1,816 research outputs found

    Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) for Future Internet Position Paper: System Functions, Capabilities and Requirements

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    Future Internet (FI) research and development threads have recently been gaining momentum all over the world and as such the international race to create a new generation Internet is in full swing: GENI, Asia Future Internet, Future Internet Forum Korea, European Union Future Internet Assembly (FIA). This is a position paper identifying the research orientation with a time horizon of 10 years, together with the key challenges for the capabilities in the Management and Service-aware Networking Architectures (MANA) part of the Future Internet (FI) allowing for parallel and federated Internet(s)

    A Middleware framework for self-adaptive large scale distributed services

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    Modern service-oriented applications demand the ability to adapt to changing conditions and unexpected situations while maintaining a required QoS. Existing self-adaptation approaches seem inadequate to address this challenge because many of their assumptions are not met on the large-scale, highly dynamic infrastructures where these applications are generally deployed on. The main motivation of our research is to devise principles that guide the construction of large scale self-adaptive distributed services. We aim to provide sound modeling abstractions based on a clear conceptual background, and their realization as a middleware framework that supports the development of such services. Taking the inspiration from the concepts of decentralized markets in economics, we propose a solution based on three principles: emergent self-organization, utility driven behavior and model-less adaptation. Based on these principles, we designed Collectives, a middleware framework which provides a comprehensive solution for the diverse adaptation concerns that rise in the development of distributed systems. We tested the soundness and comprehensiveness of the Collectives framework by implementing eUDON, a middleware for self-adaptive web services, which we then evaluated extensively by means of a simulation model to analyze its adaptation capabilities in diverse settings. We found that eUDON exhibits the intended properties: it adapts to diverse conditions like peaks in the workload and massive failures, maintaining its QoS and using efficiently the available resources; it is highly scalable and robust; can be implemented on existing services in a non-intrusive way; and do not require any performance model of the services, their workload or the resources they use. We can conclude that our work proposes a solution for the requirements of self-adaptation in demanding usage scenarios without introducing additional complexity. In that sense, we believe we make a significant contribution towards the development of future generation service-oriented applications.Las Aplicaciones Orientadas a Servicios modernas demandan la capacidad de adaptarse a condiciones variables y situaciones inesperadas mientras mantienen un cierto nivel de servio esperado (QoS). Los enfoques de auto-adaptación existentes parecen no ser adacuados debido a sus supuestos no se cumplen en infrastructuras compartidas de gran escala. La principal motivación de nuestra investigación es inerir un conjunto de principios para guiar el desarrollo de servicios auto-adaptativos de gran escala. Nuesto objetivo es proveer abstraciones de modelaje apropiadas, basadas en un marco conceptual claro, y su implemetnacion en un middleware que soporte el desarrollo de estos servicios. Tomando como inspiración conceptos económicos de mercados decentralizados, hemos propuesto una solución basada en tres principios: auto-organización emergente, comportamiento guiado por la utilidad y adaptación sin modelos. Basados en estos principios diseñamos Collectives, un middleware que proveer una solución exhaustiva para los diversos aspectos de adaptación que surgen en el desarrollo de sistemas distribuidos. La adecuación y completitud de Collectives ha sido provada por medio de la implementación de eUDON, un middleware para servicios auto-adaptativos, el ha sido evaluado de manera exhaustiva por medio de un modelo de simulación, analizando sus propiedades de adaptación en diversos escenarios de uso. Hemos encontrado que eUDON exhibe las propiedades esperadas: se adapta a diversas condiciones como picos en la carga de trabajo o fallos masivos, mateniendo su calidad de servicio y haciendo un uso eficiente de los recusos disponibles. Es altamente escalable y robusto; puedeoo ser implementado en servicios existentes de manera no intrusiva; y no requiere la obtención de un modelo de desempeño para los servicios. Podemos concluir que nuestro trabajo nos ha permitido desarrollar una solucion que aborda los requerimientos de auto-adaptacion en escenarios de uso exigentes sin introducir complejidad adicional. En este sentido, consideramos que nuestra propuesta hace una contribución significativa hacia el desarrollo de la futura generación de aplicaciones orientadas a servicios.Postprint (published version

    Customer-engineer relationship management for converged ICT service companies

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    Thanks to the advent of converged communications services (often referred to as ‘triple play’), the next generation Service Engineer will need radically different skills, processes and tools from today’s counterpart. Why? in order to meet the challenges of installing and maintaining services based on multi-vendor software and hardware components in an IP-based network environment. The converged services environment is likely to be ‘smart’ and support flexible and dynamic interoperability between appliances and computing devices. These radical changes in the working environment will inevitably force managers to rethink the role of Service Engineers in relation to customer relationship management. This paper aims to identify requirements for an information system to support converged communications service engineers with regard to customer-engineer relationship management. Furthermore, an architecture for such a system is proposed and how it meets these requirements is discussed

