12 research outputs found

    Effect of young basketball players’ self-regulation on their psychological indicators

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    One of the most important factors in the success of sports activities is the level of psychological readiness. The most significant indicator of psychological readiness is the ability to qualitatively regulate athlete’s activity, behavior, and mental state by their own psychic means (i.e., the ability to selfregulate). At the same time, there is not enough insightful research in sports science and in this area of knowledge.To determine the nature of the relationship and links between the psychological characteristics of young basketball players and the specific features of their self-regulation. A total of 160 basketball players (15-20 years old) participated in the study. The methods of selfregulation of sports activity, dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism were used. Correlation links between the indicators of self-regulation of sports activities and the indicators of dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism were revealed. The most significant link was defined with self-inductance and identified regulation. The differences between young basketball players with different peculiarities of self-regulation of sports activity were determined by almost all indicators of the dispositional state of flow, basic beliefs, and dispositive optimism. It was confirmed that the specificity of self-regulation of young basketball players is connected with the peculiarities of the dispositional state of flow, dispositional optimism, and basic beliefs. Through comparison, it is determined that young basketball players with autonomous sports self-regulation have the advantage of almost all indicators of the dispositional state of flow and they have more optimistic views on the future

    The Link Between Flow and Performance is Moderated by Task Experience

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    Flow is an intrinsically motivating (i.e. 'autotelic') psychological state of complete absorption in moment-tomoment activity that can occur when one performs a task whose demands match one's skill-level. Flow theory proposes that Flow causally leads to better performance, but empirical evidence for this assumption is mixed. Recent evidence suggests that self-reported Flow may not be linked to performance-levels per se, but instead to deviations from anticipated performance (the so-called flow deviation, or F-d effect). We aimed to replicate and extend these results by employing a high-speed steering game (CogCarSim) to elicit Flow, and specifically focused on the moderating effects of learning and task experience on the F-d effect. In a longitudinal design, 18 participants each played CogCarSim for 40 trials across eight sessions, totaling 720 measurements across participants. CogCarSim reliably elicited Flow, and learning to play the game fit well to a power-law model. We successfully replicated the F-d effect: self-reported Flow was much more strongly associated with deviationfrom-expected performance than with objective performance levels. We also found that the F-d effect grew stronger with increasing task experience, thus demonstrating an effect of learning on Flow. We discuss the implications of our findings for contemporary theories of Flow.Peer reviewe

    Avaliação de usabilidade e de experiência de jogo digital educacional: uma experiência com o SUSCity.

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    Neste artigo relata-se a avaliação do jogo digital educacional SUSCity, elaborada como material de apoio para a disciplina de Saúde Coletiva e Bioética, do curso de Farmácia da UFRGS. Esta avaliação foi realizada na metade do semestre letivo de 2016/02, por 46 estudantes do primeiro semestre. Antes de utilizar o jogo, os estudantes haviam tido uma aula presencial sobre o assunto do jogo. A avaliação foi feita sob a forma de questionários, aplicados após o uso do jogo, e focou dois aspectos: objetivos e de experiência (de fluxo). Os resultados evidenciaram que os estudantes não atingiram o estado de fluxo durante o jogo. Uma avaliação de consistência indica que os dados do questionário sobre aspectos objetivos não possuem confiabilidade, e portanto não podem ser usados para concluir sobre o jogo

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between flow states and performance

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Routledge via the DOI in this recordData availability: All relevant data and code is available online from https://osf.io/3hfcu/Flow is an optimal experience that has received particular interest within sport because of a possible relationship with enhanced athletic performances. Yet, the strength and direction of the putative flow–performance relationship remain unclear. Consequently, a PRISMA guided systematic review was conducted in May 2020 to examine the empirical evidence for a flow–performance relationship, to examine potential mechanisms, and to assess the quality of current evidence. Peer-reviewed articles that examined the relationship between flow and performance in sport or computer gaming tasks were searched for using five online databases. The results were collated into a narrative synthesis and a meta-analysis. Twenty articles met the inclusion criteria, featuring 22 studies that were appropriate for meta-analysis. The overall quality of the studies was fairly good, with a mean quality assessment score of 76.5% (SD = 9.7). The pooled effect size (r = 0.31, 95% CI [0.24; 0.38]) indicated that across a range of sport and gaming tasks there was a medium-sized flow–performance relationship. However, current evidence is unable to determine the causal direction of this relationship or the mechanisms that mediate it. A number of conceptual and methodological challenges facing the study of flow are discussed and recommendations for future work are outlined.Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE

    An adaptive Metalearner-based flow: a tool for reducing anxiety and increasing self-regulation

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    Anxiety and self-regulation are the most common problems among the college student population. There are few attempts found in the literature to promote the development of students’ cognitive and metacognitive abilities in online learning environments. In addition, mechanisms for overcoming or reducing individuals’ anxiety in a computer-mediated environment is yet to be fully characterized. This study was conducted to investigate the potential of integrating the concept of flow into the design of a Metalearner (MTL) to help reduce anxiety and increase self-regulation among students. The design of MTL was based on the development of adaptive strategies to balance between the challenge of the task and user skills. A total of 260 participants were asked to use the system and respond to an online questionnaire that asked about flow antecedents, experience, and consequences. The structural model results showed that incorporating flow into the design of MTL can help reduce anxiety and improve self-regulation among students. Our findings can be used to enrich students’ online learning experience and inform designers and developers of learning systems about the importance of regulating task complexity according to the challenge/skills balance. This would help learners to process the presented information meaningfully and to make the inferences necessary for understanding the learning content

