speed. The effectiveness of our optimal control scheme is shown through a comprehensive robotic case study comparing against a heuristic control method for deploying rods for a wide variety of patterns. In addition to this, we also showcase the practicality of our control scheme by having a robot accomplish challenging high-level tasks such as mimicking human handwriting, cable placement, and tying knots.Comment: YouTube video: https://youtu.be/OSD6dhOgyMA?feature=share

    On the experimental testing of fine Nitinol wires for medical devices

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    Nitinol, a nickel titanium alloy, is widely used as a biocompatible metal with applications in high strain medical devices. The alloy exhibits both superelasticity and thermal shape memory behaviour. Basic mechanical properties can be established and are provided by suppliers; however the true stress–strain response under repeated load is not fully understood. It is essential to know this behaviour in order to design devices where failure by fatigue may be possible. The present work develops an approach for characterising the time varying mechanical properties of fine Nitinol wire and investigates processing factors, asymmetric stress–strain behaviour, temperature dependency, strain rate dependency and the material response to thermal and repeated mechanical loading. Physically realistic and accurately determined mechanical properties are provided in a format suitable for use in finite element analysis for the design of medical devices. Guidance is also given as to the most appropriate experimental set up procedures for gripping and testing thin Nitinol wire

    Digital Fabrication Approaches for the Design and Development of Shape-Changing Displays

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    Interactive shape-changing displays enable dynamic representations of data and information through physically reconfigurable geometry. The actuated physical deformations of these displays can be utilised in a wide range of new application areas, such as dynamic landscape and topographical modelling, architectural design, physical telepresence and object manipulation. Traditionally, shape-changing displays have a high development cost in mechanical complexity, technical skills and time/finances required for fabrication. There is still a limited number of robust shape-changing displays that go beyond one-off prototypes. Specifically, there is limited focus on low-cost/accessible design and development approaches involving digital fabrication (e.g. 3D printing). To address this challenge, this thesis presents accessible digital fabrication approaches that support the development of shape-changing displays with a range of application examples – such as physical terrain modelling and interior design artefacts. Both laser cutting and 3D printing methods have been explored to ensure generalisability and accessibility for a range of potential users. The first design-led content generation explorations show that novice users, from the general public, can successfully design and present their own application ideas using the physical animation features of the display. By engaging with domain experts in designing shape-changing content to represent data specific to their work domains the thesis was able to demonstrate the utility of shape-changing displays beyond novel systems and describe practical use-case scenarios and applications through rapid prototyping methods. This thesis then demonstrates new ways of designing and building shape-changing displays that goes beyond current implementation examples available (e.g. pin arrays and continuous surface shape-changing displays). To achieve this, the thesis demonstrates how laser cutting and 3D printing can be utilised to rapidly fabricate deformable surfaces for shape-changing displays with embedded electronics. This thesis is concluded with a discussion of research implications and future direction for this work

    Robot Learning for Manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects

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    Deformable Object Manipulation (DOM) is a challenging problem in robotics. Until recently there has been limited research on the subject, with most robotic manipulation methods being developed for rigid objects. Part of the challenge in DOM is that non-rigid objects require solutions capable of generalizing to changes in shape and mechanical properties. Recently, Machine Learning (ML) has been proven successful in other fields where generalization is important such as computer vision, thus encouraging the application of ML to robotics as well. Notably, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown promise in finding control policies for manipulation of rigid objects. However, RL requires large amounts of data that are better satisfied in simulation while deformable objects are inherently more difficult to model and simulate. This thesis presents ReForm, a simulation sandbox for robotic manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) such as cables, ropes, and wires. DLO manipulation is an interesting problem for a variety of applications throughout manufacturing, agriculture, and medicine. Currently, this sandbox includes six shape control tasks, which are classified as explicit when a precise shape is to be achieved, or implicit when the deformation is just a consequence of a more abstract goal, e.g. wrapping a DLO around another object. The proposed simulation environments aim to facilitate comparison and reproducibility of robot learning research. To that end, an RL algorithm is tested on each simulated task providing initial benchmarking results. ReForm is one of three concurrent frameworks to first support DOM problems. This thesis also addresses the problem of DLO state representation for an explicit shape control problem. Moreover, the effects of elastoplastic properties on the RL reward definition are investigated. From a control perspective, DLOs with these properties are particularly challenging to manipulate due to their nonlinear behavior, acting elastic up to a yield point after which they become permanently deformed. A low-dimensional representation from discrete differential geometry is proposed, offering more descriptive shape information than a simple point-cloud while avoiding the need for curve fitting. Empirical results show that this representation leads to a better goal description in the presence of elastoplasticity, preventing the RL algorithm from converging to local minima which correspond to incorrect shapes of the DLO

