16 research outputs found

    Performance Controlled Power Optimization for Virtualized Internet Datacenters

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    Modern data centers must provide performance assurance for complex system software such as web applications. In addition, the power consumption of data centers needs to be minimized to reduce operating costs and avoid system overheating. In recent years, more and more data centers start to adopt server virtualization strategies for resource sharing to reduce hardware and operating costs by consolidating applications previously running on multiple physical servers onto a single physical server. In this dissertation, several power efficient algorithms are proposed to effectively reduce server power consumption while achieving the required application-level performance for virtualized servers. First, at the server level this dissertation proposes two control solutions based on dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technology and request batching technology. The two solutions share a performance balancing technique that maintains performance balancing among all virtual machines so that they can have approximately the same performance level relative to their allowed peak values. Then, when the workload intensity is light, we adopt the request batching technology by using a controller to determine the time length for periodically batching incoming requests and putting the processor into sleep mode. When the workload intensity changes from light to moderate, request batching is automatically switched to DVFS to increase the processor frequency for performance guarantees. Second, at the datacenter level, this dissertation proposes a performance-controlled power optimization solution for virtualized server clusters with multi-tier applications. The solution utilizes both DVFS and server consolidation strategies for maximized power savings by integrating feedback control with optimization strategies. At the application level, a multi-input-multi-output controller is designed to achieve the desired performance for applications spanning multiple VMs, on a short time scale, by reallocating the CPU resources and DVFS. At the cluster level, a power optimizer is proposed to incrementally consolidate VMs onto the most power-efficient servers on a longer time scale. Finally, this dissertation proposes a VM scheduling algorithm that exploits core performance heterogeneity to optimize the overall system energy efficiency. The four algorithms at the three different levels are demonstrated with empirical results on hardware testbeds and trace-driven simulations and compared against state-of-the-art baselines

    Adaptive Performance and Power Management in Distributed Computing Systems

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    The complexity of distributed computing systems has raised two unprecedented challenges for system management. First, various customers need to be assured by meeting their required service-level agreements such as response time and throughput. Second, system power consumption must be controlled in order to avoid system failures caused by power capacity overload or system overheating due to increasingly high server density. However, most existing work, unfortunately, either relies on open-loop estimations based on off-line profiled system models, or evolves in a more ad hoc fashion, which requires exhaustive iterations of tuning and testing, or oversimplifies the problem by ignoring the coupling between different system characteristics (\ie, response time and throughput, power consumption of different servers). As a result, the majority of previous work lacks rigorous guarantees on the performance and power consumption for computing systems, and may result in degraded overall system performance. In this thesis, we extensively study adaptive performance/power management and power-efficient performance management for distributed computing systems such as information dissemination systems, power grid management systems, and data centers, by proposing Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) control and hierarchical designs based on feedback control theory. For adaptive performance management, we design an integrated solution that controls both the average response time and CPU utilization in information dissemination systems to achieve bounded response time for high-priority information and maximized system throughput in an example information dissemination system. In addition, we design a hierarchical control solution to guarantee the deadlines of real-time tasks in power grid computing by grouping them based on their characteristics, respectively. For adaptive power management, we design MIMO optimal control solutions for power control at the cluster and server level and a hierarchical solution for large-scale data centers. Our MIMO control design can capture the coupling among different system characteristics, while our hierarchical design can coordinate controllers at different levels. For power-efficient performance management, we discuss a two-layer coordinated management solution for virtualized data centers. Experimental results in both physical testbeds and simulations demonstrate that all the solutions outperform state-of-the-art management schemes by significantly improving overall system performance

    Architecting Efficient Data Centers.

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    Data center power consumption has become a key constraint in continuing to scale Internet services. As our society’s reliance on “the Cloud” continues to grow, companies require an ever-increasing amount of computational capacity to support their customers. Massive warehouse-scale data centers have emerged, requiring 30MW or more of total power capacity. Over the lifetime of a typical high-scale data center, power-related costs make up 50% of the total cost of ownership (TCO). Furthermore, the aggregate effect of data center power consumption across the country cannot be ignored. In total, data center energy usage has reached approximately 2% of aggregate consumption in the United States and continues to grow. This thesis addresses the need to increase computational efficiency to address this grow- ing problem. It proposes a new classes of power management techniques: coordinated full-system idle low-power modes to increase the energy proportionality of modern servers. First, we introduce the PowerNap server architecture, a coordinated full-system idle low- power mode which transitions in and out of an ultra-low power nap state to save power during brief idle periods. While effective for uniprocessor systems, PowerNap relies on full-system idleness and we show that such idleness disappears as the number of cores per processor continues to increase. We expose this problem in a case study of Google Web search in which we demonstrate that coordinated full-system active power modes are necessary to reach energy proportionality and that PowerNap is ineffective because of a lack of idleness. To recover full-system idleness, we introduce DreamWeaver, architectural support for deep sleep. DreamWeaver allows a server to exchange latency for full-system idleness, allowing PowerNap-enabled servers to be effective and provides a better latency- power savings tradeoff than existing approaches. Finally, this thesis investigates workloads which achieve efficiency through methodical cluster provisioning techniques. Using the popular memcached workload, this thesis provides examples of provisioning clusters for cost-efficiency given latency, throughput, and data set size targets.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91499/1/meisner_1.pd