    Mesmerizer: A Effective Tool for a Complete Peer-to-Peer Software Development Life-cycle

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    In this paper we present what are, in our experience, the best practices in Peer-To-Peer(P2P) application development and how we combined them in a middleware platform called Mesmerizer. We explain how simulation is an integral part of the development process and not just an assessment tool. We then present our component-based event-driven framework for P2P application development, which can be used to execute multiple instances of the same application in a strictly controlled manner over an emulated network layer for simulation/testing, or a single application in a concurrent environment for deployment purpose. We highlight modeling aspects that are of critical importance for designing and testing P2P applications, e.g. the emulation of Network Address Translation and bandwidth dynamics. We show how our simulator scales when emulating low-level bandwidth characteristics of thousands of concurrent peers while preserving a good degree of accuracy compared to a packet-level simulator

    A general purpose programming framework for ubiquitous computing environments

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    It is important to note that the need to support ad-hoc and potentially mobile arrangements of devices in ubiquitous environments does not fit well within the traditional client/server architecture. We believe peer-to-peer communication offers a preferable alternative due to its decentralised nature, removing dependence on individual nodes. However, this choice adds to the complexity of the developers task. In this paper, we describe a two-tiered approach to address this problem: A lower tier employing peer-to-peer interactions for managing the network infrastructure and an upper tier providing a mobile agent based programming framework. The result is a general purpose framework for developing ubiquitous applications and services, where the underlying complexity is hidden from the developer. This paper discusses our on-going work; presenting our design decisions, features supported by our framework, and some of the challenges still to be addressed in a complex programming environment

    Autonomic Management in a Distributed Storage System

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    This thesis investigates the application of autonomic management to a distributed storage system. Effects on performance and resource consumption were measured in experiments, which were carried out in a local area test-bed. The experiments were conducted with components of one specific distributed storage system, but seek to be applicable to a wide range of such systems, in particular those exposed to varying conditions. The perceived characteristics of distributed storage systems depend on their configuration parameters and on various dynamic conditions. For a given set of conditions, one specific configuration may be better than another with respect to measures such as resource consumption and performance. Here, configuration parameter values were set dynamically and the results compared with a static configuration. It was hypothesised that under non-changing conditions this would allow the system to converge on a configuration that was more suitable than any that could be set a priori. Furthermore, the system could react to a change in conditions by adopting a more appropriate configuration. Autonomic management was applied to the peer-to-peer (P2P) and data retrieval components of ASA, a distributed storage system. The effects were measured experimentally for various workload and churn patterns. The management policies and mechanisms were implemented using a generic autonomic management framework developed during this work. The experimental evaluations of autonomic management show promising results, and suggest several future research topics. The findings of this thesis could be exploited in building other distributed storage systems that focus on harnessing storage on user workstations, since these are particularly likely to be exposed to varying, unpredictable conditions.Comment: PhD Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2009. Supervisor: Graham Kirb

    A framework for the dynamic management of Peer-to-Peer overlays

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications have been associated with inefficient operation, interference with other network services and large operational costs for network providers. This thesis presents a framework which can help ISPs address these issues by means of intelligent management of peer behaviour. The proposed approach involves limited control of P2P overlays without interfering with the fundamental characteristics of peer autonomy and decentralised operation. At the core of the management framework lays the Active Virtual Peer (AVP). Essentially intelligent peers operated by the network providers, the AVPs interact with the overlay from within, minimising redundant or inefficient traffic, enhancing overlay stability and facilitating the efficient and balanced use of available peer and network resources. They offer an “insider‟s” view of the overlay and permit the management of P2P functions in a compatible and non-intrusive manner. AVPs can support multiple P2P protocols and coordinate to perform functions collectively. To account for the multi-faceted nature of P2P applications and allow the incorporation of modern techniques and protocols as they appear, the framework is based on a modular architecture. Core modules for overlay control and transit traffic minimisation are presented. Towards the latter, a number of suitable P2P content caching strategies are proposed. Using a purpose-built P2P network simulator and small-scale experiments, it is demonstrated that the introduction of AVPs inside the network can significantly reduce inter-AS traffic, minimise costly multi-hop flows, increase overlay stability and load-balancing and offer improved peer transfer performance