    On some interactive mesh deformations

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    Techniques devoted to deform 3D models are an important research field in Computer Graphics. They can be used in differentstages: the modelling phase, the animation process and also during some special simulations. Additionally, some applications may require the manipulation of 3D models under certain restrictions to preserve the volume of the modified object. Hence, thepresent PhD Dissertation explores new algorithms to perform flexible, robust and efficient 3D deformations. Apart from this, it also researches on a new methodology to restrict these deformations so that the volume of the manipulated model remains constant. Some of the most used methods to achieve smooth deformations are those included in the Cage-Based Deformation paradigm. Cage-based deformations enclose the model to be deformed in a coarse polyhedron, the cage. Then, they usually rely on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates to relate the model with the vertices, and other geometric elements, of this cage, which are the control points or the deformation handles. Finally, every time that one of these handles is dragged, the model is deformed accordingly. Although this paradigm is simple, elegant and performs efficient deformations, some cage-free space deformation techniques have recently appeared. They increase the flexibility of the deformation handles, which do not need to be connected, and define powerful tools that make the deformation process more versatile and intuitive. In this context, the Dissertation introduces new Generalized Barycentric Coordinate systems specially designed to be used in a cage-free environment. Any user who wants to use the presented schemes only needs to locate a set of control points in the vicinity of the model that he or she wants to deform. These handles can be placed wherever he or she considers mode suitable and the only requirement is that the model has to be enclosed in their convex hull. Up to now, there are few techniques to produce volume-preserving space deformations. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest in performing constrained deformations due to their more realistic and physically plausible results. Our contribution to this research line consists in a deformation framework that preserves the volume of the 3D models by means of its gradient and a control surface to restrict the movement of the handles. Moreover, the proposed methodology is not restricted to the cage-based schemes, but it can also be used in a cage-free environment. Finally, our research can be specially useful for spatial deformations of biological and medical models. This kind of models represent real organs and tissues, which are often soft and lack an internal rigid structure. In addition, they are elastic and incompressible. Any application designed to deal with this group of models and to train or assist doctors must be flexible, robust, efficient and user-friendly. The combination of the proposed cage-free systems with the presented volume-preserving deformation framework satisfiesLes deformacions de models 3D s'utilitzen en diverses etapes de la generació de continguts digitals: durant la fase de modelatge, durant el procés d'animació i en alguns tipus de simulacions. A més a més, hi ha aplicacions que necessiten que la manipulació dels models 3D es faci tenint en compte certes restriccions que permeten la conservació del volum de l'objecte modificat. Tot plegat fa que les tècniques de deformació 3D siguin un camp d'estudi molt important dins del món dels Gràfics. Per aquesta raó, aquesta Tesi Doctoral estudia nous algorismes que permetin realitzar deformacions 3D de manera flexible, robusta i eficient i que, a més a més, permetin conservar el volum dels objectes modificats. Un dels paradigmes més utilitzats per tal de realitzar deformacions suaus és el conegut amb el nom de Deformacions Basades en un Poliedre Englobant. Aquesta família de mètodes embolcalla el model que es vol deformar, normalment representat com una malla de triangles, dins d'un poliedre simple, amb poques cares. Un cop fet això, estableix un sistema de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades per tal de definir els vèrtexs del model a partir dels vèrtexs del poliedre englobant, els quals s'anomenen punts de control o controls de la deformació. D'aquesta manera, cada cop que s'arrossega o es modifica un d'aquests punts de control, el model que es troba dins del poliedre englobant es deforma segons el sistema de coordenades que s'ha definit. Tot i que aquest paradigma és simple, elegant i eficient, des de fa ja uns anys han començat a aparèixer noves tècniques que no necessiten el poliedre englobant per tal de realitzar la deformació. El seu principal objectiu és augmentar la flexibilitat dels controls de la deformació i definir eines que facin que el procés de deformació sigui més versàtil i intuïtiu. Tenint en compte aquest factor, aquesta Tesi també estudia sistemes de Coordenades Baricèntriques Generalitzades dissenyats per realitzar deformacions sense la necessitat de definir el poliedre englobant. D'aquesta manera, qualsevol usuari que vulgui utilitzar els mètodes que es presenten en aquesta Dissertació només s'ha d'encarregar de definir un conjunt de punts de control al voltant del model que vol deformar, podent-los posar allí on consideri més oportú segons la deformació que vulgui obtenir. L'únic requeriment necessari és que el model ha de quedar dins de l'envolupant convexa d'aquests punts de control. Actualment existeixen pocs mètodes que realitzin deformacions 3D amb preservació del volum. No obstant això, d'un temps ençà ha augmentat l'interès per realitzar deformacions subjectes a certes restriccions que fan que el resultat sigui més realista i físicament versemblant. La contribució d'aquesta Tesi dins d'aquesta línia de recerca consisteix en un sistema de deformació que preserva el volum dels objectes 3D gràcies a còmput del seu gradient i a una superfície de control que restringeix el moviment dels punts de control. Aquest mètode es pot aplicar tant als sistemes de deformació que necessiten un poliedre englobant com als que no el necessiten. Finalment, i ja per acabar, la recerca realitzada pot ser especialment útil per tal de realitzar deformacions de models mèdics i biològics. Aquests tipus de models poden representar òrgans i teixits reals, els quals, normalment, són tous, mancats d'una estructura rígida interna, elàstics i incompressibles. Qualsevol aplicació dissenyada per treballar amb aquest tipus de models i per entrenar i donar assistència a usuaris mèdics hauria de ser flexible, robusta, eficient i fàcil d'utilitzar. La combinació dels mètodes de deformació proposats conjuntament amb el sistema de preservació de volum satisfà totes aquestes condicions. Per aquesta raó es creu que les contribucions realitzades poden esdevenir eines importants per produir deformacions mèdiques.Postprint (published version