    Factoring in gamer identity : the application of social identity theory and flow to understanding video game violence effects

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    The video game industry has become integrated into American lives and has continued to grow at a steady rate. This project utilizes social identity theory, self-categorization theory, and flow theory to examine differences in aggression and processing of video games between three gamer types: non-gamer, casual gamer, and core gamer. A careful review of previous literature was conducted to explore research involving violent video games, various effects caused by video game play, and how video game research has been utilized in conjunction with social identity theory, self-categorization theory, and flow theory. A gap in the literature was identified that most studies focusing on video game effects did not address participants' relationship with video games beyond the amount of time dedicated to gameplay. In past research focused on analyzing gamer identity (Neys, Jansz, and Tan, 2014), non-gamers were excluded from analyses, limiting the conclusions one can make about how video game may affect gamers versus non-gamers differentially. Gamer identity is not unidimensional, rather different types of gamers have a different level of investment in the time they dedicate to video games as well as preferences for what they play. This project explored the idea that gamers may react differently to video game stimuli when compared to non-gamers. Grand Theft Auto IV was utilized as a stimulus in an experiment that measured how violence impacts the different types of gamers. The results indicated that core gamers do react to violent content differently than non-gamers and casual gamers in that hostility and empathy are unaffected by short-term exposure to a violent game stimulus for core gamers. This study suggests that core gamers process video game stimuli differently than non-gamers and casual gamers. The mechanisms by which this happens were not explored, but the consistency of the results provide evidence for unique processing of video game stimulus by core gamers. Results are discussed, and suggestions are made for future research.Includes biblographical reference

    Predicting Teacher Usage of Learning Games in Classrooms

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    This study addresses a problem of ambiguity in academic writing regarding whether learning games are underutilized in educational settings, what type of educators use learning games, and what factors are the most important in predicting educator usage. The purpose of the study is to clarify and explain the current state of educator usage of learning games in these areas in order to inform designers of educator professional development. There are two well-known frameworks that can be used to understand learning game integration by educators: the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. This study uses a modified version of each framework designed specifically for learning games. There are also additional factors that may have a significant impact on the decision to use learning games, including (a) experience with digital games, and (b) external barriers to usage. This research has three goals: (a) investigate learning game usage, (b) evaluate which framework better predicts educator usage of learning games, and (c) examine additional factors outside of these frameworks that may influence integration. Data was gathered from currently-practicing educators using an online survey and the results were analyzed using SPSS and several statistical methods, including multiple linear regression. The results show that the TPACK framework is slightly better than TAM at predicting teacher usage, experience with games is not a statistically significant factor, and perceived barriers are significant, but their effect can be mediated by game pedagogical knowledge

    Using a literature based discovery approach to study moderating effects and preventive mechanisms of online game addiction problems among gamers

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    This research makes use of a hypothesis generation technique known as Literature-Based Discovery (LBD) to study certain under-researched topics related to online game addiction problems in our society. This research work tries to primarily address two problems related to game addiction which have been under-studied according to the literature available on this topic. In the first problem, we try to identify certain moderating factors of massively multiplayer games which weakens the relationship between the psychological flow state and game addiction. In this data-driven approach, we studied 2829 abstracts to generate a list of keywords that suggest potential moderating factors for MMO games. Then interview data from 3 domain experts are used to support our findings from the LBD method. The results suggest that the keywords help us to identify alternative pathways (e.g., escapism, cognitive mechanisms and identification with avatars) to game addiction which have received less research attention. In the second problem, we tried to identify potentially effective but under-studied measures that help prevent the negative effects of online game addiction among children and adolescents. We searched the abstracts of 876 articles using Literature-Based discovery and applied association rule mining to identify negative effects and preventive mechanisms of game addiction among children and adolescents in the age group of 8-19. We then tried to rank the relationship between these negative effects and preventive mechanisms by using the measure of ‘w-support’. This helped us identify some preventive mechanisms which have been under-studied in the game addiction literature along with the corresponding negative effects they address. Finally, we have computed the effective size of one such under-studied preventive mechanism to show that it is equally effective as other popular preventive mechanisms. This approach gives us an important future direction in the study and design of preventive programs to address online game addiction issues. In both the problems, we use LBD methodology to either identify alternative pathways to supplement a more popular theory, as in the MMO game study or we used LBD to suggest some under-studied relationships, that can be further explored to design effective preventive mechanisms of online game addiction in children and adolescents. Thus, with the help of LBD as a research methodology, we try to overcome the challenges of knowledge overspecialization in certain areas and identify important future directions of research on the causes and prevention of online game addiction