    Topics in Power Usage in Network Services

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    The rapid advance of computing technology has created a world powered by millions of computers. Often these computers are idly consuming energy unnecessarily in spite of all the efforts of hardware manufacturers. This thesis examines proposals to determine when to power down computers without negatively impacting on the service they are used to deliver, compares and contrasts the efficiency of virtualisation with containerisation, and investigates the energy efficiency of the popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin. We begin by examining the current corpus of literature and defining the key terms we need to proceed. Then we propose a technique for improving the energy consumption of servers by moving them into a sleep state and employing a low powered device to act as a proxy in its place. After this we move on to investigate the energy efficiency of virtualisation and compare the energy efficiency of two of the most common means used to do this. Moving on from this we look at the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. We consider the energy consumption of bitcoin mining and if this compared with the value of bitcoin makes this profitable. Finally we conclude by summarising the results and findings of this thesis. This work increases our understanding of some of the challenges of energy efficient computation as well as proposing novel mechanisms to save energy

    Toward Energy Efficient Systems Design For Data Centers

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    Surge growth of numerous cloud services, Internet of Things, and edge computing promotes continuous increasing demand for data centers worldwide. Significant electricity consumption of data centers has tremendous implications on both operating and capital expense. The power infrastructure, along with the cooling system cost a multi-million or even billion dollar project to add new data center capacities. Given the high cost of large-scale data centers, it is important to fully utilize the capacity of data centers to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership. The data center is designed with a space budget and power budget. With the adoption of high-density rack designs, the capacity of a modern data center is usually limited by the power budget. So the core of the challenge is scaling up power infrastructure capacity. However, resizing the initial power capacity for an existing data center can be a task as difficult as building a new data center because of a non-scalable centralized power provisioning scheme. Thus, how to maximize the power utilization and optimize the performance per power budget is critical for data centers to deliver enough computation ability. To explore and attack the challenges of improving the power utilization, we have planned to work on different levels of data center, including server level, row level, and data center level. For server level, we take advantage of modern hardware to maximize power efficiency of each server. For rack level, we propose Pelican, a new power scheduling system for large-scale data centers with heterogeneous workloads. For row level, we present Ampere, a new approach to improve throughput per watt by provisioning extra servers. By combining these studies on different levels, we will provide comprehensive energy efficient system designs for data center

    Memory Power Consumption in Main-Memory Database Systems

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    In main-memory database systems, memory can consume a substantial amount of power, comparable to that of the processors. However, existing memory power-saving mechanisms are much less effective than processor power management. Unless the system is almost idle, memory power consumption will be high. The reason for poor memory power proportionality is that the bulk of memory power consumption is attributable to background power, which is determined by memory power state residency. The memory workload in existing systems is evenly distributed over the memory modules and also in time, which precludes the occurrence of long idle intervals. As a result, deep low-power states, which could significantly reduce background power consumption, are rarely entered. In this work, we aim to reduce the memory power consumption of main-memory data- base systems. We start by investigating and explaining the patterns of memory power consumption, under various workloads. We then propose two techniques, implemented at the database system level, that skew memory traffic, creating long periods of idleness in a subset of memory modules. This allows those modules to enter low-power states, reducing overall memory power consumption. We prototyped these techniques in DimmStore, an experimental database system. The first technique is rate-aware data placement, which places data on memory modules according to its access frequency. The background power in the unused or least-used modules is reduced, without affecting background power in the most-used modules. Rate- aware placement saves power and has little performance impact. Under a TPC-C workload, rate-aware placement resulted in memory power savings up to 44%, with a maximum throughput reduction of 10%. The second technique is memory access gating, which targets background power in less- frequently accessed memory modules by inserting periodic idle intervals. Memory gating reduces power consumption of memory modules for which rate-aware placement alone does not create sufficient idleness to reduce power consumption. With gating, memory accesses to these modules become concentrated outside of the idle intervals, creating the opportunity for low-power state use. However, because it delays memory accesses, memory gating impacts performance. Higher memory power savings and lower performance impact occur in workloads with lower memory access rates. Thus, in the YCSB workload with a medium transaction rate, memory gating reduced memory power by 26%, adding 0.25 ms (30%) of transaction latency, compared to DimmStore without gating. In the more memory intensive TPC-C workload and low to medium transaction rate, gating can save 5% of memory power, adding 1.5 ms (60%) of transaction latency, compared to DimmStore without gating