    Image-guided Simulation of Heterogeneous Tissue Deformation For Augmented Reality during Hepatic Surgery

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for real-time augmentation of vas- cular network and tumors during minimally invasive liver surgery. Internal structures computed from pre-operative CT scans can be overlaid onto the laparoscopic view for surgery guidance. Com- pared to state-of-the-art methods, our method uses a real-time biomechanical model to compute a volumetric displacement field from partial three-dimensional liver surface motion. This permits to properly handle the motion of internal structures even in the case of anisotropic or heterogeneous tissues, as it is the case for the liver and many anatomical structures. Real-time augmentation results are presented on in vivo and ex vivo data and illustrate the benefits of such an approach for minimally invasive surgery

    LineFORM: Actuated Curve Interfaces for Display, Interaction, and Constraint

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    In this paper we explore the design space of actuated curve interfaces, a novel class of shape changing-interfaces. Physical curves have several interesting characteristics from the perspective of interaction design: they have a variety of inherent affordances; they can easily represent abstract data; and they can act as constraints, boundaries, or borderlines. By utilizing such aspects of lines and curves, together with the added capability of shape-change, new possibilities for display, interaction and body constraint are possible. In order to investigate these possibilities we have implemented two actuated curve interfaces at different scales. LineFORM, our implementation, inspired by serpentine robotics, is comprised of a series chain of 1DOF servo motors with integrated sensors for direct manipulation. To motivate this work we present various applications such as shape changing cords, mobiles, body constraints, and data manipulation tools

    Bridges Structural Health Monitoring and Deterioration Detection Synthesis of Knowledge and Technology

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    INE/AUTC 10.0