917 research outputs found

    Infectious Disease Ontology

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    Technological developments have resulted in tremendous increases in the volume and diversity of the data and information that must be processed in the course of biomedical and clinical research and practice. Researchers are at the same time under ever greater pressure to share data and to take steps to ensure that data resources are interoperable. The use of ontologies to annotate data has proven successful in supporting these goals and in providing new possibilities for the automated processing of data and information. In this chapter, we describe different types of vocabulary resources and emphasize those features of formal ontologies that make them most useful for computational applications. We describe current uses of ontologies and discuss future goals for ontology-based computing, focusing on its use in the field of infectious diseases. We review the largest and most widely used vocabulary resources relevant to the study of infectious diseases and conclude with a description of the Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO) suite of interoperable ontology modules that together cover the entire infectious disease domain

    Towards knowledge-based gene expression data mining

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    The field of gene expression data analysis has grown in the past few years from being purely data-centric to integrative, aiming at complementing microarray analysis with data and knowledge from diverse available sources. In this review, we report on the plethora of gene expression data mining techniques and focus on their evolution toward knowledge-based data analysis approaches. In particular, we discuss recent developments in gene expression-based analysis methods used in association and classification studies, phenotyping and reverse engineering of gene networks

    Advances in Gene Ontology Utilization Improve Statistical Power of Annotation Enrichment

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    Gene-annotation enrichment is a common method for utilizing ontology-based annotations in gene and gene-product centric knowledgebases. Effective utilization of these annotations requires inferring semantic linkages by tracing paths through edges in the ontological graph, referred to as relations. However, some relations are semantically problematic with respect to scope, necessitating their omission or modification lest erroneous term mappings occur. To address these issues, we created the Gene Ontology Categorization Suite, or GOcats—a novel tool that organizes the Gene Ontology into subgraphs representing user-defined concepts, while ensuring that all appropriate relations are congruent with respect to scoping semantics. Here, we demonstrate the improvements in annotation enrichment by re-interpreting edges that would otherwise be omitted by traditional ancestor path-tracing methods. Specifically, we show that GOcats’ unique handling of relations improves enrichment over conventional methods in the analysis of two different gene-expression datasets: a breast cancer microarray dataset and several horse cartilage development RNAseq datasets. With the breast cancer microarray dataset, we observed significant improvement (one-sided binomial test p-value = 1.86E-25) in 182 of 217 significantly enriched GO terms identified from the conventional path traversal method when GOcats’ path traversal was used. We also found new significantly enriched terms using GOcats, whose biological relevancy has been experimentally demonstrated elsewhere. Likewise, on the horse RNAseq datasets, we observed a significant improvement in GO term enrichment when using GOcat’s path traversal: one-sided binomial test p-values range from 1.32E-03 to 2.58E-44

    Computationally Linking Chemical Exposure to Molecular Effects with Complex Data: Comparing Methods to Disentangle Chemical Drivers in Environmental Mixtures and Knowledge-based Deep Learning for Predictions in Environmental Toxicology

