2,385 research outputs found

    Data-driven analysis of simultaneous EEG/fMRI using an ICA approach

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    Due to its millisecond-scale temporal resolution, EEG allows to assess neural correlates with precisely defined temporal relationship relative to a given event. This knowledge is generally lacking in data from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) which has a temporal resolution on the scale of seconds so that possibilities to combine the two modalities are sought. Previous applications combining event-related potentials (ERPs) with simultaneous fMRI BOLD generally aimed at measuring known ERP components in single trials and correlate the resulting time series with the fMRI BOLD signal. While it is a valuable first step, this procedure cannot guarantee that variability of the chosen ERP component is specific for the targeted neurophysiological process on the group and single subject level. Here we introduce a newly developed data-driven analysis procedure that automatically selects task-specific electrophysiological independent components (ICs). We used single-trial simultaneous EEG/fMRI analysis of a visual Go/Nogo task to assess inhibition-related EEG components, their trial-to-trial amplitude variability, and the relationship between this variability and the fMRI. Single-trial EEG/fMRI analysis within a subgroup of 22 participants revealed positive correlations of fMRI BOLD signal with EEG-derived regressors in fronto-striatal regions which were more pronounced in an early compared to a late phase of task execution. In sum, selecting Nogo-related ICs in an automated, single subject procedure reveals fMRI-BOLD responses correlated to different phases of task execution. Furthermore, to illustrate utility and generalizability of the method beyond detecting the presence or absence of reliable inhibitory components in the EEG, we show that the IC selection can be extended to other events in the same dataset, e.g., the visual responses

    Electrophysiological Signatures of Fear Conditioning: From Methodological Considerations to Catecholaminergic Mechanisms and Translational Perspectives

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    Fear conditioning describes a learning mechanism during which a specific stimulus gets associated with an aversive event (i.e., an unconditioned stimulus; US). Thereby, this initially neutral or arbitrary stimulus becomes a so-called “conditioned” stimulus (CS), which elicits a conditioned threat response. Fear extinction refers to the decrease in conditioned threat responses as soon as the CS is repeatedly presented in the absence of the US. While fear conditioning is an important learning model for understanding the etiology and maintenance of anxiety and fear-related disorders, extinction learning is considered to reflect the most important learning process of exposure therapy. Neurophysiological signatures of fear conditioning have been widely studied in rodents, leading to the development of groundbreaking neurobiological models, including brain regions such as the amygdala, insula, and prefrontal areas. These models aim to explain neural mechanisms of threat processing, with the ultimate goal to improve treatment strategies for pathological fear. Recording intracranial electrical activity of single units in animals offers the opportunity to uncover neural processes involved in threat processing with excellent spatial and temporal resolution. A large body of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have helped to translate this knowledge about the anatomy of fear conditioning into the human realm. fMRI is an imaging technique with a high spatial resolution that is well suited to study slower brain processes. However, the temporal resolution of fMRI is relatively poor. By contrast, electroencephalography (EEG) is a neuroscientific method to capture fast and transient cortical processes. While EEG offers promising opportunities to unravel the speed of neural threat processing, it also provides the possibility to study oscillatory brain activity (e.g., prefrontal theta oscillations). The present thesis contains six research manuscripts, describing fear conditioning studies that mainly applied EEG methods in combination with other central (fMRI) and peripheral (skin conductance, heart rate, and fear-potentiated startle) measures. A special focus of this thesis lies in methodological considerations for EEG fear conditioning research. In addition, catecholaminergic mechanisms are studied, with the ultimate goal of opening up new translational perspectives. Taken together, the present thesis addresses several methodological challenges for neuroscientific (in particular, EEG) fear conditioning research (e.g., appropriate US types and experimental designs, signal-to-noise ratio, simultaneous EEG-fMRI). Furthermore, this thesis gives critical insight into catecholaminergic (noradrenaline and dopamine) mechanisms. A variety of neuroscientific methods (e.g., EEG, fMRI, peripheral physiology, pharmacological manipulation, genetic associations) have been combined, an approach that allowed us (a) to translate knowledge from animal studies to human research, and (b) to stimulate novel clinical directions

    Development and Localization of Spike-Wave Seizures in Animal Models

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    Animal models allow for detailed investigation of neuronal function, particularly invasive localization and developmental studies not possible in humans. This thesis will review the technical challenges of simultaneous EEG-fMRI, and epileptogenesis studies in animal models, including issues related to anesthesia, movement, signal artifact, physiology, electrode compatibility, data acquisition, and data analysis, and review recent findings from simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies in epilepsy and other fields. Original research will be presented on the localization of neuronal networks involved during spike-and-wave seizures in the WAG/Rij rat, a model of human absence epilepsy. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI at 9 Tesla, complimented by parallel electrophysiology, including Multiple Unit Activity (MUA), Local Field Potential (LFP), and Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) measurements were employed to investigate the functioning of neuronal networks. This work indicates that while BOLD signal increases in the Somaotsensory Cortex and Thalamus during SWD are associated with MUA, LFP, and CBF increases, BOLD signal decreases in the Caudate are associated with CBF decreases and relatively larger increase in LFP and smaller increase in MUA. Complimenting the localization studies, original research will also be presented on the development of spike-and-wave epilepsy in the C3H/Hej mouse, a model which will allow for more advanced genetic and molecular investigation. This work shows seizure development progressing though immature, transitional, and mature stages