    Coordinated management of the processor and memory for optimizing energy efficiency

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    Energy efficiency is a key design goal for future computing systems. With diverse components interacting with each other on the System-on-Chip (SoC), dynamically managing performance, energy and temperature is a challenge in 2D architectures and more so in a 3D stacked environment. Temperature has emerged as the parameter of primary concern. Heuristics based schemes have been employed so far to address these issues. Looking ahead into the future, complex multiphysics interactions between performance, energy and temperature reveal the limitations of such approaches. Therefore in this thesis, first, a comprehensive characterization of existing methods is carried out to identify causes for their inefficiency. Managing different components in an independent and isolated fashion using heuristics is seen to be the primary drawback. Following this, techniques based on feedback control theory to optimize the energy efficiency of the processor and memory in a coordinated fashion are developed. They are evaluated on a real physical system and a cycle-level simulator demonstrating significant improvements over prior schemes. The two main messages of this thesis are, (i) coordination between multiple components is paramount for next generation computing systems and (ii) temperature ought to be treated as a resource like compute or memory cycles.Ph.D

    3rd Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7598)

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    This manuscript includes recent scientific work regarding the Intel Single Chip Cloud computer and describes approaches for novel approaches for programming and run-time organization

    Towards Autonomous and Efficient Machine Learning Systems

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    Computation-intensive machine learning (ML) applications are becoming some of the most popular workloads running atop cloud infrastructure. While training ML applications, practitioners face the challenge of tuning various system-level parameters, such as the number of training nodes, communication topology during training, instance type, and the number of serving nodes, to meet the SLO requirements for bursty workload during the inference. Similarly, efficient resource utilization is another key challenge in cloud computing. This dissertation proposes high-performing and efficient ML systems to speed up training time and inference tasks while enabling automated and robust system management.To train an ML model in a distributed fashion we focus on strategies to mitigate the resource provisioning overhead and improve the training speed without impacting the model accuracy. More specifically, a system for autonomic and adaptive scheduling is built atop serverless computing that dynamically optimizes deployment and resource scaling for ML training tasks for cost-effectiveness and fast training. Similarly, a dynamic client selection framework is developed to address the stragglers problem caused by resource heterogeneity, data quality, and data quantity in a privacy-preserving Federated Learning (FL) environment without impacting the model accuracy.For serving bursty ML workloads we focus on developing highly scalable and adaptive strategies to serve the dynamically changing workload in a cost-effective manner in an autonomic fashion. We develop a framework that optimizes batching parameters on the fly using a lightweight profiler and an analytical model. We also devise strategies for serving ML workloads of varying sizes, leading to non-deterministic service time in a cost-effective manner. More specifically, we develop an SLO-aware framework that first analyzes the request size variations and workload variation to estimate the number of serving functions and intelligently route requests to multiple serving functions. Finally, resource utilization of burstable instances is optimized to benefit the cloud provider and end-user through a careful orchestration of resources (i.e., CPU, network, and I/O) using an analytical model and lightweight profiling, while complying with a user-defined SLO

    Ultra-reliable Low-latency, Energy-efficient and Computing-centric Software Data Plane for Network Softwarization

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    Network softwarization plays a significantly important role in the development and deployment of the latest communication system for 5G and beyond. A more flexible and intelligent network architecture can be enabled to provide support for agile network management, rapid launch of innovative network services with much reduction in Capital Expense (CAPEX) and Operating Expense (OPEX). Despite these benefits, 5G system also raises unprecedented challenges as emerging machine-to-machine and human-to-machine communication use cases require Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication (URLLC). According to empirical measurements performed by the author of this dissertation on a practical testbed, State of the Art (STOA) technologies and systems are not able to achieve the one millisecond end-to-end latency requirement of the 5G standard on Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) servers. This dissertation performs a comprehensive introduction to three innovative approaches that can be used to improve different aspects of the current software-driven network data plane. All three approaches are carefully designed, professionally implemented and rigorously evaluated. According to the measurement results, these novel approaches put forward the research in the design and implementation of ultra-reliable low-latency, energy-efficient and computing-first software data plane for 5G communication system and beyond