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    Chemical exposures affect the environment and may lead to adverse outcomes in its organisms. Omics-based approaches, like standardised microarray experiments, have expanded the toolbox to monitor the distribution of chemicals and assess the risk to organisms in the environment. The resulting complex data have extended the scope of toxicological knowledge bases and published literature. A plethora of computational approaches have been applied in environmental toxicology considering systems biology and data integration. Still, the complexity of environmental and biological systems given in data challenges investigations of exposure-related effects. This thesis aimed at computationally linking chemical exposure to biological effects on the molecular level considering sources of complex environmental data. The first study employed data of an omics-based exposure study considering mixture effects in a freshwater environment. We compared three data-driven analyses in their suitability to disentangle mixture effects of chemical exposures to biological effects and their reliability in attributing potentially adverse outcomes to chemical drivers with toxicological databases on gene and pathway levels. Differential gene expression analysis and a network inference approach resulted in toxicologically meaningful outcomes and uncovered individual chemical effects — stand-alone and in combination. We developed an integrative computational strategy to harvest exposure-related gene associations from environmental samples considering mixtures of lowly concentrated compounds. The applied approaches allowed assessing the hazard of chemicals more systematically with correlation-based compound groups. This dissertation presents another achievement toward a data-driven hypothesis generation for molecular exposure effects. The approach combined text-mining and deep learning. The study was entirely data-driven and involved state-of-the-art computational methods of artificial intelligence. We employed literature-based relational data and curated toxicological knowledge to predict chemical-biomolecule interactions. A word embedding neural network with a subsequent feed-forward network was implemented. Data augmentation and recurrent neural networks were beneficial for training with curated toxicological knowledge. The trained models reached accuracies of up to 94% for unseen test data of the employed knowledge base. However, we could not reliably confirm known chemical-gene interactions across selected data sources. Still, the predictive models might derive unknown information from toxicological knowledge sources, like literature, databases or omics-based exposure studies. Thus, the deep learning models might allow predicting hypotheses of exposure-related molecular effects. Both achievements of this dissertation might support the prioritisation of chemicals for testing and an intelligent selection of chemicals for monitoring in future exposure studies.:Table of Contents ... I Abstract ... V Acknowledgements ... VII Prelude ... IX 1 Introduction 1.1 An overview of environmental toxicology ... 2 1.1.1 Environmental toxicology ... 2 1.1.2 Chemicals in the environment ... 4 1.1.3 Systems biological perspectives in environmental toxicology ... 7 Computational toxicology ... 11 1.2.1 Omics-based approaches ... 12 1.2.2 Linking chemical exposure to transcriptional effects ... 14 1.2.3 Up-scaling from the gene level to higher biological organisation levels ... 19 1.2.4 Biomedical literature-based discovery ... 24 1.2.5 Deep learning with knowledge representation ... 27 1.3 Research question and approaches ... 29 2 Methods and Data ... 33 2.1 Linking environmental relevant mixture exposures to transcriptional effects ... 34 2.1.1 Exposure and microarray data ... 34 2.1.2 Preprocessing ... 35 2.1.3 Differential gene expression ... 37 2.1.4 Association rule mining ... 38 2.1.5 Weighted gene correlation network analysis ... 39 2.1.6 Method comparison ... 41 Predicting exposure-related effects on a molecular level ... 44 2.2.1 Input ... 44 2.2.2 Input preparation ... 47 2.2.3 Deep learning models ... 49 2.2.4 Toxicogenomic application ... 54 3 Method comparison to link complex stream water exposures to effects on the transcriptional level ... 57 3.1 Background and motivation ... 58 3.1.1 Workflow ... 61 3.2 Results ... 62 3.2.1 Data preprocessing ... 62 3.2.2 Differential gene expression analysis ... 67 3.2.3 Association rule mining ... 71 3.2.4 Network inference ... 78 3.2.5 Method comparison ... 84 3.2.6 Application case of method integration ... 87 3.3 Discussion ... 91 3.4 Conclusion ... 99 4 Deep learning prediction of chemical-biomolecule interactions ... 101 4.1 Motivation ... 102 4.1.1Workflow ...105 4.2 Results ... 107 4.2.1 Input preparation ... 107 4.2.2 Model selection ... 110 4.2.3 Model comparison ... 118 4.2.4 Toxicogenomic application ... 121 4.2.5 Horizontal augmentation without tail-padding ...123 4.2.6 Four-class problem formulation ... 124 4.2.7 Training with CTD data ... 125 4.3 Discussion ... 129 4.3.1 Transferring biomedical knowledge towards toxicology ... 129 4.3.2 Deep learning with biomedical knowledge representation ...133 4.3.3 Data integration ...136 4.4 Conclusion ... 141 5 Conclusion and Future perspectives ... 143 5.1 Conclusion ... 143 5.1.1 Investigating complex mixtures in the environment ... 144 5.1.2 Complex knowledge from literature and curated databases predict chemical- biomolecule interactions ... 145 5.1.3 Linking chemical exposure to biological effects by integrating CTD ... 146 5.2 Future perspectives ... 147 S1 Supplement Chapter 1 ... 153 S1.1 Example of an estrogen bioassay ... 154 S1.2 Types of mode of action ... 154 S1.3 The dogma of molecular biology ... 157 S1.4 Transcriptomics ... 159 S2 Supplement Chapter 3 ... 161 S3 Supplement Chapter 4 ... 175 S3.1 Hyperparameter tuning results ... 176 S3.2 Functional enrichment with predicted chemical-gene interactions and CTD reference pathway genesets ... 179 S3.3 Reduction of learning rate in a model with large word embedding vectors ... 183 S3.4 Horizontal augmentation without tail-padding ... 183 S3.5 Four-relationship classification ... 185 S3.6 Interpreting loss observations for SemMedDB trained models ... 187 List of Abbreviations ... i List of Figures ... vi List of Tables ... x Bibliography ... xii Curriculum scientiae ... xxxix SelbstĂ€ndigkeitserklĂ€rung ... xlii

    Empirical study of Gene Ontology based Microarray clustering.

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