    Altered processing of sensory stimuli in patients with migraine

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    Migraine is a cyclic disorder, in which functional and morphological brain changes fluctuate over time, culminating periodically in an attack. In the migrainous brain, temporal processing of external stimuli and sequential recruitment of neuronal networks are often dysfunctional. These changes reflect complex CNS dysfunction patterns. Assessment of multimodal evoked potentials and nociceptive reflex responses can reveal altered patterns of the brain's electrophysiological activity, thereby aiding our understanding of the pathophysiology of migraine. In this Review, we summarize the most important findings on temporal processing of evoked and reflex responses in migraine. Considering these data, we propose that thalamocortical dysrhythmia may be responsible for the altered synchronicity in migraine. To test this hypothesis in future research, electrophysiological recordings should be combined with neuroimaging studies so that the temporal patterns of sensory processing in patients with migraine can be correlated with the accompanying anatomical and functional changes

    The neurocognitive underpinnings of the Simon effect: An integrative review of current research

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    Published online: 7 October 2020For as long as half a century the Simon task – in which participants respond to a nonspatial stimulus feature while ignoring its position – has represented a very popular tool to study a variety of cognitive functions, such as attention, cognitive control, and response preparation processes. In particular, the task generates two theoretically interesting effects: the Simon effect proper and the sequential modulations of this effect. In the present study, we review the main theoretical explanations of both kinds of effects and the available neuroscientific studies that investigated the neural underpinnings of the cognitive processes underlying the Simon effect proper and its sequential modulation using electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related brain potentials (ERP), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Then, we relate the neurophysiological findings to the main theoretical accounts and evaluate their validity and empirical plausibility, including general implications related to processing interference and cognitive control. Overall, neurophysiological research supports claims that stimulus location triggers the creation of a spatial code, which activates a spatially compatible response that, in incompatible conditions, interferes with the response based on the task instructions. Integration of stimulus-response features plays a major role in the occurrence of the Simon effect (which is manifested in the selection of the response) and its modulation by sequential congruency effects. Additional neural mechanisms are involved in supporting the correct and inhibiting the incorrect response.This research was supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 program and by the Spanish State Research Agency through BCBL Severo Ochoa excellence accreditation SEV-2015-0490 This study was also funded by Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación (Spanish government; JC) and European Commission (Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions 838536_BILINGUALPLAS; JC), by post-doctoral funding of the University of Bremen (DG; ZF 11/876/08), and by an ERC Advanced Grant (BH: ERC-2015-AdG-694722)

    Noninvasive brain stimulation techniques can modulate cognitive processing

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    Recent methods that allow a noninvasive modulation of brain activity are able to modulate human cognitive behavior. Among these methods are transcranial electric stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation that both come in multiple variants. A property of both types of brain stimulation is that they modulate brain activity and in turn modulate cognitive behavior. Here, we describe the methods with their assumed neural mechanisms for readers from the economic and social sciences and little prior knowledge of these techniques. Our emphasis is on available protocols and experimental parameters to choose from when designing a study. We also review a selection of recent studies that have successfully applied them in the respective field. We provide short pointers to limitations that need to be considered and refer to the relevant papers where appropriate

    Spatio-Temporal and Multisensory Integration: the relationship between sleep and the cerebellum

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    Does the cerebellum sleep? If so, does sleep contribute to cerebellar cognition? In this thesis, the sleep contribution to the consolidation process of spatial-temporal and multisensory integration was investigated in relation to the human cerebellum. Multiple experimental approaches were used to answer research questions addressed in the various chapters. Summarizing the evidence of the electrophysiology and neuroimaging studies, in Chapter1 we present intriguing evidence that the cerebellum is involved in sleep physiology, and that cerebellar-dependent memory formation can be consolidated during sleep. In Chapter 2, using functional neuroimaging in healthy participants during various forms of the Serial interception sequential learning (SISL) task, i.e., predictive timing, motor coordination, and motor imagination, we assessed the cerebellar involvement in spatio-temporal predictive timing; and possible cerebellar interactions with other regions, most notably the hippocampus. In Chapter 3, we add to the findings of Chapter 2 that indicate the cerebellum and hippocampus are involved in the task, by showing that more than simply activated, the cerebellum is a necessary and responsible region for the establishment of the spatio-temporal prediction. This follows from the deficits in behavioral properties of the predictive and reactive timing in the cerebellar ataxia type 6 patients, using the modified version of the SISL task. In Chapter 4, we assessed the subsequent post-interval behavioral performances on the learning of the fixed and random timing sequences in the SISL task, comparing a sleep group and wake group in healthy participants. Our findings show that sleep consolidates the process of cerebellar-dependent spatio-temporal integration. In Chapter 5, we investigated the establishment of visual-tactile integration during sleep through the examination of tactile motion stimulation during sleep and showed that, subsequent to sleep, directional visual motion discrimination i

    Gearing up for action: attentive tracking dynamically tunes sensory and motor oscillations in the alpha and beta band

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    Allocation of attention during goal-directed behavior entails simultaneous processing of relevant and attenuation of irrelevant information. How the brain delegates such processes when confronted with dynamic (biological motion) stimuli and harnesses relevant sensory information for sculpting prospective responses remains unclear. We analyzed neuromagnetic signals that were recorded while participants attentively tracked an actor’s pointing movement that ended at the location where subsequently the response-cue indicated the required response. We found the observers’ spatial allocation of attention to be dynamically reflected in lateralized parieto-occipital alpha (8-12Hz) activity and to have a lasting influence on motor preparation. Specifically, beta (16-25Hz) power modulation reflected observers’ tendency to selectively prepare for a spatially compatible response even before knowing the required one. We discuss the observed frequency-specific and temporally evolving neural activity within a framework of integrated visuomotor processing and point towards possible implications about the mechanisms involved in action observation