    Karma öğrenme ortamındaki öğrencilerin bilişsel kapılma ve çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin bilişsel kapılma ve çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmada ayrıca öğrencilerin günlük çevrimiçi olma sıklıklarının ve çevrimiçi iken ders çalışma veya araştırma yapma sıklıklarının bilişsel kapılma ve çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme düzeylerinde farklılık oluşturup oluşturmadığı incelenmiştir. Araştırma yöntemi nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden korelasyonel yöntem olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma grubunu ise 2018-2019 öğretim yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi'nde pedagojik formasyon sertifika programında öğrenim gören 299 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda öğrencilerin bilişsel kapılma düzeyleri ile çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme düzeyleri arasında istatistiki olarak doğrusal anlamlı ilişki olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Yapılan karşılaştırmalarda ise, erkek öğrencilerin bilişsel kapılma ve çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme düzeylerinin kadın öğrencilere göre daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Bunlara ek olarak, öğrencilerin günlük çevrimiçi olma sürelerinin öğrencilerin bilişsel kapılma düzeyini olumlu yönde anlamlı olarak farklılaştırdığı, ancak çevrimiçi öz- düzenleme düzeyleri üzerinde anlamlı farklılık oluşturmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Son olarak, öğrencilerin çevrimiçi iken ders çalışma ve araştırma yapma sıklıklarının bilişsel kapılma düzeylerini farklılaştırmadığı ancak bu iki değişkenin öğrencilerin çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme ve faktörlerinden aldıkları puanları farklılaştırdığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar ve yapılan alanyazın incelemesi ile öğrencilerin çevrimiçi iken oyun oynama, sosyal medya kullanma gibi öğrencileri bağımlılığa ve problemli internet kullanımına iten etkinliklerden kaçınması için çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme düzeyleri ve bilişsel kapılma düzeylerinin interneti nitelikli kullanacakları alanlarda desteklenmesi gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sonuçlara göre öğrencilerin çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme ve bilişsel kapılma düzeylerini destekleyecek öğretim tasarımlarının yapılması önerilmiştir. Ayrıca bilişsel kapılma ile çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme arasında ilişki olmamasının araştırmanın çevrimiçi ortamda yapılmamasından kaynaklandığı düşünülmüştür. Gelecekte bu yönde yapılacak araştırmaların karma öğrenme ortamı yerine çevrimiçi ortamlarda yapılması ile bu ortamda ölçülecek bilişsel kapılma ve çevrimiçi öz-düzenleme değişkenlerinin daha sağlıklı değerlendirilebileceği öngörülmüştür.The aim of correlational research is to investigate relationship between students' cognitive absorption and online self-regulation. Another aim of this study is to determine how daily frequency of being online and frequency of online studying or researching effect students' online self-regulation and cognitive absorption levels. The participants are the students who study pedagogic formation certificate program in Sakarya University between the years 2018-2019. It is a blended learning environment where students have both in face to face classes and classes in online learning environments. The study results show that there is no relationship between cognitive absorption and online self-regulation. When the variables are compared, cognitive absorption and online self-regulation of male students is significantly greater than cognitive absorption and self-regulation of female students. Furthermore, frequency of students being online daily positively and significantly affects students' cognitive absorption but it does not affect students' online self-regulation levels. Lastly, frequency of online studying and searching information positively and significantly effect self-regulation of student, however it does not have any effect on cognitive absorption of students. In short, it is indicated that online self-regulation significantly and positively changes to frequency of online studying and searching information but cognitive absorption does not change. According to these findings, it is recommended that to encourage students' online self-regulation and cognitive absorption on the blended and online learning environments these environments should be designed on this matter. Furthermore, in the present study there is no relationship between students' online self-regulation and cognitive absorption. It is considered that if these variables were determined in a online learning environment in the light of this study, there could be different results. In the future. It is suggested that, in another study these variables can be measured in an online environment

    Testing the Mere Exposure Effect in Videogaming

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    Due to proliferation of media and platforms it is becoming increasingly difficult for marketers to reach and engage consumers using traditional forms of mass media such as advertising. Marketers are turning to alternate forms of communication, such as brand placement in videogames as the games industry continues to grow. To date academic research appears inconclusive in terms of validating the use of videogames as a promotional tool. Moreover, there is a lack of empirical evidence concerning the effects on consumers and brands of marketing messages in the videogame environment. This aim of this study was to investigate whether exposure to brand placement affects unknown brand likeability as a result of mere exposure for game players and game watchers in videogames. The study adopted a quasi-experiment between group design, with a Control, Watch Group and Play Group (300 participants in total) and a post exposure questionnaire. Results suggest some support a mere exposure effect which is that a frequently presented brand placement in a videogame can have a positive effect on players and watchers’ brand attitudes, although they do not recall the brand. This is the first empirical study to investigate brand placement and mere exposure effects in videogames. Theoretically, the study contributes to knowledge concerning brand placement processing in videogames and builds on the existing paradigms of MEE, low-involvement processing, implicit and explicit processing and brand attitude formation. For game developers and brand owners, the study has implications for marketing communications strategy, and graphic design elements for the placements, design of videogames and the most effective position for placements in a game